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// <auto-generated>
// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: grpc/health/v1/health.proto
// </auto-generated>
// Original file comments:
// Copyright 2015 The gRPC Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// The canonical version of this proto can be found at
#pragma warning disable 0414, 1591
#region Designer generated code
using grpc = global::Grpc.Core;
namespace Grpc.Health.V1 {
public static partial class Health
static readonly string __ServiceName = "";
static readonly grpc::Marshaller<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest> __Marshaller_grpc_health_v1_HealthCheckRequest = grpc::Marshallers.Create((arg) => global::Google.Protobuf.MessageExtensions.ToByteArray(arg), global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest.Parser.ParseFrom);
static readonly grpc::Marshaller<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse> __Marshaller_grpc_health_v1_HealthCheckResponse = grpc::Marshallers.Create((arg) => global::Google.Protobuf.MessageExtensions.ToByteArray(arg), global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse.Parser.ParseFrom);
static readonly grpc::Method<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest, global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse> __Method_Check = new grpc::Method<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest, global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse>(
static readonly grpc::Method<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest, global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse> __Method_Watch = new grpc::Method<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest, global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse>(
/// <summary>Service descriptor</summary>
public static global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceDescriptor Descriptor
get { return global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthReflection.Descriptor.Services[0]; }
/// <summary>Base class for server-side implementations of Health</summary>
[grpc::BindServiceMethod(typeof(Health), "BindService")]
public abstract partial class HealthBase
/// <summary>
/// If the requested service is unknown, the call will fail with status
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">The request received from the client.</param>
/// <param name="context">The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.</param>
/// <returns>The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).</returns>
public virtual global::System.Threading.Tasks.Task<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse> Check(global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest request, grpc::ServerCallContext context)
throw new grpc::RpcException(new grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode.Unimplemented, ""));
/// <summary>
/// Performs a watch for the serving status of the requested service.
/// The server will immediately send back a message indicating the current
/// serving status. It will then subsequently send a new message whenever
/// the service's serving status changes.
/// If the requested service is unknown when the call is received, the
/// server will send a message setting the serving status to
/// SERVICE_UNKNOWN but will *not* terminate the call. If at some
/// future point, the serving status of the service becomes known, the
/// server will send a new message with the service's serving status.
/// If the call terminates with status UNIMPLEMENTED, then clients
/// should assume this method is not supported and should not retry the
/// call. If the call terminates with any other status (including OK),
/// clients should retry the call with appropriate exponential backoff.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">The request received from the client.</param>
/// <param name="responseStream">Used for sending responses back to the client.</param>
/// <param name="context">The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.</param>
/// <returns>A task indicating completion of the handler.</returns>
public virtual global::System.Threading.Tasks.Task Watch(global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest request, grpc::IServerStreamWriter<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse> responseStream, grpc::ServerCallContext context)
throw new grpc::RpcException(new grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode.Unimplemented, ""));
/// <summary>Client for Health</summary>
public partial class HealthClient : grpc::ClientBase<HealthClient>
/// <summary>Creates a new client for Health</summary>
/// <param name="channel">The channel to use to make remote calls.</param>
public HealthClient(grpc::Channel channel) : base(channel)
/// <summary>Creates a new client for Health that uses a custom <c>CallInvoker</c>.</summary>
/// <param name="callInvoker">The callInvoker to use to make remote calls.</param>
public HealthClient(grpc::CallInvoker callInvoker) : base(callInvoker)
/// <summary>Protected parameterless constructor to allow creation of test doubles.</summary>
protected HealthClient() : base()
/// <summary>Protected constructor to allow creation of configured clients.</summary>
/// <param name="configuration">The client configuration.</param>
protected HealthClient(ClientBaseConfiguration configuration) : base(configuration)
/// <summary>
/// If the requested service is unknown, the call will fail with status
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
/// <param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
/// <param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
/// <returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
public virtual global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse Check(global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest request, grpc::Metadata headers = null, global::System.DateTime? deadline = null, global::System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
return Check(request, new grpc::CallOptions(headers, deadline, cancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// If the requested service is unknown, the call will fail with status
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
/// <param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
/// <returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
public virtual global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse Check(global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest request, grpc::CallOptions options)
return CallInvoker.BlockingUnaryCall(__Method_Check, null, options, request);
/// <summary>
/// If the requested service is unknown, the call will fail with status
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
/// <param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
/// <param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
/// <returns>The call object.</returns>
public virtual grpc::AsyncUnaryCall<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse> CheckAsync(global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest request, grpc::Metadata headers = null, global::System.DateTime? deadline = null, global::System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
return CheckAsync(request, new grpc::CallOptions(headers, deadline, cancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// If the requested service is unknown, the call will fail with status
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
/// <param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
/// <returns>The call object.</returns>
public virtual grpc::AsyncUnaryCall<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse> CheckAsync(global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest request, grpc::CallOptions options)
return CallInvoker.AsyncUnaryCall(__Method_Check, null, options, request);
/// <summary>
/// Performs a watch for the serving status of the requested service.
/// The server will immediately send back a message indicating the current
/// serving status. It will then subsequently send a new message whenever
/// the service's serving status changes.
/// If the requested service is unknown when the call is received, the
/// server will send a message setting the serving status to
/// SERVICE_UNKNOWN but will *not* terminate the call. If at some
/// future point, the serving status of the service becomes known, the
/// server will send a new message with the service's serving status.
/// If the call terminates with status UNIMPLEMENTED, then clients
/// should assume this method is not supported and should not retry the
/// call. If the call terminates with any other status (including OK),
/// clients should retry the call with appropriate exponential backoff.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
/// <param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
/// <param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
/// <returns>The call object.</returns>
public virtual grpc::AsyncServerStreamingCall<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse> Watch(global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest request, grpc::Metadata headers = null, global::System.DateTime? deadline = null, global::System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
return Watch(request, new grpc::CallOptions(headers, deadline, cancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Performs a watch for the serving status of the requested service.
/// The server will immediately send back a message indicating the current
/// serving status. It will then subsequently send a new message whenever
/// the service's serving status changes.
/// If the requested service is unknown when the call is received, the
/// server will send a message setting the serving status to
/// SERVICE_UNKNOWN but will *not* terminate the call. If at some
/// future point, the serving status of the service becomes known, the
/// server will send a new message with the service's serving status.
/// If the call terminates with status UNIMPLEMENTED, then clients
/// should assume this method is not supported and should not retry the
/// call. If the call terminates with any other status (including OK),
/// clients should retry the call with appropriate exponential backoff.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
/// <param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
/// <returns>The call object.</returns>
public virtual grpc::AsyncServerStreamingCall<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse> Watch(global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest request, grpc::CallOptions options)
return CallInvoker.AsyncServerStreamingCall(__Method_Watch, null, options, request);
/// <summary>Creates a new instance of client from given <c>ClientBaseConfiguration</c>.</summary>
protected override HealthClient NewInstance(ClientBaseConfiguration configuration)
return new HealthClient(configuration);
/// <summary>Creates service definition that can be registered with a server</summary>
/// <param name="serviceImpl">An object implementing the server-side handling logic.</param>
public static grpc::ServerServiceDefinition BindService(HealthBase serviceImpl)
return grpc::ServerServiceDefinition.CreateBuilder()
.AddMethod(__Method_Check, serviceImpl.Check)
.AddMethod(__Method_Watch, serviceImpl.Watch).Build();
/// <summary>Register service method with a service binder with or without implementation. Useful when customizing the service binding logic.
/// Note: this method is part of an experimental API that can change or be removed without any prior notice.</summary>
/// <param name="serviceBinder">Service methods will be bound by calling <c>AddMethod</c> on this object.</param>
/// <param name="serviceImpl">An object implementing the server-side handling logic.</param>
public static void BindService(grpc::ServiceBinderBase serviceBinder, HealthBase serviceImpl)
serviceBinder.AddMethod(__Method_Check, serviceImpl == null ? null : new grpc::UnaryServerMethod<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest, global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse>(serviceImpl.Check));
serviceBinder.AddMethod(__Method_Watch, serviceImpl == null ? null : new grpc::ServerStreamingServerMethod<global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckRequest, global::Grpc.Health.V1.HealthCheckResponse>(serviceImpl.Watch));