The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2022 The gRPC Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
set -ex
# avoid slow finalization after the script has exited.
source $(dirname $0)/../../../tools/internal_ci/helper_scripts/move_src_tree_and_respawn_itself_rc
# change to grpc repo root
cd $(dirname $0)/../../..
source tools/internal_ci/helper_scripts/prepare_build_macos_rc
# Make sure actions run by bazel can find python3.
# Without this the build will fail with "env: python3: No such file or directory".
# When on kokoro MacOS Mojave image.
sudo ln -s $(which python3) /usr/bin/python3 || true
# make sure bazel is available
tools/bazel version
# for kokoro mac workers, exact image version is store in a well-known location on disk
# Enable uploading to remote cache. Requires the "roles/remotebuildexecution.actionCacheWriter" permission.
# allow invalidating the old cache by setting to a new random key
# make sure we only get cache hits from binaries built on exact same macos image
# TODO(jtattermusch): ideally we'd say "//src/objective-c/examples/..." but not all the targets currently build
# TODO(jtattermusch): ideally we'd say "//src/objective-c/tests/..." but not all the targets currently build
# TODO: Enable this again once @CronetFramework is working
# codegen plugin tests
# === BEGIN SECTION: run interop_server on the background ====
# Before testing objC at all, build the interop server since many of the ObjC test rely on it.
# Use remote cache to build the interop_server binary as quickly as possible (interop_server
# is not what we want to test actually, we just use it as a backend for ObjC test).
# TODO(jtattermusch): can we make ObjC test not depend on running a local interop_server?
python3 tools/run_tests/python_utils/ --report_path build_interop_server
build_interop_server/bazel_wrapper \
--bazelrc=tools/remote_build/mac.bazelrc \
build \
--google_credentials="${KOKORO_GFILE_DIR}/GrpcTesting-d0eeee2db331.json" \
-- \
# Start port server and allocate ports to run interop_server
python3 tools/run_tests/
PLAIN_PORT=$(curl localhost:32766/get)
TLS_PORT=$(curl localhost:32766/get)
# run the interop server on the background. The port numbers must match TestConfigs in BUILD.
# TODO(jtattermusch): can we make the ports configurable (but avoid breaking bazel build cache at the same time?)
"${INTEROP_SERVER_BINARY}" --port=$PLAIN_PORT --max_send_message_size=8388608 &
"${INTEROP_SERVER_BINARY}" --port=$TLS_PORT --max_send_message_size=8388608 --use_tls &
# make sure the interop_server processes we started on the background are killed upon exit.
trap 'echo "KILLING interop_server binaries running on the background"; kill -9 $(jobs -p)' EXIT
# === END SECTION: run interop_server on the background ====
# Environment variables that will be visible to objc tests.
python3 tools/run_tests/python_utils/ --report_path objc_bazel_tests
# NOTE: When using bazel to run the tests, test env variables like GRPC_VERBOSITY or GRPC_TRACE
# seem to be correctly applied to the test environment even when running tests on a simulator.
# The below configuration runs all the tests with --test_env=GRPC_VERBOSITY=debug, which makes
# the test logs much more useful.
objc_bazel_tests/bazel_wrapper \
--bazelrc=tools/remote_build/include/test_locally_with_resultstore_results.bazelrc \
test \
--google_credentials="${KOKORO_GFILE_DIR}/GrpcTesting-d0eeee2db331.json" \
-- \
# Enable event engine and run tests again.
# codegen plugin tests
python3 tools/run_tests/python_utils/ --report_path objc_event_engine_bazel_tests
objc_event_engine_bazel_tests/bazel_wrapper \
--bazelrc=tools/remote_build/include/test_locally_with_resultstore_results.bazelrc \
test \
--google_credentials="${KOKORO_GFILE_DIR}/GrpcTesting-d0eeee2db331.json" \
--test_env=GRPC_EXPERIMENTS=event_engine_client \
--test_env=GRPC_VERBOSITY=debug --test_env=GRPC_TRACE=event_engine,api \
-- \