The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
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* Copyright 2019 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <grpc/grpc_security_constants.h>
#include <grpc/status.h>
#include <grpc/support/log.h>
#include <grpcpp/support/config.h>
typedef struct grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg;
typedef struct grpc_tls_credential_reload_config
typedef struct grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg
typedef struct grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config
typedef struct grpc_tls_credentials_options grpc_tls_credentials_options;
namespace grpc_impl {
namespace experimental {
/** TLS key materials config, wrapper for grpc_tls_key_materials_config. It is
* used for experimental purposes for now and subject to change. **/
class TlsKeyMaterialsConfig {
struct PemKeyCertPair {
grpc::string private_key;
grpc::string cert_chain;
/** Getters for member fields. **/
const grpc::string pem_root_certs() const { return pem_root_certs_; }
const std::vector<PemKeyCertPair>& pem_key_cert_pair_list() const {
return pem_key_cert_pair_list_;
int version() const { return version_; }
/** Setter for key materials that will be called by the user. The setter
* transfers ownership of the arguments to the config. **/
void set_pem_root_certs(grpc::string pem_root_certs);
void add_pem_key_cert_pair(PemKeyCertPair pem_key_cert_pair);
void set_key_materials(grpc::string pem_root_certs,
std::vector<PemKeyCertPair> pem_key_cert_pair_list);
void set_version(int version) { version_ = version; };
int version_ = 0;
std::vector<PemKeyCertPair> pem_key_cert_pair_list_;
grpc::string pem_root_certs_;
/** TLS credential reload arguments, wraps grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg. It is
* used for experimental purposes for now and it is subject to change.
* The credential reload arg contains all the info necessary to schedule/cancel
* a credential reload request. The callback function must be called after
* finishing the schedule operation. See the description of the
* grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg struct in grpc_security.h for more details.
* **/
class TlsCredentialReloadArg {
/** TlsCredentialReloadArg does not take ownership of the C arg that is passed
* to the constructor. One must remember to free any memory allocated to the C
* arg after using the setter functions below. **/
TlsCredentialReloadArg(grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg* arg);
/** Getters for member fields. The callback function is not exposed.
* They return the corresponding fields of the underlying C arg. In the case
* of the key materials config, it creates a new instance of the C++ key
* materials config from the underlying C grpc_tls_key_materials_config. **/
void* cb_user_data() const;
bool is_pem_key_cert_pair_list_empty() const;
grpc_ssl_certificate_config_reload_status status() const;
grpc::string error_details() const;
/** Setters for member fields. They modify the fields of the underlying C arg.
* The setters for the key_materials_config and the error_details allocate
* memory when modifying c_arg_, so one must remember to free c_arg_'s
* original key_materials_config or error_details after using the appropriate
* setter function.
* **/
void set_cb_user_data(void* cb_user_data);
void set_pem_root_certs(grpc::string pem_root_certs);
void add_pem_key_cert_pair(TlsKeyMaterialsConfig::PemKeyCertPair pem_key_cert_pair);
void set_key_materials_config(
const std::shared_ptr<TlsKeyMaterialsConfig>& key_materials_config);
void set_status(grpc_ssl_certificate_config_reload_status status);
void set_error_details(const grpc::string& error_details);
/** Calls the C arg's callback function. **/
void OnCredentialReloadDoneCallback();
grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg* c_arg_;
/** An interface that the application derives and uses to instantiate a
* TlsCredentialReloadConfig instance. Refer to the definition of the
* grpc_tls_credential_reload_config in grpc_tls_credentials_options.h for more
* details on the expectations of the member functions of the interface. **/
struct TlsCredentialReloadInterface {
virtual ~TlsCredentialReloadInterface() = default;
/** A callback that invokes the credential reload. **/
virtual int Schedule(TlsCredentialReloadArg* arg) = 0;
/** A callback that cancels a credential reload request. **/
virtual void Cancel(TlsCredentialReloadArg* arg) {}
/** TLS credential reloag config, wraps grpc_tls_credential_reload_config. It is
* used for experimental purposes for now and it is subject to change. **/
class TlsCredentialReloadConfig {
int Schedule(TlsCredentialReloadArg* arg) const {
if (credential_reload_interface_ == nullptr) {
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "credential reload interface is nullptr");
return 1;
return credential_reload_interface_->Schedule(arg);
void Cancel(TlsCredentialReloadArg* arg) const {
if (credential_reload_interface_ == nullptr) {
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "credential reload interface is nullptr");
/** Returns a C struct for the credential reload config. **/
grpc_tls_credential_reload_config* c_config() const { return c_config_; }
grpc_tls_credential_reload_config* c_config_;
std::shared_ptr<TlsCredentialReloadInterface> credential_reload_interface_;
/** TLS server authorization check arguments, wraps
* grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg. It is used for experimental
* purposes for now and it is subject to change.
* The server authorization check arg contains all the info necessary to
* schedule/cancel a server authorization check request. The callback function
* must be called after finishing the schedule operation. See the description
* of the grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg struct in grpc_security.h for
* more details. **/
class TlsServerAuthorizationCheckArg {
/** TlsServerAuthorizationCheckArg does not take ownership of the C arg passed
* to the constructor. One must remember to free any memory allocated to the
* C arg after using the setter functions below. **/
TlsServerAuthorizationCheckArg(grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg* arg);
/** Getters for member fields. They return the corresponding fields of the
* underlying C arg.**/
void* cb_user_data() const;
int success() const;
grpc::string target_name() const;
grpc::string peer_cert() const;
grpc_status_code status() const;
grpc::string error_details() const;
/** Setters for member fields. They modify the fields of the underlying C arg.
* The setters for target_name, peer_cert, and error_details allocate memory
* when modifying c_arg_, so one must remember to free c_arg_'s original
* target_name, peer_cert, or error_details after using the appropriate setter
* function.
* **/
void set_cb_user_data(void* cb_user_data);
void set_success(int success);
void set_target_name(const grpc::string& target_name);
void set_peer_cert(const grpc::string& peer_cert);
void set_status(grpc_status_code status);
void set_error_details(const grpc::string& error_details);
/** Calls the C arg's callback function. **/
void OnServerAuthorizationCheckDoneCallback();
grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg* c_arg_;
/** An interface that the application derives and uses to instantiate a
* TlsServerAuthorizationCheckConfig instance. Refer to the definition of the
* grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config in grpc_tls_credentials_options.h
* for more details on the expectations of the member functions of the
* interface.
* **/
struct TlsServerAuthorizationCheckInterface {
virtual ~TlsServerAuthorizationCheckInterface() = default;
/** A callback that invokes the server authorization check. **/
virtual int Schedule(TlsServerAuthorizationCheckArg* arg) = 0;
/** A callback that cancels a server authorization check request. **/
virtual void Cancel(TlsServerAuthorizationCheckArg* arg) {}
/** TLS server authorization check config, wraps
* grps_tls_server_authorization_check_config. It is used for experimental
* purposes for now and it is subject to change. **/
class TlsServerAuthorizationCheckConfig {
int Schedule(TlsServerAuthorizationCheckArg* arg) const {
if (server_authorization_check_interface_ == nullptr) {
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "server authorization check interface is nullptr");
return 1;
return server_authorization_check_interface_->Schedule(arg);
void Cancel(TlsServerAuthorizationCheckArg* arg) const {
if (server_authorization_check_interface_ == nullptr) {
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "server authorization check interface is nullptr");
/** Creates C struct for the server authorization check config. **/
grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config* c_config() const {
return c_config_;
grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_config* c_config_;
/** TLS credentials options, wrapper for grpc_tls_credentials_options. It is
* used for experimental purposes for now and it is subject to change. See the
* description of the grpc_tls_credentials_options struct in grpc_security.h for
* more details. **/
class TlsCredentialsOptions {
grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type cert_request_type,
std::shared_ptr<TlsKeyMaterialsConfig> key_materials_config,
std::shared_ptr<TlsCredentialReloadConfig> credential_reload_config,
/** Getters for member fields. **/
grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type cert_request_type() const {
return cert_request_type_;
std::shared_ptr<TlsKeyMaterialsConfig> key_materials_config() const {
return key_materials_config_;
std::shared_ptr<TlsCredentialReloadConfig> credential_reload_config() const {
return credential_reload_config_;
server_authorization_check_config() const {
return server_authorization_check_config_;
grpc_tls_credentials_options* c_credentials_options() const {
return c_credentials_options_;
/** The cert_request_type_ flag is only relevant when the
* TlsCredentialsOptions are used to instantiate server credentials; the flag
* goes unused when creating channel credentials, and the user can set it to
grpc_ssl_client_certificate_request_type cert_request_type_;
std::shared_ptr<TlsKeyMaterialsConfig> key_materials_config_;
std::shared_ptr<TlsCredentialReloadConfig> credential_reload_config_;
grpc_tls_credentials_options* c_credentials_options_;
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace grpc_impl