The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)

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#@IgnoreInspection BashAddShebang
# Copyright 2018 The gRPC Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# bazelrc file for running gRPC tests with RBE (on Linux)
import %workspace%/tools/remote_build/include/rbe_remote_execution.bazelrc
# invalidate old and possibly poisoned cache by using a new random UUID as cache key (see b/275038656)
build --remote_default_exec_properties="grpc_cache_silo_key1=83e33624-ca52-11ed-afca-1b104ed323aa"
# Next section is linux-specific RBE configuration
build --crosstool_top=//third_party/toolchains:rbe_linux_default_toolchain_suite
build --extra_toolchains=//third_party/toolchains:rbe_linux_default_cc_toolchain
# Use custom execution platforms defined in third_party/toolchains
build --extra_execution_platforms=//third_party/toolchains:rbe_linux_default_platform
build --host_platform=//third_party/toolchains:rbe_linux_default_platform
build --platforms=//third_party/toolchains:rbe_linux_default_platform
# we assume the default bazel RBE build is on linux,
# so filter out stuff that should not be built or run there.
build --test_tag_filters=-no_linux
build --build_tag_filters=-no_linux
import %workspace%/tools/remote_build/include/test_config_common.bazelrc
build --jobs=100
build:opt --test_tag_filters=-noopt
build:dbg --test_tag_filters=-nodbg
# address sanitizer: most settings are already in %workspace%/.bazelrc
# we only need a few additional ones that are Foundry specific
build:asan --copt=-gmlt
# use double the default value for "moderate" and "long" timeout as sanitizer
# tests tend to be slower
build:asan --test_timeout=60,600,1800,3600
build:asan --test_tag_filters=-no_linux,-noasan,-qps_json_driver
# memory sanitizer: most settings are already in %workspace%/.bazelrc
# we only need a few additional ones that are Foundry specific
build:msan --copt=-gmlt
# "moderate" timeout 3x the default, "long" timeout 2x the default
build:msan --test_timeout=60,900,1800,3600
# TODO(jtattermusch): revisit the disabled tests
build:msan --test_tag_filters=-no_linux,-nomsan,-json_run_localhost
build:msan --cxxopt=--stdlib=libc++
build:msan --linkopt=--stdlib=libc++
# thread sanitizer: most settings are already in %workspace%/.bazelrc
# we only need a few additional ones that are Foundry specific
build:tsan --copt=-gmlt
# use double the default value for "moderate" and "long" timeout as sanitizer
# tests tend to be slower
build:tsan --test_timeout=60,600,1800,3600
build:tsan --test_tag_filters=-no_linux,-notsan,-qps_json_driver
# undefined behavior sanitizer: most settings are already in %workspace%/.bazelrc
# we only need a few additional ones that are Foundry specific
build:ubsan --copt=-gmlt
# use double the default value for "moderate" and "long" timeout as sanitizer
# tests tend to be slower
build:ubsan --test_timeout=60,600,1800,3600
# RBE docker image only has a msan specific version of libc++, so to be able to link against it,
# we need to involuntarily enable msan as well to be able to build. See b/200667821
# TODO(jtattermusch): disable memory sanitizer for ubsan build as soon as possible.
build:ubsan --copt=-fsanitize=memory
build:ubsan --copt=-fsanitize-recover=memory
build:ubsan --linkopt=-fsanitize=memory
build:ubsan --cxxopt=--stdlib=libc++
build:ubsan --action_env=MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=0
build:ubsan --test_tag_filters=-no_linux,-noubsan