@ -3939,8 +3939,8 @@
FT_UShort context_length ,
int nesting_level )
FT_Error error = TT_Err_Ok ;
FT_UShort i , flags ;
FT_Error error = TTO_Err_Not_Covered ;
FT_UShort i , flags , lookup_count ;
TTO_Lookup * lo ;
@ -3949,6 +3949,10 @@
if ( nesting_level > TTO_MAX_NESTING_LEVEL )
return TTO_Err_Too_Many_Nested_Contexts ;
lookup_count = gsub - > LookupList . LookupCount ;
if ( lookup_index > = lookup_count )
return error ;
lo = & gsub - > LookupList . Lookup [ lookup_index ] ;
flags = lo - > LookupFlag ;
@ -4056,8 +4060,9 @@
TTO_Feature feature ;
FT_UInt * properties ;
FT_UShort * index ;
FT_UShort lookup_count ;
/* Each feature can only be added once once */
/* Each feature can only be added once */
if ( ! gsub | |
feature_index > = gsub - > FeatureList . FeatureCount | |
@ -4070,9 +4075,14 @@
feature = gsub - > FeatureList . FeatureRecord [ feature_index ] . Feature ;
index = feature . LookupListIndex ;
lookup_count = gsub - > LookupList . LookupCount ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < feature . LookupListCount ; i + + )
properties [ index [ i ] ] | = property ;
FT_UShort lookup_index = index [ i ] ;
if ( lookup_index < lookup_count )
properties [ lookup_index ] | = property ;
return TT_Err_Ok ;
@ -4120,13 +4130,15 @@
OTL_Buffer buffer )
FT_Error error , retError = TTO_Err_Not_Covered ;
FT_UShort i , j , feature_index ;
FT_UShort i , j , feature_index , lookup_count ;
TTO_Feature feature ;
if ( ! gsub | |
! buffer | | buffer - > in_length = = 0 | | buffer - > in_pos > = buffer - > in_length )
return TT_Err_Invalid_Argument ;
lookup_count = gsub - > LookupList . LookupCount ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < gsub - > FeatureList . ApplyCount ; i + + )
feature_index = gsub - > FeatureList . ApplyOrder [ i ] ;
@ -4134,7 +4146,13 @@
for ( j = 0 ; j < feature . LookupListCount ; j + + )
error = Do_String_Lookup ( gsub , feature . LookupListIndex [ j ] , buffer ) ;
FT_UShort lookup_index = feature . LookupListIndex [ j ] ;
/* Skip nonexistant lookups */
if ( lookup_index > = lookup_count )
continue ;
error = Do_String_Lookup ( gsub , lookup_index , buffer ) ;
if ( error )
if ( error ! = TTO_Err_Not_Covered )