#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import datetime import os import re import subprocess import sys # find our home ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "../..")) os.chdir(ROOT) # parse command line argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="copyright checker") argp.add_argument( "-o", "--output", default="details", choices=["list", "details"] ) argp.add_argument("-s", "--skips", default=0, action="store_const", const=1) argp.add_argument("-a", "--ancient", default=0, action="store_const", const=1) argp.add_argument("--precommit", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--fix", action="store_true") args = argp.parse_args() # open the license text with open("NOTICE.txt") as f: LICENSE_NOTICE = f.read().splitlines() # license format by file extension # key is the file extension, value is a format string # that given a line of license text, returns what should # be in the file LICENSE_PREFIX_RE = { ".bat": r"@rem\s*", ".c": r"\s*(?://|\*)\s*", ".cc": r"\s*(?://|\*)\s*", ".h": r"\s*(?://|\*)\s*", ".m": r"\s*\*\s*", ".mm": r"\s*\*\s*", ".php": r"\s*\*\s*", ".js": r"\s*\*\s*", ".py": r"#\s*", ".pyx": r"#\s*", ".pxd": r"#\s*", ".pxi": r"#\s*", ".rb": r"#\s*", ".sh": r"#\s*", ".proto": r"//\s*", ".cs": r"//\s*", ".mak": r"#\s*", ".bazel": r"#\s*", ".bzl": r"#\s*", "Makefile": r"#\s*", "Dockerfile": r"#\s*", "BUILD": r"#\s*", } # The key is the file extension, while the value is a tuple of fields # (header, prefix, footer). # For example, for javascript multi-line comments, the header will be '/*', the # prefix will be '*' and the footer will be '*/'. # If header and footer are irrelevant for a specific file extension, they are # set to None. LICENSE_PREFIX_TEXT = { ".bat": (None, "@rem", None), ".c": (None, "//", None), ".cc": (None, "//", None), ".h": (None, "//", None), ".m": ("/**", " *", " */"), ".mm": ("/**", " *", " */"), ".php": ("/**", " *", " */"), ".js": ("/**", " *", " */"), ".py": (None, "#", None), ".pyx": (None, "#", None), ".pxd": (None, "#", None), ".pxi": (None, "#", None), ".rb": (None, "#", None), ".sh": (None, "#", None), ".proto": (None, "//", None), ".cs": (None, "//", None), ".mak": (None, "#", None), ".bazel": (None, "#", None), ".bzl": (None, "#", None), "Makefile": (None, "#", None), "Dockerfile": (None, "#", None), "BUILD": (None, "#", None), } _EXEMPT = frozenset( ( # Generated protocol compiler output. "examples/python/helloworld/helloworld_pb2.py", "examples/python/helloworld/helloworld_pb2_grpc.py", "examples/python/multiplex/helloworld_pb2.py", "examples/python/multiplex/helloworld_pb2_grpc.py", "examples/python/multiplex/route_guide_pb2.py", "examples/python/multiplex/route_guide_pb2_grpc.py", "examples/python/route_guide/route_guide_pb2.py", "examples/python/route_guide/route_guide_pb2_grpc.py", # Generated doxygen config file "tools/doxygen/Doxyfile.php", # An older file originally from outside gRPC. "src/php/tests/bootstrap.php", # census.proto copied from github "tools/grpcz/census.proto", # status.proto copied from googleapis "src/proto/grpc/status/status.proto", # Gradle wrappers used to build for Android "examples/android/helloworld/gradlew.bat", "src/android/test/interop/gradlew.bat", # Designer-generated source "examples/csharp/HelloworldXamarin/Droid/Resources/Resource.designer.cs", "examples/csharp/HelloworldXamarin/iOS/ViewController.designer.cs", # BoringSSL generated header. It has commit version information at the head # of the file so we cannot check the license info. "src/boringssl/boringssl_prefix_symbols.h", ) ) _ENFORCE_CPP_STYLE_COMMENT_PATH_PREFIX = tuple( [ "include/grpc++/", "include/grpcpp/", "src/core/", "src/cpp/", "test/core/", "test/cpp/", "fuzztest/", ] ) RE_YEAR = ( r"Copyright (?P<first_year>[0-9]+\-)?(?P<last_year>[0-9]+) ([Tt]he )?gRPC" r" [Aa]uthors(\.|)" ) RE_LICENSE = dict( ( k, r"\n".join( LICENSE_PREFIX_RE[k] + (RE_YEAR if re.search(RE_YEAR, line) else re.escape(line)) for line in LICENSE_NOTICE ), ) for k, v in list(LICENSE_PREFIX_RE.items()) ) RE_C_STYLE_COMMENT_START = r"^/\*\s*\n" RE_C_STYLE_COMMENT_OPTIONAL_LINE = r"(?:\s*\*\s*\n)*" RE_C_STYLE_COMMENT_END = r"\s*\*/" RE_C_STYLE_COMMENT_LICENSE = ( RE_C_STYLE_COMMENT_START + RE_C_STYLE_COMMENT_OPTIONAL_LINE + r"\n".join( r"\s*(?:\*)\s*" + (RE_YEAR if re.search(RE_YEAR, line) else re.escape(line)) for line in LICENSE_NOTICE ) + r"\n" + RE_C_STYLE_COMMENT_OPTIONAL_LINE + RE_C_STYLE_COMMENT_END ) RE_CPP_STYLE_COMMENT_LICENSE = r"\n".join( r"\s*(?://)\s*" + (RE_YEAR if re.search(RE_YEAR, line) else re.escape(line)) for line in LICENSE_NOTICE ) YEAR = datetime.datetime.now().year LICENSE_YEAR = f"Copyright {YEAR} gRPC authors." def join_license_text(header, prefix, footer, notice): text = (header + "\n") if header else "" def add_prefix(prefix, line): # Don't put whitespace between prefix and empty line to avoid having # trailing whitespaces. return prefix + ("" if len(line) == 0 else " ") + line text += "\n".join( add_prefix(prefix, (LICENSE_YEAR if re.search(RE_YEAR, line) else line)) for line in LICENSE_NOTICE ) text += "\n" if footer: text += footer + "\n" return text LICENSE_TEXT = dict( ( k, join_license_text( LICENSE_PREFIX_TEXT[k][0], LICENSE_PREFIX_TEXT[k][1], LICENSE_PREFIX_TEXT[k][2], LICENSE_NOTICE, ), ) for k, v in list(LICENSE_PREFIX_TEXT.items()) ) if args.precommit: FILE_LIST_COMMAND = ( "git status -z | grep -Poz '(?<=^[MARC][MARCD ] )[^\s]+'" ) else: FILE_LIST_COMMAND = ( "git ls-tree -r --name-only -r HEAD | " "grep -v ^third_party/ |" 'grep -v "\(ares_config.h\|ares_build.h\)"' ) def load(name): with open(name) as f: return f.read() def save(name, text): with open(name, "w") as f: f.write(text) assert re.search(RE_LICENSE["Makefile"], load("Makefile")) def log(cond, why, filename): if not cond: return if args.output == "details": print(("%s: %s" % (why, filename))) else: print(filename) def write_copyright(license_text, file_text, filename): shebang = "" lines = file_text.split("\n") if lines and lines[0].startswith("#!"): shebang = lines[0] + "\n" file_text = file_text[len(shebang) :] rewritten_text = shebang + license_text + "\n" + file_text with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(rewritten_text) def replace_copyright(license_text, file_text, filename): m = re.search(RE_C_STYLE_COMMENT_LICENSE, text) if m: rewritten_text = license_text + file_text[m.end() :] with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(rewritten_text) return True return False # scan files, validate the text ok = True filename_list = [] try: filename_list = ( subprocess.check_output(FILE_LIST_COMMAND, shell=True) .decode() .splitlines() ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: sys.exit(0) for filename in filename_list: enforce_cpp_style_comment = False if filename in _EXEMPT: continue # Skip check for upb generated code. if ( filename.endswith(".upb.h") or filename.endswith(".upbdefs.h") or filename.endswith(".upbdefs.c") or filename.endswith(".upb_minitable.h") or filename.endswith(".upb_minitable.c") ): continue # Allow empty __init__.py files for code generated by xds_protos if filename.startswith("tools/distrib/python/xds_protos") and ( filename.endswith("__init__.py") or filename.endswith("generated_file_import_test.py") ): continue ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] base = os.path.basename(filename) if filename.startswith(_ENFORCE_CPP_STYLE_COMMENT_PATH_PREFIX) and ext in [ ".cc", ".h", ]: enforce_cpp_style_comment = True re_license = RE_CPP_STYLE_COMMENT_LICENSE license_text = LICENSE_TEXT[ext] elif ext in RE_LICENSE: re_license = RE_LICENSE[ext] license_text = LICENSE_TEXT[ext] elif base in RE_LICENSE: re_license = RE_LICENSE[base] license_text = LICENSE_TEXT[base] else: log(args.skips, "skip", filename) continue try: text = load(filename) except: continue m = re.search(re_license, text) if m: pass elif enforce_cpp_style_comment: log( 1, "copyright missing or does not use cpp-style copyright header", filename, ) if args.fix: # Attempt fix: search for c-style copyright header and replace it # with cpp-style copyright header. If that doesn't work # (e.g. missing copyright header), write cpp-style copyright header. if not replace_copyright(license_text, text, filename): write_copyright(license_text, text, filename) ok = False elif "DO NOT EDIT" not in text: if args.fix: write_copyright(license_text, text, filename) log(1, "copyright missing (fixed)", filename) else: log(1, "copyright missing", filename) ok = False if not ok and not args.fix: print( "You may use following command to automatically fix copyright headers:" ) print(" tools/distrib/check_copyright.py --fix") sys.exit(0 if ok else 1)