The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)

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// This file will be moved to a new location.
// Labels provide a way to associate user-defined metadata with various
// objects. Labels may be used to organize objects into non-hierarchical
// groups; think metadata tags attached to mp3s.
syntax = "proto2";
package tech.label;
// A key-value pair applied to a given object.
message Label {
// The key of a label is a syntactically valid URL (as per RFC 1738) with
// the "scheme" and initial slashes omitted and with the additional
// restrictions noted below. Each key should be globally unique. The
// "host" portion is called the "namespace" and is not necessarily
// resolvable to a network endpoint. Instead, the namespace indicates what
// system or entity defines the semantics of the label. Namespaces do not
// restrict the set of objects to which a label may be associated.
// Keys are defined by the following grammar:
// key = hostname "/" kpath
// kpath = ksegment *[ "/" ksegment ]
// ksegment = alphadigit | *[ alphadigit | "-" | "_" | "." ]
// where "hostname" and "alphadigit" are defined as in RFC 1738.
// Example key:
required string key = 1;
// The value of the label.
oneof value {
// A string value.
string str_value = 2;
// An integer value.
int64 num_value = 3;
// A collection of labels, such as the set of all labels attached to an
// object. Each label in the set must have a different key.
// Users should prefer to embed "repeated Label" directly when possible.
// This message should only be used in cases where that isn't possible (e.g.
// with oneof).
message Labels {
repeated Label label = 1;