The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

284 lines
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* Copyright 2016 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <grpc/support/log.h>
#include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h>
#include <grpcpp/health_check_service_interface.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/async_generic_service.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/async_unary_call.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/service_type.h>
#include <grpcpp/support/byte_buffer.h>
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/thd.h"
namespace grpc {
// Default implementation of HealthCheckServiceInterface. Server will create and
// own it.
class DefaultHealthCheckService final : public grpc_impl::HealthCheckServiceInterface {
enum ServingStatus { NOT_FOUND, SERVING, NOT_SERVING };
// The service impl to register with the server.
class HealthCheckServiceImpl : public Service {
// Base class for call handlers.
class CallHandler {
virtual ~CallHandler() = default;
virtual void SendHealth(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self,
ServingStatus status) = 0;
HealthCheckServiceImpl(DefaultHealthCheckService* database,
std::unique_ptr<ServerCompletionQueue> cq);
void StartServingThread();
// A tag that can be called with a bool argument. It's tailored for
// CallHandler's use. Before being used, it should be constructed with a
// method of CallHandler and a shared pointer to the handler. The
// shared pointer will be moved to the invoked function and the function
// can only be invoked once. That makes ref counting of the handler easier,
// because the shared pointer is not bound to the function and can be gone
// once the invoked function returns (if not used any more).
class CallableTag {
using HandlerFunction =
std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler>, bool)>;
CallableTag() {}
CallableTag(HandlerFunction func, std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> handler)
: handler_function_(std::move(func)), handler_(std::move(handler)) {
GPR_ASSERT(handler_function_ != nullptr);
GPR_ASSERT(handler_ != nullptr);
// Runs the tag. This should be called only once. The handler is no
// longer owned by this tag after this method is invoked.
void Run(bool ok) {
GPR_ASSERT(handler_function_ != nullptr);
GPR_ASSERT(handler_ != nullptr);
handler_function_(std::move(handler_), ok);
// Releases and returns the shared pointer to the handler.
std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> ReleaseHandler() {
return std::move(handler_);
HandlerFunction handler_function_ = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> handler_;
// Call handler for Check method.
// Each handler takes care of one call. It contains per-call data and it
// will access the members of the parent class (i.e.,
// DefaultHealthCheckService) for per-service health data.
class CheckCallHandler : public CallHandler {
// Instantiates a CheckCallHandler and requests the next health check
// call. The handler object will manage its own lifetime, so no action is
// needed from the caller any more regarding that object.
static void CreateAndStart(ServerCompletionQueue* cq,
DefaultHealthCheckService* database,
HealthCheckServiceImpl* service);
// This ctor is public because we want to use std::make_shared<> in
// CreateAndStart(). This ctor shouldn't be used elsewhere.
CheckCallHandler(ServerCompletionQueue* cq,
DefaultHealthCheckService* database,
HealthCheckServiceImpl* service);
// Not used for Check.
void SendHealth(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self,
ServingStatus status) override {}
// Called when we receive a call.
// Spawns a new handler so that we can keep servicing future calls.
void OnCallReceived(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self, bool ok);
// Called when Finish() is done.
void OnFinishDone(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self, bool ok);
// The members passed down from HealthCheckServiceImpl.
ServerCompletionQueue* cq_;
DefaultHealthCheckService* database_;
HealthCheckServiceImpl* service_;
ByteBuffer request_;
GenericServerAsyncResponseWriter writer_;
ServerContext ctx_;
CallableTag next_;
// Call handler for Watch method.
// Each handler takes care of one call. It contains per-call data and it
// will access the members of the parent class (i.e.,
// DefaultHealthCheckService) for per-service health data.
class WatchCallHandler : public CallHandler {
// Instantiates a WatchCallHandler and requests the next health check
// call. The handler object will manage its own lifetime, so no action is
// needed from the caller any more regarding that object.
static void CreateAndStart(ServerCompletionQueue* cq,
DefaultHealthCheckService* database,
HealthCheckServiceImpl* service);
// This ctor is public because we want to use std::make_shared<> in
// CreateAndStart(). This ctor shouldn't be used elsewhere.
WatchCallHandler(ServerCompletionQueue* cq,
DefaultHealthCheckService* database,
HealthCheckServiceImpl* service);
void SendHealth(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self,
ServingStatus status) override;
// Called when we receive a call.
// Spawns a new handler so that we can keep servicing future calls.
void OnCallReceived(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self, bool ok);
// Requires holding send_mu_.
void SendHealthLocked(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self,
ServingStatus status);
// When sending a health result finishes.
void OnSendHealthDone(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self, bool ok);
void SendFinish(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self, const Status& status);
// Requires holding service_->cq_shutdown_mu_.
void SendFinishLocked(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self,
const Status& status);
// Called when Finish() is done.
void OnFinishDone(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self, bool ok);
// Called when AsyncNotifyWhenDone() notifies us.
void OnDoneNotified(std::shared_ptr<CallHandler> self, bool ok);
// The members passed down from HealthCheckServiceImpl.
ServerCompletionQueue* cq_;
DefaultHealthCheckService* database_;
HealthCheckServiceImpl* service_;
ByteBuffer request_;
grpc::string service_name_;
GenericServerAsyncWriter stream_;
ServerContext ctx_;
std::mutex send_mu_;
bool send_in_flight_ = false; // Guarded by mu_.
ServingStatus pending_status_ = NOT_FOUND; // Guarded by mu_.
bool finish_called_ = false;
CallableTag next_;
CallableTag on_done_notified_;
CallableTag on_finish_done_;
// Handles the incoming requests and drives the completion queue in a loop.
static void Serve(void* arg);
// Returns true on success.
static bool DecodeRequest(const ByteBuffer& request,
grpc::string* service_name);
static bool EncodeResponse(ServingStatus status, ByteBuffer* response);
// Needed to appease Windows compilers, which don't seem to allow
// nested classes to access protected members in the parent's
// superclass.
using Service::RequestAsyncServerStreaming;
using Service::RequestAsyncUnary;
DefaultHealthCheckService* database_;
std::unique_ptr<ServerCompletionQueue> cq_;
// To synchronize the operations related to shutdown state of cq_, so that
// we don't enqueue new tags into cq_ after it is already shut down.
std::mutex cq_shutdown_mu_;
std::atomic_bool shutdown_{false};
std::unique_ptr<::grpc_core::Thread> thread_;
void SetServingStatus(const grpc::string& service_name,
bool serving) override;
void SetServingStatus(bool serving) override;
void Shutdown() override;
ServingStatus GetServingStatus(const grpc::string& service_name) const;
HealthCheckServiceImpl* GetHealthCheckService(
std::unique_ptr<ServerCompletionQueue> cq);
// Stores the current serving status of a service and any call
// handlers registered for updates when the service's status changes.
class ServiceData {
void SetServingStatus(ServingStatus status);
ServingStatus GetServingStatus() const { return status_; }
void AddCallHandler(
std::shared_ptr<HealthCheckServiceImpl::CallHandler> handler);
void RemoveCallHandler(
const std::shared_ptr<HealthCheckServiceImpl::CallHandler>& handler);
bool Unused() const {
return call_handlers_.empty() && status_ == NOT_FOUND;
ServingStatus status_ = NOT_FOUND;
void RegisterCallHandler(
const grpc::string& service_name,
std::shared_ptr<HealthCheckServiceImpl::CallHandler> handler);
void UnregisterCallHandler(
const grpc::string& service_name,
const std::shared_ptr<HealthCheckServiceImpl::CallHandler>& handler);
mutable std::mutex mu_;
bool shutdown_ = false; // Guarded by mu_.
std::map<grpc::string, ServiceData> services_map_; // Guarded by mu_.
std::unique_ptr<HealthCheckServiceImpl> impl_;
} // namespace grpc