HarfBuzz text shaping engine
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
259 lines
10 KiB
259 lines
10 KiB
digraph { |
graph [outputorder=edgefirst]; |
node [shape="record", fontname="Noto Sans Mono SemiBold", fontsize=15]; |
edge [fontname="Verdana", fontsize=12,labeldistance=7.5 ]; |
fontname="Verdana"; |
ranksep=0.02; nodesep=0.5; |
subgraph { |
ranksep="0.02 equally"; |
preprocessing[style=filled,fillcolor="lightgreen",fontname="Verdana",label="Glyph pre-processing"]; |
orthographic[style=filled,fillcolor="lightblue",fontname="Verdana",label="Orthographic Unit Shaping"]; |
reordering[style=filled, fillcolor="lightcoral",fontname="Verdana",label="Reordering group (USE)"]; |
topographic[style=filled,fillcolor="lightgoldenrod",fontname="Verdana",label="Topographical Features‡"]; |
typographic[style=filled,fillcolor="lightpink",fontname="Verdana",label="Typographic Presentation"]; |
positioning[style=filled,fillcolor="lightsalmon",fontname="Verdana",label="Positioning"]; |
preprocessing->reordering->orthographic->topographic->typographic->positioning; |
} |
decision1 [shape="diamond", label="Script\ndirection?",fontname="Verdana"]; |
rvrn->decision1; |
ltrfeatures [label="{ltra|ltrm}", fillcolor="lightgreen",style="filled"]; |
{ |
rtlfeatures [label="{rtla|rtlm¹}", fillcolor="lightgreen",style="filled"]; |
} |
{ |
rank=same; |
fracfeatures [label="frac²|numr³|dnom⁴", fillcolor="lightpink",style="filled"]; |
fracnotes [fontname="Verdana",shape=plaintext,label=<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0"> |
<tr><td align="left">¹ rtlm is scoped to characters with a Unicode mirroring property</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left">² frac is scoped to numr + the slash + dnom</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left">³ numr is scoped to all decimal numbers before a U+2044 FRACTION SLASH.</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left">⁴ dnom is scoped to all decimal numbers after a U+2044 FRACTION SLASH.</td></tr> |
</table> |
>]; |
} |
rand [fillcolor="lightpink",style="filled"]; |
decision1 -> ltrfeatures [label="Left-to-right"]; |
decision1 -> rtlfeatures [label="Right-to-left"]; |
decision1 -> fracfeatures [label="Other"]; |
ltrfeatures -> fracfeatures; |
rtlfeatures -> fracfeatures; |
fracfeatures->rand; |
decision2 [shape="diamond", label="Script?",fontname="Verdana"]; |
{rank=same; HARF [label="{Harf|HARF}"]; notes;} |
rand -> trak -> HARF -> decision2; |
commonfeatures [shape=none,label=<<table border="0" cellspacing="0"> |
<tr> |
<td border="1" bgcolor="lightsalmon">abvm</td> |
<td border="1" bgcolor="lightsalmon">blwm</td> |
<td border="1" bgcolor="lightgreen">ccmp</td> |
<td border="1" bgcolor="lightgreen">locl</td> |
<td border="1" bgcolor="lightsalmon">mark</td> |
<td border="1" bgcolor="lightsalmon">mkmk</td> |
<td border="1" bgcolor="lightpink">rlig</td> |
</tr> |
</table>> |
]; |
decision3 [shape="diamond", label="Script\ndirection?",fontname="Verdana"]; |
BUZZ [label="{Buzz|BUZZ}"]; |
BUZZ -> commonfeatures -> decision3; |
horizontalfeatures [ |
shape=none,label=<<table border="0" cellspacing="0"> |
<tr><td border="1" bgcolor="lightpink">calt <font face="Verdana">(not Hangul)</font></td></tr> |
<tr><td border="1" bgcolor="lightpink">clig <font face="Verdana">(not Khmer)</font></td></tr> |
<tr><td border="1" bgcolor="lightsalmon">curs</td></tr> |
<tr><td border="1" bgcolor="lightsalmon">dist</td></tr> |
<tr><td border="1" bgcolor="lightsalmon">kern</td></tr> |
<tr><td border="1" bgcolor="lightpink">liga <font face="Verdana">(not Khmer)</font></td></tr> |
<tr><td border="1" bgcolor="lightpink">rclt</td></tr> |
</table>> |
]; |
vert [label="vert",style=filled,fillcolor="lightpink"]; |
decision3 -> horizontalfeatures [label="Horizontal"]; |
decision3 -> vert [label="Vertical"]; |
discretionary [label="User-selected\ndiscretionary\nfeatures",fontname="Verdana"]; |
horizontalfeatures -> discretionary; |
vert -> discretionary; |
decision2->stch; |
subgraph complexshapers { |
subgraph cluster_arabic { |
bgcolor="lightyellow" |
label="Arabic, Syriac"; |
stch [ style="filled", fillcolor="lightgreen",label="stch"]; |
ccmplocl [ style="filled", label="ccmp|locl", fillcolor="lightgreen"]; |
arabicfeatures [label="isol|fina|fin2|fin3|medi|med2|init", style="filled", fillcolor="lightgoldenrod"]; |
arabicfeatures2 [label="rclt|calt", style="filled",fillcolor="lightpink"]; |
rlig[style="filled",fillcolor="lightpink"]; |
mset [fillcolor="lightpink",style="filled"] |
stch->ccmplocl->arabicfeatures->rlig->arabicfeatures2->mset; |
} |
mset->BUZZ:n; |
subgraph cluster_hangul { |
bgcolor="lightyellow" |
label="Hangul"; |
hangulfeatures [label="ljmo|vjmo|tjmo", style="filled",fillcolor="lightgoldenrod"] |
} |
hangulfeatures->BUZZ:n; |
subgraph cluster_indic { |
label="Indic"; |
bgcolor="lightyellow" |
// Preprocessing |
loclccmpindic [label="locl†|ccmp†",style=filled,fillcolor="lightgreen"]; |
node[style=filled,fillcolor="lightgreen"]; |
nukt [label="nukt†"]; |
akhn [label="akhn†"]; |
loclccmpindic->indic_reorder_1->nukt->akhn; |
indic_reorder_1[label="Initial reordering", fontname="Verdana",fillcolor="lightgrey",shape=ellipse,style=filled] |
// Orthographic |
node[style=filled,fillcolor="lightblue"] |
rphf [label="rphf⁵"]; |
rkpf [label="rkpf†"]; |
pref [label="pref⁶"]; |
blwf [label="blwf⁷"]; |
abvf [label="abvf⁸"]; |
half [label="half⁹"]; |
pstf [label="pstf⁸"]; |
vatu [label="vatu†"]; |
cjct [label="cjct†"]; |
akhn ->rphf -> rkpf -> pref -> blwf -> abvf -> half -> pstf -> vatu -> cjct; |
// Typographic presentation |
indic_typographic[style=filled,fillcolor="lightpink",label="init|pres|abvs|blws|psts|haln"] |
indic_reorder_2[label="Final reordering",fillcolor="lightgrey",fontname="Verdana", shape=ellipse,style=filled] |
cjct->indic_reorder_2->indic_typographic; |
notes2 [fontname="Verdana",shape=plaintext,style="",label=<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0"> |
<tr><td align="right">⁵ rphf is scoped to pre-base ra+halant sequences</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="right">⁶ pref is scoped to the two glyphs after the base; outputs are reordered</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="right">⁷ blwf is usually scoped to the whole syllable, except in Telugu and Kannada where it is post-base</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="right">⁸ abvf and pstf are scoped to post-base</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="right">⁹ half is scoped to pre-base</td></tr> |
</table> |
>]; |
indic_typographic -> notes2 [style=invis]; |
} |
subgraph cluster_khmer { |
label="Khmer"; |
bgcolor="lightyellow" |
khmerbasic [style=filled,fillcolor="lightgreen",label="locl†|ccmp†|pref†|bwlf†|abvf†|pstf†|cfar†"] |
khmerother [style=filled,fillcolor="lightpink",label="pres|abvs|blws|psts"] |
khmerbasic -> khmerother -> khmerclig; |
khmerclig [label="clig",style=filled,fillcolor="lightpink"]; |
} |
subgraph cluster_myanmar { |
label="Myanmar"; |
bgcolor="lightyellow" |
loclccmpmyanmar [label="locl†|ccmp†",style=filled,fillcolor="lightgreen"]; |
rphfmymr [label="rphf†",style=filled,fillcolor="lightblue"] |
prefmymr [label="pref†",style=filled,fillcolor="lightblue"] |
blwfmymr [label="blwf†",style=filled,fillcolor="lightblue"] |
pstfmymr [label="pstf†",style=filled,fillcolor="lightblue"] |
myanmarother [label="pres|abvs|blws|psts",style=filled,fillcolor="lightpink"]; |
reorder_myanmar[label="Reordering", shape=ellipse,style=filled,fontname="Verdana"] |
loclccmpmyanmar -> reorder_myanmar-> rphfmymr -> prefmymr -> blwfmymr -> pstfmymr -> myanmarother; |
} |
subgraph cluster_use { |
label="Universal Shaping Engine" |
bgcolor="lightyellow" |
use_preprocessing [style=filled, label="locl†|ccmp†|nukt†|akhn†", fillcolor="lightgreen"]; |
// Reoredering |
rphfuse [label="rphf¹⁰", style=filled, fillcolor="lightcoral"]; |
prefuse [label="pref¹¹", style=filled, fillcolor="lightcoral"]; |
// Orthographic |
orthographicuse [label="rkrf†|abvf†|blwf†|half†|pstf†|vatu†|cjct†", style="filled", fillcolor="lightblue"]; |
topographicaluse [label="isol|init|medi|fina", style="filled", fillcolor="lightgoldenrod"]; |
typographicaluse [label="abvs|blws|haln|pres|psts", style="filled", fillcolor="lightpink"]; |
reorder_use[label="Reordering", shape=ellipse,style=filled,fontname="Verdana"] |
use_preprocessing -> rphfuse -> prefuse->orthographicuse ->reorder_use -> topographicaluse -> typographicaluse; |
notes3 [fontname="Verdana",shape=plaintext,label=<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0"> |
<tr><td align="left">¹⁰ Outputs are reordered as category R</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left">¹¹ Outputs are reordered to before base</td></tr> |
</table> |
>]; |
typographicaluse -> notes3 [style=invis]; |
} |
} |
indic_typographic->BUZZ:n; |
typographicaluse->BUZZ:n; |
khmerclig -> BUZZ:n; |
myanmarother -> BUZZ:n; |
decision2->hangulfeatures; |
decision2->loclccmpindic; |
decision2->khmerbasic; |
decision2->loclccmpmyanmar; |
decision2->use_preprocessing; |
decision2->BUZZ [label=" Hebrew, Thai,\n Lao, other"]; |
notes [fontname="Verdana",shape=box,label=<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0"> |
<tr><td align="left"> |
<b>Indic</b> scripts are: Bengali, Devanagari, |
Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Kannada, |
Malayalam, Oriya, Tamil, |
Telugu, Sinhala |
</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left"> |
<b>USE</b> scripts are: |
Adlam, Ahom, Balinese, Batak, Bhaiksuki, Brahmi, Buginese, |
Buhid, Chakma, Cham, Chorasmian, Dives Akuru, Dogra, Duployan, |
</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left"> |
Egyptian hieroglyphs, Elymaic, Grantha, Gunjala Ggondi, Hanifi Rohingya, |
Hanunoo, Javanese, Kaithi, Kayah li, Kharoshthi, Khojki, |
</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left"> |
Khudawadi, Lepcha, Limbu, Mahajani, Makasar, Mandaic, Manichaean, |
Marchen, Masaram Gondi, Medefaidrin, Meetei Mayek, Miao, Modi, |
</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left"> |
Mongolian, Multani, Nandinagari, Newa, Nko, Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong, |
Old Sogdian, Pahawh Hmong, Phags Pa, Psalter Pahlavi, Rejang, |
</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left"> |
Saurashtra, Sharada, Siddham, Sogdian, Soyombo, Sundanese, |
Syloti Nagri, Tagalog, Tagbanwa, Tai Le, Tai Tham, Tai Viet, |
</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left"> |
Takri, Tibetan, Tifinagh, Tirhuta, Wancho, Zanabazar square, |
</td></tr> |
</table>>] |
footnote[fontname="Verdana",label=<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0"> |
<tr><td align="left">† Feature is scoped to each syllable</td></tr> |
<tr><td align="left">‡ All topographic features are scoped based on topographic position</td></tr> |
</table>>]; |
notes3->footnote[style=invis]; |