The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)

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gRPC PHP Quick Start Example


This requires php >= 5.5, pecl, composer


  • Install the grpc extension

    $ [sudo] pecl install grpc
  • Install the protoc compiler plugin grpc_php_plugin

    $ git clone -b RELEASE_TAG_HERE
    $ cd grpc
    $ make grpc_php_plugin
  • Install the grpc/grpc composer package

    $ cd examples/php
    $ composer install

Try it!

  • Run the server

    Please follow the instruction in Node to run the server

    $ cd examples/node
    $ npm install
    $ cd dynamic_codegen or cd static_codegen
    $ node greeter_server.js
  • Generate proto files and run the client

    $ cd examples/php
    $ ./
    $ ./

In-depth Tutorial

You can find a more detailed tutorial in gRPC Basics: PHP