The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)

102 lines
3.4 KiB

@import @"";
configurations {
#define {
package-id = "grpc.dependencies.zlib";
nuget {
// the nuspec file metadata. Gets created/updated on build
nuspec {
id = ${package-id};
version : ${package-version};
title: gRPC Native Dependency: ZLib compression library;
authors: {Jean-loup Gailly, Mark Adler, Garrett Serack, Tim Rogers};
owners: {Jan Tattermusch};
licenseUrl: "";
projectUrl: "";
iconUrl: "";
summary:A zlib library;
description: @"A native zlib library.
zlib homepage:";
releaseNotes: "Release of zlib 1.2.8 libraries.";
copyright: Copyright 2013;
tags: { zlib, native, CoApp };
// the files that go into the content folders
// (inserted into the nuspec file)
files {
// .targets file that are applied when redist package is installed from a managed project.
managed_build: {
#output {
package = redist;
#destination = "\build\portable-net45";
include: { ..\..\..\third_party\zlib\zlib.h, ..\..\..\third_party\zlib\zconf.h };
docs: { ..\..\..\third_party\zlib\doc\**\* };
source += {
("v100,v120", "Win32,x64", "Release,Debug", "Dynamic", "cdecl,stdcall", "MultiByte") => {
[${0},${1},${2},${3},${4}] {
lib: { .\output\${0}\${1}\${2}\${3}\${4}\${5}\*.lib };
bin: { .\output\${0}\${1}\${2}\${3}\${4}\${5}\*.dll };
symbols: { .\output\${0}\${1}\${2}\${3}\${4}\${5}\*.pdb };
("v100,v120", "Win32,x64", "Release,Debug", "Static,ltcg", "cdecl,stdcall", "MultiByte") => {
[${0},${1},${2},${3},${4}] {
lib: { .\output\${0}\${1}\${2}\${3}\${4}\${5}\*.lib };
// the VC++ .targets file that gets generated and inserted into the ${d_content} folder
targets {
Defines += HAS_ZLIB;
Defines += ZLIB_DLL;
Defines += ZLIB_WINAPI;