# xDS (Load-Balancing) Interop Test Case Descriptions Client and server use [test.proto](../src/proto/grpc/testing/test.proto). ## Server The code for the xDS test server can be found at: [Java](https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/blob/master/interop-testing/src/main/java/io/grpc/testing/integration/XdsTestServer.java) (other language implementations are in progress). Server should accept these arguments: * --port=PORT * The port the server will run on. ## Client The base behavior of the xDS test client is to send a constant QPS of unary messages and record the remote-peer distribution of the responses. Further, the client must expose an implementation of the `LoadBalancerStatsService` gRPC service to allow the test driver to validate the load balancing behavior for a particular test case (see below for more details). The code for the xDS test client can be at: [Java](https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/blob/master/interop-testing/src/main/java/io/grpc/testing/integration/XdsTestClient.java) (other language implementations are in progress). Clients should accept these arguments: * --fail_on_failed_rpcs=BOOL * If true, the client should exit with a non-zero return code if any RPCs fail. Default is false. * --num_channels=CHANNELS * The number of channels to create to the server. * --qps=QPS * The QPS per channel. * --server=HOSTNAME:PORT * The server host to connect to. For example, "localhost:8080" * --stats_port=PORT * The port for to expose the client's `LoadBalancerStatsService` implementation. ## Test Driver Note that, unlike our other interop tests, neither the client nor the server has any notion of which of the following test scenarios is under test. Instead, a separate test driver is responsible for configuring the load balancer and the server backends, running the client, and then querying the client's `LoadBalancerStatsService` to validate load balancer behavior for each of the tests described below. ## LoadBalancerStatsService The service is defined as: ``` message LoadBalancerStatsRequest { // Request stats for the next num_rpcs sent by client. int32 num_rpcs = 1; // If num_rpcs have not completed within timeout_sec, return partial results. int32 timeout_sec = 2; } message LoadBalancerStatsResponse { // The number of completed RPCs for each peer. map<string, int32> rpcs_by_peer = 1; // The number of RPCs that failed to record a remote peer. int32 num_failures = 2; } service LoadBalancerStatsService { // Gets the backend distribution for RPCs sent by a test client. rpc GetClientStats(LoadBalancerStatsRequest) returns (LoadBalancerStatsResponse) {} } ``` Note that the `LoadBalancerStatsResponse` contains the remote peer distribution of the next `num_rpcs` *sent* by the client after receiving the `LoadBalancerStatsRequest`. It is important that the remote peer distribution be recorded for a block of consecutive outgoing RPCs, to validate the intended distribution from the load balancer, rather than just looking at the next `num_rpcs` responses received from backends, as different backends may respond at different rates. ## Test Cases ### ping_pong This test verifies that every backend receives traffic. Client parameters: 1. --num_channels=1 1. --qps=100 1. --fail_on_failed_rpc=true Load balancer configuration: 1. 4 backends are created in a single managed instance group (MIG). Test driver asserts: 1. All backends receive at least one RPC ### round_robin This test verifies that RPCs are evenly routed according to an unweighted round robin policy. Client parameters: 1. --num_channels=1 1. --qps=100 1. --fail_on_failed_rpc=true Load balancer configuration: 1. 4 backends are created in a single MIG. Test driver asserts that: 1. Once all backends receive at least one RPC, the following 100 RPCs are evenly distributed across the 4 backends. ### backends_restart This test verifies that the load balancer will resume sending traffic to a set of backends that is stopped and then resumed. Client parameters: 1. --num_channels=1 1. --qps=100 Load balancer configuration: 1. 4 backends are created in a single MIG. Test driver asserts: 1. All backends receive at least one RPC. The test driver records the peer distribution for a subsequent block of 100 RPCs then stops the backends. Test driver asserts: 1. No RPCs from the client are successful. The test driver resumes the backends. Test driver asserts: 1. Once all backends receive at least one RPC, the distribution for a block of 100 RPCs is the same as the distribution recorded prior to restart. ### secondary_locality_gets_requests_on_primary_failure This test verifies that backends in a secondary locality receive traffic when all backends in the primary locality fail. Client parameters: 1. --num_channels=1 1. --qps=100 Load balancer configuration: 1. The primary MIG with 2 backends in the same zone as the client 1. The secondary MIG with 2 backends in a different zone Test driver asserts: 1. All backends in the primary locality receive at least 1 RPC. 1. No backends in the secondary locality receive RPCs. The test driver stops the backends in the primary locality. Test driver asserts: 1. All backends in the secondary locality receive at least 1 RPC. The test driver resumes the backends in the primary locality. Test driver asserts: 1. All backends in the primary locality receive at least 1 RPC. 1. No backends in the secondary locality receive RPCs. ### secondary_locality_gets_no_requests_on_partial_primary_failure This test verifies that backends in a failover locality do not receive traffic when at least one of the backends in the primary locality remain healthy. **Note:** Future TD features may change the expected behavior and require changes to this test case. Client parameters: 1. --num_channels=1 1. --qps=100 Load balancer configuration: 1. The primary MIG with 2 backends in the same zone as the client 1. The secondary MIG with 2 backends in a different zone Test driver asserts: 1. All backends in the primary locality receive at least 1 RPC. 1. No backends in the secondary locality receive RPCs. The test driver stops one of the backends in the primary locality. Test driver asserts: 1. All backends in the primary locality receive at least 1 RPC. 1. No backends in the secondary locality receive RPCs. ### new_instance_group_receives_traffic This test verifies that new instance groups added to a backend service in the same zone receive traffic. Client parameters: 1. --num_channels=1 1. --qps=100 1. --fail_on_failed_rpc=true Load balancer configuration: 1. One MIG with two backends, using rate balancing mode. Test driver asserts: 1. All backends receive at least one RPC. The test driver adds a new MIG with two backends in the same zone. Test driver asserts: 1. All backends in each MIG receive at least one RPC. ### remove_instance_group This test verifies that a remaining instance group can successfully serve RPCs after removal of another instance group in the same zone. Client parameters: 1. --num_channels=1 1. --qps=100 Load balancer configuration: 1. Two MIGs with two backends each, using rate balancing mode. Test driver asserts: 1. All backends receive at least one RPC. The test driver removes one MIG. Test driver asserts: 1. All RPCs are directed to the two remaining backends (no RPC failures). ### change_backend_service This test verifies that the backend service can be replaced and traffic routed to the new backends. Client parameters: 1. --num_channels=1 1. --qps=100 1. --fail_on_failed_rpc=true Load balancer configuration: 1. One MIG with two backends Test driver asserts: 1. All backends receive at least one RPC. The test driver creates a new backend service containing a MIG with two backends and changes the TD URL map to point to this new backend service. Test driver asserts: 1. All RPCs are directed to the new backend service. ### traffic_splitting This test verifies that the traffic will be distributed between backend services with the correct weights when route action is set to weighted backend services. Client parameters: 1. --num_channels=1 1. --qps=100 Load balancer configuration: 1. One MIG with one backend Assert: 1. Once all backends receive at least one RPC, the following 1000 RPCs are all sent to MIG_a. The test driver adds a new MIG with 1 backend, and changes the route action to weighted backend services with {a: 20, b: 80}. Assert: 1. Once all backends receive at least one RPC, the following 1000 RPCs are distributed across the 2 backends as a: 20, b: 80.