HarfBuzz text shaping engine http://harfbuzz.github.io/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

142 lines
3.6 KiB

#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include <cstring>
#include "hb-subset.h"
enum operation_t
#define SUBSET_FONT_BASE_PATH "test/subset/data/fonts/"
struct test_input_t
const char *font_path;
const unsigned max_subset_size;
} tests[] =
{SUBSET_FONT_BASE_PATH "Roboto-Regular.ttf", 4000},
{SUBSET_FONT_BASE_PATH "Amiri-Regular.ttf", 4000},
{SUBSET_FONT_BASE_PATH "NotoNastaliqUrdu-Regular.ttf", 1000},
{SUBSET_FONT_BASE_PATH "NotoSansDevanagari-Regular.ttf", 1000},
{SUBSET_FONT_BASE_PATH "Mplus1p-Regular.ttf", 10000},
{SUBSET_FONT_BASE_PATH "SourceHanSans-Regular_subset.otf", 10000},
{SUBSET_FONT_BASE_PATH "SourceSansPro-Regular.otf", 2000},
#if 0
{"perf/fonts/NotoSansCJKsc-VF.ttf", 100000},
void AddCodepoints(const hb_set_t* codepoints_in_font,
unsigned subset_size,
hb_subset_input_t* input)
auto *unicodes = hb_subset_input_unicode_set (input);
hb_codepoint_t cp = HB_SET_VALUE_INVALID;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < subset_size; i++) {
// TODO(garretrieger): pick randomly.
if (!hb_set_next (codepoints_in_font, &cp)) return;
hb_set_add (unicodes, cp);
void AddGlyphs(unsigned num_glyphs_in_font,
unsigned subset_size,
hb_subset_input_t* input)
auto *glyphs = hb_subset_input_glyph_set (input);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < subset_size && i < num_glyphs_in_font; i++) {
// TODO(garretrieger): pick randomly.
hb_set_add (glyphs, i);
/* benchmark for subsetting a font */
static void BM_subset (benchmark::State &state,
operation_t operation,
const char *font_path)
unsigned subset_size = state.range(0);
hb_face_t *face;
hb_blob_t *blob = hb_blob_create_from_file_or_fail (font_path);
assert (blob);
face = hb_face_create (blob, 0);
hb_blob_destroy (blob);
hb_subset_input_t* input = hb_subset_input_create_or_fail ();
assert (input);
switch (operation)
case subset_codepoints:
hb_set_t* all_codepoints = hb_set_create ();
hb_face_collect_unicodes (face, all_codepoints);
AddCodepoints(all_codepoints, subset_size, input);
hb_set_destroy (all_codepoints);
case subset_glyphs:
unsigned num_glyphs = hb_face_get_glyph_count (face);
AddGlyphs(num_glyphs, subset_size, input);
for (auto _ : state)
hb_face_t* subset = hb_subset_or_fail (face, input);
assert (subset);
hb_face_destroy (subset);
hb_subset_input_destroy (input);
hb_face_destroy (face);
static void test_subset (operation_t op,
const char *op_name,
benchmark::TimeUnit time_unit,
const test_input_t &test_input)
char name[1024] = "BM_subset/";
strcat (name, op_name);
strcat (name, strrchr (test_input.font_path, '/'));
benchmark::RegisterBenchmark (name, BM_subset, op, test_input.font_path)
->Range(10, test_input.max_subset_size)
static void test_operation (operation_t op,
const char *op_name,
benchmark::TimeUnit time_unit)
for (auto& test_input : tests)
test_subset (op, op_name, time_unit, test_input);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
#define TEST_OPERATION(op, time_unit) test_operation (op, #op, time_unit)
TEST_OPERATION (subset_glyphs, benchmark::kMillisecond);
TEST_OPERATION (subset_codepoints, benchmark::kMillisecond);
benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);