@ -221,72 +221,6 @@ _hb_unsigned_int_mul_overflows (unsigned int count, unsigned int size)
typedef int ( * hb_compare_func_t ) ( const void * , const void * ) ;
/* We need external help for these */
# ifdef HAVE_GLIB
# include <glib.h>
typedef volatile int hb_atomic_int_t ;
# define hb_atomic_int_fetch_and_add(AI, V) g_atomic_int_exchange_and_add (&(AI), V)
# define hb_atomic_int_get(AI) g_atomic_int_get (&(AI))
# define hb_atomic_int_set(AI, V) g_atomic_int_set (&(AI), V)
typedef GStaticMutex hb_mutex_t ;
# define hb_mutex_init(M) g_static_mutex_init (&(M))
# define hb_mutex_lock(M) g_static_mutex_lock (&(M))
# define hb_mutex_trylock(M) g_static_mutex_trylock (&(M))
# define hb_mutex_unlock(M) g_static_mutex_unlock (&(M))
# define hb_mutex_free(M) g_static_mutex_free (&(M))
# else
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <intrin.h>
typedef long hb_atomic_int_t ;
# define hb_atomic_int_fetch_and_add(AI, V) _InterlockedExchangeAdd (&(AI), V)
# define hb_atomic_int_get(AI) (_ReadBarrier (), (AI))
# define hb_atomic_int_set(AI, V) ((void) _InterlockedExchange (&(AI), (V)))
typedef void * hb_mutex_t ;
extern HB_INTERNAL hb_mutex_t _hb_win32_mutex_create ( void ) ;
extern HB_INTERNAL void _hb_win32_mutex_init ( hb_mutex_t * m ) ;
extern HB_INTERNAL void _hb_win32_mutex_lock ( hb_mutex_t m ) ;
extern HB_INTERNAL int _hb_win32_mutex_trylock ( hb_mutex_t m ) ;
extern HB_INTERNAL void _hb_win32_mutex_unlock ( hb_mutex_t m ) ;
extern HB_INTERNAL void _hb_win32_mutex_free ( hb_mutex_t * m ) ;
# define HB_MUTEX_INIT _hb_win32_mutex_create ()
# define hb_mutex_init(M) _hb_win32_mutex_init (&(M))
# define hb_mutex_lock(M) _hb_win32_mutex_lock ((M))
# define hb_mutex_trylock(M) _hb_win32_mutex_trylock ((M))
# define hb_mutex_unlock(M) _hb_win32_mutex_unlock ((M))
# define hb_mutex_free(M) _hb_win32_mutex_free (&(M))
# else
# warning "Could not find any system to define platform macros, library will NOT be thread-safe"
typedef volatile int hb_atomic_int_t ;
# define hb_atomic_int_fetch_and_add(AI, V) ((AI) += (V), (AI) - (V))
# define hb_atomic_int_get(AI) (AI)
# define hb_atomic_int_set(AI, V) ((void) ((AI) = (V)))
typedef volatile int hb_mutex_t ;
# define HB_MUTEX_INIT 0
# define hb_mutex_init(M) ((void) ((M) = 0))
# define hb_mutex_lock(M) ((void) ((M) = 1))
# define hb_mutex_trylock(M) ((M) = 1, 1)
# define hb_mutex_unlock(M) ((void) ((M) = 0))
# define hb_mutex_free(M) ((void) ((M) = 2))
# endif
# endif