The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// 语法版本声明,必须放在非注释的第一行
// Syntax version declaration, Must be placed on the first line of non-commentary
syntax = "proto3";
// 包名定义, Python中使用时可以省略不写(PS:我还要再Go中使用,所以留在这里了)
// Package name definition, which can be omitted in Python (PS: I'll use it again in Go, so stay here)
package demo;
`message`是用来定义传输的数据的格式的, 等号后面的是字段编号
`message` is used to define the structure of the data to be transmitted, After the equal sign is the field number.
Each field in the message definition has a unique number.
The overall format is similar to defining a class in Python or a structure in Golang.
message Request {
int64 Cid = 1;
string ReqMsg = 2;
message Response {
int64 Sid = 1;
string RespMsg = 2;
// service是用来给GRPC服务定义方法的, 格式固定, 类似于Golang中定义一个接口
// `service` is used to define methods for GRPC services in a fixed format, similar to defining an interface in Golang
service GRPCDemo {
// 简单模式
// Unary
rpc SimpleMethod (Request) returns (Response);
// 客户端流模式(在一次调用中, 客户端可以多次向服务器传输数据, 但是服务器只能返回一次响应)
// Client Streaming (In a single call, the client can transfer data to the server several times,
// but the server can only return a response once.)
rpc CStreamMethod (stream Request) returns (Response);
// 服务端流模式(在一次调用中, 客户端只能一次向服务器传输数据, 但是服务器可以多次返回响应)
// Server Streaming (In a single call, the client can only transmit data to the server at one time,
// but the server can return the response many times.)
rpc SStreamMethod (Request) returns (stream Response);
// 双向流模式 (在一次调用中, 客户端和服务器都可以向对方多次收发数据)
// Bidirectional Streaming (In a single call, both client and server can send and receive data
// to each other multiple times.)
rpc TWFMethod (stream Request) returns (stream Response);