The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include <grpc/grpc.h>
#include <grpc/grpc_security.h>
#include <grpcpp/channel.h>
#include <grpcpp/client_context.h>
#include <grpcpp/xds_server_builder.h>
#include "src/core/lib/gpr/env.h"
#include "src/core/lib/security/credentials/fake/fake_credentials.h"
#include "src/core/lib/security/security_connector/ssl_utils.h"
#include "src/cpp/server/secure_server_credentials.h"
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.grpc.pb.h"
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/http_connection_manager.grpc.pb.h"
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/http_filter_rbac.grpc.pb.h"
#include "test/core/util/port.h"
#include "test/cpp/end2end/counted_service.h"
#include "test/cpp/end2end/test_service_impl.h"
#include "test/cpp/end2end/xds/xds_server.h"
namespace grpc {
namespace testing {
// The parameter type for INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P().
class XdsTestType {
enum HttpFilterConfigLocation {
// Set the HTTP filter config directly in LDS.
// Enable the HTTP filter in LDS, but override the filter config in route.
enum BootstrapSource {
XdsTestType& set_enable_load_reporting() {
enable_load_reporting_ = true;
return *this;
XdsTestType& set_enable_rds_testing() {
enable_rds_testing_ = true;
return *this;
XdsTestType& set_use_v2() {
use_v2_ = true;
return *this;
XdsTestType& set_use_xds_credentials() {
use_xds_credentials_ = true;
return *this;
XdsTestType& set_use_csds_streaming() {
use_csds_streaming_ = true;
return *this;
XdsTestType& set_filter_config_setup(HttpFilterConfigLocation setup) {
filter_config_setup_ = setup;
return *this;
XdsTestType& set_bootstrap_source(BootstrapSource bootstrap_source) {
bootstrap_source_ = bootstrap_source;
return *this;
XdsTestType& set_rbac_action(::envoy::config::rbac::v3::RBAC_Action action) {
rbac_action_ = action;
return *this;
bool enable_load_reporting() const { return enable_load_reporting_; }
bool enable_rds_testing() const { return enable_rds_testing_; }
bool use_v2() const { return use_v2_; }
bool use_xds_credentials() const { return use_xds_credentials_; }
bool use_csds_streaming() const { return use_csds_streaming_; }
HttpFilterConfigLocation filter_config_setup() const {
return filter_config_setup_;
BootstrapSource bootstrap_source() const { return bootstrap_source_; }
::envoy::config::rbac::v3::RBAC_Action rbac_action() const {
return rbac_action_;
std::string AsString() const {
std::string retval = use_v2_ ? "V2" : "V3";
if (enable_load_reporting_) retval += "WithLoadReporting";
if (enable_rds_testing_) retval += "Rds";
if (use_xds_credentials_) retval += "XdsCreds";
if (use_csds_streaming_) retval += "CsdsStreaming";
if (filter_config_setup_ == kHttpFilterConfigInRoute) {
retval += "FilterPerRouteOverride";
if (bootstrap_source_ == kBootstrapFromFile) {
retval += "BootstrapFromFile";
} else if (bootstrap_source_ == kBootstrapFromEnvVar) {
retval += "BootstrapFromEnvVar";
if (rbac_action_ == ::envoy::config::rbac::v3::RBAC_Action_ALLOW) {
retval += "RbacAllow";
} else if (rbac_action_ == ::envoy::config::rbac::v3::RBAC_Action_DENY) {
retval += "RbacDeny";
return retval;
// For use as the final parameter in INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P().
static std::string Name(const ::testing::TestParamInfo<XdsTestType>& info) {
return info.param.AsString();
bool enable_load_reporting_ = false;
bool enable_rds_testing_ = false;
bool use_v2_ = false;
bool use_xds_credentials_ = false;
bool use_csds_streaming_ = false;
HttpFilterConfigLocation filter_config_setup_ = kHttpFilterConfigInListener;
BootstrapSource bootstrap_source_ = kBootstrapFromChannelArg;
::envoy::config::rbac::v3::RBAC_Action rbac_action_ =
// A base class for xDS end-to-end tests.
// An xDS server is provided in balancer_. It is automatically started
// for every test. Additional xDS servers can be started if needed by
// calling CreateAndStartBalancer().
// A default set of LDS, RDS, and CDS resources are created for gRPC
// clients, available in default_listener_, default_route_config_, and
// default_cluster_. These resources are automatically loaded into
// balancer_ but can be modified by individual tests. No EDS resource
// is provided by default. There are also default LDS and RDS resources
// for the gRPC server side in default_server_listener_ and
// default_server_route_config_. Methods are provided for constructing new
// resources that can be added to the xDS server as needed.
// This class provides a mechanism for running backend servers, which will
// be stored in backends_. No servers are created or started by default,
// but tests can call CreateAndStartBackends() to start however many
// backends they want. There are also a number of methods for accessing
// backends by index, which is the index into the backends_ vector.
// For methods that take a start_index and stop_index, this refers to
// the indexes in the range [start_index, stop_index). If stop_index
// is 0, backends_.size() is used. Backends may or may not be
// xDS-enabled, at the discretion of the test.
class XdsEnd2endTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<XdsTestType> {
using Cluster = ::envoy::config::cluster::v3::Cluster;
using ClusterLoadAssignment =
using Listener = ::envoy::config::listener::v3::Listener;
using RouteConfiguration = ::envoy::config::route::v3::RouteConfiguration;
using HttpConnectionManager = ::envoy::extensions::filters::network::
// Default values for locality fields.
static const char kDefaultLocalityRegion[];
static const char kDefaultLocalityZone[];
static const int kDefaultLocalityWeight = 3;
static const int kDefaultLocalityPriority = 0;
// Default resource names.
static const char kServerName[];
static const char kDefaultRouteConfigurationName[];
static const char kDefaultClusterName[];
static const char kDefaultEdsServiceName[];
static const char kDefaultServerRouteConfigurationName[];
// TLS certificate paths.
static const char kCaCertPath[];
static const char kServerCertPath[];
static const char kServerKeyPath[];
// Message used in EchoRequest to the backend.
static const char kRequestMessage[];
// A base class for server threads.
class ServerThread {
// A status notifier for xDS-enabled servers.
class XdsServingStatusNotifier
: public grpc::experimental::XdsServerServingStatusNotifierInterface {
void OnServingStatusUpdate(std::string uri,
ServingStatusUpdate update) override;
void WaitOnServingStatusChange(std::string uri,
grpc::StatusCode expected_status);
grpc_core::Mutex mu_;
grpc_core::CondVar cond_;
std::map<std::string, grpc::Status> status_map ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
// If use_xds_enabled_server is true, the server will use xDS.
explicit ServerThread(XdsEnd2endTest* test_obj,
bool use_xds_enabled_server = false)
: test_obj_(test_obj),
use_xds_enabled_server_(use_xds_enabled_server) {}
virtual ~ServerThread() { Shutdown(); }
void Start();
void Shutdown();
virtual std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials> Credentials() {
return std::make_shared<SecureServerCredentials>(
int port() const { return port_; }
bool use_xds_enabled_server() const { return use_xds_enabled_server_; }
XdsServingStatusNotifier* notifier() { return &notifier_; }
void set_allow_put_requests(bool allow_put_requests) {
allow_put_requests_ = allow_put_requests;
class XdsChannelArgsServerBuilderOption;
virtual const char* Type() = 0;
virtual void RegisterAllServices(ServerBuilder* builder) = 0;
virtual void StartAllServices() = 0;
virtual void ShutdownAllServices() = 0;
void Serve(grpc_core::Mutex* mu, grpc_core::CondVar* cond);
XdsEnd2endTest* test_obj_;
const int port_;
std::unique_ptr<Server> server_;
XdsServingStatusNotifier notifier_;
std::unique_ptr<std::thread> thread_;
bool running_ = false;
const bool use_xds_enabled_server_;
bool allow_put_requests_ = false;
// A server thread for a backend server.
class BackendServerThread : public ServerThread {
// A wrapper around the backend echo test service impl that counts
// requests and responses.
template <typename RpcService>
class BackendServiceImpl
: public CountedService<TestMultipleServiceImpl<RpcService>> {
BackendServiceImpl() {}
Status Echo(ServerContext* context, const EchoRequest* request,
EchoResponse* response) override {
auto peer_identity = context->auth_context()->GetPeerIdentity();
const auto status = TestMultipleServiceImpl<RpcService>::Echo(
context, request, response);
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
for (const auto& entry : peer_identity) {
last_peer_identity_.emplace_back(, entry.size());
return status;
Status Echo1(ServerContext* context, const EchoRequest* request,
EchoResponse* response) override {
return Echo(context, request, response);
Status Echo2(ServerContext* context, const EchoRequest* request,
EchoResponse* response) override {
return Echo(context, request, response);
void Start() {}
void Shutdown() {}
std::set<std::string> clients() {
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
return clients_;
const std::vector<std::string>& last_peer_identity() {
grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_);
return last_peer_identity_;
grpc_core::Mutex mu_;
std::set<std::string> clients_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
std::vector<std::string> last_peer_identity_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
// If use_xds_enabled_server is true, the server will use xDS.
BackendServerThread(XdsEnd2endTest* test_obj, bool use_xds_enabled_server);
backend_service() {
return &backend_service_;
backend_service1() {
return &backend_service1_;
backend_service2() {
return &backend_service2_;
// If XdsTestType::use_xds_credentials() and use_xds_enabled_server()
// are both true, returns XdsServerCredentials.
// Otherwise, if XdsTestType::use_xds_credentials() is true and
// use_xds_enabled_server() is false, returns TlsServerCredentials.
// Otherwise, returns fake credentials.
std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials> Credentials() override;
const char* Type() override { return "Backend"; }
void RegisterAllServices(ServerBuilder* builder) override;
void StartAllServices() override;
void ShutdownAllServices() override;
// A server thread for the xDS server.
class BalancerServerThread : public ServerThread {
explicit BalancerServerThread(XdsEnd2endTest* test_obj);
AdsServiceImpl* ads_service() { return ads_service_.get(); }
LrsServiceImpl* lrs_service() { return lrs_service_.get(); }
const char* Type() override { return "Balancer"; }
void RegisterAllServices(ServerBuilder* builder) override;
void StartAllServices() override;
void ShutdownAllServices() override;
std::shared_ptr<AdsServiceImpl> ads_service_;
std::shared_ptr<LrsServiceImpl> lrs_service_;
// A builder for the xDS bootstrap config.
class BootstrapBuilder {
BootstrapBuilder() {}
BootstrapBuilder& SetV2() {
v2_ = true;
return *this;
BootstrapBuilder& SetDefaultServer(const std::string& server) {
top_server_ = server;
return *this;
BootstrapBuilder& SetClientDefaultListenerResourceNameTemplate(
const std::string& client_default_listener_resource_name_template) {
client_default_listener_resource_name_template_ =
return *this;
BootstrapBuilder& AddCertificateProviderPlugin(
const std::string& key, const std::string& name,
const std::string& plugin_config = "") {
plugins_[key] = {name, plugin_config};
return *this;
BootstrapBuilder& AddAuthority(
const std::string& authority, const std::string& servers = "",
const std::string& client_listener_resource_name_template = "") {
authorities_[authority] = {servers,
return *this;
BootstrapBuilder& SetServerListenerResourceNameTemplate(
const std::string& server_listener_resource_name_template = "") {
server_listener_resource_name_template_ =
return *this;
std::string Build();
struct PluginInfo {
std::string name;
std::string plugin_config;
struct AuthorityInfo {
std::string server;
std::string client_listener_resource_name_template;
std::string MakeXdsServersText(absl::string_view server_uri);
std::string MakeNodeText();
std::string MakeCertificateProviderText();
std::string MakeAuthorityText();
bool v2_ = false;
std::string top_server_;
std::string client_default_listener_resource_name_template_;
std::map<std::string /*key*/, PluginInfo> plugins_;
std::map<std::string /*authority_name*/, AuthorityInfo> authorities_;
std::string server_listener_resource_name_template_ =
class ScopedExperimentalEnvVar {
explicit ScopedExperimentalEnvVar(const char* env_var) : env_var_(env_var) {
gpr_setenv(env_var_, "true");
~ScopedExperimentalEnvVar() { gpr_unsetenv(env_var_); }
const char* env_var_;
// RPC services used to talk to the backends.
enum RpcService {
// RPC methods used to talk to the backends.
enum RpcMethod {
void SetUp() override { InitClient(); }
void TearDown() override;
// xDS server management
// Creates and starts a new balancer, running in its own thread.
// Most tests will not need to call this; instead, they can use
// balancer_, which is already populated with default resources.
std::unique_ptr<BalancerServerThread> CreateAndStartBalancer();
// Returns the name of the server-side xDS Listener resource for a
// backend on the specified port.
std::string GetServerListenerName(int port);
// Returns a copy of listener_template with the server-side resource
// name and the port in the socket address populated.
Listener PopulateServerListenerNameAndPort(const Listener& listener_template,
int port);
// Interface for accessing HttpConnectionManager config in Listener.
class HcmAccessor {
virtual ~HcmAccessor() = default;
virtual HttpConnectionManager Unpack(const Listener& listener) const = 0;
virtual void Pack(const HttpConnectionManager& hcm,
Listener* listener) const = 0;
// Client-side impl.
class ClientHcmAccessor : public HcmAccessor {
HttpConnectionManager Unpack(const Listener& listener) const override;
void Pack(const HttpConnectionManager& hcm,
Listener* listener) const override;
// Server-side impl.
class ServerHcmAccessor : public HcmAccessor {
HttpConnectionManager Unpack(const Listener& listener) const override;
void Pack(const HttpConnectionManager& hcm,
Listener* listener) const override;
// Sets the Listener and RouteConfiguration resource on the specified
// balancer. If RDS is in use, they will be set as separate resources;
// otherwise, the RouteConfig will be inlined into the Listener.
void SetListenerAndRouteConfiguration(
BalancerServerThread* balancer, Listener listener,
const RouteConfiguration& route_config,
const HcmAccessor& hcm_accessor = ClientHcmAccessor());
// A convenient wrapper for setting the Listener and
// RouteConfiguration resources on the server side.
void SetServerListenerNameAndRouteConfiguration(
BalancerServerThread* balancer, Listener listener, int port,
const RouteConfiguration& route_config) {
balancer, PopulateServerListenerNameAndPort(listener, port),
route_config, ServerHcmAccessor());
// Sets the RouteConfiguration resource on the specified balancer.
// If RDS is in use, it will be set directly as an independent
// resource; otherwise, it will be inlined into a Listener resource
// (either listener_to_copy, or if that is null, default_listener_).
void SetRouteConfiguration(BalancerServerThread* balancer,
const RouteConfiguration& route_config,
const Listener* listener_to_copy = nullptr);
// Arguments for constructing an EDS resource.
struct EdsResourceArgs {
// An individual endpoint for a backend running on a specified port.
struct Endpoint {
explicit Endpoint(
int port,
::envoy::config::endpoint::v3::HealthStatus health_status =
int lb_weight = 1)
: port(port), health_status(health_status), lb_weight(lb_weight) {}
int port;
::envoy::config::endpoint::v3::HealthStatus health_status;
int lb_weight;
// A locality.
struct Locality {
Locality(std::string sub_zone, std::vector<Endpoint> endpoints,
int lb_weight = kDefaultLocalityWeight,
int priority = kDefaultLocalityPriority)
: sub_zone(std::move(sub_zone)),
priority(priority) {}
const std::string sub_zone;
std::vector<Endpoint> endpoints;
int lb_weight;
int priority;
EdsResourceArgs() = default;
explicit EdsResourceArgs(std::vector<Locality> locality_list)
: locality_list(std::move(locality_list)) {}
std::vector<Locality> locality_list;
std::map<std::string, uint32_t> drop_categories;
::envoy::type::v3::FractionalPercent::DenominatorType drop_denominator =
// Helper method for generating an endpoint for a backend, for use in
// constructing an EDS resource.
EdsResourceArgs::Endpoint CreateEndpoint(
size_t backend_idx,
::envoy::config::endpoint::v3::HealthStatus health_status =
int lb_weight = 1) {
return EdsResourceArgs::Endpoint(backends_[backend_idx]->port(),
health_status, lb_weight);
// Creates a vector of endpoints for a specified range of backends,
// for use in constructing an EDS resource.
std::vector<EdsResourceArgs::Endpoint> CreateEndpointsForBackends(
size_t start_index = 0, size_t stop_index = 0,
::envoy::config::endpoint::v3::HealthStatus health_status =
int lb_weight = 1);
// Returns an endpoint for an unused port, for use in constructing an
// EDS resource.
EdsResourceArgs::Endpoint MakeNonExistantEndpoint() {
return EdsResourceArgs::Endpoint(grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die());
// Constructs an EDS resource.
ClusterLoadAssignment BuildEdsResource(
const EdsResourceArgs& args,
const char* eds_service_name = kDefaultEdsServiceName);
// Backend management
// Creates num_backends backends and stores them in backends_, but
// does not actually start them. If xds_enabled is true, the backends
// are xDS-enabled.
void CreateBackends(size_t num_backends, bool xds_enabled = false) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_backends; ++i) {
backends_.emplace_back(new BackendServerThread(this, xds_enabled));
// Starts all backends in backends_.
void StartAllBackends() {
for (auto& backend : backends_) backend->Start();
// Same as CreateBackends(), but also starts the backends.
void CreateAndStartBackends(size_t num_backends, bool xds_enabled = false) {
CreateBackends(num_backends, xds_enabled);
// Starts the backend at backends_[index].
void StartBackend(size_t index) { backends_[index]->Start(); }
// Shuts down all backends in backends_.
void ShutdownAllBackends() {
for (auto& backend : backends_) backend->Shutdown();
// Shuts down the backend at backends_[index].
void ShutdownBackend(size_t index) { backends_[index]->Shutdown(); }
// Resets the request counters for backends in the specified range.
void ResetBackendCounters(size_t start_index = 0, size_t stop_index = 0);
// Returns true if the specified backend has received requests for the
// specified service.
bool SeenBackend(size_t backend_idx,
const RpcService rpc_service = SERVICE_ECHO);
// Returns true if all backends in the specified range have received
// requests for the specified service.
bool SeenAllBackends(size_t start_index = 0, size_t stop_index = 0,
const RpcService rpc_service = SERVICE_ECHO);
// Returns a vector containing the port for every backend in the
// specified range.
std::vector<int> GetBackendPorts(size_t start_index = 0,
size_t stop_index = 0) const;
// Client management
// Initializes global state for the client, such as the bootstrap file
// and channel args for the XdsClient. Then calls ResetStub().
// All tests must call this exactly once at the start of the test.
void InitClient(BootstrapBuilder builder = BootstrapBuilder(),
std::string lb_expected_authority = "",
int xds_resource_does_not_exist_timeout_ms = 0);
// Sets channel_, stub_, stub1_, and stub2_.
void ResetStub(int failover_timeout_ms = 0, ChannelArguments* args = nullptr);
// Creates a new client channel. Requires that InitClient() has
// already been called.
std::shared_ptr<Channel> CreateChannel(int failover_timeout_ms = 0,
const char* server_name = kServerName,
const char* xds_authority = "",
ChannelArguments* args = nullptr);
// Sending RPCs
// Options used for sending an RPC.
struct RpcOptions {
RpcService service = SERVICE_ECHO;
RpcMethod method = METHOD_ECHO;
int timeout_ms = 1000;
bool wait_for_ready = false;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> metadata;
// These options are used by the backend service impl.
bool server_fail = false;
int server_sleep_us = 0;
int client_cancel_after_us = 0;
bool skip_cancelled_check = false;
StatusCode server_expected_error = StatusCode::OK;
RpcOptions() {}
RpcOptions& set_rpc_service(RpcService rpc_service) {
service = rpc_service;
return *this;
RpcOptions& set_rpc_method(RpcMethod rpc_method) {
method = rpc_method;
return *this;
RpcOptions& set_timeout_ms(int rpc_timeout_ms) {
timeout_ms = rpc_timeout_ms;
return *this;
RpcOptions& set_wait_for_ready(bool rpc_wait_for_ready) {
wait_for_ready = rpc_wait_for_ready;
return *this;
RpcOptions& set_metadata(
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> rpc_metadata) {
metadata = std::move(rpc_metadata);
return *this;
RpcOptions& set_server_fail(bool rpc_server_fail) {
server_fail = rpc_server_fail;
return *this;
RpcOptions& set_server_sleep_us(int rpc_server_sleep_us) {
server_sleep_us = rpc_server_sleep_us;
return *this;
RpcOptions& set_client_cancel_after_us(int rpc_client_cancel_after_us) {
client_cancel_after_us = rpc_client_cancel_after_us;
return *this;
RpcOptions& set_skip_cancelled_check(bool rpc_skip_cancelled_check) {
skip_cancelled_check = rpc_skip_cancelled_check;
return *this;
RpcOptions& set_server_expected_error(StatusCode code) {
server_expected_error = code;
return *this;
// Populates context and request.
void SetupRpc(ClientContext* context, EchoRequest* request) const;
// Sends an RPC with the specified options.
// If response is non-null, it will be populated with the response.
// Returns the status of the RPC.
Status SendRpc(const RpcOptions& rpc_options = RpcOptions(),
EchoResponse* response = nullptr);
// Internal helper function for SendRpc().
template <typename Stub>
static Status SendRpcMethod(Stub* stub, const RpcOptions& rpc_options,
ClientContext* context, EchoRequest& request,
EchoResponse* response) {
switch (rpc_options.method) {
return stub->Echo(context, request, response);
return stub->Echo1(context, request, response);
return stub->Echo2(context, request, response);
GPR_UNREACHABLE_CODE(return grpc::Status::OK);
// Sends the specified number of RPCs and fails if the RPC fails.
void CheckRpcSendOk(const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location,
const size_t times = 1,
const RpcOptions& rpc_options = RpcOptions());
// Options to use with CheckRpcSendFailure().
struct CheckRpcSendFailureOptions {
std::function<bool(size_t)> continue_predicate = [](size_t i) {
return i < 1;
RpcOptions rpc_options;
StatusCode expected_error_code = StatusCode::OK;
CheckRpcSendFailureOptions() {}
CheckRpcSendFailureOptions& set_times(size_t times) {
continue_predicate = [times](size_t i) { return i < times; };
return *this;
CheckRpcSendFailureOptions& set_continue_predicate(
std::function<bool(size_t)> pred) {
continue_predicate = std::move(pred);
return *this;
CheckRpcSendFailureOptions& set_rpc_options(const RpcOptions& options) {
rpc_options = options;
return *this;
CheckRpcSendFailureOptions& set_expected_error_code(StatusCode code) {
expected_error_code = code;
return *this;
// Sends RPCs and expects them to fail.
void CheckRpcSendFailure(
const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location,
const CheckRpcSendFailureOptions& options = CheckRpcSendFailureOptions());
// Sends num_rpcs RPCs, counting how many of them fail with a message
// matching the specfied drop_error_message_prefix.
// Any failure with a non-matching message is a test failure.
size_t SendRpcsAndCountFailuresWithMessage(
const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location, size_t num_rpcs,
const char* drop_error_message_prefix,
const RpcOptions& rpc_options = RpcOptions());
// A class for running a long-running RPC in its own thread.
// TODO(roth): Maybe consolidate this and SendConcurrentRpcs()
// somehow? LongRunningRpc has a cleaner API, but SendConcurrentRpcs()
// uses the callback API, which is probably better.
class LongRunningRpc {
// Starts the RPC.
void StartRpc(grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub* stub,
const RpcOptions& rpc_options =
1 * 1000 * 1000));
// Cancels the RPC.
void CancelRpc();
// Gets the RPC's status. Blocks if the RPC is not yet complete.
Status GetStatus();
std::thread sender_thread_;
ClientContext context_;
Status status_;
// Starts a set of concurrent RPCs.
struct ConcurrentRpc {
ClientContext context;
Status status;
grpc_core::Duration elapsed_time;
EchoResponse response;
std::vector<ConcurrentRpc> SendConcurrentRpcs(
const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location,
grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub* stub, size_t num_rpcs,
const RpcOptions& rpc_options);
// Waiting for individual backends to be seen by the client
struct WaitForBackendOptions {
// If true, resets the backend counters before returning.
bool reset_counters = true;
// If true, RPC failures will not cause the test to fail.
bool allow_failures = false;
// How long to wait for the backend(s) to see requests.
int timeout_ms = 5000;
WaitForBackendOptions() {}
WaitForBackendOptions& set_reset_counters(bool enable) {
reset_counters = enable;
return *this;
WaitForBackendOptions& set_allow_failures(bool enable) {
allow_failures = enable;
return *this;
WaitForBackendOptions& set_timeout_ms(int ms) {
timeout_ms = ms;
return *this;
// Sends RPCs until all of the backends in the specified range see requests.
// Returns the total number of RPCs sent.
size_t WaitForAllBackends(
const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location, size_t start_index = 0,
size_t stop_index = 0,
const WaitForBackendOptions& wait_options = WaitForBackendOptions(),
const RpcOptions& rpc_options = RpcOptions());
// Sends RPCs until the backend at index backend_idx sees requests.
void WaitForBackend(
const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location, size_t backend_idx,
const WaitForBackendOptions& wait_options = WaitForBackendOptions(),
const RpcOptions& rpc_options = RpcOptions()) {
WaitForAllBackends(debug_location, backend_idx, backend_idx + 1,
wait_options, rpc_options);
// Waiting for xDS NACKs
// These methods send RPCs in a loop until they see a NACK from the
// xDS server, or until a timeout expires.
// Sends RPCs until get_state() returns a response.
absl::optional<AdsServiceImpl::ResponseState> WaitForNack(
const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location,
std::function<absl::optional<AdsServiceImpl::ResponseState>()> get_state,
StatusCode expected_status = StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE);
// Sends RPCs until an LDS NACK is seen.
absl::optional<AdsServiceImpl::ResponseState> WaitForLdsNack(
const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location,
StatusCode expected_status = StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE) {
return WaitForNack(
[&]() { return balancer_->ads_service()->lds_response_state(); },
// Sends RPCs until an RDS NACK is seen.
absl::optional<AdsServiceImpl::ResponseState> WaitForRdsNack(
const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location,
StatusCode expected_status = StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE) {
return WaitForNack(
[&]() { return RouteConfigurationResponseState(balancer_.get()); },
// Sends RPCs until a CDS NACK is seen.
absl::optional<AdsServiceImpl::ResponseState> WaitForCdsNack(
const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location,
StatusCode expected_status = StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE) {
return WaitForNack(
[&]() { return balancer_->ads_service()->cds_response_state(); },
// Sends RPCs until an EDS NACK is seen.
absl::optional<AdsServiceImpl::ResponseState> WaitForEdsNack(
const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location) {
return WaitForNack(debug_location, [&]() {
return balancer_->ads_service()->eds_response_state();
// Convenient front-end to wait for RouteConfiguration to be NACKed,
// regardless of whether it's sent in LDS or RDS.
absl::optional<AdsServiceImpl::ResponseState> WaitForRouteConfigNack(
const grpc_core::DebugLocation& debug_location,
StatusCode expected_status = StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE) {
if (GetParam().enable_rds_testing()) {
return WaitForRdsNack(debug_location, expected_status);
return WaitForLdsNack(debug_location, expected_status);
// Convenient front-end for accessing xDS response state for a
// RouteConfiguration, regardless of whether it's sent in LDS or RDS.
absl::optional<AdsServiceImpl::ResponseState> RouteConfigurationResponseState(
BalancerServerThread* balancer) const {
AdsServiceImpl* ads_service = balancer->ads_service();
if (GetParam().enable_rds_testing()) {
return ads_service->rds_response_state();
return ads_service->lds_response_state();
// Miscellaneous helper methods
// There is slight difference between time fetched by GPR and by C++ system
// clock API. It's unclear if they are using the same syscall, but we do know
// GPR round the number at millisecond-level. This creates a 1ms difference,
// which could cause flake.
static grpc_core::Timestamp NowFromCycleCounter() {
return grpc_core::Timestamp::FromTimespecRoundDown(
// Returns the number of RPCs needed to pass error_tolerance at 99.99994%
// chance. Rolling dices in drop/fault-injection generates a binomial
// distribution (if our code is not horribly wrong). Let's make "n" the number
// of samples, "p" the probability. If we have np>5 & n(1-p)>5, we can
// approximately treat the binomial distribution as a normal distribution.
// For normal distribution, we can easily look up how many standard deviation
// we need to reach 99.995%. Based on Wiki's table
//, we need 5.00
// sigma (standard deviation) to cover the probability area of 99.99994%. In
// another word, for a sample with size "n" probability "p" error-tolerance
// "k", we want the error always land within 5.00 sigma. The sigma of
// binominal distribution and be computed as sqrt(np(1-p)). Hence, we have
// the equation:
// kn <= 5.00 * sqrt(np(1-p))
static size_t ComputeIdealNumRpcs(double p, double error_tolerance) {
GPR_ASSERT(p >= 0 && p <= 1);
size_t num_rpcs =
ceil(p * (1 - p) * 5.00 * 5.00 / error_tolerance / error_tolerance);
"Sending %" PRIuPTR
" RPCs for percentage=%.3f error_tolerance=%.3f",
num_rpcs, p, error_tolerance);
return num_rpcs;
// Returns the contents of the specified file.
static std::string ReadFile(const char* file_path);
// Returns a private key pair, read from local files.
static grpc_core::PemKeyCertPairList ReadTlsIdentityPair(
const char* key_path, const char* cert_path);
// Returns client credentials suitable for using as fallback
// credentials for XdsCredentials.
static std::shared_ptr<ChannelCredentials> CreateTlsFallbackCredentials();
bool ipv6_only_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<BalancerServerThread> balancer_;
std::shared_ptr<Channel> channel_;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub> stub_;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTest1Service::Stub> stub1_;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTest2Service::Stub> stub2_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BackendServerThread>> backends_;
// Default xDS resources.
Listener default_listener_;
RouteConfiguration default_route_config_;
Listener default_server_listener_;
RouteConfiguration default_server_route_config_;
Cluster default_cluster_;
int xds_drain_grace_time_ms_ = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10 mins
bool bootstrap_contents_from_env_var_;
std::string bootstrap_;
char* bootstrap_file_ = nullptr;
absl::InlinedVector<grpc_arg, 3> xds_channel_args_to_add_;
grpc_channel_args xds_channel_args_;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace grpc