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The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
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411 lines
8.9 KiB
411 lines
8.9 KiB
# GRPC global makefile |
# This currently builds C and C++ code. |
<%! |
from copy import deepcopy |
import re |
def excluded(filename, exclude_res): |
for r in exclude_res: |
if r.match(filename): |
return True |
return False |
%> |
<% |
altlibs = [] |
for lib in libs: |
for alt in lib.get('alternates', []): |
new = deepcopy(lib) |
new.name = alt.name |
new.alternates = [] |
exclude_res = [re.compile(str) for str in alt.get('exclude_res', [])] |
src = [file for file in new.get('src', []) if not excluded(file, exclude_res)] |
src.extend(alt.get('include_src', [])) |
new.src = src |
headers = [file for file in new.get('headers', []) if not excluded(file, exclude_res)] |
headers.extend(alt.get('include_headers', [])) |
new.headers = headers |
public_headers = [file for file in new.get('public_headers', []) if not excluded(file, exclude_res)] |
public_headers.extend(alt.get('include_public_headers', [])) |
new.public_headers = public_headers |
for prop in alt.properties: |
new[prop.name] = prop.value |
altlibs.append(new) |
libs.extend(altlibs) |
protos_dict = {} |
proto_re = re.compile('\.proto$') |
for lib in libs: |
for src in lib.src: |
if proto_re.match(src): |
protos_dict[src] = True |
for tgt in targets: |
for src in tgt.src: |
if proto_re.match(src): |
protos_dict[src] = True |
protos = [] |
for k, v in protos_dict: |
protos.append(k) |
%> |
# General settings. |
# You may want to change these depending on your system. |
prefix ?= /usr/local |
PROTOC = protoc |
CC = gcc |
CXX = g++ |
LD = gcc |
LDXX = g++ |
AR = ar |
STRIP = strip --strip-unneeded |
INSTALL = install -D |
RM = rm -f |
ifeq ($(DEBUG),) |
else |
endif |
CFLAGS += -std=c89 -pedantic |
CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 |
CPPFLAGS += -g -fPIC -Wall -Werror -Wno-long-long |
LDFLAGS += -g -pthread -fPIC |
INCLUDES = . include gens |
LIBS = rt m z event event_pthreads pthread |
LIBSXX = protobuf |
LIBS_SECURE = ssl crypto dl |
ifneq ($(wildcard /usr/src/gtest/src/gtest-all.cc),) |
GTEST_LIB = /usr/src/gtest/src/gtest-all.cc -I/usr/src/gtest |
else |
GTEST_LIB = -lgtest |
endif |
ifeq ($(V),1) |
E = @: |
Q = |
else |
E = @echo |
Q = @ |
endif |
VERSION = ${settings.version.major}.${settings.version.minor}.${settings.version.micro}.${settings.version.build} |
CPPFLAGS_NO_ARCH += $(addprefix -I, $(INCLUDES)) $(addprefix -D, $(DEFINES)) |
LDLIBS += $(addprefix -l, $(LIBS)) |
LDLIBSXX += $(addprefix -l, $(LIBSXX)) |
LDLIBS_SECURE += $(addprefix -l, $(LIBS_SECURE)) |
.SECONDARY = %.pb.h %.pb.cc |
all: static shared\ |
% for tgt in targets: |
% if tgt.build == 'all': |
bins/${tgt.name}\ |
% endif |
% endfor |
static: make_dirs dep\ |
% for lib in libs: |
% if lib.build == 'all': |
libs/lib${lib.name}.a\ |
% endif |
% endfor |
shared: make_dirs dep\ |
% for lib in libs: |
% if lib.build == 'all': |
libs/lib${lib.name}.so.$(VERSION)\ |
% endif |
% endfor |
privatelibs: make_dirs dep\ |
% for lib in libs: |
% if lib.build == 'private': |
libs/lib${lib.name}.a\ |
% endif |
% endfor |
buildtests: privatelibs\ |
% for tgt in targets: |
% if tgt.build == 'test': |
bins/${tgt.name}\ |
% endif |
% endfor |
buildtests_c: privatelibs\ |
% for tgt in targets: |
% if tgt.build == 'test' and not tgt.get('c++', False): |
bins/${tgt.name}\ |
% endif |
% endfor |
tests: buildtests |
% for tgt in targets: |
% if tgt.build == 'test' and tgt.get('run', True): |
$(E) "[RUN] Testing ${tgt.name}" |
$(Q) ./bins/${tgt.name} || ( echo test ${tgt.name} failed ; exit 1 ) |
% endif |
% endfor |
tools: privatelibs\ |
% for tgt in targets: |
% if tgt.build == 'tool': |
bins/${tgt.name}\ |
% endif |
% endfor |
buildbenchmarks: privatelibs\ |
% for tgt in targets: |
% if tgt.build == 'benchmark': |
bins/${tgt.name}\ |
% endif |
% endfor |
benchmarks: buildbenchmarks |
make_dirs: |
$(Q) mkdir -p libs |
$(Q) mkdir -p bins |
$(Q) mkdir -p gens |
strip: strip-static strip-shared |
strip-static: static |
% for lib in libs: |
% if lib.build == "all": |
$(E) "[STRIP] Stripping lib${lib.name}.a" |
$(Q) $(STRIP) libs/lib${lib.name}.a |
% endif |
% endfor |
strip-shared: shared |
% for lib in libs: |
% if lib.build == "all": |
$(E) "[STRIP] Stripping lib${lib.name}.so" |
$(Q) $(STRIP) libs/lib${lib.name}.so.$(VERSION) |
% endif |
% endfor |
gens/%.pb.cc : %.proto |
$(E) "[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from $<" |
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` |
$(Q) $(PROTOC) --cpp_out=gens $< |
deps/%.dep : %.c |
$(E) "[DEP] Generating dependencies for $<" |
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` |
$(Q) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS_NO_ARCH) -MG -M $< > $@ |
deps/%.dep : gens/%.pb.cc |
$(E) "[DEP] Generating dependencies for $<" |
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` |
$(Q) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS_NO_ARCH) -MG -M $< > $@ |
deps/%.dep : %.cc |
$(E) "[DEP] Generating dependencies for $<" |
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` |
$(Q) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS_NO_ARCH) -MG -M $< > $@ |
objs/%.o : %.c |
$(E) "[C] Compiling $<" |
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` |
$(Q) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< |
objs/%.o : gens/%.pb.cc |
$(E) "[CXX] Compiling $<" |
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` |
$(Q) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< |
objs/%.o : %.cc |
$(E) "[CXX] Compiling $<" |
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@` |
$(Q) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< |
dep:\ |
% for lib in libs: |
deps_lib${lib.name}\ |
% endfor |
% for tgt in targets: |
deps_${tgt.name}\ |
% endfor |
install: install-headers install-static install-shared |
install-headers: |
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing public headers" |
$(Q) $(foreach h, $(PUBLIC_HEADERS), $(INSTALL) $(h) $(prefix)/$(h) && ) exit 0 || exit 1 |
install-static: static strip-static |
% for lib in libs: |
% if lib.build == "all": |
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing lib${lib.name}.a" |
$(Q) $(INSTALL) libs/lib${lib.name}.a $(prefix)/lib/lib${lib.name}.a |
% endif |
% endfor |
install-shared: shared strip-shared |
% for lib in libs: |
% if lib.build == "all": |
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing lib${lib.name}.so" |
$(Q) $(INSTALL) libs/lib${lib.name}.so.$(VERSION) $(prefix)/lib/lib${lib.name}.so.$(VERSION) |
% endif |
% endfor |
clean:\ |
% for lib in libs: |
clean_lib${lib.name}\ |
% endfor |
% for tgt in targets: |
clean_${tgt.name}\ |
% endfor |
$(Q) $(RM) -r deps objs libs bins gens |
# The various libraries |
% for lib in libs: |
${makelib(lib)} |
% endfor |
# All of the test targets |
% for tgt in targets: |
${maketarget(tgt)} |
% endfor |
<%def name="makelib(lib)"> |
LIB${lib.name.upper()}_SRC = \\ |
% for src in lib.src: |
${src} \\ |
% endfor |
% if "public_headers" in lib: |
% for hdr in lib.public_headers: |
${hdr} \\ |
% endfor |
% endif |
LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_SRC)))) |
LIB${lib.name.upper()}_DEPS = $(addprefix deps/, $(addsuffix .dep, $(basename $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_SRC)))) |
libs/lib${lib.name}.a: $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS) |
$(E) "[AR] Creating $@" |
$(Q) $(AR) rcs libs/lib${lib.name}.a $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS) |
% if lib.build == "all": |
libs/lib${lib.name}.so.$(VERSION): $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS) |
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@" |
% if lib.get('c++', False): |
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -Wl,-soname,lib${lib.name}.so.${settings.version.major} \ |
% else: |
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -Wl,-soname,lib${lib.name}.so.${settings.version.major} \ |
% endif |
-o libs/lib${lib.name}.so.$(VERSION) $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS) $(LDLIBS)\ |
% if lib.secure: |
% endif |
% endif |
deps_lib${lib.name}: $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_DEPS) |
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) |
-include $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_DEPS) |
endif |
clean_lib${lib.name}: |
$(E) "[CLEAN] Cleaning lib${lib.name} files" |
$(Q) $(RM) $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_OBJS) |
$(Q) $(RM) $(LIB${lib.name.upper()}_DEPS) |
$(Q) $(RM) libs/lib${lib.name}.a |
$(Q) $(RM) libs/lib${lib.name}.so.$(VERSION) |
</%def> |
<%def name="maketarget(tgt)"> |
${tgt.name.upper()}_SRC = \\ |
% for src in tgt.src: |
${src} \\ |
% endfor |
${tgt.name.upper()}_OBJS = $(addprefix objs/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(${tgt.name.upper()}_SRC)))) |
${tgt.name.upper()}_DEPS = $(addprefix deps/, $(addsuffix .dep, $(basename $(${tgt.name.upper()}_SRC)))) |
bins/${tgt.name}: $(${tgt.name.upper()}_OBJS)\ |
% for dep in tgt.deps: |
libs/lib${dep}.a\ |
% endfor |
$(E) "[LD] Linking $@" |
% if tgt.get("c++", False): |
$(Q) $(LDXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(${tgt.name.upper()}_OBJS) $(GTEST_LIB) -Llibs\ |
% else: |
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(${tgt.name.upper()}_OBJS) -Llibs\ |
% endif |
% for dep in tgt.deps: |
-l${dep}\ |
% endfor |
% if tgt.get("c++", False): |
% endif |
$(LDLIBS)\ |
% if tgt.get('secure', True): |
% endif |
-o bins/${tgt.name} |
deps_${tgt.name}: $(${tgt.name.upper()}_DEPS) |
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) |
-include $(${tgt.name.upper()}_DEPS) |
endif |
clean_${tgt.name}: |
$(E) "[CLEAN] Cleaning ${tgt.name} files" |
$(Q) $(RM) $(${tgt.name.upper()}_OBJS) |
$(Q) $(RM) $(${tgt.name.upper()}_DEPS) |
$(Q) $(RM) bins/${tgt.name} |
</%def> |
.PHONY: all strip tools buildtests tests make_dirs install clean\ |
% for lib in libs: |
deps_lib${lib.name} clean_lib${lib.name}\ |
% endfor |
% for tgt in targets: |
deps_${tgt.name} clean_${tgt.name}\ |
% endfor |