HarfBuzz text shaping engine
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
408 lines
12 KiB
408 lines
12 KiB
project('harfbuzz', 'c', 'cpp', |
meson_version: '>= 0.47.0', |
version: '2.8.0', |
default_options: [ |
'cpp_eh=none', # Just to support msvc, we are passing -fno-rtti also anyway |
'cpp_rtti=false', # Just to support msvc, we are passing -fno-exceptions also anyway |
'cpp_std=c++11', |
'wrap_mode=nofallback', # Use --wrap-mode=default to revert, https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/pull/2548 |
], |
) |
hb_version_arr = meson.project_version().split('.') |
hb_version_major = hb_version_arr[0].to_int() |
hb_version_minor = hb_version_arr[1].to_int() |
hb_version_micro = hb_version_arr[2].to_int() |
# libtool versioning |
hb_version_int = hb_version_major*10000 + hb_version_minor*100 + hb_version_micro |
hb_libtool_version_info = '@0@:0:@0@'.format(hb_version_int) |
pkgmod = import('pkgconfig') |
cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp') |
null_dep = dependency('', required: false) |
if cpp.get_id() == 'msvc' |
# Ignore several spurious warnings for things HarfBuzz does very commonly. |
# If a warning is completely useless and spammy, use '/wdXXXX' to suppress it |
# If a warning is harmless but hard to fix, use '/woXXXX' so it's shown once |
# NOTE: Only add warnings here if you are sure they're spurious |
msvc_args = [ |
'/wd4018', # implicit signed/unsigned conversion |
'/wd4146', # unary minus on unsigned (beware INT_MIN) |
'/wd4244', # lossy type conversion (e.g. double -> int) |
'/wd4305', # truncating type conversion (e.g. double -> float) |
cpp.get_supported_arguments(['/utf-8']), # set the input encoding to utf-8 |
] |
add_project_arguments(msvc_args, language: ['c', 'cpp']) |
# Disable SAFESEH with MSVC for libs that use external deps that are built with MinGW |
# noseh_link_args = ['/SAFESEH:NO'] |
endif |
add_project_link_arguments(cpp.get_supported_link_arguments([ |
'-Bsymbolic-functions' |
]), language: 'c') |
add_project_arguments(cpp.get_supported_arguments([ |
'-fno-exceptions', |
'-fno-rtti', |
'-fno-threadsafe-statics', |
'-fvisibility-inlines-hidden', |
]), language: 'cpp') |
if host_machine.cpu_family() == 'arm' and cpp.alignment('struct { char c; }') != 1 |
if cpp.has_argument('-mstructure-size-boundary=8') |
add_project_arguments('-mstructure-size-boundary=8', language: 'cpp') |
endif |
endif |
check_headers = [ |
['unistd.h'], |
['sys/mman.h'], |
['stdbool.h'], |
] |
check_funcs = [ |
['atexit'], |
['mprotect'], |
['sysconf'], |
['getpagesize'], |
['mmap'], |
['isatty'], |
] |
m_dep = cpp.find_library('m', required: false) |
freetype_dep = null_dep |
if not get_option('freetype').disabled() |
freetype_dep = dependency('freetype2', required: false) |
if (not freetype_dep.found() and |
cpp.get_id() == 'msvc' and |
cpp.has_header('ft2build.h')) |
freetype_dep = cpp.find_library('freetype', required: false) |
endif |
if not freetype_dep.found() |
# https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/pull/2498 |
freetype_dep = dependency('freetype2', required: get_option('freetype'), |
fallback: ['freetype2', 'freetype_dep'], |
default_options: ['harfbuzz=disabled']) |
endif |
endif |
glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0', required: get_option('glib'), |
fallback: ['glib', 'libglib_dep']) |
gobject_dep = dependency('gobject-2.0', required: get_option('gobject'), |
fallback: ['glib', 'libgobject_dep']) |
fontconfig_dep = dependency('fontconfig', required: get_option('fontconfig'), |
fallback: ['fontconfig', 'fontconfig_dep']) |
graphite2_dep = dependency('graphite2', required: get_option('graphite')) |
icu_dep = null_dep |
if not get_option('icu').disabled() |
icu_dep = dependency('icu-uc', required: false) |
if (not icu_dep.found() and |
cpp.get_id() == 'msvc' and |
cpp.has_header('unicode/uchar.h') and |
cpp.has_header('unicode/unorm2.h') and |
cpp.has_header('unicode/ustring.h') and |
cpp.has_header('unicode/utf16.h') and |
cpp.has_header('unicode/uversion.h') and |
cpp.has_header('unicode/uscript.h')) |
if get_option('buildtype') == 'debug' |
icu_dep = cpp.find_library('icuucd', required: false) |
else |
icu_dep = cpp.find_library('icuuc', required: false) |
endif |
endif |
if not icu_dep.found() |
icu_dep = dependency('icu-uc', required: get_option('icu')) |
endif |
endif |
cairo_dep = null_dep |
cairo_ft_dep = null_dep |
if not get_option('cairo').disabled() |
cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', required: false) |
cairo_ft_dep = dependency('cairo-ft', required: false) |
if (not cairo_dep.found() and |
cpp.get_id() == 'msvc' and |
cpp.has_header('cairo.h')) |
cairo_dep = cpp.find_library('cairo', required: false) |
if cairo_dep.found() and cpp.has_function('cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face', |
prefix: '#include <cairo-ft.h>', |
dependencies: cairo_dep) |
cairo_ft_dep = cairo_dep |
endif |
endif |
if not cairo_dep.found() |
# Requires Meson 0.54.0 to use cairo subproject |
if meson.version().version_compare('>=0.54.0') |
# Note that we don't have harfbuzz -> cairo -> freetype2 -> harfbuzz fallback |
# dependency cycle here because we have configured freetype2 above with |
# harfbuzz support disabled, so when cairo will lookup freetype2 dependency |
# it will be forced to use that one. |
cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', fallback: 'cairo', required: get_option('cairo')) |
cairo_ft_dep = dependency('cairo-ft', fallback: 'cairo', required: get_option('cairo')) |
elif get_option('cairo').enabled() |
error('cairo feature is enabled but it cannot be found on the system and ' + |
'meson>=0.54.0 is required to build it as subproject') |
endif |
endif |
endif |
conf = configuration_data() |
incconfig = include_directories('.') |
add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', language: ['c', 'cpp']) |
warn_cflags = [ |
'-Wno-non-virtual-dtor', |
] |
cpp_args = cpp.get_supported_arguments(warn_cflags) |
if glib_dep.found() |
conf.set('HAVE_GLIB', 1) |
endif |
if gobject_dep.found() |
conf.set('HAVE_GOBJECT', 1) |
endif |
if cairo_dep.found() |
conf.set('HAVE_CAIRO', 1) |
endif |
if cairo_ft_dep.found() |
conf.set('HAVE_CAIRO_FT', 1) |
endif |
if graphite2_dep.found() |
conf.set('HAVE_GRAPHITE2', 1) |
endif |
if icu_dep.found() |
conf.set('HAVE_ICU', 1) |
endif |
if get_option('icu_builtin') |
conf.set('HAVE_ICU_BUILTIN', 1) |
endif |
if get_option('experimental_api') |
conf.set('HB_EXPERIMENTAL_API', 1) |
endif |
if freetype_dep.found() |
conf.set('HAVE_FREETYPE', 1) |
check_freetype_funcs = [ |
['FT_Get_Var_Blend_Coordinates', {'deps': freetype_dep}], |
['FT_Set_Var_Blend_Coordinates', {'deps': freetype_dep}], |
['FT_Done_MM_Var', {'deps': freetype_dep}], |
] |
if freetype_dep.type_name() == 'internal' |
foreach func: check_freetype_funcs |
name = func[0] |
conf.set('HAVE_@0@'.format(name.to_upper()), 1) |
endforeach |
else |
check_funcs += check_freetype_funcs |
endif |
endif |
if fontconfig_dep.found() |
conf.set('HAVE_FONTCONFIG', 1) |
endif |
gdi_uniscribe_deps = [] |
# GDI (Uniscribe) (Windows) |
if host_machine.system() == 'windows' and not get_option('gdi').disabled() |
if (get_option('directwrite').enabled() and |
not (cpp.has_header('usp10.h') and cpp.has_header('windows.h'))) |
error('GDI/Uniscribe was enabled explicitly, but required headers are missing.') |
endif |
gdi_deps_found = true |
foreach usplib : ['usp10', 'gdi32', 'rpcrt4'] |
dep = cpp.find_library(usplib, required: get_option('gdi')) |
gdi_deps_found = gdi_deps_found and dep.found() |
gdi_uniscribe_deps += dep |
endforeach |
if gdi_deps_found |
conf.set('HAVE_UNISCRIBE', 1) |
conf.set('HAVE_GDI', 1) |
endif |
endif |
# DirectWrite (Windows) |
directwrite_dep = null_dep |
if host_machine.system() == 'windows' and not get_option('directwrite').disabled() |
if get_option('directwrite').enabled() and not cpp.has_header('dwrite_1.h') |
error('DirectWrite was enabled explicitly, but required header is missing.') |
endif |
directwrite_dep = cpp.find_library('dwrite', required: get_option('directwrite')) |
if directwrite_dep.found() |
conf.set('HAVE_DIRECTWRITE', 1) |
endif |
endif |
# CoreText (macOS) |
coretext_deps = [] |
if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' and not get_option('coretext').disabled() |
app_services_dep = dependency('appleframeworks', modules: ['ApplicationServices'], required: false) |
if cpp.has_type('CTFontRef', prefix: '#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>', dependencies: app_services_dep) |
coretext_deps += [app_services_dep] |
conf.set('HAVE_CORETEXT', 1) |
# On iOS CoreText and CoreGraphics are stand-alone frameworks |
# Check for a different symbol to avoid getting cached result |
else |
coretext_dep = dependency('appleframeworks', modules: ['CoreText'], required: false) |
coregraphics_dep = dependency('appleframeworks', modules: ['CoreGraphics'], required: false) |
corefoundation_dep = dependency('appleframeworks', modules: ['CoreFoundation'], required: false) |
if cpp.has_type('CTRunRef', prefix: '#include <CoreText/CoreText.h>', dependencies: [coretext_dep, coregraphics_dep, corefoundation_dep]) |
coretext_deps += [coretext_dep, coregraphics_dep, corefoundation_dep] |
conf.set('HAVE_CORETEXT', 1) |
elif get_option('coretext').enabled() |
error('CoreText was enabled explicitly, but required headers or frameworks are missing.') |
endif |
endif |
endif |
# threads |
thread_dep = null_dep |
if host_machine.system() != 'windows' |
thread_dep = dependency('threads', required: false) |
if thread_dep.found() |
conf.set('HAVE_PTHREAD', 1) |
endif |
endif |
conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE_NAME', 'HarfBuzz') |
conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) |
foreach check : check_headers |
name = check[0] |
if cpp.has_header(name) |
conf.set('HAVE_@0@'.format(name.to_upper().underscorify()), 1) |
endif |
endforeach |
harfbuzz_extra_deps = [] |
foreach check : check_funcs |
name = check[0] |
opts = check.get(1, {}) |
link_withs = opts.get('link_with', []) |
check_deps = opts.get('deps', []) |
extra_deps = [] |
found = true |
# First try without linking |
found = cpp.has_function(name, dependencies: check_deps) |
if not found and link_withs.length() > 0 |
found = true |
foreach link_with : link_withs |
dep = cpp.find_library(link_with, required: false) |
if dep.found() |
extra_deps += dep |
else |
found = false |
endif |
endforeach |
if found |
found = cpp.has_function(name, dependencies: check_deps + extra_deps) |
endif |
endif |
if found |
harfbuzz_extra_deps += extra_deps |
conf.set('HAVE_@0@'.format(name.to_upper()), 1) |
endif |
endforeach |
subdir('src') |
subdir('util') |
if not get_option('tests').disabled() |
subdir('test') |
endif |
if not get_option('benchmark').disabled() |
subdir('perf') |
endif |
if not get_option('docs').disabled() |
subdir('docs') |
endif |
configure_file(output: 'config.h', configuration: conf) |
build_summary = { |
'Directories': |
{'prefix': get_option('prefix'), |
'bindir': get_option('bindir'), |
'libdir': get_option('libdir'), |
'includedir': get_option('includedir'), |
'datadir': get_option('datadir'), |
}, |
'Unicode callbacks (you want at least one)': |
{'Builtin': true, |
'Glib': conf.get('HAVE_GLIB', 0) == 1, |
'ICU': conf.get('HAVE_ICU', 0) == 1, |
}, |
'Font callbacks (the more the merrier)': |
{'FreeType': conf.get('HAVE_FREETYPE', 0) == 1, |
}, |
'Dependencies used for command-line utilities': |
{'Cairo': conf.get('HAVE_CAIRO', 0) == 1, |
'Fontconfig': conf.get('HAVE_FONTCONFIG', 0) == 1, |
}, |
'Additional shapers': |
{'Graphite2': conf.get('HAVE_GRAPHITE2', 0) == 1, |
}, |
'Platform shapers (not normally needed)': |
{'CoreText': conf.get('HAVE_CORETEXT', 0) == 1, |
'DirectWrite': conf.get('HAVE_DIRECTWRITE', 0) == 1, |
'GDI/Uniscribe': (conf.get('HAVE_GDI', 0) == 1) and (conf.get('HAVE_UNISCRIBE', 0) == 1), |
}, |
'Other features': |
{'Documentation': conf.get('HAVE_GTK_DOC', 0) == 1, |
'GObject bindings': conf.get('HAVE_GOBJECT', 0) == 1, |
'Introspection': conf.get('HAVE_INTROSPECTION', 0) == 1, |
'Experimental APIs': conf.get('HB_EXPERIMENTAL_API', 0) == 1, |
}, |
'Testing': |
{'Tests': get_option('tests').enabled(), |
'Benchmark': get_option('benchmark').enabled(), |
}, |
} |
if meson.version().version_compare('>=0.53') |
foreach section_title, section : build_summary |
summary(section, bool_yn: true, section: section_title) |
endforeach |
else |
summary = [''] |
foreach section_title, section : build_summary |
summary += ' @0@:'.format(section_title) |
foreach feature, value : section |
summary += ' @0@:'.format(feature) |
summary += ' @0@'.format(value) |
endforeach |
summary += '' |
endforeach |
message('\n'.join(summary)) |