Remove nmake port of harfbuzz (#562)
22 changed files with 9 additions and 1750 deletions
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ |
build-rules-msvc.mak \
config-msvc.mak \
config.h.win32 \
create-lists.bat \
create-lists-msvc.mak \
detectenv-msvc.mak \
generate-msvc.mak \
hb-introspection-msvc.mak \
info-msvc.mak \
install.mak \
introspection-msvc.mak \
|||| \
README.txt \
|||| \
-include $(top_srcdir)/ |
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ |
# NMake Makefile for building HarfBuzz as a DLL on Windows
# The items below this line should not be changed, unless one is maintaining
# the NMake Makefiles. Customizations can be done in the following NMake Makefile
# portions (please see comments in the these files to see what can be customized):
# detectenv-msvc.mak
# config-msvc.mak
!include detectenv-msvc.mak |
# Include the Makefile portions with the source listings
!include ..\src\Makefile.sources |
!include ..\src\hb-ucdn\Makefile.sources |
!include ..\util\Makefile.sources |
# We need to include the sources in ..\src\hb-ucdn indirectly
!if [call create-lists.bat header hb_ucdn_srcs.mak hb_ucdn_SRCS] |
!endif |
!if [for %c in ($(LIBHB_UCDN_sources)) do @call create-lists.bat file hb_ucdn_srcs.mak hb-ucdn\%c] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat footer hb_ucdn_srcs.mak] |
!endif |
!include hb_ucdn_srcs.mak |
!if [del /f /q hb_ucdn_srcs.mak] |
!endif |
# Include the Makefile portion that enables features based on user input
!include config-msvc.mak |
!if "$(VALID_CFGSET)" == "TRUE" |
# Include the Makefile portion to convert the source and header lists
# into the lists we need for compilation and introspection
!include create-lists-msvc.mak |
all: $(HB_LIBS) $(HB_UTILS) $(EXTRA_TARGETS) all-build-info |
tests: all $(HB_TESTS) |
# Include the build rules for sources, DLLs and executables
!include build-rules-msvc.mak |
# Include the rules for build directory creation and code generation
!include generate-msvc.mak |
# Generate the introspection files
!if "$(INTROSPECTION)" == "1" |
# Include the rules for building the introspection files
!include introspection-msvc.mak |
!include hb-introspection-msvc.mak |
!endif |
!include install.mak |
!else |
all: help |
@echo You need to specify a valid configuration, via
@echo CFG=release or CFG=debug
!endif |
!include info-msvc.mak |
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ |
Instructions for building HarfBuzz on Visual Studio |
=================================================== |
Building the HarfBuzz DLL on Windows is now also supported using Visual Studio |
versions 2008 through 2015, in both 32-bit and 64-bit (x64) flavors, via NMake |
Makefiles. |
The following are instructions for performing such a build, as there is a |
number of build configurations supported for the build. Note that for all |
build configurations, the OpenType and Simple TrueType layout (fallback) |
backends are enabled, and this is the base configuration that is built if no |
options (see below) are specified. A 'clean' target is provided-it is recommended |
that one cleans the build and redo the build if any configuration option changed. |
An 'install' target is also provided to copy the built items in their appropriate |
locations under $(PREFIX), which is described below. A 'reallyclean' target is |
provided that not only does what is done for the 'clean' target, but also removes |
the sources/headers that are generated from the Ragel sources. Therefore, if one |
is not building from a release tarball, or is rebuilding after using the 'reallyclean' |
target or when the Ragel (*.rl) sources are updated, the Ragel state machine |
compiler (ragel.exe) is needed, and needs to be passed in via RAGEL=<path_to_ragel_exe> |
if ragel.exe is not already in the PATH. |
We now support building from a GIT checkout via NMake for convenience. In addition to |
the requirements as outlined in the later part of this file, you will need to run the |
|||| (Python 2.7.x or later) script to generate the headers (src\hb-version.h and |
win32\config.h.win32) that are normally shipped in a release tarball before running |
NMake, and you will need to pass RAGEL=<path_to_ragel_exe> if the Ragel state machine |
compiler (ragel.exe) is not in your PATH when invoking NMake. Note that the |
'reallyclean' target does not remove these 2 generated headers, so re-run the |
script if necessary. |
Invoke the build by issuing the command: |
nmake /f CFG=[release|debug] [PREFIX=...] <option1=1 option2=1 ...> |
where: |
CFG: Required. Choose from a release or debug build. Note that |
all builds generate a .pdb file for each .dll and .exe built--this refers |
to the C/C++ runtime that the build uses. |
PREFIX: Optional. Base directory of where the third-party headers, libraries |
and needed tools can be found, i.e. headers in $(PREFIX)\include, |
libraries in $(PREFIX)\lib and tools in $(PREFIX)\bin. If not |
specified, $(PREFIX) is set as $(srcroot)\..\vs$(X)\$(platform), where |
$(platform) is win32 for 32-bit builds or x64 for 64-bit builds, and |
$(X) is the short version of the Visual Studio used, as follows: |
2008: 9 |
2010: 10 |
2012: 11 |
2013: 12 |
2015: 14 |
2017: 15 |
Explanation of options, set by <option>=1: |
------------------------------------------ |
GLIB: Enable GLib support in HarfBuzz, which also uses the GLib unicode |
callback if the bundled UCDN unicode callback is disabled. This requires the |
GLib libraries, and is required for building all tool and test programs. |
GOBJECT: Enable building the HarfBuzz-GObject DLL, and thus implies GLib |
support. This requires the GObject libraries and glib-mkenums script, |
along with Python (when using GObject/GLib 2.53.4 or later) or PERL |
(when using GObject/GLib 2.53.3 or earlier) to generate the enum |
sources and headers, which is required for the build. |
INTROSPECTION: Enable build of introspection files, for making HarfBuzz |
bindings for other programming languages available, such as |
Python, available. This requires the GObject-Introspection |
libraries and tools, along with the Python interpretor that was |
used during the build of GObject-Introspection. Please see |
$(srcroot)\README.python for more related details. This implies |
the build of the HarfBuzz-GObject DLL, along with GLib support. |
FREETYPE: Enable the FreeType font callbacks. Requires the FreeType2 library. |
CAIRO: Enable Cairo support. Requires the Cairo library. |
CAIRO_FT: Enable the build of the hb-view tool, which makes use of Cairo, and |
thus implies FreeType font callback support and Cairo support. |
Requires Cairo libraries built with FreeType support. Note that the |
hb-view tool requires GLib support as well. |
GRAPHITE2: Enable the Graphite2 shaper, requires the SIL Graphite2 library. |
ICU: Enables the build of ICU Unicode functions. Requires the ICU libraries. |
UNISCRIBE: Enable Uniscribe platform shaper support. |
DIRECTWRITE: Enable DirectWrite platform shaper support, |
requires a rather recent Windows SDK, and at least Windows Vista/ |
Server 2008 with SP2 and platform update. |
PYTHON: Full path to the Python interpretor to be used, if it is not in %PATH%. |
PERL: Full path to the PERL interpretor to be used, if it is not in %PATH%. |
RAGEL: Full path to the Ragel state machine compiler executable, if not in %PATH% |
LIBTOOL_DLL_NAME: Enable libtool-style DLL names. |
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ |
# NMake Makefile portion for compilation rules
# Items in here should not need to be edited unless
# one is maintaining the NMake build files. The format
# of NMake Makefiles here are different from the GNU
# Makefiles. Please see the comments about these formats.
# Inference rules for compiling the .obj files.
# Used for libs and programs with more than a single source file.
# Format is as follows
# (all dirs must have a trailing '\'):
# {$(srcdir)}.$(srcext){$(destdir)}.obj::
# $(CC)|$(CXX) $(cflags) /Fo$(destdir) /c @<<
# $<
# <<
{..\src\}.cc{$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz\}.obj:: |
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(HB_DEFINES) $(HB_LIB_CFLAGS) /Fo$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz\ /c @<<
$< |
<< |
{..\src\hb-ucdn\}.c{$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz\}.obj:: |
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /Fo$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz\ /c @<<
$< |
<< |
{..\util\}.cc{$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\util\}.obj:: |
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(HB_DEFINES) $(HB_CFLAGS) /Fo$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\util\ /c @<<
$< |
<< |
# Inference rules for building the test programs
# Used for programs with a single source file.
# Format is as follows
# (all dirs must have a trailing '\'):
# {$(srcdir)}.$(srcext){$(destdir)}.exe::
# $(CC)|$(CXX) $(cflags) $< /Fo$*.obj /Fe$@ [/link $(linker_flags) $(dep_libs)]
{..\src\}.cc{$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\}.exe: |
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(HB_DEFINES) $(HB_CFLAGS) $< /Fo$*.obj /Fe$@ /link $(LDFLAGS) $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib $(HB_TESTS_DEP_LIBS)
{..\test\api\}.c{$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\}.exe: |
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(HB_DEFINES) $(HB_CFLAGS) /DSRCDIR="\"../../../test/api\"" $< /Fo$*.obj /Fe$@ /link $(LDFLAGS) $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib $(HB_TESTS_DEP_LIBS)
# Rules for building .lib files
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib: $(HARFBUZZ_DLL_FILENAME).dll |
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject.lib: $(HARFBUZZ_GOBJECT_DLL_FILENAME).dll |
# Rules for linking DLLs
# Format is as follows (the mt command is needed for MSVC 2005/2008 builds):
# $(dll_name_with_path): $(dependent_libs_files_objects_and_items)
# link /DLL [$(linker_flags)] [$(dependent_libs)] [/def:$(def_file_if_used)] [/implib:$(lib_name_if_needed)] -out:$@ @<<
# $(dependent_objects)
# <<
# @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;2
$(HARFBUZZ_DLL_FILENAME).dll: config.h $(HB_RAGEL_GENERATED_ACTUAL_SOURCES) $(harfbuzz_dll_OBJS) $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz |
link /DLL $(LDFLAGS) $(HB_DEP_LIBS) /implib:$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib -out:$@ @<<
$(harfbuzz_dll_OBJS) |
<< |
@-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;2
$(HARFBUZZ_GOBJECT_DLL_FILENAME).dll: $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib $(harfbuzz_gobject_OBJS) $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject |
link /DLL $(LDFLAGS) $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib $(HB_GOBJECT_DEP_LIBS) /implib:$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject.lib -out:$@ @<<
$(harfbuzz_gobject_OBJS) |
<< |
@-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;2
# Rules for linking Executables
# Format is as follows (the mt command is needed for MSVC 2005/2008 builds):
# $(dll_name_with_path): $(dependent_libs_files_objects_and_items)
# link [$(linker_flags)] [$(dependent_libs)] -out:$@ @<<
# $(dependent_objects)
# <<
# @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;1
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-view.exe: $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\util $(hb_view_OBJS) |
link $(LDFLAGS) $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib $(HB_UTILS_DEP_LIBS) -out:$@ @<<
$(hb_view_OBJS) |
<< |
@-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;1
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-shape.exe: $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\util $(hb_shape_OBJS) |
link $(LDFLAGS) $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib $(HB_UTILS_DEP_LIBS) -out:$@ @<<
$(hb_shape_OBJS) |
<< |
@-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;1
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-ot-shape-closure.exe: $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\util $(hb_ot_shape_closure_OBJS) |
link $(LDFLAGS) $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib $(HB_UTILS_DEP_LIBS) -out:$@ @<<
$(hb_ot_shape_closure_OBJS) |
<< |
@-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;1
# Other .obj files requiring individual attention, that could not be covered by the inference rules.
# Format is as follows (all dirs must have a trailing '\'):
# $(obj_file):
# $(CC)|$(CXX) $(cflags) /Fo$(obj_destdir) /c @<<
# $(srcfile)
# <<
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\hb-gobject-structs.obj: $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject $(HB_GOBJECT_ENUM_GENERATED_SOURCES) |
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(HB_DEFINES) $(HB_LIB_CFLAGS) /I$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject /Fo$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\ /c @<<
..\src\ |
<< |
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\hb-gobject-enums.obj: $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject $(HB_GOBJECT_ENUM_GENERATED_SOURCES) |
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(HB_DEFINES) $(HB_LIB_CFLAGS) /I$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject /Fo$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\ /c @<<
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\ |
<< |
clean: |
@-if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.typelib del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.typelib
@-if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.gir del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.gir
@-if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb_list del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb_list
@-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.pdb
@-if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\.exe.manifest del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.exe.manifest
@-if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\.exe del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.exe
@-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.dll.manifest
@-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.dll
@-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.ilk
@-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\*.obj
@-if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\util del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\util\*.obj
@-if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\*.obj
@-del /f /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz\*.obj
@-rmdir /s /q $(CFG)\$(PLAT)
@-if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\hb-gobject-enums.h del $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\hb-gobject-enums.h
@-if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\ del $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\
@-del vc$(VSVER)0.pdb
@-del config.h
reallyclean: clean |
@ -1,230 +0,0 @@ |
# NMake Makefile portion for enabling features for Windows builds
# You may change these lines to customize the .lib files that will be linked to
# Additional Libraries for building HarfBuzz-ICU
# icudt.lib may be required for static ICU builds
HB_ICU_DEP_LIBS = icuuc.lib
# GLib is required for all utility programs and tests
HB_GLIB_LIBS = glib-2.0.lib
# Needed for building HarfBuzz-GObject
HB_GOBJECT_DEP_LIBS = gobject-2.0.lib $(HB_GLIB_LIBS)
# Freetype is needed for building FreeType support and hb-view
!if "$(CFG)" == "debug" |
FREETYPE_LIB = freetyped.lib
!else |
FREETYPE_LIB = freetype.lib
!endif |
# Cairo is needed for building hb-view
CAIRO_LIB = cairo.lib
# Graphite2 is needed for building SIL Graphite2 support
GRAPHITE2_LIB = graphite2.lib
# Uniscribe is needed for Uniscribe shaping support
UNISCRIBE_LIB = usp10.lib gdi32.lib rpcrt4.lib user32.lib
# Directwrite is needed for DirectWrite shaping support
DIRECTWRITE_LIB = dwrite.lib
# Full path to Ragel state machine compiler if not already in PATH
!if "$(RAGEL)" == "" |
RAGEL = ragel
!endif |
# Please do not change anything beneath this line unless maintaining the NMake Makefiles
# Bare minimum features and sources built into HarfBuzz on Windows
HB_UCDN_CFLAGS = /I..\src\hb-ucdn
$(HB_BASE_sources) \
$(HB_FALLBACK_sources) \
$(HB_OT_sources) \
$(HB_BASE_headers) \
$(HB_NODIST_headers) \
# Minimal set of (system) libraries needed for the HarfBuzz DLL
# We build the HarfBuzz DLL/LIB at least
HB_LIBS = $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib
# Note: All the utility and test programs require GLib support to be present!
# Use libtool-style DLL names, if desired
!if "$(LIBTOOL_DLL_NAME)" == "1" |
HARFBUZZ_DLL_FILENAME = $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libharfbuzz-0
HARFBUZZ_GOBJECT_DLL_FILENAME = $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\libharfbuzz-gobject-0
!else |
!endif |
# Enable Introspection (enables HarfBuzz-Gobject as well)
!if "$(INTROSPECTION)" == "1" |
CHECK_PACKAGE = gobject-2.0
EXTRA_TARGETS = $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.gir $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.typelib
!else |
!endif |
# Enable HarfBuzz-GObject (enables GLib support as well)
!if "$(GOBJECT)" == "1" |
GLIB = 1
$(HB_LIBS) \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\ \
!endif |
# Enable cairo-ft (enables cairo and freetype as well)
!if "$(CAIRO_FT)" == "1" |
!if "$(GLIB)" == "1" |
!else |
!if [echo Warning: GLib support not enabled, hb-view not built] |
!endif |
!endif |
!endif |
# Enable cairo
!if "$(CAIRO)" == "1" |
!endif |
# Enable freetype if desired
!if "$(FREETYPE)" == "1" |
!if "$(FREETYPE_DIR)" != "" |
!endif |
!endif |
# Enable graphite2 if desired
!if "$(GRAPHITE2)" == "1" |
!endif |
# Always enable UCDN unless explicitly disabled
!if "$(NO_UCDN)" != "1" |
HB_SOURCES = $(HB_SOURCES) $(hb_ucdn_SRCS) $(HB_UCDN_sources)
!endif |
# Enable GLib if desired
!if "$(GLIB)" == "1" |
/FImsvc_recommended_pragmas.h \
/I$(PREFIX)\include\glib-2.0 \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-shape.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\main.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-buffer-serialize.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-size-params.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-would-substitute.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-blob.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-buffer.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-common.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-font.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-object.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-set.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-shape.exe \
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-unicode.exe \
!else |
# Define some of the macros in GLib's msvc_recommended_pragmas.h
# to reduce some unneeded build-time warnings
/wd4244 \
!endif |
!if "$(ICU)" == "1" |
# use ICU for Unicode functions
# and define some of the macros in GLib's msvc_recommended_pragmas.h
# to reduce some unneeded build-time warnings
# We don't want ICU to re-define int8_t in VS 2008, will cause build breakage
# as we define it in hb-common.h, and we ought to use the definitions there.
!if "$(VSVER)" == "9" |
!endif |
!endif |
!if "$(UNISCRIBE)" == "1" |
!endif |
!if "$(DIRECTWRITE)" == "1" |
!endif |
HB_LIB_CFLAGS = $(HB_CFLAGS) /DHB_EXTERN="__declspec (dllexport) extern"
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ |
/* Generated from by autoheader. */ |
/* The normal alignment of `struct{char;}', in bytes. */ |
/* Define to 1 if you have the `atexit' function. */ |
#define HAVE_ATEXIT 1 |
/* Have cairo graphics library */ |
/* #undef HAVE_CAIRO */ |
/* Have cairo-ft support in cairo graphics library */ |
/* #undef HAVE_CAIRO_FT */ |
/* Have Core Text backend */ |
/* #undef HAVE_CORETEXT */ |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */ |
/* #undef HAVE_DLFCN_H */ |
/* Have DirectWrite Library */ |
/* #undef HAVE_DIRECTWRITE */ |
/* Have simple TrueType Layout backend */ |
#define HAVE_FALLBACK 1 |
/* Have fontconfig library */ |
/* #undef HAVE_FONTCONFIG */ |
/* Have FreeType 2 library */ |
/* #undef HAVE_FREETYPE */ |
/* Define to 1 if you have the `getpagesize' function. */ |
/* #undef HAVE_GETPAGESIZE */ |
/* Have glib2 library */ |
/* #undef HAVE_GLIB */ |
/* Have gobject2 library */ |
/* #undef HAVE_GOBJECT */ |
/* Have Graphite2 library */ |
/* #undef HAVE_GRAPHITE2 */ |
/* Have ICU library */ |
/* #undef HAVE_ICU */ |
/* Have Intel __sync_* atomic primitives */ |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */ |
#if !defined (_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1800) |
#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1 |
#endif |
/* Define to 1 if you have the `isatty' function. */ |
#define HAVE_ISATTY 1 |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */ |
#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1 |
/* Define to 1 if you have the `mmap' function. */ |
/* #undef HAVE_MMAP */ |
/* Define to 1 if you have the `mprotect' function. */ |
/* #undef HAVE_MPROTECT */ |
/* Have native OpenType Layout backend */ |
#define HAVE_OT 1 |
/* Have POSIX threads */ |
/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD */ |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sched.h> header file. */ |
/* #undef HAVE_SCHED_H */ |
/* Have sched_yield */ |
/* #undef HAVE_SCHED_YIELD */ |
/* Have Solaris __machine_*_barrier and atomic_* operations */ |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */ |
#if !defined (_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER >= 1600) |
#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1 |
#endif |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */ |
#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1 |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */ |
#ifndef _MSC_VER |
#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1 |
#endif |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */ |
#define HAVE_STRING_H 1 |
/* Define to 1 if you have the `sysconf' function. */ |
/* #undef HAVE_SYSCONF */ |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/mman.h> header file. */ |
/* #undef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H */ |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */ |
#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1 |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */ |
#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1 |
/* Have UCDN Unicode functions */ |
/* #undef HAVE_UCDN */ |
/* Have Uniscribe library */ |
/* #undef HAVE_UNISCRIBE */ |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */ |
#ifndef _MSC_VER |
#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1 |
#endif |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <usp10.h> header file. */ |
#define HAVE_USP10_H 1 |
/* Define to 1 if you have the <windows.h> header file. */ |
#define HAVE_WINDOWS_H 1 |
/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries. |
*/ |
#define LT_OBJDIR ".libs/" |
/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */ |
/* Define to the full name of this package. */ |
/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */ |
/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */ |
/* Define to the home page for this package. */ |
/* Define to the version of this package. */ |
/* Define to necessary symbol if this constant uses a non-standard name on |
your system. */ |
/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */ |
#define STDC_HEADERS 1 |
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ |
# Convert the source listing to object (.obj) listing in
# another NMake Makefile module, include it, and clean it up.
# This is a "fact-of-life" regarding NMake Makefiles...
# This file does not need to be changed unless one is maintaining the NMake Makefiles
# For those wanting to add things here:
# To add a list, do the following:
# # $(description_of_list)
# if [call create-lists.bat header $(makefile_snippet_file) $(variable_name)]
# endif
# if [call create-lists.bat file $(makefile_snippet_file) $(file_name)]
# endif
# if [call create-lists.bat footer $(makefile_snippet_file)]
# endif
# ... (repeat the if [call ...] lines in the above order if needed)
# !include $(makefile_snippet_file)
# (add the following after checking the entries in $(makefile_snippet_file) is correct)
# (the batch script appends to $(makefile_snippet_file), you will need to clear the file unless the following line is added)
#!if [del /f /q $(makefile_snippet_file)]
# In order to obtain the .obj filename that is needed for NMake Makefiles to build DLLs/static LIBs or EXEs, do the following
# instead when doing 'if [call create-lists.bat file $(makefile_snippet_file) $(file_name)]'
# (repeat if there are multiple $(srcext)'s in $(source_list), ignore any headers):
# !if [for %c in ($(source_list)) do @if "%~xc" == ".$(srcext)" @call create-lists.bat file $(makefile_snippet_file) $(intdir)\%~nc.obj]
# $(intdir)\%~nc.obj needs to correspond to the rules added in build-rules-msvc.mak
# %~xc gives the file extension of a given file, %c in this case, so if %c is, %~xc means .cc
# %~nc gives the file name of a given file without extension, %c in this case, so if %c is, %~nc means a
# For HarfBuzz
!if [call create-lists.bat header hb_objs.mak harfbuzz_dll_OBJS] |
!endif |
!if [for %c in ($(HB_SOURCES)) do @if "%~xc" == ".cc" @call create-lists.bat file hb_objs.mak ^$(CFG)\^$(PLAT)\harfbuzz\%~nc.obj] |
!endif |
!if [for %c in ($(HB_SOURCES)) do @if "%~xc" == ".c" @call create-lists.bat file hb_objs.mak ^$(CFG)\^$(PLAT)\harfbuzz\%~nc.obj] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat footer hb_objs.mak] |
!endif |
# For HarfBuzz-GObject
!if "$(GOBJECT)" == "1" |
!if [call create-lists.bat header hb_objs.mak harfbuzz_gobject_OBJS] |
!endif |
!if [for %c in ($(HB_GOBJECT_sources) $(HB_GOBJECT_ENUM_sources)) do @if "%~xc" == ".cc" @call create-lists.bat file hb_objs.mak ^$(CFG)\^$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\%~nc.obj] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat footer hb_objs.mak] |
!endif |
!endif |
# For the utility programs (GLib support is required)
!if "$(GLIB)" == "1" |
# For hb-view, Cairo-FT support is required
!if "$(CAIRO_FT)" == "1" |
!if [call create-lists.bat header hb_objs.mak hb_view_OBJS] |
!endif |
!if [for %c in ($(HB_VIEW_sources)) do @if "%~xc" == ".cc" @call create-lists.bat file hb_objs.mak ^$(CFG)\^$(PLAT)\util\%~nc.obj] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat footer hb_objs.mak] |
!endif |
!endif |
# For hb-shape
!if [call create-lists.bat header hb_objs.mak hb_shape_OBJS] |
!endif |
!if [for %c in ($(HB_SHAPE_sources)) do @if "%~xc" == ".cc" @call create-lists.bat file hb_objs.mak ^$(CFG)\^$(PLAT)\util\%~nc.obj] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat footer hb_objs.mak] |
!endif |
# For hb-ot-shape-closure
!if [call create-lists.bat header hb_objs.mak hb_ot_shape_closure_OBJS] |
!endif |
!if [for %c in ($(HB_OT_SHAPE_CLOSURE_sources)) do @if "%~xc" == ".cc" @call create-lists.bat file hb_objs.mak ^$(CFG)\^$(PLAT)\util\%~nc.obj] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat footer hb_objs.mak] |
!endif |
!endif |
!include hb_objs.mak |
!if [del /f /q hb_objs.mak] |
!endif |
# Gather the list of headers and sources for introspection and glib-mkenums
!if [call create-lists.bat header hb_srcs.mak HB_ACTUAL_HEADERS] |
!endif |
!if [for %h in ($(HB_HEADERS)) do @call create-lists.bat file hb_srcs.mak ..\src\%h] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat footer hb_srcs.mak] |
!endif |
# Gather the lists of sources for introspection
!if [call create-lists.bat header hb_srcs.mak HB_ACTUAL_SOURCES] |
!endif |
!if [for %s in ($(HB_SOURCES)) do @call create-lists.bat file hb_srcs.mak ..\src\%s] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat footer hb_srcs.mak] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat header hb_srcs.mak HB_GOBJECT_ACTUAL_SOURCES] |
!endif |
!if [for %s in ($(HB_GOBJECT_sources) $(HB_GOBJECT_STRUCTS_headers)) do @call create-lists.bat file hb_srcs.mak ..\src\%s] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat footer hb_srcs.mak] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat header hb_srcs.mak HB_RAGEL_GENERATED_ACTUAL_SOURCES] |
!endif |
!if [for %s in ($(RAGEL_RAW_GEN_SRCS)) do @call create-lists.bat file hb_srcs.mak ..\src\%s] |
!endif |
!if [call create-lists.bat footer hb_srcs.mak] |
!endif |
!include hb_srcs.mak |
!if [del /f /q hb_srcs.mak] |
!endif |
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ |
@echo off |
rem Simple .bat script for creating the NMake Makefile snippets. |
if not "%1" == "header" if not "%1" == "file" if not "%1" == "footer" goto :error_cmd |
if "%2" == "" goto error_no_destfile |
if "%1" == "header" goto :header |
if "%1" == "file" goto :addfile |
if "%1" == "footer" goto :footer |
:header |
if "%3" == "" goto error_var |
echo %3 = \>>%2 |
goto done |
:addfile |
if "%3" == "" goto error_file |
echo. %3 \>>%2 |
goto done |
:footer |
echo. $(NULL)>>%2 |
echo.>>%2 |
goto done |
:error_cmd |
echo Specified command '%1' was invalid. Valid commands are: header file footer. |
goto done |
:error_no_destfile |
echo Destination NMake snippet file must be specified |
goto done |
:error_var |
echo A name must be specified for using '%1'. |
goto done |
:error_file |
echo A file must be specified for using '%1'. |
goto done |
:done |
@ -1,146 +0,0 @@ |
# Change this (or specify PREFIX= when invoking this NMake Makefile) if
# necessary, so that the libs and headers of the dependent third-party
# libraries can be located. For instance, if building from GLib's
# included Visual Studio projects, this should be able to locate the GLib
# build out-of-the-box if they were not moved. GLib's headers will be
# found in $(GLIB_PREFIX)\include\glib-2.0 and
# $(GLIB_PREFIX)\lib\glib-2.0\include and its import library will be found
# in $(GLIB_PREFIX)\lib.
!if "$(PREFIX)" == "" |
PREFIX = ..\..\vs$(VSVER)\$(PLAT)
!endif |
# Location of the PERL interpretor, for running glib-mkenums. glib-mkenums
# needs to be found in $(PREFIX)\bin. Using either a 32-bit or x64 PERL
# interpretor are supported for either a 32-bit or x64 build.
!if "$(PERL)" == "" |
PERL = perl
!endif |
# Location of the Python interpretor, for building introspection. The complete set
# of Python Modules for introspection (the giscanner Python scripts and the _giscanner.pyd
# compiled module) needs to be found in $(PREFIX)\lib\gobject-introspection\giscanner, and
# the g-ir-scanner Python script and g-ir-compiler utility program needs to be found
# in $(PREFIX)\bin, together with any DLLs they will depend on, if those DLLs are not already
# in your PATH.
# Note that the Python interpretor and the introspection modules and utility progam must
# correspond to the build type (i.e. 32-bit Release for 32-bit Release builds, and so on).
# For introspection, currently only Python 2.7.x is supported. This may change when Python 3.x
# support is added upstream in gobject-introspection--when this happens, the _giscanner.pyd must
# be the one that is built against the release series of Python that is used here.
!if "$(PYTHON)" == "" |
PYTHON = python
!endif |
# Location of the pkg-config utility program, for building introspection. It needs to be able
# to find the pkg-config (.pc) files so that the correct libraries and headers for the needed libraries
# can be located, using PKG_CONFIG_PATH. Using either a 32-bit or x64 pkg-config are supported for
# either a 32-bit or x64 build.
!if "$(PKG_CONFIG)" == "" |
PKG_CONFIG = pkg-config
!endif |
# The items below this line should not be changed, unless one is maintaining
# the NMake Makefiles. The exception is for the CFLAGS_ADD line(s) where one
# could use his/her desired compiler optimization flags, if he/she knows what is
# being done.
# Check to see we are configured to build with MSVC (MSDEVDIR, MSVCDIR or
# VCINSTALLDIR) or with the MS Platform SDK (MSSDK or WindowsSDKDir)
!if !defined(VCINSTALLDIR) && !defined(WINDOWSSDKDIR) |
MSG = ^
This Makefile is only for Visual Studio 2008 and later.^ |
You need to ensure that the Visual Studio Environment is properly set up^ |
before running this Makefile. |
!error $(MSG) |
!endif |
!if ![echo VCVERSION=_MSC_VER > vercl.x] \
&& ![echo $(_HASH)if defined(_M_IX86) >> vercl.x] \
&& ![echo PLAT=Win32 >> vercl.x] \
&& ![echo $(_HASH)elif defined(_M_AMD64) >> vercl.x] \
&& ![echo PLAT=x64 >> vercl.x] \
&& ![echo $(_HASH)endif >> vercl.x] \
&& ![cl -nologo -TC -P vercl.x $(ERRNUL)]
!include vercl.i |
!if ![echo VCVER= ^\>] \
&& ![set /a $(VCVERSION) / 100 - 6 >>]
!include |
!endif |
!endif |
!if ![del $(ERRNUL) /q/f vercl.x vercl.i] |
!endif |
!if $(VCVERSION) > 1499 && $(VCVERSION) < 1600 |
!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1599 && $(VCVERSION) < 1700 |
VSVER = 10
!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1699 && $(VCVERSION) < 1800 |
VSVER = 11
!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1799 && $(VCVERSION) < 1900 |
VSVER = 12
!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1899 && $(VCVERSION) < 1910 |
VSVER = 14
!elseif $(VCVERSION) > 1909 && $(VCVERSION) < 2000 |
VSVER = 15
!else |
!endif |
!if "$(VSVER)" == "0" |
MSG = ^
This NMake Makefile set supports Visual Studio^ |
9 (2008) through 14 (2015). Your Visual Studio^ |
version is not supported. |
!error $(MSG) |
!endif |
!if "$(CFG)" == "release" || "$(CFG)" == "debug" |
!endif |
# One may change these items, but be sure to test
# the resulting binaries
!if "$(CFG)" == "release" |
!if $(VSVER) > 9 && $(VSVER) < 14 |
# Undocumented "enhance optimized debugging" switch. Became documented
# as "/Zo" in VS 2013 Update 3, and is turned on by default in VS 2015.
!endif |
!else |
!endif |
!if "$(PLAT)" == "x64" |
LDFLAGS_ARCH = /machine:x64
!elseif "$(PLAT)" == "arm" |
LDFLAGS_ARCH = /machine:arm
!else |
LDFLAGS_ARCH = /machine:x86
!endif |
!if "$(VALID_CFGSET)" == "TRUE" |
CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_ADD) /W3 /Zi /I.. /I..\src /I. /I$(PREFIX)\include
!if "$(ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIR)" != "" |
!endif |
!if "$(CFG)" == "debug" |
!else |
!endif |
!endif |
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
# NMake Makefile portion for code generation and
# intermediate build directory creation
# Items in here should not need to be edited unless
# one is maintaining the NMake build files.
# Copy the pre-defined config.h.win32
config.h: config.h.win32 |
@-copy $@.win32 $@
# Generate the enumeration sources and headers
# sed is not normally available on Windows, but since
# we are already using PERL, use PERL one-liners.
!if "$(GOBJECT)" == "1" |
$(HB_GOBJECT_ENUM_GENERATED_SOURCES): ..\src\hb-gobject-enums.h.tmpl ..\src\ $(HB_ACTUAL_HEADERS) |
-$(PYTHON) $(PREFIX)\bin\glib-mkenums \
--identifier-prefix hb_ --symbol-prefix hb_gobject \
--template ..\src\$(@F).tmpl $(HB_ACTUAL_HEADERS) > $@.tmp
for %%f in ($@.tmp) do if %%~zf gtr 0 $(PYTHON) --input=$@.tmp --output=$@
@-del $@.tmp
if not exist $@ \
$(PERL) $(PREFIX)\bin\glib-mkenums \
--identifier-prefix hb_ --symbol-prefix hb_gobject \
--template ..\src\$(@F).tmpl $(HB_ACTUAL_HEADERS) > $@.tmp
if exist $@.tmp $(PERL) -p -i.tmp1 -e "s/_t_get_type/_get_type/g" $@.tmp
if exist $@.tmp $(PERL) -p -i.tmp2 -e "s/_T \(/ (/g" $@.tmp
@if exist $@.tmp.tmp1 del $@.tmp.tmp1
@if exist $@.tmp.tmp2 del $@.tmp.tmp2
@if exist $@.tmp move $@.tmp $@
!endif |
# Create the build directories
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\util: |
@-md $@
.SUFFIXES: .c .cc .hh .rl |
# Generate headers from Ragel sources
{..\src\}.rl{..\src\}.hh: |
$(RAGEL) -e -F1 -o $@ $<
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ |
# Create the file list for introspection (to avoid the dreaded command-line-too-long problem on Windows)
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.gir: $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject.lib $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb_list |
@set LIB=$(CFG)\$(PLAT);$(PREFIX)\lib;$(LIB)
@set PATH=$(CFG)\$(PLAT);$(PREFIX)\bin;$(PATH)
@-echo Generating $@...
--verbose -no-libtool \
-I..\src -n hb --identifier-prefix=hb_ --warn-all \
--namespace=HarfBuzz \
--nsversion=0.0 \
--include=GObject-2.0 \
--library=harfbuzz-gobject \
--library=harfbuzz \
--add-include-path=$(G_IR_INCLUDEDIR) \
--pkg-export=harfbuzz \
--cflags-begin \
-DHB_H \
--cflags-end \
--filelist=$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb_list \
-o $@
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.typelib: $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.gir |
@copy $*.gir $(@B).gir
$(PREFIX)\bin\g-ir-compiler \
--includedir=$(CFG)\$(PLAT) --debug --verbose \
$(@B).gir \
-o $@
@del $(@B).gir
!else |
!error $(ERROR_MSG) |
!endif |
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@ |
# NMake Makefile portion for displaying config info
!if "$(NO_UCDN)" != "1" |
!elseif "$(GLIB)" == "1" |
!elseif "$(ICU)" == "1" |
!endif |
!if "$(GLIB)" == "1" |
BUILT_TOOLS = hb-shape.exe hb-ot-shape-closure.exe
!if "$(CAIRO_FT)" == "1" |
BUILT_TOOLS = hb-view.exe $(BUILT_TOOLS)
!endif |
!endif |
!if "$(ICU)" == "1" |
!endif |
!if "$(FREETYPE)" == "1" |
!endif |
!if "$(GRAPHITE2)" == "1" |
!endif |
!if "$(UNISCRIBE)" == "1" |
!endif |
!if "$(DIRECTWRITE)" == "1" |
!endif |
!if "$(GOBJECT)" == "1" |
!endif |
!if "$(INTROSPECTION)" == "1" |
!else |
!endif |
build-info-hb: |
@echo ==================================
@echo Configuration for HarfBuzz Library
@echo ==================================
@echo Unicode Implementation: $(UNICODE_IMPL)
@echo Enabled Features: $(INC_FEATURES)
all-build-info: build-info-hb |
@echo ----------------
@echo Other build info
@echo ----------------
@echo Built Libraries: $(BUILT_LIBRARIES)
@echo Built Tools: $(BUILT_TOOLS)
@echo Introspection: $(BUILD_INTROSPECTION)
help: |
@echo =============================
@echo Building HarfBuzz Using NMake
@echo =============================
@echo nmake /f CFG=[release^|debug] ^<PREFIX=PATH^> OPTION=1 ...
@echo Where:
@echo ------
@echo CFG: Required, use CFG=release for an optimized build and CFG=debug
@echo for a debug build. PDB files are generated for all builds.
@echo PREFIX: Optional, the path where dependent libraries and tools may be
@echo found, default is ^$(srcrootdir)\..\vs^$(short_vs_ver)\^$(platform),
@echo where ^$(short_vs_ver) is 9 for VS 2008, 10 for VS 2010 and so on; and
@echo ^$(platform) is Win32 for 32-bit builds and x64 for x64 builds.
@echo OPTION: Optional, may be any of the following, use OPTION=1 to enable;
@echo multiple OPTION's may be used. If no OPTION is specified, a default
@echo HarfBuzz DLL is built with OpenType and support with a bundled
@echo Unicode implementation (UCDN).
@echo ======
@echo CAIRO_FT:
@echo Enables Cairo-Freetype support, needed for the build of the hb-view utility.
@echo Implies FreeType2 support and also requires Cairo built with FreeType2
@echo support; GLib2 support must also be enabled.
@echo Enable DirectWrite support, requires a recent enough Windows SDK.
@echo Enable FreeType2 support, requires the FreeType2 library
@echo GLIB:
@echo Enable GLib2 support, with GLib Unicode support, requires the GNOME GLib2
@echo library. Enables the build of utility programs.
@echo GOBJECT:
@echo Enable the HarfBuzz-GObject library, also implies GLib2 support,
@echo requires the GNOME GLib2 libraries and tools, notably the glib-mkenums
@echo tool script, which will require a Python interpretor (when using
@echo GObject/GLib 2.53.4 or later; use PYTHON=^$(PATH_TO_PYTHON_INTERPRETOR)
@echo if the Python interpretor is not already in your PATH) or PERL
@echo interpreter (when using GObject/GLib 2.53.3 or earlier; use
@echo PERL=^$(PATH_TO_PERL_INTERPRETOR)) if it is not already in your PATH).
@echo GRAPHITE2:
@echo Enable graphite2 support, requires the SIL Graphite2 library
@echo ICU:
@echo Enable build with ICU Unicode functions, requires the International
@echo Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries.
@echo Enable the build of introspection files, also implies GObject/GLib2 support,
@echo requires the GNOME gobject-introspection libraries and tools. You will need
@echo to ensure the pkg-config (.pc) files can be found for GObject-2.0 and the
@echo Python interpreter (that was used to build the gobject-introspection tools)
@echo can be found by setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH beforehand, and passing in PYTHON=
@echo ^$(PATH_TO_PYTHON_INTERPRETOR) respectively, if python.exe is not already
@echo in your PATH.
@echo Use a libtool-style DLL name to mimic the DLL file naming generated by
@echo MinGW builds.
@echo NO_UCDN:
@echo Do not use the bundled Unicode callback, which is the default. GLib or
@echo ICU-based unicode callback is therefore required.
@echo Enable Uniscribe support.
@echo RAGEL:
@echo Set the full path to the Ragel state machine compiler, if not already in
@echo PATH. The Ragel state machine compiler is required if not building from
@echo a release tarball, or a rebuild is to be carried out after using the
@echo 'reallyclean' target.
@echo Note that GLib2 support is required for all utility and test programs.
@echo ======
@echo A 'clean' target is supported to remove all generated files, intermediate
@echo object files and binaries for the specified configuration.
@echo A 'tests' target is supported to build the test programs, if GLib2 support
@echo is enabled. Use after building the libraries and utilities.
@echo An 'install' target is supported to copy the build (DLLs, utility programs,
@echo LIBs, along with the introspection files if applicable) to appropriate
@echo locations under ^$(PREFIX).
@echo ======
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ |
# NMake Makefile snippet for copying the built libraries, utilities and headers to
# a path under $(PREFIX).
install: all |
@if not exist $(PREFIX)\bin\ mkdir $(PREFIX)\bin
@if not exist $(PREFIX)\lib\ mkdir $(PREFIX)\lib
@if not exist $(PREFIX)\include\harfbuzz\ mkdir $(PREFIX)\include\harfbuzz
@copy /b $(HARFBUZZ_DLL_FILENAME).dll $(PREFIX)\bin
@copy /b $(HARFBUZZ_DLL_FILENAME).pdb $(PREFIX)\bin
@copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz.lib $(PREFIX)\lib
@if exist $(HARFBUZZ_GOBJECT_DLL_FILENAME).dll copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject.lib $(PREFIX)\lib
@if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-view.exe copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-view.exe $(PREFIX)\bin
@if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-view.exe copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-view.pdb $(PREFIX)\bin
@if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-ot-shape-closure.exe copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-ot-shape-closure.exe $(PREFIX)\bin
@if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-ot-shape-closure.exe copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-ot-shape-closure.pdb $(PREFIX)\bin
@if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-shape.exe copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-shape.exe $(PREFIX)\bin
@if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-shape.exe copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\hb-shape.pdb $(PREFIX)\bin
@for %h in ($(HB_ACTUAL_HEADERS)) do @copy %h $(PREFIX)\include\harfbuzz
@if exist $(HARFBUZZ_GOBJECT_DLL_FILENAME).dll for %h in ($(HB_GOBJECT_headers)) do @copy ..\src\%h $(PREFIX)\include\harfbuzz
@if exist $(HARFBUZZ_GOBJECT_DLL_FILENAME).dll copy $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\harfbuzz-gobject\hb-gobject-enums.h $(PREFIX)\include\harfbuzz
@rem Copy the generated introspection files
@if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.gir copy $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.gir $(PREFIX)\share\gir-1.0
@if exist $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.typelib copy /b $(CFG)\$(PLAT)\HarfBuzz-0.0.typelib $(PREFIX)\lib\girepository-1.0
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ |
# Common NMake Makefile module for checking the build environment is sane
# for building introspection files under MSVC/NMake.
# This can be copied from $(gi_srcroot)\build\win32 for GNOME items
# that support MSVC builds and introspection under MSVC.
# Can override with env vars as needed
# You will need to have built gobject-introspection for this to work.
# Change or pass in or set the following to suit your environment
!if "$(PREFIX)" == "" |
PREFIX = ..\..\..\vs$(VSVER)\$(PLAT)
!endif |
# Note: The PYTHON must be the Python release series that was used to build
# the GObject-introspection scanner Python module!
# Either having python.exe your PATH will work or passing in
# PYTHON=<full path to your Python interpretor> will do
# This is required, and gobject-introspection needs to be built
# before this can be successfully run.
!if "$(PYTHON)" == "" |
!endif |
# Don't change anything following this line!
GIR_SUBDIR = share\gir-1.0
GIR_TYPELIBDIR = lib\girepository-1.0
G_IR_SCANNER = $(PREFIX)\bin\g-ir-scanner
G_IR_COMPILER = $(PREFIX)\bin\g-ir-compiler.exe
MSG_INVALID_PKGCONFIG = You must set or specifiy a valid PKG_CONFIG_PATH
MSG_INVALID_CFG = You need to specify or set CFG to be release or debug to use this Makefile to build the Introspection Files
!if ![pkg-config --print-errors --errors-to-stdout $(CHECK_PACKAGE) > pkgconfig.x] \ |
&& ![setlocal] \
&& ![set file="pkgconfig.x"] \
&& ![FOR %A IN (%file%) DO @echo PKG_CHECK_SIZE=%~zA > pkgconfig.chksize] \
&& ![del $(ERRNUL) /q/f pkgconfig.x]
!endif |
!include pkgconfig.chksize |
!if "$(PKG_CHECK_SIZE)" == "0" |
!else |
!endif |
!if ![del $(ERRNUL) /q/f pkgconfig.chksize] |
!endif |
!if "$(CFG)" == "release" || "$(CFG)" == "debug" |
!endif |
!endif |
!if "$(VALID_CFGSET)" != "TRUE" |
!endif |
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python |
# |
# Simple utility script to generate the basic info |
# needed in a .pc (pkg-config) file, used especially |
# for introspection purposes |
# This can be used in various projects where |
# there is the need to generate .pc files, |
# and is copied from GLib's $(srcroot)/win32 |
# Author: Fan, Chun-wei |
# Date: March 10, 2016 |
import os |
import sys |
import argparse |
class BasePCItems: |
def __init__(self): |
self.base_replace_items = {} |
self.exec_prefix = '' |
self.includedir = '' |
self.libdir = '' |
self.prefix = '' |
self.srcdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) |
self.top_srcdir = self.srcdir + '\\..' |
self.version = '' |
def setup(self, argv, parser=None): |
if parser is None: |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Setup basic .pc file info') |
parser.add_argument('--prefix', help='prefix of the installed library', |
required=True) |
parser.add_argument('--exec-prefix', |
help='prefix of the installed programs, \ |
if different from the prefix') |
parser.add_argument('--includedir', |
help='includedir of the installed library, \ |
if different from ${prefix}/include') |
parser.add_argument('--libdir', |
help='libdir of the installed library, \ |
if different from ${prefix}/lib') |
parser.add_argument('--version', help='Version of the package', |
required=True) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
self.version = args.version |
# check whether the prefix and exec_prefix are valid |
if not os.path.exists(args.prefix): |
raise SystemExit('Specified prefix \'%s\' is invalid' % args.prefix) |
# use absolute paths for prefix |
self.prefix = os.path.abspath(args.prefix).replace('\\','/') |
# check and setup the exec_prefix |
if getattr(args, 'exec_prefix', None) is None: |
exec_prefix_use_shorthand = True |
self.exec_prefix = '${prefix}' |
else: |
if args.exec_prefix.startswith('${prefix}'): |
exec_prefix_use_shorthand = True |
input_exec_prefix = args.prefix + args.exec_prefix[len('${prefix}'):] |
else: |
exec_prefix_use_shorthand = False |
input_exec_prefix = args.exec_prefix |
if not os.path.exists(input_exec_prefix): |
raise SystemExit('Specified exec_prefix \'%s\' is invalid' % |
args.exec_prefix) |
if exec_prefix_use_shorthand is True: |
self.exec_prefix = args.exec_prefix.replace('\\','/') |
else: |
self.exec_prefix = os.path.abspath(input_exec_prefix).replace('\\','/') |
# check and setup the includedir |
if getattr(args, 'includedir', None) is None: |
self.includedir = '${prefix}/include' |
else: |
if args.includedir.startswith('${prefix}'): |
includedir_use_shorthand = True |
input_includedir = args.prefix + args.includedir[len('${prefix}'):] |
else: |
if args.includedir.startswith('${exec_prefix}'): |
includedir_use_shorthand = True |
input_includedir = input_exec_prefix + args.includedir[len('${exec_prefix}'):] |
else: |
includedir_use_shorthand = False |
input_includedir = args.includedir |
if not os.path.exists(input_includedir): |
raise SystemExit('Specified includedir \'%s\' is invalid' % |
args.includedir) |
if includedir_use_shorthand is True: |
self.includedir = args.includedir.replace('\\','/') |
else: |
self.includedir = os.path.abspath(input_includedir).replace('\\','/') |
# check and setup the libdir |
if getattr(args, 'libdir', None) is None: |
self.libdir = '${prefix}/lib' |
else: |
if args.libdir.startswith('${prefix}'): |
libdir_use_shorthand = True |
input_libdir = args.prefix + args.libdir[len('${prefix}'):] |
else: |
if args.libdir.startswith('${exec_prefix}'): |
libdir_use_shorthand = True |
input_libdir = input_exec_prefix + args.libdir[len('${exec_prefix}'):] |
else: |
libdir_use_shorthand = False |
input_libdir = args.libdir |
if not os.path.exists(input_libdir): |
raise SystemExit('Specified libdir \'%s\' is invalid' % |
args.libdir) |
if libdir_use_shorthand is True: |
self.libdir = args.libdir.replace('\\','/') |
else: |
self.libdir = os.path.abspath(input_libdir).replace('\\','/') |
# setup dictionary for replacing items in * |
self.base_replace_items.update({'@VERSION@': self.version}) |
self.base_replace_items.update({'@prefix@': self.prefix}) |
self.base_replace_items.update({'@exec_prefix@': self.exec_prefix}) |
self.base_replace_items.update({'@libdir@': self.libdir}) |
self.base_replace_items.update({'@includedir@': self.includedir}) |
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python |
# |
# Simple utility script to manipulate |
# certain types of strings in a file |
# This can be used in various projects where |
# there is the need to replace strings in files, |
# and is copied from GLib's $(srcroot)/win32 |
# Author: Fan, Chun-wei |
# Date: September 03, 2014 |
import os |
import sys |
import re |
import string |
import argparse |
valid_actions = ['remove-prefix', |
'replace-var', |
'replace-str', |
'remove-str'] |
def open_file(filename, mode): |
if sys.version_info[0] < 3: |
return open(filename, mode=mode) |
else: |
return open(filename, mode=mode, encoding='latin-1') |
def replace_multi(src, dest, replace_items): |
with open_file(src, 'r') as s: |
with open_file(dest, 'w') as d: |
for line in s: |
replace_dict = dict((re.escape(key), value) \ |
for key, value in replace_items.items()) |
replace_pattern = re.compile("|".join(replace_dict.keys())) |
d.write(replace_pattern.sub(lambda m: \ |
replace_dict[re.escape(], line)) |
def replace(src, dest, instring, outstring): |
replace_item = {instring: outstring} |
replace_multi(src, dest, replace_item) |
def check_required_args(args, params): |
for param in params: |
if getattr(args, param, None) is None: |
raise SystemExit('%s: error: --%s argument is required' % (__file__, param)) |
def warn_ignored_args(args, params): |
for param in params: |
if getattr(args, param, None) is not None: |
print('%s: warning: --%s argument is ignored' % (__file__, param)) |
def main(argv): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process strings in a file.') |
parser.add_argument('-a', |
'--action', |
help='Action to carry out. Can be one of:\n' |
'remove-prefix\n' |
'replace-var\n' |
'replace-str\n' |
'remove-str', |
choices=valid_actions) |
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='Input file') |
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Output file') |
parser.add_argument('--instring', help='String to replace or remove') |
parser.add_argument('--var', help='Autotools variable name to replace') |
parser.add_argument('--outstring', |
help='New String to replace specified string or variable') |
parser.add_argument('--removeprefix', help='Prefix of string to remove') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
input_string = '' |
output_string = '' |
# We must have action, input, output for all operations |
check_required_args(args, ['action','input','output']) |
# Build the arguments by the operation that is to be done, |
# to be fed into replace() |
# Get rid of prefixes from a string |
if args.action == 'remove-prefix': |
check_required_args(args, ['instring','removeprefix']) |
warn_ignored_args(args, ['outstring','var']) |
input_string = args.removeprefix + args.instring |
output_string = args.instring |
# Replace an m4-style variable (those surrounded by @...@) |
if args.action == 'replace-var': |
check_required_args(args, ['var','outstring']) |
warn_ignored_args(args, ['instring','removeprefix']) |
input_string = '@' + args.var + '@' |
output_string = args.outstring |
# Replace a string |
if args.action == 'replace-str': |
check_required_args(args, ['instring','outstring']) |
warn_ignored_args(args, ['var','removeprefix']) |
input_string = args.instring |
output_string = args.outstring |
# Remove a string |
if args.action == 'remove-str': |
check_required_args(args, ['instring']) |
warn_ignored_args(args, ['var','outstring','removeprefix']) |
input_string = args.instring |
output_string = '' |
replace(args.input, args.output, input_string, output_string) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) |
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python |
# |
# Utility script to replace strings in the |
# generated enum sources, as needed by the build |
# Author: Fan, Chun-wei |
# Date: Oct. 5, 2017 |
import os |
import sys |
import argparse |
from replace import replace_multi |
def main(argv): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Replace strings in generated enum sources') |
parser.add_argument('--input', help='input generated temporary enum source', |
required=True) |
parser.add_argument('--output', |
help='output generated final enum source', required=True) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
# check whether the generated temporary enum source exists |
if not os.path.exists(args.input): |
raise SystemExit('Specified generated temporary enum source \'%s\' is invalid' % args.input) |
replace_items = {'_t_get_type': '_get_type', |
'_T (': ' ('} |
# Generate the final enum source |
replace_multi(args.input, |
args.output, |
replace_items) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) |
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/python |
# vim: encoding=utf-8 |
#expand *.in files |
#this script is only intended for building from git, not for building from the released tarball, which already includes all necessary files |
import os |
import sys |
import re |
import string |
import subprocess |
import optparse |
from pc_base import BasePCItems |
from replace import replace_multi |
def get_version_items(srcroot): |
ver = {} |
RE_VERSION_LINE_START = re.compile(r'^AC_INIT\(\[(.+)\], *\n') |
RE_VERSION_LINE_BODY = re.compile(r'^ \[(.+)\], *\n') |
RE_VERSION_LINE_END = re.compile(r'^ \[(.+)\]\) *\n') |
# Read from the AC_INIT lines to get the version/name/URLs info |
with open(os.path.join(srcroot, ''), 'r') as ac: |
for i in ac: |
mo_init = |
mo_pkg_info = |
mo_pkg_url = |
if mo_init: |
ver['@PACKAGE_NAME@'] = |
if mo_pkg_info: |
if'http'): |
elif[0].isdigit(): |
ver['@PACKAGE_VERSION@'] = |
else: |
ver['@PACKAGE_TARNAME@'] = |
if mo_pkg_url: |
ver['@PACKAGE_URL@'] = |
ver['@HB_VERSION@'] = ver['@PACKAGE_VERSION@'] |
pkg_ver_parts = ver['@PACKAGE_VERSION@'].split('.') |
ver['@HB_VERSION_MAJOR@'] = pkg_ver_parts[0] |
ver['@HB_VERSION_MINOR@'] = pkg_ver_parts[1] |
ver['@HB_VERSION_MICRO@'] = pkg_ver_parts[2] |
return ver |
def main(argv): |
pc = BasePCItems() |
srcroot = pc.top_srcdir |
srcdir = pc.srcdir |
ver = get_version_items(srcroot) |
replace_multi(os.path.join(srcdir, ''), |
os.path.join(srcdir, 'config.h.win32'), |
ver) |
replace_multi(os.path.join(srcroot, 'src', ''), |
os.path.join(srcroot, 'src', 'hb-version.h'), |
ver) |
return 0 |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) |
Reference in new issue