The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
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// Copyright 2017 gRPC authors. |
// |
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
// You may obtain a copy of the License at |
// |
// |
// |
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
// limitations under the License. |
// |
#include <iostream> |
#include <memory> |
#include <string> |
#include <string_view> |
#include <type_traits> |
#include <gmock/gmock.h> |
#include <gtest/gtest.h> |
#include "absl/cleanup/cleanup.h" |
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h" |
#include "absl/strings/strip.h" |
#include <grpcpp/create_channel.h> |
#include <grpcpp/security/credentials.h> |
#include <grpcpp/support/status.h> |
#include "src/core/client_channel/backup_poller.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/config/config_vars.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/env.h" |
#include "src/cpp/client/secure_credentials.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.grpc.pb.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/echo_messages.pb.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/cluster.grpc.pb.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/endpoint.grpc.pb.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/http_connection_manager.grpc.pb.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/listener.grpc.pb.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/route.grpc.pb.h" |
#include "test/core/test_util/resolve_localhost_ip46.h" |
#include "test/core/test_util/scoped_env_var.h" |
#include "test/core/test_util/test_config.h" |
#include "test/cpp/end2end/xds/xds_end2end_test_lib.h" |
#include "test/cpp/end2end/xds/xds_utils.h" |
namespace grpc { |
namespace testing { |
namespace { |
constexpr char const* kErrorMessage = "test forced ADS stream failure"; |
class XdsFallbackTest : public XdsEnd2endTest { |
public: |
XdsFallbackTest() |
: fallback_balancer_(CreateAndStartBalancer("Fallback Balancer")) {} |
void SetUp() override { |
// Overrides SetUp from a base class so we can call InitClient per-test case |
} |
void TearDown() override { |
fallback_balancer_->Shutdown(); |
XdsEnd2endTest::TearDown(); |
} |
void SetXdsResourcesForServer(BalancerServerThread* balancer, size_t backend, |
absl::string_view server_name = "", |
absl::string_view authority = "") { |
Listener listener = default_listener_; |
RouteConfiguration route_config = default_route_config_; |
Cluster cluster = default_cluster_; |
// Default server uses default resources when no authority, to enable using |
// more test framework functions. |
if (!server_name.empty() || !authority.empty()) { |
auto get_resource_name = [&](absl::string_view resource_type) { |
absl::string_view stripped_resource_type = |
absl::StripPrefix(resource_type, ""); |
if (authority.empty()) { |
if (resource_type == kLdsTypeUrl) return std::string(server_name); |
return absl::StrFormat("%s_%s", stripped_resource_type, server_name); |
} |
return absl::StrFormat("xdstp://%s/%s/%s", authority, |
stripped_resource_type, server_name); |
}; |
listener.set_name(get_resource_name(kLdsTypeUrl)); |
cluster.set_name(get_resource_name(kCdsTypeUrl)); |
cluster.mutable_eds_cluster_config()->set_service_name( |
get_resource_name(kEdsTypeUrl)); |
route_config.set_name(get_resource_name(kRdsTypeUrl)); |
route_config.mutable_virtual_hosts(0) |
->mutable_routes(0) |
->mutable_route() |
->set_cluster(; |
} |
SetListenerAndRouteConfiguration(balancer, listener, route_config); |
balancer->ads_service()->SetCdsResource(cluster); |
balancer->ads_service()->SetEdsResource(BuildEdsResource( |
EdsResourceArgs( |
{{"locality0", CreateEndpointsForBackends(backend, backend + 1)}}), |
cluster.eds_cluster_config().service_name())); |
} |
void ExpectBackendCall(EchoTestService::Stub* stub, int backend, |
grpc_core::DebugLocation location) { |
ClientContext context; |
EchoRequest request; |
EchoResponse response; |
RpcOptions().SetupRpc(&context, &request); |
Status status = stub->Echo(&context, request, &response); |
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << "code=" << status.error_code() |
<< " message=" << status.error_message() << "\n" |
<< location.file() << ':' << location.line(); |
EXPECT_EQ(1U, backends_[backend]->backend_service()->request_count()) |
<< "\n" |
<< location.file() << ':' << location.line(); |
} |
protected: |
std::unique_ptr<BalancerServerThread> fallback_balancer_; |
}; |
TEST_P(XdsFallbackTest, FallbackAndRecover) { |
grpc_core::testing::ScopedEnvVar fallback_enabled( |
auto broken_balancer = CreateAndStartBalancer("Broken balancer"); |
broken_balancer->ads_service()->ForceADSFailure( |
Status(StatusCode::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, kErrorMessage)); |
InitClient(XdsBootstrapBuilder().SetServers({ |
balancer_->target(), |
broken_balancer->target(), |
fallback_balancer_->target(), |
})); |
// Primary xDS server has backends_[0] configured and fallback server has |
// backends_[1] |
CreateAndStartBackends(2); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(balancer_.get(), 0); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(fallback_balancer_.get(), 1); |
balancer_->ads_service()->ForceADSFailure( |
Status(StatusCode::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, kErrorMessage)); |
// Primary server down, fallback server data is used (backends_[1]) |
EXPECT_EQ(backends_[0]->backend_service()->request_count(), 0); |
EXPECT_EQ(backends_[1]->backend_service()->request_count(), 1); |
// Primary server is back. backends_[0] will be used when the data makes it |
// all way to the client |
balancer_->ads_service()->ClearADSFailure(); |
WaitForBackend(DEBUG_LOCATION, 0); |
broken_balancer->Shutdown(); |
} |
TEST_P(XdsFallbackTest, EnvVarNotSet) { |
InitClient(XdsBootstrapBuilder().SetServers({ |
balancer_->target(), |
fallback_balancer_->target(), |
})); |
// Primary xDS server has backends_[0] configured and fallback server has |
// backends_[1] |
CreateAndStartBackends(2); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(balancer_.get(), 0); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(fallback_balancer_.get(), 1); |
balancer_->ads_service()->ForceADSFailure( |
Status(StatusCode::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, kErrorMessage)); |
// Primary server down, failure should be reported |
CheckRpcSendFailure( |
absl::StrFormat(" UNAVAILABLE: xDS channel for server " |
"localhost:%d: xDS call failed with no responses " |
"received; status: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: test forced ADS " |
"stream failure \\(node ID:xds_end2end_test\\)", |
balancer_->port())); |
} |
TEST_P(XdsFallbackTest, PrimarySecondaryNotAvailable) { |
grpc_core::testing::ScopedEnvVar fallback_enabled( |
InitClient(XdsBootstrapBuilder().SetServers( |
{balancer_->target(), fallback_balancer_->target()})); |
balancer_->ads_service()->ForceADSFailure( |
Status(StatusCode::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, kErrorMessage)); |
fallback_balancer_->ads_service()->ForceADSFailure( |
Status(StatusCode::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, kErrorMessage)); |
CheckRpcSendFailure( |
absl::StrFormat( |
" UNAVAILABLE: xDS channel for server " |
"localhost:%d: xDS call failed with no responses received; " |
"status: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: test forced ADS stream failure \\(node " |
"ID:xds_end2end_test\\)", |
fallback_balancer_->port())); |
} |
TEST_P(XdsFallbackTest, UsesCachedResourcesAfterFailure) { |
constexpr absl::string_view kServerName2 = ""; |
grpc_core::testing::ScopedEnvVar fallback_enabled( |
InitClient(XdsBootstrapBuilder().SetServers( |
{balancer_->target(), fallback_balancer_->target()})); |
// 4 backends - cross product of two data plane targets and two balancers |
CreateAndStartBackends(4); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(balancer_.get(), 0); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(fallback_balancer_.get(), 1); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(balancer_.get(), 2, kServerName2); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(fallback_balancer_.get(), 3, kServerName2); |
EXPECT_EQ(backends_[0]->backend_service()->request_count(), 1); |
balancer_->ads_service()->ForceADSFailure( |
Status(StatusCode::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, kErrorMessage)); |
auto channel = CreateChannel(0, std::string(kServerName2).c_str()); |
auto stub = grpc::testing::EchoTestService::NewStub(channel); |
// is configured from the fallback server |
ExpectBackendCall(stub.get(), 3, DEBUG_LOCATION); |
// Calling still uses cached value |
EXPECT_EQ(backends_[0]->backend_service()->request_count(), 2); |
EXPECT_EQ(backends_[1]->backend_service()->request_count(), 0); |
} |
TEST_P(XdsFallbackTest, PerAuthorityFallback) { |
auto fallback_balancer2 = CreateAndStartBalancer("Fallback for Authority2"); |
// Use cleanup in case test assertion fails |
auto balancer2_cleanup = |
absl::MakeCleanup([&]() { fallback_balancer2->Shutdown(); }); |
grpc_core::testing::ScopedEnvVar fallback_enabled( |
grpc_core::testing::ScopedExperimentalEnvVar env_var( |
const char* kAuthority1 = ""; |
const char* kAuthority2 = ""; |
constexpr absl::string_view kServer1Name = ""; |
constexpr absl::string_view kServer2Name = ""; |
// Authority1 uses balancer_ and fallback_balancer_ |
// Authority2 uses balancer_ and fallback_balancer2 |
XdsBootstrapBuilder builder; |
builder.SetServers({balancer_->target()}); |
builder.AddAuthority(kAuthority1, |
{balancer_->target(), fallback_balancer_->target()}); |
builder.AddAuthority(kAuthority2, |
{balancer_->target(), fallback_balancer2->target()}); |
InitClient(builder); |
CreateAndStartBackends(4); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(fallback_balancer_.get(), 0, kServer1Name, |
kAuthority1); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(fallback_balancer2.get(), 1, kServer2Name, |
kAuthority2); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(balancer_.get(), 2, kServer1Name, kAuthority1); |
SetXdsResourcesForServer(balancer_.get(), 3, kServer2Name, kAuthority2); |
// Primary balancer is down, using the fallback servers |
balancer_->ads_service()->ForceADSFailure( |
Status(StatusCode::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, kErrorMessage)); |
// Create second channel to new target URI and send 1 RPC. |
auto authority1_stub = grpc::testing::EchoTestService::NewStub(CreateChannel( |
/*failover_timeout_ms=*/0, std::string(kServer1Name).c_str(), |
kAuthority1)); |
auto authority2_stub = grpc::testing::EchoTestService::NewStub(CreateChannel( |
/*failover_timeout_ms=*/0, std::string(kServer2Name).c_str(), |
kAuthority2)); |
ExpectBackendCall(authority1_stub.get(), 0, DEBUG_LOCATION); |
ExpectBackendCall(authority2_stub.get(), 1, DEBUG_LOCATION); |
// Primary balancer is up, its data will be used now. |
balancer_->ads_service()->ClearADSFailure(); |
auto deadline = |
absl::Now() + (absl::Seconds(5) * grpc_test_slowdown_factor()); |
while (absl::Now() < deadline && |
(backends_[2]->backend_service()->request_count() == 0 || |
backends_[3]->backend_service()->request_count() == 0)) { |
ClientContext context; |
EchoRequest request; |
EchoResponse response; |
RpcOptions().SetupRpc(&context, &request); |
Status status = authority1_stub->Echo(&context, request, &response); |
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.error_message(); |
ClientContext context2; |
EchoRequest request2; |
EchoResponse response2; |
RpcOptions().SetupRpc(&context2, &request2); |
status = authority2_stub->Echo(&context2, request2, &response2); |
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.error_message(); |
} |
ASSERT_LE(1U, backends_[2]->backend_service()->request_count()); |
ASSERT_LE(1U, backends_[3]->backend_service()->request_count()); |
} |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(XdsTest, XdsFallbackTest, |
::testing::Values(XdsTestType().set_bootstrap_source( |
XdsTestType::kBootstrapFromEnvVar)), |
&XdsTestType::Name); |
} // namespace |
} // namespace testing |
} // namespace grpc |
int main(int argc, char** argv) { |
grpc::testing::TestEnvironment env(&argc, argv); |
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); |
// Make the backup poller poll very frequently in order to pick up |
// updates from all the subchannels's FDs. |
grpc_core::ConfigVars::Overrides overrides; |
overrides.client_channel_backup_poll_interval_ms = 1; |
grpc_core::ConfigVars::SetOverrides(overrides); |
// Workaround Apple CFStream bug |
grpc_core::SetEnv("grpc_cfstream", "0"); |
#endif |
grpc_init(); |
const auto result = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); |
grpc_shutdown(); |
return result; |