The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
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#gRPC Basics: Objective-C |
This tutorial provides a basic Objective-C programmer's introduction to working with gRPC. By |
walking through this example you'll learn how to: |
- Define a service in a .proto file. |
- Generate client code using the protocol buffer compiler. |
- Use the Objective-C gRPC API to write a simple client for your service. |
It assumes a passing familiarity with [protocol buffers]( |
Note that the example in this tutorial uses the proto3 version of the protocol buffers language, |
which is currently in alpha release: you can find out more in the [proto3 language guide]( |
and see the [release notes]( for the new version in the |
protocol buffers Github repository. |
This isn't a comprehensive guide to using gRPC in Objective-C: more reference documentation is |
coming soon. |
- [Why use gRPC?](#why-grpc) |
- [Example code and setup](#setup) |
- [Try it out!](#try) |
- [Defining the service](#proto) |
- [Generating client code](#protoc) |
- [Creating the client](#client) |
<a name="why-grpc"></a> |
## Why use gRPC? |
With gRPC you can define your service once in a .proto file and implement clients and servers in any |
of gRPC's supported languages, which in turn can be run in environments ranging from servers inside |
Google to your own tablet - all the complexity of communication between different languages and |
environments is handled for you by gRPC. You also get all the advantages of working with protocol |
buffers, including efficient serialization, a simple IDL, and easy interface updating. |
gRPC and proto3 are specially suited for mobile clients: gRPC is implemented on top of HTTP/2, which |
results in network bandwidth savings over using HTTP/1.1. Serialization and parsing of the proto |
binary format is more efficient than the equivalent JSON, resulting in CPU and battery savings. And |
proto3 uses a runtime that has been optimized over the years at Google to keep code size to a |
minimum. The latter is important in Objective-C, because the ability of the compiler to strip unused |
code is limited by the dynamic nature of the language. |
<a name="setup"></a> |
## Example code and setup |
The example code for our tutorial is in [examples/objective-c/route_guide](.). |
To download the example, clone this repository by running the following command: |
```shell |
$ git clone |
``` |
Then change your current directory to `examples/objective-c/route_guide`: |
```shell |
$ cd examples/objective-c/route_guide |
``` |
Our example is a simple route mapping application that lets clients get information about features |
on their route, create a summary of their route, and exchange route information such as traffic |
updates with the server and other clients. |
You also should have [Cocoapods]( installed, as well as the relevant |
tools to generate the client library code (and a server in another language, for testing). You can |
obtain the latter by following [these setup instructions]( |
<a name="try"></a> |
## Try it out! |
To try the sample app, we need a gRPC server running locally. Let's compile and run, for example, |
the C++ server in this repository: |
```shell |
$ pushd ../../cpp/route_guide |
$ make |
$ ./route_guide_server & |
$ popd |
``` |
Now have Cocoapods generate and install the client library for our .proto files: |
```shell |
$ pod install |
``` |
(This might have to compile OpenSSL, which takes around 15 minutes if Cocoapods doesn't have it yet |
on your computer's cache). |
Finally, open the XCode workspace created by Cocoapods, and run the app. You can check the calling |
code in `ViewControllers.m` and see the results in XCode's log console. |
The next sections guide you step-by-step through how this proto service is defined, how to generate |
a client library from it, and how to create an app that uses that library. |
<a name="proto"></a> |
## Defining the service |
First let's look at how the service we're using is defined. A gRPC *service* and its method |
*request* and *response* types using [protocol buffers]( |
You can see the complete .proto file for our example in [`examples/protos/route_guide.proto`](../../protos/route_guide.proto). |
To define a service, you specify a named `service` in your .proto file: |
```protobuf |
service RouteGuide { |
... |
} |
``` |
Then you define `rpc` methods inside your service definition, specifying their request and response |
types. Protocol buffers let you define four kinds of service method, all of which are used in the |
`RouteGuide` service: |
- A *simple RPC* where the client sends a request to the server and receives a response later, just |
like a normal remote procedure call. |
```protobuf |
// Obtains the feature at a given position. |
rpc GetFeature(Point) returns (Feature) {} |
``` |
- A *response-streaming RPC* where the client sends a request to the server and gets back a stream |
of response messages. You specify a response-streaming method by placing the `stream` keyword before |
the *response* type. |
```protobuf |
// Obtains the Features available within the given Rectangle. Results are |
// streamed rather than returned at once (e.g. in a response message with a |
// repeated field), as the rectangle may cover a large area and contain a |
// huge number of features. |
rpc ListFeatures(Rectangle) returns (stream Feature) {} |
``` |
- A *request-streaming RPC* where the client sends a sequence of messages to the server. Once the |
client has finished writing the messages, it waits for the server to read them all and return its |
response. You specify a request-streaming method by placing the `stream` keyword before the |
*request* type. |
```protobuf |
// Accepts a stream of Points on a route being traversed, returning a |
// RouteSummary when traversal is completed. |
rpc RecordRoute(stream Point) returns (RouteSummary) {} |
``` |
- A *bidirectional streaming RPC* where both sides send a sequence of messages to the other. The two |
streams operate independently, so clients and servers can read and write in whatever order they |
like: for example, the server could wait to receive all the client messages before writing its |
responses, or it could alternately read a message then write a message, or some other combination of |
reads and writes. The order of messages in each stream is preserved. You specify this type of method |
by placing the `stream` keyword before both the request and the response. |
```protobuf |
// Accepts a stream of RouteNotes sent while a route is being traversed, |
// while receiving other RouteNotes (e.g. from other users). |
rpc RouteChat(stream RouteNote) returns (stream RouteNote) {} |
``` |
Our .proto file also contains protocol buffer message type definitions for all the request and |
response types used in our service methods - for example, here's the `Point` message type: |
```protobuf |
// Points are represented as latitude-longitude pairs in the E7 representation |
// (degrees multiplied by 10**7 and rounded to the nearest integer). |
// Latitudes should be in the range +/- 90 degrees and longitude should be in |
// the range +/- 180 degrees (inclusive). |
message Point { |
int32 latitude = 1; |
int32 longitude = 2; |
} |
``` |
You can specify a prefix to be used for your generated classes by adding the `objc_class_prefix` |
option at the top of the file. For example: |
```protobuf |
option objc_class_prefix = "RTG"; |
``` |
<a name="protoc"></a> |
## Generating client code |
Next we need to generate the gRPC client interfaces from our .proto service definition. We do this |
using the protocol buffer compiler (`protoc`) with a special gRPC Objective-C plugin. |
For simplicity, we've provided a [Podspec file](RouteGuide.podspec) |
that runs `protoc` for you with the appropriate plugin, input, and output, and describes how to |
compile the generated files. You just need to run in this directory (`examples/objective-c/route_guide`): |
```shell |
$ pod install |
``` |
which, before installing the generated library in the XCode project of this sample, runs: |
```shell |
$ protoc -I ../../protos --objc_out=Pods/RouteGuide --objcgrpc_out=Pods/RouteGuide ../../protos/route_guide.proto |
``` |
Running this command generates the following files under `Pods/RouteGuide/`: |
- `RouteGuide.pbobjc.h`, the header which declares your generated message classes. |
- `RouteGuide.pbobjc.m`, which contains the implementation of your message classes. |
- `RouteGuide.pbrpc.h`, the header which declares your generated service classes. |
- `RouteGuide.pbrpc.m`, which contains the implementation of your service classes. |
These contain: |
- All the protocol buffer code to populate, serialize, and retrieve our request and response message |
types. |
- A class called `RTGRouteGuide` that lets clients call the methods defined in the `RouteGuide` |
service. |
You can also use the provided Podspec file to generate client code from any other proto service |
definition; just replace the name (matching the file name), version, and other metadata. |
<a name="client"></a> |
## Creating the client |
In this section, we'll look at creating an Objective-C client for our `RouteGuide` service. You can |
see our complete example client code in [ViewControllers.m](ViewControllers.m). |
(Note: In your apps, for maintainability and readability reasons, you shouldn't put all of your view |
controllers in a single file; it's done here only to simplify the learning process). |
### Constructing a client object |
To call service methods, we first need to create a client object, an instance of the generated |
`RTGRouteGuide` class. The designated initializer of the class expects a `NSString *` with the |
server address and port we want to connect to: |
```objective-c |
#import <RouteGuide/RouteGuide.pbrpc.h> |
static NSString * const kHostAddress = @"http://localhost:50051"; |
... |
RTGRouteGuide *client = [[RTGRouteGuide alloc] initWithHost:kHostAddress]; |
``` |
Notice that we've specified the HTTP scheme in the host address. This is because the server we will |
be using to test our client doesn't use [TLS]( |
This is fine because it will be running locally on our development machine. The most common case, |
though, is connecting with a gRPC server on the internet, running gRPC over TLS. For that case, the |
HTTPS scheme can be specified (or no scheme at all, as HTTPS is the default value). The default |
value of the port is that of the scheme selected: 443 for HTTPS and 80 for HTTP. |
### Calling service methods |
Now let's look at how we call our service methods. As you will see, all these methods are |
asynchronous, so you can call them from the main thread of your app without worrying about freezing |
your UI or the OS killing your app. |
#### Simple RPC |
Calling the simple RPC `GetFeature` is nearly as straightforward as calling any other asynchronous |
method on Cocoa. |
```objective-c |
RTGPoint *point = [RTGPoint message]; |
point.latitude = 40E7; |
point.longitude = -74E7; |
[client getFeatureWithRequest:point handler:^(RTGFeature *response, NSError *error) { |
if (response) { |
// Successful response received |
} else { |
// RPC error |
} |
}]; |
``` |
As you can see, we create and populate a request protocol buffer object (in our case `RTGPoint`). |
Then, we call the method on the client object, passing it the request, and a block to handle the |
response (or any RPC error). If the RPC finishes successfully, the handler block is called with a |
`nil` error argument, and we can read the response information from the server from the response |
argument. If, instead, some RPC error happens, the handler block is called with a `nil` response |
argument, and we can read the details of the problem from the error argument. |
```objective-c |
NSLog(@"Found feature called %@ at %@.",, response.location); |
``` |
#### Streaming RPCs |
Now let's look at our streaming methods. Here's where we call the response-streaming method |
`ListFeatures`, which results in our client receiving a stream of geographical `RTGFeature`s: |
```objective-c |
[client listFeaturesWithRequest:rectangle |
eventHandler:^(BOOL done, RTGFeature *response, NSError *error) { |
if (response) { |
// Element of the stream of responses received |
} else if (error) { |
// RPC error; the stream is over. |
} |
if (done) { |
// The stream is over (all the responses were received, or an error occured). Do any cleanup. |
} |
}]; |
``` |
Notice how the signature of the `eventHandler` block now includes a `BOOL done` parameter. The |
`eventHandler` block can be called any number of times; only on the last call is the `done` argument |
value set to `YES`. If an error occurs, the RPC finishes and the block is called with the arguments |
`(YES, nil, error)`. |
The request-streaming method `RecordRoute` expects a stream of `RTGPoint`s from the cient. This |
stream is passed to the method as an object of class `GRXWriter`. The simplest way to create one is |
to initialize one from a `NSArray` object: |
```objective-c |
#import <RxLibrary/GRXWriter+Immediate.h> |
... |
RTGPoint *point1 = [RTGPoint message]; |
point.latitude = 40E7; |
point.longitude = -74E7; |
RTGPoint *point2 = [RTGPoint message]; |
point.latitude = 40E7; |
point.longitude = -74E7; |
GRXWriter *locationsWriter = [GRXWriter writerWithContainer:@[point1, point2]]; |
[client recordRouteWithRequestsWriter:locationsWriter |
handler:^(RTGRouteSummary *response, NSError *error) { |
if (response) { |
NSLog(@"Finished trip with %i points", response.pointCount); |
NSLog(@"Passed %i features", response.featureCount); |
NSLog(@"Travelled %i meters", response.distance); |
NSLog(@"It took %i seconds", response.elapsedTime); |
} else { |
NSLog(@"RPC error: %@", error); |
} |
}]; |
``` |
The `GRXWriter` class is generic enough to allow for asynchronous streams, streams of future values, |
or even infinite streams. |
Finally, let's look at our bidirectional streaming RPC `RouteChat()`. The way to call a |
bidirectional streaming RPC is just a combination of how to call request-streaming RPCs and |
response-streaming RPCs. |
```objective-c |
[client routeChatWithRequestsWriter:notesWriter |
eventHandler:^(BOOL done, RTGRouteNote *note, NSError *error) { |
if (note) { |
NSLog(@"Got message %@ at %@", note.message, note.location); |
} else if (error) { |
NSLog(@"RPC error: %@", error); |
} |
if (done) { |
NSLog(@"Chat ended."); |
} |
}]; |
``` |
The semantics for the handler block and the `GRXWriter` argument here are exactly the same as for |
our request-streaming and response-streaming methods. Although both client and server will always |
get the other's messages in the order they were written, the two streams operate completely |