The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
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604 lines
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604 lines
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/* |
* |
* Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. |
* |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
* You may obtain a copy of the License at |
* |
* |
* |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
* limitations under the License. |
* |
*/ |
/* Microbenchmarks around CHTTP2 transport operations */ |
#include <grpc++/support/channel_arguments.h> |
#include <grpc/support/alloc.h> |
#include <grpc/support/log.h> |
#include <grpc/support/string_util.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <memory> |
#include <queue> |
#include <sstream> |
extern "C" { |
#include "src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/chttp2_transport.h" |
#include "src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/internal.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/resource_quota.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/slice/slice_internal.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/transport/static_metadata.h" |
} |
#include "test/cpp/microbenchmarks/helpers.h" |
#include "third_party/benchmark/include/benchmark/benchmark.h" |
auto &force_library_initialization = Library::get(); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Helper classes |
// |
class DummyEndpoint : public grpc_endpoint { |
public: |
DummyEndpoint() { |
static const grpc_endpoint_vtable my_vtable = { |
read, write, add_to_pollset, add_to_pollset_set, |
shutdown, destroy, get_resource_user, get_peer, |
get_fd}; |
grpc_endpoint::vtable = &my_vtable; |
ru_ = grpc_resource_user_create(Library::get().rq(), "dummy_endpoint"); |
} |
void PushInput(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_slice slice) { |
if (read_cb_ == nullptr) { |
GPR_ASSERT(!have_slice_); |
buffered_slice_ = slice; |
have_slice_ = true; |
return; |
} |
grpc_slice_buffer_add(slices_, slice); |
GRPC_CLOSURE_SCHED(exec_ctx, read_cb_, GRPC_ERROR_NONE); |
read_cb_ = nullptr; |
} |
private: |
grpc_resource_user *ru_; |
grpc_closure *read_cb_ = nullptr; |
grpc_slice_buffer *slices_ = nullptr; |
bool have_slice_ = false; |
grpc_slice buffered_slice_; |
void QueueRead(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_slice_buffer *slices, |
grpc_closure *cb) { |
GPR_ASSERT(read_cb_ == nullptr); |
if (have_slice_) { |
have_slice_ = false; |
grpc_slice_buffer_add(slices, buffered_slice_); |
return; |
} |
read_cb_ = cb; |
slices_ = slices; |
} |
static void read(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_endpoint *ep, |
grpc_slice_buffer *slices, grpc_closure *cb) { |
static_cast<DummyEndpoint *>(ep)->QueueRead(exec_ctx, slices, cb); |
} |
static void write(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_endpoint *ep, |
grpc_slice_buffer *slices, grpc_closure *cb) { |
} |
static grpc_workqueue *get_workqueue(grpc_endpoint *ep) { return NULL; } |
static void add_to_pollset(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_endpoint *ep, |
grpc_pollset *pollset) {} |
static void add_to_pollset_set(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_endpoint *ep, |
grpc_pollset_set *pollset) {} |
static void shutdown(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_endpoint *ep, |
grpc_error *why) { |
grpc_resource_user_shutdown(exec_ctx, |
static_cast<DummyEndpoint *>(ep)->ru_); |
GRPC_CLOSURE_SCHED(exec_ctx, static_cast<DummyEndpoint *>(ep)->read_cb_, |
why); |
} |
static void destroy(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_endpoint *ep) { |
grpc_resource_user_unref(exec_ctx, static_cast<DummyEndpoint *>(ep)->ru_); |
delete static_cast<DummyEndpoint *>(ep); |
} |
static grpc_resource_user *get_resource_user(grpc_endpoint *ep) { |
return static_cast<DummyEndpoint *>(ep)->ru_; |
} |
static char *get_peer(grpc_endpoint *ep) { return gpr_strdup("test"); } |
static int get_fd(grpc_endpoint *ep) { return 0; } |
}; |
class Fixture { |
public: |
Fixture(const grpc::ChannelArguments &args, bool client) { |
grpc_channel_args c_args = args.c_channel_args(); |
ep_ = new DummyEndpoint; |
t_ = grpc_create_chttp2_transport(exec_ctx(), &c_args, ep_, client); |
grpc_chttp2_transport_start_reading(exec_ctx(), t_, NULL); |
FlushExecCtx(); |
} |
void FlushExecCtx() { grpc_exec_ctx_flush(&exec_ctx_); } |
~Fixture() { |
grpc_transport_destroy(&exec_ctx_, t_); |
grpc_exec_ctx_finish(&exec_ctx_); |
} |
grpc_chttp2_transport *chttp2_transport() { |
return reinterpret_cast<grpc_chttp2_transport *>(t_); |
} |
grpc_transport *transport() { return t_; } |
grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx() { return &exec_ctx_; } |
void PushInput(grpc_slice slice) { ep_->PushInput(exec_ctx(), slice); } |
private: |
DummyEndpoint *ep_; |
grpc_exec_ctx exec_ctx_ = GRPC_EXEC_CTX_INIT; |
grpc_transport *t_; |
}; |
static void DoNothing(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, void *arg, grpc_error *error) {} |
class Stream { |
public: |
Stream(Fixture *f) : f_(f) { |
GRPC_STREAM_REF_INIT(&refcount_, 1, DoNothing, nullptr, "test_stream"); |
stream_size_ = grpc_transport_stream_size(f->transport()); |
stream_ = gpr_malloc(stream_size_); |
arena_ = gpr_arena_create(4096); |
} |
~Stream() { |
gpr_free(stream_); |
gpr_arena_destroy(arena_); |
} |
void Init(benchmark::State &state) { |
memset(stream_, 0, stream_size_); |
if ((state.iterations() & 0xffff) == 0) { |
gpr_arena_destroy(arena_); |
arena_ = gpr_arena_create(4096); |
} |
grpc_transport_init_stream(f_->exec_ctx(), f_->transport(), |
static_cast<grpc_stream *>(stream_), &refcount_, |
NULL, arena_); |
} |
void DestroyThen(grpc_closure *closure) { |
grpc_transport_destroy_stream(f_->exec_ctx(), f_->transport(), |
static_cast<grpc_stream *>(stream_), closure); |
} |
void Op(grpc_transport_stream_op_batch *op) { |
grpc_transport_perform_stream_op(f_->exec_ctx(), f_->transport(), |
static_cast<grpc_stream *>(stream_), op); |
} |
grpc_chttp2_stream *chttp2_stream() { |
return static_cast<grpc_chttp2_stream *>(stream_); |
} |
private: |
Fixture *f_; |
grpc_stream_refcount refcount_; |
gpr_arena *arena_; |
size_t stream_size_; |
void *stream_; |
}; |
class Closure : public grpc_closure { |
public: |
virtual ~Closure() {} |
}; |
template <class F> |
std::unique_ptr<Closure> MakeClosure( |
F f, grpc_closure_scheduler *sched = grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx) { |
struct C : public Closure { |
C(const F &f, grpc_closure_scheduler *sched) : f_(f) { |
GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(this, Execute, this, sched); |
} |
F f_; |
static void Execute(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, void *arg, grpc_error *error) { |
static_cast<C *>(arg)->f_(exec_ctx, error); |
} |
}; |
return std::unique_ptr<Closure>(new C(f, sched)); |
} |
template <class F> |
grpc_closure *MakeOnceClosure( |
F f, grpc_closure_scheduler *sched = grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx) { |
struct C : public grpc_closure { |
C(const F &f) : f_(f) {} |
F f_; |
static void Execute(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, void *arg, grpc_error *error) { |
static_cast<C *>(arg)->f_(exec_ctx, error); |
delete static_cast<C *>(arg); |
} |
}; |
auto *c = new C{f}; |
return GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(c, C::Execute, c, sched); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Benchmarks |
// |
static void BM_StreamCreateDestroy(benchmark::State &state) { |
TrackCounters track_counters; |
Fixture f(grpc::ChannelArguments(), true); |
Stream s(&f); |
std::unique_ptr<Closure> next = |
MakeClosure([&](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) { |
if (!state.KeepRunning()) return; |
s.Init(state); |
s.DestroyThen(next.get()); |
}); |
GRPC_CLOSURE_RUN(f.exec_ctx(), next.get(), GRPC_ERROR_NONE); |
f.FlushExecCtx(); |
track_counters.Finish(state); |
} |
BENCHMARK(BM_StreamCreateDestroy); |
class RepresentativeClientInitialMetadata { |
public: |
static std::vector<grpc_mdelem> GetElems(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx) { |
return { |
grpc_mdelem_from_slices( |
exec_ctx, GRPC_MDSTR_PATH, |
grpc_slice_intern(grpc_slice_from_static_string("/foo/bar"))), |
grpc_mdelem_from_slices(exec_ctx, GRPC_MDSTR_AUTHORITY, |
grpc_slice_intern(grpc_slice_from_static_string( |
""))), |
grpc_mdelem_from_slices( |
grpc_slice_intern(grpc_slice_from_static_string( |
"grpc-c/3.0.0-dev (linux; chttp2; green)")))}; |
} |
}; |
template <class Metadata> |
static void BM_StreamCreateSendInitialMetadataDestroy(benchmark::State &state) { |
TrackCounters track_counters; |
Fixture f(grpc::ChannelArguments(), true); |
Stream s(&f); |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch op; |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_payload op_payload; |
std::unique_ptr<Closure> start; |
std::unique_ptr<Closure> done; |
auto reset_op = [&]() { |
memset(&op, 0, sizeof(op)); |
op.payload = &op_payload; |
}; |
grpc_metadata_batch b; |
grpc_metadata_batch_init(&b); |
b.deadline = gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); |
std::vector<grpc_mdelem> elems = Metadata::GetElems(f.exec_ctx()); |
std::vector<grpc_linked_mdelem> storage(elems.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { |
"addmd", |
grpc_metadata_batch_add_tail(f.exec_ctx(), &b, &storage[i], elems[i]))); |
} |
f.FlushExecCtx(); |
start = MakeClosure([&](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) { |
if (!state.KeepRunning()) return; |
s.Init(state); |
reset_op(); |
op.on_complete = done.get(); |
op.send_initial_metadata = true; |
op.payload->send_initial_metadata.send_initial_metadata = &b; |
s.Op(&op); |
}); |
done = MakeClosure([&](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) { |
reset_op(); |
op.cancel_stream = true; |
op.payload->cancel_stream.cancel_error = GRPC_ERROR_CANCELLED; |
s.Op(&op); |
s.DestroyThen(start.get()); |
}); |
GRPC_CLOSURE_SCHED(f.exec_ctx(), start.get(), GRPC_ERROR_NONE); |
f.FlushExecCtx(); |
grpc_metadata_batch_destroy(f.exec_ctx(), &b); |
track_counters.Finish(state); |
} |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_StreamCreateSendInitialMetadataDestroy, |
RepresentativeClientInitialMetadata); |
static void BM_TransportEmptyOp(benchmark::State &state) { |
TrackCounters track_counters; |
Fixture f(grpc::ChannelArguments(), true); |
Stream s(&f); |
s.Init(state); |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch op; |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_payload op_payload; |
auto reset_op = [&]() { |
memset(&op, 0, sizeof(op)); |
op.payload = &op_payload; |
}; |
std::unique_ptr<Closure> c = |
MakeClosure([&](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) { |
if (!state.KeepRunning()) return; |
reset_op(); |
op.on_complete = c.get(); |
s.Op(&op); |
}); |
GRPC_CLOSURE_SCHED(f.exec_ctx(), c.get(), GRPC_ERROR_NONE); |
f.FlushExecCtx(); |
s.DestroyThen( |
MakeOnceClosure([](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) {})); |
f.FlushExecCtx(); |
track_counters.Finish(state); |
} |
BENCHMARK(BM_TransportEmptyOp); |
static void BM_TransportStreamSend(benchmark::State &state) { |
TrackCounters track_counters; |
Fixture f(grpc::ChannelArguments(), true); |
Stream s(&f); |
s.Init(state); |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch op; |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_payload op_payload; |
auto reset_op = [&]() { |
memset(&op, 0, sizeof(op)); |
op.payload = &op_payload; |
}; |
grpc_slice_buffer_stream send_stream; |
grpc_slice_buffer send_buffer; |
grpc_slice_buffer_init(&send_buffer); |
grpc_slice_buffer_add(&send_buffer, gpr_slice_malloc(state.range(0))); |
memset(GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(send_buffer.slices[0]), 0, |
GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(send_buffer.slices[0])); |
grpc_metadata_batch b; |
grpc_metadata_batch_init(&b); |
b.deadline = gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); |
std::vector<grpc_mdelem> elems = |
RepresentativeClientInitialMetadata::GetElems(f.exec_ctx()); |
std::vector<grpc_linked_mdelem> storage(elems.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { |
"addmd", |
grpc_metadata_batch_add_tail(f.exec_ctx(), &b, &storage[i], elems[i]))); |
} |
std::unique_ptr<Closure> c = |
MakeClosure([&](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) { |
if (!state.KeepRunning()) return; |
// force outgoing window to be yuge |
s.chttp2_stream()->outgoing_window_delta = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; |
f.chttp2_transport()->outgoing_window = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; |
grpc_slice_buffer_stream_init(&send_stream, &send_buffer, 0); |
reset_op(); |
op.on_complete = c.get(); |
op.send_message = true; |
op.payload->send_message.send_message = &send_stream.base; |
s.Op(&op); |
}); |
reset_op(); |
op.send_initial_metadata = true; |
op.payload->send_initial_metadata.send_initial_metadata = &b; |
op.on_complete = c.get(); |
s.Op(&op); |
f.FlushExecCtx(); |
reset_op(); |
op.cancel_stream = true; |
op.payload->cancel_stream.cancel_error = GRPC_ERROR_CANCELLED; |
s.Op(&op); |
s.DestroyThen( |
MakeOnceClosure([](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) {})); |
f.FlushExecCtx(); |
track_counters.Finish(state); |
grpc_metadata_batch_destroy(f.exec_ctx(), &b); |
grpc_slice_buffer_destroy(&send_buffer); |
} |
BENCHMARK(BM_TransportStreamSend)->Range(0, 128 * 1024 * 1024); |
#define SLICE_FROM_BUFFER(s) grpc_slice_from_static_buffer(s, sizeof(s) - 1) |
static grpc_slice CreateIncomingDataSlice(size_t length, size_t frame_size) { |
std::queue<char> unframed; |
unframed.push(static_cast<uint8_t>(0)); |
unframed.push(static_cast<uint8_t>(length >> 24)); |
unframed.push(static_cast<uint8_t>(length >> 16)); |
unframed.push(static_cast<uint8_t>(length >> 8)); |
unframed.push(static_cast<uint8_t>(length)); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
unframed.push('a'); |
} |
std::vector<char> framed; |
while (unframed.size() > frame_size) { |
// frame size |
framed.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(frame_size >> 16)); |
framed.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(frame_size >> 8)); |
framed.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(frame_size)); |
// data frame |
framed.push_back(0); |
// no flags |
framed.push_back(0); |
// stream id |
framed.push_back(0); |
framed.push_back(0); |
framed.push_back(0); |
framed.push_back(1); |
// frame data |
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_size; i++) { |
framed.push_back(unframed.front()); |
unframed.pop(); |
} |
} |
// frame size |
framed.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(unframed.size() >> 16)); |
framed.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(unframed.size() >> 8)); |
framed.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(unframed.size())); |
// data frame |
framed.push_back(0); |
// no flags |
framed.push_back(0); |
// stream id |
framed.push_back(0); |
framed.push_back(0); |
framed.push_back(0); |
framed.push_back(1); |
while (!unframed.empty()) { |
framed.push_back(unframed.front()); |
unframed.pop(); |
} |
return grpc_slice_from_copied_buffer(, framed.size()); |
} |
static void BM_TransportStreamRecv(benchmark::State &state) { |
TrackCounters track_counters; |
Fixture f(grpc::ChannelArguments(), true); |
Stream s(&f); |
s.Init(state); |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_payload op_payload; |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch op; |
grpc_byte_stream *recv_stream; |
grpc_slice incoming_data = CreateIncomingDataSlice(state.range(0), 16384); |
auto reset_op = [&]() { |
memset(&op, 0, sizeof(op)); |
op.payload = &op_payload; |
}; |
grpc_metadata_batch b; |
grpc_metadata_batch_init(&b); |
grpc_metadata_batch b_recv; |
grpc_metadata_batch_init(&b_recv); |
b.deadline = gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); |
std::vector<grpc_mdelem> elems = |
RepresentativeClientInitialMetadata::GetElems(f.exec_ctx()); |
std::vector<grpc_linked_mdelem> storage(elems.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < elems.size(); i++) { |
"addmd", |
grpc_metadata_batch_add_tail(f.exec_ctx(), &b, &storage[i], elems[i]))); |
} |
std::unique_ptr<Closure> do_nothing = |
MakeClosure([](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) {}); |
uint32_t received; |
std::unique_ptr<Closure> drain_start; |
std::unique_ptr<Closure> drain; |
std::unique_ptr<Closure> drain_continue; |
grpc_slice recv_slice; |
std::unique_ptr<Closure> c = |
MakeClosure([&](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) { |
if (!state.KeepRunning()) return; |
// force outgoing window to be yuge |
s.chttp2_stream()->incoming_window_delta = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; |
f.chttp2_transport()->incoming_window = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; |
received = 0; |
reset_op(); |
op.on_complete = do_nothing.get(); |
op.recv_message = true; |
op.payload->recv_message.recv_message = &recv_stream; |
op.payload->recv_message.recv_message_ready = drain_start.get(); |
s.Op(&op); |
f.PushInput(grpc_slice_ref(incoming_data)); |
}); |
drain_start = MakeClosure([&](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) { |
if (recv_stream == NULL) { |
GPR_ASSERT(!state.KeepRunning()); |
return; |
} |
GRPC_CLOSURE_RUN(exec_ctx, drain.get(), GRPC_ERROR_NONE); |
}); |
drain = MakeClosure([&](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) { |
do { |
if (received == recv_stream->length) { |
grpc_byte_stream_destroy(exec_ctx, recv_stream); |
return; |
} |
} while (grpc_byte_stream_next(exec_ctx, recv_stream, |
recv_stream->length - received, |
drain_continue.get()) && |
grpc_byte_stream_pull(exec_ctx, recv_stream, &recv_slice) && |
(received += GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(recv_slice), |
grpc_slice_unref_internal(exec_ctx, recv_slice), true)); |
}); |
drain_continue = MakeClosure([&](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) { |
grpc_byte_stream_pull(exec_ctx, recv_stream, &recv_slice); |
received += GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(recv_slice); |
grpc_slice_unref_internal(exec_ctx, recv_slice); |
GRPC_CLOSURE_RUN(exec_ctx, drain.get(), GRPC_ERROR_NONE); |
}); |
reset_op(); |
op.send_initial_metadata = true; |
op.payload->send_initial_metadata.send_initial_metadata = &b; |
op.recv_initial_metadata = true; |
op.payload->recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata = &b_recv; |
op.payload->recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata_ready = |
do_nothing.get(); |
op.on_complete = c.get(); |
s.Op(&op); |
"\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" |
// Generated using: |
// tools/codegen/core/ < |
// test/cpp/microbenchmarks/representative_server_initial_metadata.headers |
"\x00\x00X\x01\x04\x00\x00\x00\x01" |
"\x10\x07:status\x03" |
"200" |
"\x10\x0c" |
"content-type\x10" |
"application/grpc" |
"\x10\x14grpc-accept-encoding\x15identity,deflate,gzip")); |
f.FlushExecCtx(); |
reset_op(); |
op.cancel_stream = true; |
op.payload->cancel_stream.cancel_error = GRPC_ERROR_CANCELLED; |
s.Op(&op); |
s.DestroyThen( |
MakeOnceClosure([](grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_error *error) {})); |
f.FlushExecCtx(); |
track_counters.Finish(state); |
grpc_metadata_batch_destroy(f.exec_ctx(), &b); |
grpc_metadata_batch_destroy(f.exec_ctx(), &b_recv); |
grpc_slice_unref(incoming_data); |
} |
BENCHMARK(BM_TransportStreamRecv)->Range(0, 128 * 1024 * 1024); |