* Copyright © 2010 Behdad Esfahbod
* Copyright © 2011 , 2012 Google , Inc .
* This is part of HarfBuzz , a text shaping library .
* Permission is hereby granted , without written agreement and without
* license or royalty fees , to use , copy , modify , and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose , provided that the
* above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in
* all copies of this software .
* Google Author ( s ) : Garret Rieger , Rod Sheeter
# include "batch.hh"
# include "face-options.hh"
# include "main-font-text.hh"
# include "output-options.hh"
# include <hb-subset.h>
static hb_face_t * preprocess_face ( hb_face_t * face )
return hb_subset_preprocess ( face ) ;
* Command line interface to the harfbuzz font subsetter .
struct subset_main_t : option_parser_t , face_options_t , output_options_t < false >
subset_main_t ( )
: input ( hb_subset_input_create_or_fail ( ) )
{ }
~ subset_main_t ( )
hb_subset_input_destroy ( input ) ;
void parse_face ( int argc , const char * const * argv )
option_parser_t parser ;
face_options_t face_opts ;
face_opts . add_options ( & parser ) ;
GOptionEntry entries [ ] =
G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & collect_face , nullptr , " [FONT-FILE] [TEXT] " } ,
{ nullptr }
} ;
parser . add_main_group ( entries , & face_opts ) ;
parser . add_options ( ) ;
g_option_context_set_ignore_unknown_options ( parser . context , true ) ;
g_option_context_set_help_enabled ( parser . context , false ) ;
char * * args = ( char * * )
# if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 68, 0)
# else
# endif
( argv , argc * sizeof ( * argv ) ) ;
parser . parse ( & argc , & args ) ;
g_free ( args ) ;
set_face ( face_opts . face ) ;
void parse ( int argc , char * * argv )
bool help = false ;
for ( auto i = 1 ; i < argc ; i + + )
if ( ! strncmp ( " --help " , argv [ i ] , 6 ) )
help = true ;
break ;
if ( likely ( ! help ) )
/* Do a preliminary parse to load font-face, such that we can use it
* during main option parsing . */
parse_face ( argc , argv ) ;
add_options ( ) ;
option_parser_t : : parse ( & argc , & argv ) ;
int operator ( ) ( int argc , char * * argv )
parse ( argc , argv ) ;
hb_face_t * orig_face = face ;
if ( preprocess )
orig_face = preprocess_face ( face ) ;
hb_face_t * new_face = nullptr ;
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < num_iterations ; i + + )
hb_face_destroy ( new_face ) ;
new_face = hb_subset_or_fail ( orig_face , input ) ;
bool success = new_face ;
if ( success )
hb_blob_t * result = hb_face_reference_blob ( new_face ) ;
write_file ( output_file , result ) ;
hb_blob_destroy ( result ) ;
hb_face_destroy ( new_face ) ;
if ( preprocess )
hb_face_destroy ( orig_face ) ;
return success ? 0 : 1 ;
write_file ( const char * output_file , hb_blob_t * blob )
assert ( out_fp ) ;
unsigned int size ;
const char * data = hb_blob_get_data ( blob , & size ) ;
while ( size )
size_t ret = fwrite ( data , 1 , size , out_fp ) ;
size - = ret ;
data + = ret ;
if ( size & & ferror ( out_fp ) )
fail ( false , " Failed to write output: %s " , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
return true ;
void add_options ( ) ;
protected :
static gboolean
collect_face ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error ) ;
static gboolean
collect_rest ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error ) ;
public :
unsigned num_iterations = 1 ;
gboolean preprocess = false ;
hb_subset_input_t * input = nullptr ;
} ;
static gboolean
parse_gids ( const char * name G_GNUC_UNUSED ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error )
subset_main_t * subset_main = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
hb_bool_t is_remove = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' - ' ) ;
hb_bool_t is_add = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' + ' ) ;
hb_set_t * gids = hb_subset_input_glyph_set ( subset_main - > input ) ;
if ( ! is_remove & & ! is_add ) hb_set_clear ( gids ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( arg , " * " ) )
hb_set_clear ( gids ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_invert ( gids ) ;
return true ;
char * s = ( char * ) arg ;
char * p ;
while ( s & & * s )
while ( * s & & strchr ( " , " , * s ) )
s + + ;
if ( ! * s )
break ;
errno = 0 ;
hb_codepoint_t start_code = strtoul ( s , & p , 10 ) ;
if ( s [ 0 ] = = ' - ' | | errno | | s = = p )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Failed parsing glyph-index at: '%s' " , s ) ;
return false ;
if ( p & & p [ 0 ] = = ' - ' ) // ranges
s = + + p ;
hb_codepoint_t end_code = strtoul ( s , & p , 10 ) ;
if ( s [ 0 ] = = ' - ' | | errno | | s = = p )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Failed parsing glyph-index at: '%s' " , s ) ;
return false ;
if ( end_code < start_code )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Invalid glyph-index range %u-%u " , start_code , end_code ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_add_range ( gids , start_code , end_code ) ;
hb_set_del_range ( gids , start_code , end_code ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_add ( gids , start_code ) ;
hb_set_del ( gids , start_code ) ;
s = p ;
return true ;
static gboolean
parse_glyphs ( const char * name G_GNUC_UNUSED ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error G_GNUC_UNUSED )
subset_main_t * subset_main = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
hb_bool_t is_remove = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' - ' ) ;
hb_bool_t is_add = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' + ' ) ;
hb_set_t * gids = hb_subset_input_glyph_set ( subset_main - > input ) ;
if ( ! is_remove & & ! is_add ) hb_set_clear ( gids ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( arg , " * " ) )
hb_set_clear ( gids ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_invert ( gids ) ;
return true ;
const char * p = arg ;
const char * p_end = arg + strlen ( arg ) ;
hb_font_t * font = hb_font_create ( subset_main - > face ) ;
while ( p < p_end )
while ( p < p_end & & ( * p = = ' ' | | * p = = ' , ' ) )
p + + ;
const char * end = p ;
while ( end < p_end & & * end ! = ' ' & & * end ! = ' , ' )
end + + ;
if ( p < end )
hb_codepoint_t gid ;
if ( ! hb_font_get_glyph_from_name ( font , p , end - p , & gid ) )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Failed parsing glyph name: '%s' " , p ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_add ( gids , gid ) ;
hb_set_del ( gids , gid ) ;
p = end + 1 ;
hb_font_destroy ( font ) ;
return true ;
static gboolean
parse_text ( const char * name G_GNUC_UNUSED ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error G_GNUC_UNUSED )
subset_main_t * subset_main = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
hb_bool_t is_remove = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' - ' ) ;
hb_bool_t is_add = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' + ' ) ;
hb_set_t * unicodes = hb_subset_input_unicode_set ( subset_main - > input ) ;
if ( ! is_remove & & ! is_add ) hb_set_clear ( unicodes ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( arg , " * " ) )
hb_set_clear ( unicodes ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_invert ( unicodes ) ;
return true ;
for ( gchar * c = ( gchar * ) arg ;
* c ;
c = g_utf8_find_next_char ( c , nullptr ) )
gunichar cp = g_utf8_get_char ( c ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_add ( unicodes , cp ) ;
hb_set_del ( unicodes , cp ) ;
return true ;
static gboolean
parse_unicodes ( const char * name G_GNUC_UNUSED ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error )
subset_main_t * subset_main = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
hb_bool_t is_remove = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' - ' ) ;
hb_bool_t is_add = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' + ' ) ;
hb_set_t * unicodes = hb_subset_input_unicode_set ( subset_main - > input ) ;
if ( ! is_remove & & ! is_add ) hb_set_clear ( unicodes ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( arg , " * " ) )
hb_set_clear ( unicodes ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_invert ( unicodes ) ;
return true ;
// XXX TODO Ranges
# define DELIMITERS "<+->{},;&#\\xXuUnNiI\n\t\v\f\r "
char * s = ( char * ) arg ;
char * p ;
while ( s & & * s )
while ( * s & & strchr ( DELIMITERS , * s ) )
s + + ;
if ( ! * s )
break ;
errno = 0 ;
hb_codepoint_t start_code = strtoul ( s , & p , 16 ) ;
if ( errno | | s = = p )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Failed parsing Unicode at: '%s' " , s ) ;
return false ;
if ( p & & p [ 0 ] = = ' - ' ) // ranges
s = + + p ;
hb_codepoint_t end_code = strtoul ( s , & p , 16 ) ;
if ( s [ 0 ] = = ' - ' | | errno | | s = = p )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Failed parsing Unicode at: '%s' " , s ) ;
return false ;
if ( end_code < start_code )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Invalid Unicode range %u-%u " , start_code , end_code ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_add_range ( unicodes , start_code , end_code ) ;
hb_set_del_range ( unicodes , start_code , end_code ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_add ( unicodes , start_code ) ;
hb_set_del ( unicodes , start_code ) ;
s = p ;
return true ;
static gboolean
parse_nameids ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error )
subset_main_t * subset_main = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
hb_bool_t is_remove = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' - ' ) ;
hb_bool_t is_add = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' + ' ) ;
hb_set_t * name_ids = hb_subset_input_set ( subset_main - > input , HB_SUBSET_SETS_NAME_ID ) ;
if ( ! is_remove & & ! is_add ) hb_set_clear ( name_ids ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( arg , " * " ) )
hb_set_clear ( name_ids ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_invert ( name_ids ) ;
return true ;
char * s = ( char * ) arg ;
char * p ;
while ( s & & * s )
while ( * s & & strchr ( " , " , * s ) )
s + + ;
if ( ! * s )
break ;
errno = 0 ;
hb_codepoint_t u = strtoul ( s , & p , 10 ) ;
if ( errno | | s = = p )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Failed parsing nameID at: '%s' " , s ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_add ( name_ids , u ) ;
} else {
hb_set_del ( name_ids , u ) ;
s = p ;
return true ;
static gboolean
parse_name_languages ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error )
subset_main_t * subset_main = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
hb_bool_t is_remove = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' - ' ) ;
hb_bool_t is_add = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' + ' ) ;
hb_set_t * name_languages = hb_subset_input_set ( subset_main - > input , HB_SUBSET_SETS_NAME_LANG_ID ) ;
if ( ! is_remove & & ! is_add ) hb_set_clear ( name_languages ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( arg , " * " ) )
hb_set_clear ( name_languages ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_invert ( name_languages ) ;
return true ;
char * s = ( char * ) arg ;
char * p ;
while ( s & & * s )
while ( * s & & strchr ( " , " , * s ) )
s + + ;
if ( ! * s )
break ;
errno = 0 ;
hb_codepoint_t u = strtoul ( s , & p , 10 ) ;
if ( errno | | s = = p )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Failed parsing name-language code at: '%s' " , s ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_add ( name_languages , u ) ;
} else {
hb_set_del ( name_languages , u ) ;
s = p ;
return true ;
static gboolean
_keep_everything ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error G_GNUC_UNUSED )
subset_main_t * subset_main = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
hb_subset_input_keep_everything ( subset_main - > input ) ;
return true ;
template < hb_subset_flags_t flag >
static gboolean
set_flag ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error G_GNUC_UNUSED )
subset_main_t * subset_main = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
hb_subset_input_set_flags ( subset_main - > input ,
hb_subset_input_get_flags ( subset_main - > input ) | flag ) ;
return true ;
static gboolean
parse_layout_tag_list ( hb_subset_sets_t set_type ,
const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error G_GNUC_UNUSED )
subset_main_t * subset_main = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
hb_bool_t is_remove = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' - ' ) ;
hb_bool_t is_add = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' + ' ) ;
hb_set_t * layout_tags = hb_subset_input_set ( subset_main - > input , set_type ) ;
if ( ! is_remove & & ! is_add ) hb_set_clear ( layout_tags ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( arg , " * " ) )
hb_set_clear ( layout_tags ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_invert ( layout_tags ) ;
return true ;
char * s = strtok ( ( char * ) arg , " , " ) ;
while ( s )
if ( strlen ( s ) > 4 ) // tags are at most 4 bytes
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Failed parsing table tag at: '%s' " , s ) ;
return false ;
hb_tag_t tag = hb_tag_from_string ( s , strlen ( s ) ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_add ( layout_tags , tag ) ;
hb_set_del ( layout_tags , tag ) ;
s = strtok ( nullptr , " , " ) ;
return true ;
static gboolean
parse_layout_features ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error )
return parse_layout_tag_list ( HB_SUBSET_SETS_LAYOUT_FEATURE_TAG ,
name ,
arg ,
data ,
error ) ;
static gboolean
parse_layout_scripts ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error )
return parse_layout_tag_list ( HB_SUBSET_SETS_LAYOUT_SCRIPT_TAG ,
name ,
arg ,
data ,
error ) ;
static gboolean
parse_drop_tables ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error )
subset_main_t * subset_main = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
hb_bool_t is_remove = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' - ' ) ;
hb_bool_t is_add = ( name [ strlen ( name ) - 1 ] = = ' + ' ) ;
hb_set_t * drop_tables = hb_subset_input_set ( subset_main - > input , HB_SUBSET_SETS_DROP_TABLE_TAG ) ;
if ( ! is_remove & & ! is_add ) hb_set_clear ( drop_tables ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( arg , " * " ) )
hb_set_clear ( drop_tables ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_invert ( drop_tables ) ;
return true ;
char * s = strtok ( ( char * ) arg , " , " ) ;
while ( s )
if ( strlen ( s ) > 4 ) // Table tags are at most 4 bytes.
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Failed parsing table tag at: '%s' " , s ) ;
return false ;
hb_tag_t tag = hb_tag_from_string ( s , strlen ( s ) ) ;
if ( ! is_remove )
hb_set_add ( drop_tables , tag ) ;
hb_set_del ( drop_tables , tag ) ;
s = strtok ( nullptr , " , " ) ;
return true ;
# ifndef HB_NO_VAR
static gboolean
parse_instance ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error )
subset_main_t * subset_main = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
if ( ! subset_main - > face ) {
// There is no face, which is needed to set up instancing. Skip parsing these options.
return true ;
char * s = strtok ( ( char * ) arg , " = " ) ;
while ( s )
unsigned len = strlen ( s ) ;
if ( len > 4 ) //Axis tags are 4 bytes.
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Failed parsing axis tag at: '%s' " , s ) ;
return false ;
hb_tag_t axis_tag = hb_tag_from_string ( s , len ) ;
s = strtok ( nullptr , " , " ) ;
if ( ! s )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Value not specified for axis: %c%c%c%c " , HB_UNTAG ( axis_tag ) ) ;
return false ;
if ( strcmp ( s , " drop " ) = = 0 )
if ( ! hb_subset_input_pin_axis_to_default ( subset_main - > input , subset_main - > face , axis_tag ) )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Cannot pin axis: '%c%c%c%c', not present in fvar " , HB_UNTAG ( axis_tag ) ) ;
return false ;
errno = 0 ;
char * p ;
float axis_value = strtof ( s , & p ) ;
if ( errno | | s = = p )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Failed parsing axis value at: '%s' " , s ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! hb_subset_input_pin_axis_location ( subset_main - > input , subset_main - > face , axis_tag , axis_value ) )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_BAD_VALUE ,
" Cannot pin axis: '%c%c%c%c', not present in fvar " , HB_UNTAG ( axis_tag ) ) ;
return false ;
s = strtok ( nullptr , " = " ) ;
return true ;
# endif
template < GOptionArgFunc line_parser , bool allow_comments = true >
static gboolean
parse_file_for ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error )
FILE * fp = nullptr ;
if ( 0 ! = strcmp ( arg , " - " ) )
fp = fopen ( arg , " r " ) ;
fp = stdin ;
if ( ! fp )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_FAILED ,
" Failed opening file `%s': %s " ,
arg , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
return false ;
GString * gs = g_string_new ( nullptr ) ;
g_string_set_size ( gs , 0 ) ;
char buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
while ( fgets ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , fp ) )
unsigned bytes = strlen ( buf ) ;
if ( bytes & & buf [ bytes - 1 ] = = ' \n ' )
bytes - - ;
g_string_append_len ( gs , buf , bytes ) ;
break ;
g_string_append_len ( gs , buf , bytes ) ;
if ( ferror ( fp ) )
g_set_error ( error , G_OPTION_ERROR , G_OPTION_ERROR_FAILED ,
" Failed reading file `%s': %s " ,
arg , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
return false ;
g_string_append_c ( gs , ' \0 ' ) ;
if ( allow_comments )
char * comment = strchr ( gs - > str , ' # ' ) ;
if ( comment )
* comment = ' \0 ' ;
line_parser ( " + " , gs - > str , data , error ) ;
if ( * error )
break ;
while ( ! feof ( fp ) ) ;
g_string_free ( gs , false ) ;
return true ;
subset_main_t : : collect_face ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error )
face_options_t * thiz = ( face_options_t * ) data ;
if ( ! thiz - > font_file )
thiz - > font_file = g_strdup ( arg ) ;
return true ;
return true ;
subset_main_t : : collect_rest ( const char * name ,
const char * arg ,
gpointer data ,
GError * * error )
subset_main_t * thiz = ( subset_main_t * ) data ;
if ( ! thiz - > font_file )
thiz - > font_file = g_strdup ( arg ) ;
return true ;
parse_text ( name , arg , data , error ) ;
return true ;
subset_main_t : : add_options ( )
set_summary ( " Subset fonts to specification. " ) ;
face_options_t : : add_options ( this ) ;
GOptionEntry glyphset_entries [ ] =
{ " gids " , ' g ' , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_gids ,
" Specify glyph IDs or ranges to include in the subset. \n "
" "
" Use --gids-=... to subtract codepoints from the current set. " , " list of glyph indices/ranges or * " } ,
{ " gids- " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_gids , " Specify glyph IDs or ranges to remove from the subset " , " list of glyph indices/ranges or * " } ,
{ " gids+ " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_gids , " Specify glyph IDs or ranges to include in the subset " , " list of glyph indices/ranges or * " } ,
{ " gids-file " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_file_for < parse_gids > , " Specify file to read glyph IDs or ranges from " , " filename " } ,
{ " glyphs " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_glyphs , " Specify glyph names to include in the subset. Use --glyphs-=... to subtract glyphs from the current set. " , " list of glyph names or * " } ,
{ " glyphs+ " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_glyphs , " Specify glyph names to include in the subset " , " list of glyph names " } ,
{ " glyphs- " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_glyphs , " Specify glyph names to remove from the subset " , " list of glyph names " } ,
Fix various typos
Found via `codespell -q 3 -S ./perf/texts -L actualy,ba,beng,fo,gir,inout,nd,ot,pres,ro,te,teh,timne`
3 years ago
{ " glyphs-file " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_file_for < parse_glyphs > , " Specify file to read glyph names from " , " filename " } ,
{ " text " , ' t ' , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_text , " Specify text to include in the subset. Use --text-=... to subtract codepoints from the current set. " , " string " } ,
{ " text- " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_text , " Specify text to remove from the subset " , " string " } ,
{ " text+ " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_text , " Specify text to include in the subset " , " string " } ,
{ " text-file " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_file_for < parse_text , false > , " Specify file to read text from " , " filename " } ,
{ " unicodes " , ' u ' , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_unicodes ,
" Specify Unicode codepoints or ranges to include in the subset. Use * to include all codepoints. \n "
" "
" --unicodes-=... can be used to subtract codepoints from the current set. \n "
" "
" For example: --unicodes=* --unicodes-=41,42,43 would create a subset with all codepoints \n "
" "
" except for 41, 42, 43. " ,
" list of hex numbers/ranges or * " } ,
{ " unicodes- " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_unicodes , " Specify Unicode codepoints or ranges to remove from the subset " , " list of hex numbers/ranges or * " } ,
{ " unicodes+ " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_unicodes , " Specify Unicode codepoints or ranges to include in the subset " , " list of hex numbers/ranges or * " } ,
{ " unicodes-file " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_file_for < parse_unicodes > , " Specify file to read Unicode codepoints or ranges from " , " filename " } ,
{ nullptr }
} ;
add_group ( glyphset_entries ,
" subset-glyphset " ,
" Subset glyph-set option: " ,
" Subsetting glyph-set options " ,
this ) ;
GOptionEntry other_entries [ ] =
{ " name-IDs " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_nameids , " Subset specified nameids. Use --name-IDs-=... to subtract from the current set. " , " list of int numbers or * " } ,
{ " name-IDs- " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_nameids , " Subset specified nameids " , " list of int numbers or * " } ,
{ " name-IDs+ " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_nameids , " Subset specified nameids " , " list of int numbers or * " } ,
{ " name-languages " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_name_languages , " Subset nameRecords with specified language IDs. Use --name-languages-=... to subtract from the current set. " , " list of int numbers or * " } ,
{ " name-languages- " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_name_languages , " Subset nameRecords with specified language IDs " , " list of int numbers or * " } ,
{ " name-languages+ " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_name_languages , " Subset nameRecords with specified language IDs " , " list of int numbers or * " } ,
{ " layout-features " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_layout_features , " Specify set of layout feature tags that will be preserved. Use --layout-features-=... to subtract from the current set. " , " list of string table tags or * " } ,
{ " layout-features+ " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_layout_features , " Specify set of layout feature tags that will be preserved " , " list of string tags or * " } ,
{ " layout-features- " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_layout_features , " Specify set of layout feature tags that will be preserved " , " list of string tags or * " } ,
{ " layout-scripts " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_layout_scripts , " Specify set of layout script tags that will be preserved. Use --layout-scripts-=... to subtract from the current set. " , " list of string table tags or * " } ,
{ " layout-scripts+ " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_layout_scripts , " Specify set of layout script tags that will be preserved " , " list of string tags or * " } ,
{ " layout-scripts- " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_layout_scripts , " Specify set of layout script tags that will be preserved " , " list of string tags or * " } ,
{ " drop-tables " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_drop_tables , " Drop the specified tables. Use --drop-tables-=... to subtract from the current set. " , " list of string table tags or * " } ,
{ " drop-tables+ " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_drop_tables , " Drop the specified tables. " , " list of string table tags or * " } ,
{ " drop-tables- " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_drop_tables , " Drop the specified tables. " , " list of string table tags or * " } ,
# ifndef HB_NO_VAR
{ " instance " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & parse_instance ,
" (Partially|Fully) Instantiate a variable font. A location consists of the tag of a variation axis, followed by '=', followed by a \n "
" number or the literal string 'drop' \n "
" "
" For example: --instance= \" wdth=100 wght=200 \" or --instance= \" wdth=drop \" \n "
" Note: currently only fully instancing to the default location is supported \n " ,
" list of comma separated axis-locations " } ,
# endif
{ nullptr }
} ;
add_group ( other_entries ,
" subset-other " ,
" Subset other option: " ,
" Subsetting other options " ,
this ) ;
GOptionEntry flag_entries [ ] =
{ " keep-everything " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & _keep_everything ,
" Keep everything by default. Options after this can override the operation. " , nullptr } ,
{ " no-hinting " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & set_flag < HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NO_HINTING > , " Whether to drop hints " , nullptr } ,
{ " retain-gids " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & set_flag < HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_RETAIN_GIDS > , " If set don't renumber glyph ids in the subset. " , nullptr } ,
{ " desubroutinize " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & set_flag < HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_DESUBROUTINIZE > , " Remove CFF/CFF2 use of subroutines " , nullptr } ,
{ " name-legacy " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & set_flag < HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NAME_LEGACY > , " Keep legacy (non-Unicode) 'name' table entries " , nullptr } ,
{ " set-overlaps-flag " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & set_flag < HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_SET_OVERLAPS_FLAG > , " Set the overlaps flag on each glyph. " , nullptr } ,
{ " notdef-outline " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & set_flag < HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NOTDEF_OUTLINE > , " Keep the outline of \' .notdef \' glyph " , nullptr } ,
{ " no-prune-unicode-ranges " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & set_flag < HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NO_PRUNE_UNICODE_RANGES > , " Don't change the 'OS/2 ulUnicodeRange*' bits. " , nullptr } ,
{ " glyph-names " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & set_flag < HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_GLYPH_NAMES > , " Keep PS glyph names in TT-flavored fonts. " , nullptr } ,
{ " passthrough-tables " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG , G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & set_flag < HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_PASSTHROUGH_UNRECOGNIZED > , " Do not drop tables that the tool does not know how to subset. " , nullptr } ,
{ " preprocess-face " , 0 , G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN , G_OPTION_ARG_NONE , & this - > preprocess ,
" Alternative name for --preprocess. " , nullptr } ,
{ " preprocess " , 0 , 0 , G_OPTION_ARG_NONE , & this - > preprocess ,
" If set preprocesses the face with the add accelerator option before actually subsetting. " , nullptr } ,
{ nullptr }
} ;
add_group ( flag_entries ,
" subset-flags " ,
" Subset boolean option: " ,
" Subsetting boolean options " ,
this ) ;
GOptionEntry app_entries [ ] =
{ " num-iterations " , ' n ' , G_OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAIN , G_OPTION_ARG_INT ,
& this - > num_iterations ,
" Run subsetter N times (default: 1) " , " N " } ,
{ nullptr }
} ;
add_group ( app_entries ,
" subset-app " ,
" Subset app option: " ,
" Subsetting application options " ,
this ) ;
output_options_t : : add_options ( this ) ;
GOptionEntry entries [ ] =
G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK , ( gpointer ) & collect_rest , nullptr , " [FONT-FILE] [TEXT] " } ,
{ nullptr }
} ;
add_main_group ( entries , this ) ;
option_parser_t : : add_options ( ) ;
main ( int argc , char * * argv )
return batch_main < subset_main_t , true > ( argc , argv ) ;