The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright 2021 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <utility>
#include "absl/log/check.h"
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include <grpc/support/log.h>
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/down_cast.h"
namespace grpc_core {
// To avoid accidentally creating context types, we require an explicit
// specialization of this template per context type. The specialization need
// not contain any members, only exist.
// The reason for avoiding this is that context types each use a thread local.
template <typename T>
struct ContextType;
// Some contexts can be subclassed. If the subclass is set as that context
// then GetContext<Base>() will return the base, and GetContext<Derived>() will
// DownCast to the derived type.
// Specializations of this type should be created for each derived type, and
// should have a single using statement Base pointing to the derived base class.
// Example:
// class SomeContext {};
// class SomeDerivedContext : public SomeContext {};
// template <> struct ContextType<SomeContext> {};
// template <> struct ContextSubclass<SomeDerivedContext> {
// using Base = SomeContext;
// };
template <typename Derived>
struct ContextSubclass;
namespace promise_detail {
template <typename T, typename = void>
class Context;
template <typename T>
class ThreadLocalContext : public ContextType<T> {
explicit ThreadLocalContext(T* p) : old_(current_) { current_ = p; }
~ThreadLocalContext() { current_ = old_; }
ThreadLocalContext(const ThreadLocalContext&) = delete;
ThreadLocalContext& operator=(const ThreadLocalContext&) = delete;
static T* get() { return current_; }
T* const old_;
static thread_local T* current_;
template <typename T>
thread_local T* ThreadLocalContext<T>::current_;
template <typename T>
class Context<T, absl::void_t<decltype(ContextType<T>())>>
: public ThreadLocalContext<T> {
using ThreadLocalContext<T>::ThreadLocalContext;
template <typename T>
class Context<T, absl::void_t<typename ContextSubclass<T>::Base>>
: public Context<typename ContextSubclass<T>::Base> {
using Context<typename ContextSubclass<T>::Base>::Context;
static T* get() {
return DownCast<T*>(Context<typename ContextSubclass<T>::Base>::get());
template <typename T, typename F>
class WithContext {
WithContext(F f, T* context) : context_(context), f_(std::move(f)) {}
decltype(std::declval<F>()()) operator()() {
Context<T> ctx(context_);
return f_();
T* context_;
F f_;
} // namespace promise_detail
// Return true if a context of type T is currently active.
template <typename T>
bool HasContext() {
return promise_detail::Context<T>::get() != nullptr;
// Retrieve the current value of a context, or abort if the value is unset.
template <typename T>
T* GetContext() {
auto* p = promise_detail::Context<T>::get();
CHECK_NE(p, nullptr);
return p;
// Retrieve the current value of a context, or nullptr if the value is unset.
template <typename T>
T* MaybeGetContext() {
return promise_detail::Context<T>::get();
// Given a promise and a context, return a promise that has that context set.
template <typename T, typename F>
promise_detail::WithContext<T, F> WithContext(F f, T* context) {
return promise_detail::WithContext<T, F>(std::move(f), context);
} // namespace grpc_core