The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

68 lines
2.2 KiB

require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/autoload.php');
require 'DrSlump/Protobuf.php';
require 'math.php';
class GeneratedCodeTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
/* These tests require that a server exporting the math service must be
* running on $GRPC_TEST_HOST */
protected static $client;
protected static $timeout;
public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
self::$client = new math\MathClient(getenv('GRPC_TEST_HOST'));
public function testSimpleRequest() {
$div_arg = new math\DivArgs();
list($response, $status) = self::$client->Div($div_arg)->wait();
$this->assertSame(1, $response->getQuotient());
$this->assertSame(3, $response->getRemainder());
$this->assertSame(\Grpc\STATUS_OK, $status->code);
public function testServerStreaming() {
$fib_arg = new math\FibArgs();
$call = self::$client->Fib($fib_arg);
$result_array = iterator_to_array($call->responses());
$extract_num = function($num){
return $num->getNum();
$values = array_map($extract_num, $result_array);
$this->assertSame([1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13], $values);
$status = $call->getStatus();
$this->assertSame(\Grpc\STATUS_OK, $status->code);
public function testClientStreaming() {
$num_iter = function() {
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
$num = new math\Num();
yield $num;
$call = self::$client->Sum($num_iter());
list($response, $status) = $call->wait();
$this->assertSame(21, $response->getNum());
$this->assertSame(\Grpc\STATUS_OK, $status->code);
public function testBidiStreaming() {
$call = self::$client->DivMany();
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
$div_arg = new math\DivArgs();
$div_arg->setDividend(2 * $i + 1);
$response = $call->read();
$this->assertSame($i, $response->getQuotient());
$this->assertSame(1, $response->getRemainder());
$status = $call->getStatus();
$this->assertSame(\Grpc\STATUS_OK, $status->code);