The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
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gRPC Basics: C++ sample code

The files in this folder are the samples used in gRPC Basics: C++, a detailed tutorial for using gRPC in C++.


The RouteGuide proto definition is available here. The server takes the following command-line argument -

  • db_path - Path to json file containing database. Defaults to examples/cpp/route_guide/route_guide_db.json on bazel builds, and route_guide_db.json for non-bazel builds.

Running the example

To run the server -

$ tools/bazel run examples/cpp/route_guide:route_guide_callback_server

To run the client -

$ tools/bazel run examples/cpp/route_guide:route_guide_callback_client