mirror of https://github.com/grpc/grpc.git
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
247 lines
9.7 KiB
247 lines
9.7 KiB
# -*- ruby -*- |
require 'rake/extensiontask' |
require 'rspec/core/rake_task' |
require 'rubocop/rake_task' |
require 'bundler/gem_tasks' |
require 'fileutils' |
require 'tmpdir' |
require_relative 'build_config.rb' |
load 'tools/distrib/rake_compiler_docker_image.rb' |
# Add rubocop style checking tasks |
RuboCop::RakeTask.new(:rubocop) do |task| |
task.options = ['-c', 'src/ruby/.rubocop.yml'] |
# add end2end tests to formatter but don't add generated proto _pb.rb's |
task.patterns = ['src/ruby/{lib,spec}/**/*.rb', 'src/ruby/end2end/*.rb'] |
end |
spec = Gem::Specification.load('grpc.gemspec') |
Gem::PackageTask.new(spec) do |pkg| |
end |
# Add the extension compiler task |
Rake::ExtensionTask.new('grpc_c', spec) do |ext| |
ext.source_pattern = '**/*.{c,h}' |
ext.ext_dir = File.join('src', 'ruby', 'ext', 'grpc') |
ext.lib_dir = File.join('src', 'ruby', 'lib', 'grpc') |
ext.cross_compile = true |
ext.cross_platform = [ |
'x86-mingw32', 'x64-mingw32', 'x64-mingw-ucrt', |
'x86_64-linux', 'x86-linux', 'aarch64-linux', |
'x86_64-darwin', 'arm64-darwin', |
] |
ext.cross_compiling do |spec| |
spec.files = spec.files.select { |
|file| file.start_with?( |
"src/ruby/bin/", "src/ruby/ext/", "src/ruby/lib/", "src/ruby/pb/") |
} |
spec.files += %w( etc/roots.pem grpc_c.32-msvcrt.ruby grpc_c.64-msvcrt.ruby grpc_c.64-ucrt.ruby ) |
end |
end |
CLEAN.add "src/ruby/lib/grpc/[0-9].[0-9]", "src/ruby/lib/grpc/grpc_c.{bundle,so}" |
# Define the test suites |
{ id: :wrapper, title: 'wrapper layer', files: %w(src/ruby/spec/*.rb) }, |
{ id: :idiomatic, title: 'idiomatic layer', dir: %w(src/ruby/spec/generic), |
tags: ['~bidi', '~server'] }, |
{ id: :bidi, title: 'bidi tests', dir: %w(src/ruby/spec/generic), |
tag: 'bidi' }, |
{ id: :server, title: 'rpc server thread tests', dir: %w(src/ruby/spec/generic), |
tag: 'server' }, |
{ id: :pb, title: 'protobuf service tests', dir: %w(src/ruby/spec/pb) } |
] |
namespace :suite do |
SPEC_SUITES.each do |suite| |
desc "Run all specs in the #{suite[:title]} spec suite" |
RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(suite[:id]) do |t| |
ENV['COVERAGE_NAME'] = suite[:id].to_s |
spec_files = [] |
suite[:files].each { |f| spec_files += Dir[f] } if suite[:files] |
if suite[:dir] |
suite[:dir].each { |f| spec_files += Dir["#{f}/**/*_spec.rb"] } |
end |
helper = 'src/ruby/spec/spec_helper.rb' |
spec_files << helper unless spec_files.include?(helper) |
t.pattern = spec_files |
t.rspec_opts = "--tag #{suite[:tag]}" if suite[:tag] |
if suite[:tags] |
t.rspec_opts = suite[:tags].map { |x| "--tag #{x}" }.join(' ') |
end |
end |
end |
end |
desc 'Build the Windows gRPC DLLs for Ruby. The argument contains the list of platforms for which to build dll. Empty placeholder files will be created for platforms that were not selected.' |
task 'dlls', [:plat] do |t, args| |
grpc_config = ENV['GRPC_CONFIG'] || 'opt' |
verbose = ENV['V'] || '0' |
# use env variable to set artifact build paralellism |
nproc_override = ENV['GRPC_RUBY_BUILD_PROCS'] || `nproc`.strip |
plat_list = args[:plat] |
build_configs = [ |
{ cross: 'x86_64-w64-mingw32', out: 'grpc_c.64-ucrt.ruby', platform: 'x64-mingw-ucrt' }, |
{ cross: 'x86_64-w64-mingw32', out: 'grpc_c.64-msvcrt.ruby', platform: 'x64-mingw32' }, |
{ cross: 'i686-w64-mingw32', out: 'grpc_c.32-msvcrt.ruby', platform: 'x86-mingw32' } |
] |
selected_build_configs = [] |
build_configs.each do |config| |
if plat_list.include?(config[:platform]) |
# build the DLL (as grpc_c.*.ruby) |
selected_build_configs.append(config) |
else |
# create an empty grpc_c.*.ruby file as a placeholder |
FileUtils.touch config[:out] |
end |
end |
env = 'CPPFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x600 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06000000 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-result -DCARES_STATICLIB -Wno-error=conversion -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-parentheses -Wno-format -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" ' |
env += 'CFLAGS="-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types" ' |
env += 'CXXFLAGS="-std=c++14 -fno-exceptions" ' |
env += 'LDFLAGS=-static ' |
env += 'SYSTEM=MINGW32 ' |
env += 'EMBED_ZLIB=true ' |
env += 'EMBED_OPENSSL=true ' |
env += 'BUILDDIR=/tmp ' |
env += "V=#{verbose} " |
env += "GRPC_RUBY_BUILD_PROCS=#{nproc_override} " |
out = GrpcBuildConfig::CORE_WINDOWS_DLL |
# propagate env variables with ccache configuration to the rake-compiler-dock docker container |
# and setup ccache symlinks as needed. |
# TODO(jtattermusch): deduplicate creation of prepare_ccache_cmd |
prepare_ccache_cmd = "export GRPC_BUILD_ENABLE_CCACHE=\"#{ENV.fetch('GRPC_BUILD_ENABLE_CCACHE', '')}\" && " |
prepare_ccache_cmd += "export CCACHE_SECONDARY_STORAGE=\"#{ENV.fetch('CCACHE_SECONDARY_STORAGE', '')}\" && " |
prepare_ccache_cmd += "export PATH=\"$PATH:/usr/local/bin\" && " |
prepare_ccache_cmd += "source tools/internal_ci/helper_scripts/prepare_ccache_symlinks_rc " |
selected_build_configs.each do |opt| |
env_comp = "CC=#{opt[:cross]}-gcc " |
env_comp += "CXX=#{opt[:cross]}-g++ " |
env_comp += "LD=#{opt[:cross]}-gcc " |
env_comp += "LDXX=#{opt[:cross]}-g++ " |
run_rake_compiler(opt[:platform], <<~EOT) |
#{prepare_ccache_cmd} && \ |
gem update --system --no-document && \ |
#{env} #{env_comp} make -j#{nproc_override} #{out} && \ |
#{opt[:cross]}-strip -x -S #{out} && \ |
cp #{out} #{opt[:out]} |
end |
end |
desc 'Build the native gem file under rake_compiler_dock. Optionally one can pass argument to build only native gem for a chosen platform.' |
task 'gem:native', [:plat] do |t, args| |
verbose = ENV['V'] || '0' |
grpc_config = ENV['GRPC_CONFIG'] || 'opt' |
ruby_cc_versions = ['3.3.0', '3.2.0', '3.1.0', '3.0.0'].join(':') |
selected_plat = "#{args[:plat]}" |
# use env variable to set artifact build paralellism |
nproc_override = ENV['GRPC_RUBY_BUILD_PROCS'] || `nproc`.strip |
# propagate env variables with ccache configuration to the rake-compiler-dock docker container |
# and setup ccache symlinks as needed. |
prepare_ccache_cmd = "export GRPC_BUILD_ENABLE_CCACHE=\"#{ENV.fetch('GRPC_BUILD_ENABLE_CCACHE', '')}\" && " |
prepare_ccache_cmd += "export CCACHE_SECONDARY_STORAGE=\"#{ENV.fetch('CCACHE_SECONDARY_STORAGE', '')}\" && " |
prepare_ccache_cmd += "export PATH=\"$PATH:/usr/local/bin\" && " |
prepare_ccache_cmd += "source tools/internal_ci/helper_scripts/prepare_ccache_symlinks_rc " |
supported_windows_platforms = ['x86-mingw32', 'x64-mingw32', 'x64-mingw-ucrt'] |
supported_unix_platforms = ['x86_64-linux', 'x86-linux', 'aarch64-linux', 'x86_64-darwin', 'arm64-darwin'] |
supported_platforms = supported_windows_platforms + supported_unix_platforms |
if selected_plat.empty? |
# build everything |
windows_platforms = supported_windows_platforms |
unix_platforms = supported_unix_platforms |
else |
# build only selected platform |
if supported_windows_platforms.include?(selected_plat) |
windows_platforms = [selected_plat] |
unix_platforms = [] |
elsif supported_unix_platforms.include?(selected_plat) |
windows_platforms = [] |
unix_platforms = [selected_plat] |
else |
fail "Unsupported platform '#{selected_plat}' passed as an argument." |
end |
end |
# Create the windows dlls or create the empty placeholders |
Rake::Task['dlls'].execute(plat: windows_platforms) |
windows_platforms.each do |plat| |
run_rake_compiler(plat, <<~EOT) |
#{prepare_ccache_cmd} && \ |
gem update --system --no-document && \ |
bundle && \ |
bundle exec rake clean && \ |
bundle exec rake native:#{plat} pkg/#{spec.full_name}-#{plat}.gem pkg/#{spec.full_name}.gem \ |
RUBY_CC_VERSION=#{ruby_cc_versions} \ |
V=#{verbose} \ |
GRPC_CONFIG=#{grpc_config} \ |
GRPC_RUBY_BUILD_PROCS=#{nproc_override} |
end |
# Truncate grpc_c.*.ruby files because they're for Windows only and we don't want |
# them to take up space in the gems that don't target windows. |
File.truncate('grpc_c.32-msvcrt.ruby', 0) |
File.truncate('grpc_c.64-msvcrt.ruby', 0) |
File.truncate('grpc_c.64-ucrt.ruby', 0) |
`mkdir -p src/ruby/nativedebug/symbols` |
# TODO(apolcyn): make debug symbols work on apple platforms. |
# Currently we hit "objcopy: grpc_c.bundle: file format not recognized" |
# TODO(apolcyn): make debug symbols work on aarch64 linux. |
# Currently we hit "objcopy: Unable to recognise the format of the input file `grpc_c.so'" |
unix_platforms_without_debug_symbols = ['x86_64-darwin', 'arm64-darwin', 'aarch64-linux'] |
unix_platforms.each do |plat| |
if unix_platforms_without_debug_symbols.include?(plat) |
debug_symbols_dir = '' |
else |
debug_symbols_dir = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'src/ruby/nativedebug/symbols') |
end |
run_rake_compiler(plat, <<~EOT) |
#{prepare_ccache_cmd} && \ |
gem update --system --no-document && \ |
bundle && \ |
bundle exec rake clean && \ |
export GRPC_RUBY_DEBUG_SYMBOLS_OUTPUT_DIR=#{debug_symbols_dir} && \ |
bundle exec rake native:#{plat} pkg/#{spec.full_name}-#{plat}.gem pkg/#{spec.full_name}.gem \ |
RUBY_CC_VERSION=#{ruby_cc_versions} \ |
V=#{verbose} \ |
GRPC_CONFIG=#{grpc_config} \ |
GRPC_RUBY_BUILD_PROCS=#{nproc_override} |
end |
# Generate debug symbol packages to complement the native libraries we just built |
unix_platforms.each do |plat| |
unless unix_platforms_without_debug_symbols.include?(plat) |
`bash src/ruby/nativedebug/build_package.sh #{plat}` |
`cp src/ruby/nativedebug/pkg/*.gem pkg/` |
end |
end |
end |
# Define dependencies between the suites. |
task 'suite:wrapper' => [:compile, :rubocop] |
task 'suite:idiomatic' => 'suite:wrapper' |
task 'suite:bidi' => 'suite:wrapper' |
task 'suite:server' => 'suite:wrapper' |
task 'suite:pb' => 'suite:server' |
desc 'Compiles the gRPC extension then runs all the tests' |
task all: ['suite:idiomatic', 'suite:bidi', 'suite:pb', 'suite:server'] |
task default: :all