@ -5,20 +5,449 @@ |
<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml"> |
]> |
<chapter id="fonts-and-faces"> |
<title>Fonts and faces</title> |
<section id="using-freetype"> |
<title>Using FreeType</title> |
<title>Fonts, faces, and output</title> |
<para> |
In the previous chapter, we saw how to set up a buffer and fill |
it with text as Unicode code points. In order to shape this |
buffer text with HarfBuzz, you will need also need a font |
object. |
</para> |
<para> |
HarfBuzz provides abstractions to help you cache and reuse the |
heavier parts of working with binary fonts, so we will look at |
how to do that. We will also look at how to work with the |
FreeType font-rendering library and at how you can customize |
HarfBuzz to work with other libraries. |
</para> |
<para> |
Finally, we will look at how to work with OpenType variable |
fonts, the latest update to the OpenType font format, and at |
some other recent additions to OpenType. |
</para> |
<section id="fonts-and-faces-objects"> |
<title>Font and face objects</title> |
<para> |
The outcome of shaping a run of text depends on the contents of |
a specific font file (such as the substitutions and positioning |
moves in the 'GSUB' and 'GPOS' tables), so HarfBuzz makes |
accessing those internals fast. |
</para> |
<para> |
An <type>hb_face_t</type> represents a <emphasis>face</emphasis> |
in HarfBuzz. This data type is a wrapper around an |
<type>hb_blob_t</type> blob that holds the contents of a binary |
fotn file. Since HarfBuzz supports TrueType Collections and |
OpenType Collections (each of which can include multiple |
typefaces), a HarfBuzz face also requires an index number |
specifying which typeface in the file you want to use. Most of |
the font files you will encounter in the wild include just a |
single face, however, so most of the time you would pass in |
<literal>0</literal> as the index when you create a face: |
</para> |
<programlisting language="C"> |
hb_blob_t* blob = hb_blob_create_from_file(file); |
... |
hb_face_t* face = hb_face_create(blob, 0); |
</programlisting> |
<para> |
On its own, a face object is not quite ready to use for |
shaping. The typeface must be set to a specific point size in |
order for some details (such as hinting) to work. In addition, |
if the font file in question is an OpenType Variable Font, then |
you may need to specify one or variation-axis settings (or a |
named instance) in order to get the output you need. |
</para> |
<para> |
In HarfBuzz, you do this by creating a <emphasis>font</emphasis> |
object from your face. |
</para> |
<para> |
Font objects also have the advantage of being considerably |
lighter-weight than face objects (remember that a face contains |
the contents of a binary font file mapped into memory). As a |
result, you can cache and reuse a font object, but you could |
also create a new one for each additional size you needed. |
Creating new fonts incurs some additional overhead, of course, |
but whether or not it is excessive is your call in the end. In |
contrast, face objects are substantially larger, and you really |
should cache them and reuse them whenever possible. |
</para> |
<para> |
You can create a font object from a face object: |
</para> |
<programlisting language="C"> |
hb_font_t* hb_font = hb_font_create(hb_face); |
</programlisting> |
<para> |
After creating a font, there are a few properties you should |
set. Many fonts enable and disable hints based on the size it |
is used at, so setting this is important for font |
objects. <function>hb_font_set_ppem(font, x_ppem, |
y_ppem)</function> sets the pixels-per-EM value of the font. You |
can also set the point size of the font with |
<function>hb_font_set_ppem(font, ptem)</function>. HarfBuzz uses the |
industry standard 72 points per inch. |
</para> |
<para> |
HarfBuzz lets you specify the degree subpixel precision you want |
through a scaling factor. You can set horizontal and |
vertical scaling factors on the |
font by calling <function>hb_font_set_scale(font, x_scale, |
y_scale)</function>. |
</para> |
<para> |
There may be times when you are handed a font object and need to |
access the face object that it comes from. For that, you can call |
</para> |
<programlisting language="C"> |
hb_face = hb_font_get_face(hb_font); |
</programlisting> |
<para> |
You can also create a font object from an existing font object |
using the <function>hb_font_create_sub_font()</function> |
function. This creates a child font object that is initiated |
with the same attributes as its parent; it can be used to |
quickly set up a new font for the purpose of overriding a specific |
font-functions method. |
</para> |
<para> |
All face objects and font objects are lifecycle-managed by |
HarfBuzz. After creating a face, you increase its reference |
count with <function>hb_face_reference(face)</function> and |
decrease it with |
<function>hb_face_destroy(face)</function>. Likewise, you |
increase the reference count on a font with |
<function>hb_font_reference(font)</function> and decrease it |
with <function>hb_font_destroy(font)</function>. |
</para> |
<para> |
You can also attach user data to face objects and font objects. |
</para> |
</section> |
<section id="using-harfbuzzs-native-opentype-implementation"> |
<title>Using HarfBuzz's native OpenType implementation</title> |
<section id="fonts-and-faces-custom-functions"> |
<title>Customizing font functions</title> |
<para> |
During shaping, HarfBuzz frequently needs to query font objects |
to get at the contents and parameters of the glyphs in a font |
file. It includes a built-in set of functions that is tailored |
to working with OpenType fonts. However, as was the case with |
Unicode functions in the buffers chapter, HarfBuzz also wants to |
make it easy for you to assign a substitute set of font |
functions if you are developing a program to work with a library |
or platform that provides its own font functions. |
</para> |
<para> |
Therefore, the HarfBuzz API defines a set of virtual |
methods for accessing font-object properties, and you can |
replace the defaults with your own selections without |
interfering with the shaping process. Each font object in |
HarfBuzz includes a structure called |
<literal>font_funcs</literal> that serves as a vtable for the |
font object. The virtual methods in |
<literal>font_funcs</literal> are: |
</para> |
<itemizedlist> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_font_h_extents_func_t</function>: returns |
the extents of the font for horizontal text. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_font_v_extents_func_t</function>: returns |
the extents of the font for vertical text. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_nominal_glyph_func_t</function>: returns |
the font's nominal glyph for a given code point. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_variation_glyph_func_t</function>: returns |
the font's glyph for a given code point when it is followed by a |
given Variation Selector. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_nominal_glyphs_func_t</function>: returns |
the font's nominal glyphs for a series of code points. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_advance_func_t</function>: returns |
the advance for a glyph. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_h_advance_func_t</function>: returns |
the advance for a glyph for horizontal text. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_v_advance_func_t</function>:returns |
the advance for a glyph for vertical text. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_advances_func_t</function>: returns |
the advances for a series of glyphs. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_h_advances_func_t</function>: returns |
the advances for a series of glyphs for horizontal text . |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_v_advances_func_t</function>: returns |
the advances for a series of glyphs for vertical text. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_origin_func_t</function>: returns |
the origin coordinates of a glyph. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_h_origin_func_t</function>: returns |
the origin coordinates of a glyph for horizontal text. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_v_origin_func_t</function>: returns |
the origin coordinates of a glyph for vertical text. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_extents_func_t</function>: returns |
the extents for a glyph. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_contour_point_func_t</function>: |
returns the coordinates of a specific contour point from a glyph. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_name_func_t</function>: returns the |
name of a glyph (from its glyph index). |
</para> |
</listitem> |
<listitem> |
<para> |
<function>hb_font_get_glyph_from_name_func_t</function>: returns |
the glyph index that corresponds to a given glyph name. |
</para> |
</listitem> |
</itemizedlist> |
<para> |
You can fetch the font-functions configuration for a font object |
by calling <function>hb_font_get_font_funcs()</function>: |
</para> |
<programlisting language="C"> |
hb_font_funcs_t *ffunctions; |
ffunctions = hb_font_get_font_funcs (font); |
</programlisting> |
<para> |
The individual methods can each be replaced with their own setter |
function, such as |
<function>hb_font_funcs_set_nominal_glyph_func(*ffunctions, |
func, *user_data, destroy)</function>. |
</para> |
<para> |
Font-functions structures can be reused for multiple font |
objects, and can be reference counted with |
<function>hb_font_funcs_reference()</function> and |
<function>hb_font_funcs_destroy()</function>. Just like other |
objects in HarfBuzz, you can set user-data for each |
font-functions structure and assign a destroy callback for |
it. |
</para> |
<para> |
You can also mark a font-functions structure as immutable, |
with <function>hb_font_funcs_make_immutable()</function>. This |
is especially useful if your code is a library or framework that |
will have its own client programs. By marking your |
font-functions structures as immutable, you prevent your client |
programs from changing the configuration and introducing |
inconsistencies and errors downstream. |
</para> |
</section> |
<section id="using-your-own-font-functions"> |
<title>Using your own font functions</title> |
<section id="fonts-and-faces-native-opentype"> |
<title>Font objects and HarfBuzz's native OpenType implementation</title> |
<para> |
By default, whenever HarfBuzz creates a font object, it will |
configure the font to use a built-in set of font functions that |
supports contemporary OpenType font internals. If you want to |
work with OpenType or TrueType fonts, you should be able to use |
these functions without difficulty. |
</para> |
<para> |
Many of the methods in the font-functions structure deal with |
the fundamental properties of glyphs that are required for |
shaping text: extents (the maximums and minimums on each axis), |
origins (the <literal>(0,0)</literal> coordinate point which |
glyphs are drawn in reference to), and advances (the amount that |
the cursor needs to be moved after drawing each glyph, including |
any empty space for the glyph's side bearings). |
</para> |
<para> |
As you can see in the list of functions, there are separate "horizontal" |
and "vertical" variants depending on whether the text is set in |
the horizontal or vertical direction. For some scripts, fonts |
that are designed to support text set horizontally or vertically (for |
example, in Japanese) may include metrics for both text |
directions. When fonts don't include this information, HarfBuzz |
does its best to transform what the font provides. |
</para> |
<para> |
In addition to the direction-specific functions, HarfBuzz |
provides some higher-level functions for fetching information |
like extents and advances for a glyph. If you call |
</para> |
<programlisting language="C"> |
hb_font_get_glyph_advance_for_direction(font, direction, extents); |
</programlisting> |
<para> |
then you can provide any <type>hb_direction_t</type> as the |
<parameter>direction</parameter> parameter, and HarfBuzz will |
use the correct function variant for the text direction. There |
are similar higher-level versions of the functions for fetching |
extents, origin coordinates, and contour-point |
coordinates. There are also addition and subtraction functions |
for moving points with respect to the origin. |
</para> |
<para> |
There are also methods for fetching the glyph ID that |
corresponds to a Unicode code point (possibly when followed by a |
variation-selector code point), fetching the glyph name from the |
font, and fetching the glyph ID that corresponds to a glyph name |
you already have. |
</para> |
<para> |
HarfBuzz also provides functions for converting between glyph |
names and string |
variables. <function>hb_font_glyph_to_string(font, glyph, s, |
size)</function> retrieves the name for the glyph ID |
<parameter>glyph</parameter> from the font object. It generates a |
generic name of the form <literal>gidDDD</literal> (where DDD is |
the glyph index) if there is no name for the glyph in the |
font. The <function>hb_font_glyph_from_string(font, s, len, |
glyph)</function> takes an input string <parameter>s</parameter> |
and looks for a glyph with that name in the font, returning its |
glyph ID in the <parameter>glyph</parameter> |
output parameter. It automatically parses |
<literal>gidDDD</literal> and <literal>uniUUUU</literal> strings. |
</para> |
</section> |
<!-- Commenting out FreeType integration section-holder for now. May move |
to the full-blown Integration Chapter. --> |
<!-- <section id="fonts-and-faces-freetype"> |
<title>Using FreeType</title> |
<para> |
</para> |
<para> |
</para> |
</section> --> |
<section id="fonts-and-faces-variable"> |
<title>Working with OpenType Variable Fonts</title> |
<para> |
If you are working with OpenType Variable Fonts, there are a few |
additional functions you should use to specify the |
variation-axis settings of your font object. Without doing so, |
your variable font's font object can still be used, but only at |
the default setting for every axis (which, of course, is |
sometimes what you want, but does not cover general usage). |
</para> |
<para> |
HarfBuzz manages variation settings in the |
<type>hb_variation_t</type> data type, which holds a <property>tag</property> for the |
variation-axis identifier tag and a <property>value</property> for its |
setting. You can retrieve the list of variation axes in a font |
binary from the face object (not from a font object, notably) by |
calling <function>hb_ot_var_get_axis_count(face)</function> to |
find the number of axes, then using |
<function>hb_ot_var_get_axis_infos()</function> to collect the |
axis structures: |
</para> |
<programlisting language="C"> |
axes = hb_ot_var_get_axis_count(face); |
... |
hb_ot_var_get_axis_infos(face, 0, axes, axes_array); |
</programlisting> |
<para> |
For each axis returned in the array, you can can access the |
identifier in its <property>tag</property>. HarfBuzz also has |
tag definitions predefined for the five standard axes specified |
in OpenType (<literal>ital</literal> for italic, |
<literal>opsz</literal> for optical size, |
<literal>slnt</literal> for slant, <literal>wdth</literal> for |
width, and <literal>wght</literal> for weight). Each axis also |
has a <property>min_value</property>, a |
<property>default_value</property>, and a <property>max_value</property>. |
</para> |
<para> |
To set your font object's variation settings, you call the |
<function>hb_font_set_variations()</function> function with an |
array of <type>hb_variation_t</type> variation settings. Let's |
say our font has weight and width axes. We need to specify each |
of the axes by tag and assign a value on the axis: |
</para> |
<programlisting language="C"> |
unsigned int variation_count = 2; |
hb_variation_t variation_data[variation_count]; |
variation_data[0].tag = HB_OT_TAG_VAR_AXIS_WIDTH; |
variation_data[1].tag = HB_OT_TAG_VAR_AXIS_WEIGHT; |
variation_data[0].value = 80; |
variation_data[1].value = 750; |
... |
hb_font_set_variations(font, variation_data, variation_count); |
</programlisting> |
<para> |
That should give us a slightly condensed font ("normal" on the |
<literal>wdth</literal> axis is 100) at a noticeably bolder |
weight ("regular" is 400 on the <literal>wght</literal> axis). |
</para> |
<para> |
In practice, though, you should always check that the value you |
want to set on the axis is within the |
[<property>min_value</property>,<property>max_value</property>] |
range actually implemented in the font's variation axis. After |
all, a font might only provide lighter-than-regular weights, and |
setting a heavier value on the <literal>wght</literal> axis will |
not change that. |
</para> |
<para> |
Once your variation settings are specified on your font object, |
however, shaping with a variable font is just like shaping a |
static font. |
</para> |
</section> |
</chapter> |
</chapter> |