/* * * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/core/lib/security/credentials/jwt/jwt_verifier.h" #include "test/core/util/cmdline.h" typedef struct { grpc_pollset* pollset; gpr_mu* mu; int is_done; int success; } synchronizer; static void print_usage_and_exit(gpr_cmdline* cl, const char* argv0) { std::string usage = gpr_cmdline_usage_string(cl, argv0); fprintf(stderr, "%s", usage.c_str()); fflush(stderr); gpr_cmdline_destroy(cl); exit(1); } static void on_jwt_verification_done(void* user_data, grpc_jwt_verifier_status status, grpc_jwt_claims* claims) { synchronizer* sync = static_cast(user_data); sync->success = (status == GRPC_JWT_VERIFIER_OK); if (sync->success) { GPR_ASSERT(claims != nullptr); std::string claims_str = grpc_jwt_claims_json(claims)->Dump(/*indent=*/2); printf("Claims: \n\n%s\n", claims_str.c_str()); grpc_jwt_claims_destroy(claims); } else { GPR_ASSERT(claims == nullptr); fprintf(stderr, "Verification failed with error %s\n", grpc_jwt_verifier_status_to_string(status)); fflush(stderr); } gpr_mu_lock(sync->mu); sync->is_done = 1; GRPC_LOG_IF_ERROR("pollset_kick", grpc_pollset_kick(sync->pollset, nullptr)); gpr_mu_unlock(sync->mu); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { synchronizer sync; grpc_jwt_verifier* verifier; gpr_cmdline* cl; const char* jwt = nullptr; const char* aud = nullptr; grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; grpc_init(); cl = gpr_cmdline_create("JWT verifier tool"); gpr_cmdline_add_string(cl, "jwt", "JSON web token to verify", &jwt); gpr_cmdline_add_string(cl, "aud", "Audience for the JWT", &aud); gpr_cmdline_parse(cl, argc, argv); if (jwt == nullptr || aud == nullptr) { print_usage_and_exit(cl, argv[0]); } verifier = grpc_jwt_verifier_create(nullptr, 0); grpc_init(); sync.pollset = static_cast(gpr_zalloc(grpc_pollset_size())); grpc_pollset_init(sync.pollset, &sync.mu); sync.is_done = 0; grpc_jwt_verifier_verify(verifier, sync.pollset, jwt, aud, on_jwt_verification_done, &sync); gpr_mu_lock(sync.mu); while (!sync.is_done) { grpc_pollset_worker* worker = nullptr; if (!GRPC_LOG_IF_ERROR( "pollset_work", grpc_pollset_work(sync.pollset, &worker, GRPC_MILLIS_INF_FUTURE))) sync.is_done = true; gpr_mu_unlock(sync.mu); grpc_core::ExecCtx::Get()->Flush(); gpr_mu_lock(sync.mu); } gpr_mu_unlock(sync.mu); gpr_free(sync.pollset); grpc_jwt_verifier_destroy(verifier); gpr_cmdline_destroy(cl); grpc_shutdown(); return !sync.success; }