#!/bin/bash # Contains common funcs shared by instance startup scripts. # # The funcs assume that the code is being run on a GCE instance during instance # startup. function die() { local msg="$0 failed" if [[ -n $1 ]] then msg=$1 fi echo $msg exit 1 } # umount_by_disk_id umounts a disk given its disk_id. umount_by_disk_id() { local disk_id=$1 [[ -n $disk_id ]] || { echo "missing arg: disk_id" >&2; return 1; } # Unmount the disk first sudo umount /dev/disk/by-id/google-$disk_id || { echo "Could not unmount /mnt/disk-by-id/google-$disk_id" >&2; return 1; } } # check_metadata confirms that the result of curling a metadata url does not # contain 'Error 404' check_metadata() { local curl_output=$1 [[ -n $curl_output ]] || { echo "missing arg: curl_output" >&2; return 1; } if [[ $curl_output =~ "Error 404" ]] then return 1 fi return 0 } # name_this_instance determines the current instance name. name_this_instance() { local the_full_host_name the_full_host_name=$(load_metadata "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/hostname") check_metadata $the_full_host_name || return 1 local the_instance the_instance=$(echo $the_full_host_name | cut -d . -f 1 -) || { echo "could not get the instance name from $the_full_host_name" >&2 return 1 } echo $the_instance } # delete_this_instance deletes this GCE instance. (it will shutdown as a result # of running this cmd) delete_this_instance() { local the_full_zone the_full_zone=$(load_metadata "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/zone") check_metadata $the_full_zone || return 1 local the_zone the_zone=$(echo $the_full_zone | cut -d / -f 4 -) || { echo "could not get zone from $the_full_zone" >&2; return 1; } local the_full_host_name the_full_host_name=$(load_metadata "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/hostname") check_metadata $the_full_host_name || return 1 local the_instance the_instance=$(echo $the_full_host_name | cut -d . -f 1 -) || { echo "could not get zone from $the_full_host_name" >&2; return 1; } echo "using gcloud compute instances delete to remove: ${the_instance}" gcloud compute --quiet instances delete --delete-disks boot --zone $the_zone $the_instance } # save_image_info updates the 'images' release info file on GCS. save_image_info() { local image_id=$1 [[ -n $image_id ]] || { echo "missing arg: image_id" >&2; return 1; } local repo_gs_uri=$2 [[ -n $repo_gs_uri ]] || { echo "missing arg: repo_gs_uri" >&2; return 1; } local sentinel="/tmp/$image_id.txt" echo $image_id > $sentinel || { echo "could not create /tmp/$image_id.txt" >&2; return 1; } local gs_sentinel="$repo_gs_uri/images/info/LATEST" gsutil cp $sentinel $gs_sentinel || { echo "failed to update $gs_sentinel" >&2; return 1; } } # creates an image, getting the name and cloud storage uri from the supplied # instance metadata. create_image() { local image_id image_id=$(load_metadata "attributes/image_id") [[ -n $image_id ]] || { echo "missing metadata: image_id" >&2; return 1; } local repo_gs_uri repo_gs_uri=$(load_metadata "attributes/repo_gs_uri") [[ -n $repo_gs_uri ]] || { echo "missing metadata: repo_gs_uri" >&2; return 1; } local the_project the_project=$(load_metadata "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/project/project-id") check_metadata $the_project || return 1 sudo gcimagebundle -d /dev/sda -o /tmp/ --log_file=/tmp/$image_id.log || { echo "image creation failed" >&2; return 1; } image_path=$(ls /tmp/*.tar.gz) image_gs_uri="$repo_gs_uri/images/$image_id.tar.gz" # copy the image to cloud storage gsutil cp $image_path $image_gs_uri || { echo "failed to save image to $repo_gs_uri/$image_path " >&2; return 1; } gcloud compute --project=$the_project images create \ $image_id --source-uri $image_gs_uri || { echo "failed to register $image_gs_uri as $image_id" >&2; return 1; } save_image_info $image_id $repo_gs_uri } # load_metadata curls a metadata url load_metadata() { local metadata_root=http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1 local uri=$1 [[ -n $uri ]] || { echo "missing arg: uri" >&2; return 1; } if [[ $uri =~ ^'attributes/' ]] then for a in $(curl -H "X-Google-Metadata-Request: True" $metadata_root/instance/attributes/) do [[ $uri =~ "/$a"$ ]] && { curl $metadata_root/instance/$uri -H "X-Google-Metadata-Request: True"; return; } done fi # if the uri is a full request uri [[ $uri =~ ^$metadata_root ]] && { curl $uri -H "X-Google-Metadata-Request: True"; return; } } install_python_module() { local mod=$1 [[ -z $mod ]] && { echo "missing arg: mod" >&2; return 1; } echo '------------------------------------' echo 'Installing: $mod' echo '------------------------------------' echo install_with_apt_get gcc python-dev python-setuptools sudo apt-get install -y gcc python-dev python-setuptools sudo easy_install -U pip sudo pip uninstall -y $mod sudo pip install -U $mod } install_with_apt_get() { local pkgs=$@ echo '---------------------------' echo 'Installing: $pkgs' echo '---------------------------' echo sudo apt-get install -y $pkgs } # pulls code from a git repo @HEAD to a local directory, removing the current version if present. setup_git_dir() { local git_http_repo=$1 [[ -n $git_http_repo ]] || { echo "missing arg: git_http_repo" >&2; return 1; } local git_dir=$2 [[ -n $git_dir ]] || { echo "missing arg: git_dir" >&2; return 1; } if [[ -e $git_dir ]] then rm -fR $git_dir || { echo "could not remove existing repo at $git_dir" >&2; return 1; } fi local git_user git_user=$(load_metadata "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/email") check_metadata $git_user || return 1 urlsafe_git_user=$(echo $git_user | sed -e s/@/%40/g) || return 1 local access_token=$(load_metadata "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token?alt=text") check_metadata $access_token || return 1 local git_pwd=$(echo $access_token | cut -d' ' -f 2) || return 1 git clone https://$urlsafe_git_user:$git_pwd@$git_http_repo $git_dir } # network_copy copies a file to another gce instance. network_copy() { local the_node=$1 [[ -n $the_node ]] || { echo "missing arg: the_node" >&2; return 1; } local src=$2 [[ -n $src ]] || { echo "missing arg: src" >&2; return 1; } local dst=$3 [[ -n $dst ]] || { echo "missing arg: dst" >&2; return 1; } gcloud compute copy-files --zone=us-central1-b $src $node:$dst } # gcs_copy copies a file to a location beneath a root gcs object path. gcs_copy() { local gce_root=$1 [[ -n $gce_root ]] || { echo "missing arg: gce_root" >&2; return 1; } local src=$2 [[ -n $src ]] || { echo "missing arg: src" >&2; return 1; } local dst=$3 [[ -n $dst ]] || { echo "missing arg: dst" >&2; return 1; } gsutil cp $src $gce_root/$dst } # find_named_ip finds the external ip address for a given name. find_named_ip() { local name=$1 [[ -n $name ]] || { echo "missing arg: name" >&2; return 1; } gcloud compute addresses list | sed -e 's/ \+/ /g' | grep $name | cut -d' ' -f 3 } # update_address_to updates this instances ip address to the reserved ip address with a given name update_address_to() { local name=$1 [[ -n $name ]] || { echo "missing arg: name" >&2; return 1; } named_ip=$(find_named_ip $name) [[ -n $named_ip ]] || { echo "did not find an address corresponding to $name" >&2; return 1; } local the_full_zone the_full_zone=$(load_metadata "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/zone") check_metadata $the_full_zone || return 1 local the_zone the_zone=$(echo $the_full_zone | cut -d / -f 4 -) || { echo "could not get zone from $the_full_zone" >&2 return 1 } local the_full_host_name the_full_host_name=$(load_metadata "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/hostname") check_metadata $the_full_host_name || return 1 local the_instance the_instance=$(echo $the_full_host_name | cut -d . -f 1 -) || { echo "could not determine the instance from $the_full_host_name" >&2 return 1 } gcloud compute instances delete-access-config --zone $the_zone $the_instance || { echo "could not delete the access config for $the_instance" >&2 return 1 } gcloud compute instances add-access-config --zone $the_zone $the_instance --address $named_ip || { echo "could not update the access config for $the_instance to $named_ip" >&2 return 1 } } # Allows instances to checkout repos on git-on-borg. # install_gob_daemon() { local gob_dir=$1 [[ -n $gob_dir ]] || { echo "missing args: gob_dir" >&2; return 1; } local gob_repo=$2 [[ -n $gob_repo ]] || gob_repo='https://gerrit.googlesource.com/gcompute-tools/' if [[ -e $gob_dir ]] then rm -fv $gob_dir || { echo "could not remove existing git repo at $gob_dir" >&2 return 1 } fi git clone $gob_repo $gob_dir || { echo "failed to pull gerrit cookie repo" >&2; return 1; } local startup_script=/etc/profile.d/gob_cookie_daemon.sh cat <> $startup_script #!/bin/bash $gob_dir/git-cookie-authdaemon EOF chmod 755 $startup_script $startup_script } # grpc_docker_add_docker_group # # Adds a docker group, restarts docker, relaunches the docker registry grpc_docker_add_docker_group() { [[ -f /var/log/GRPC_DOCKER_IS_UP ]] || { echo "missing file /var/log/GRPC_DOCKER_IS_UP; either wrong machine or still starting up" >&2; return 1 } sudo groupadd docker local user=$(id -un) [[ -n ${user} ]] || { echo 'could not determine the user' >&2; return 1; } sudo gpasswd -a ${user} docker sudo service docker restart || return 1; grpc_docker_launch_registry } # grpc_dockerfile_pull # # requires: attributes/gs_dockerfile_root is set to cloud storage directory # containing the dockerfile directory grpc_dockerfile_pull() { local dockerfile_parent=$1 [[ -n $dockerfile_parent ]] || dockerfile_parent='/var/local' local gs_dockerfile_root=$(load_metadata "attributes/gs_dockerfile_root") [[ -n $gs_dockerfile_root ]] || { echo "missing metadata: gs_dockerfile_root" >&2; return 1; } mkdir -p $dockerfile_parent gsutil cp -R $gs_dockerfile_root $dockerfile_parent || { echo "Did not copy docker files from $gs_dockerfile_root -> $dockerfile_parent" return 1 } } # grpc_docker_launch_registry # # requires: attributes/gs_docker_reg is set to the cloud storage directory to # use to store docker images grpc_docker_launch_registry() { local gs_docker_reg=$(load_metadata "attributes/gs_docker_reg") [[ -n $gs_docker_reg ]] || { echo "missing metadata: gs_docker_reg" >&2; return 1; } local gs_bucket=$(echo $gs_docker_reg | sed -r 's|gs://([^/]*?).*|\1|g') [[ -n $gs_bucket ]] || { echo "could not determine cloud storage bucket from $gs_bucket" >&2; return 1 } local storage_path_env='' local image_path=$(echo $gs_docker_reg | sed -r 's|gs://[^/]*(.*)|\1|g' | sed -e 's:/$::g') [[ -n $image_path ]] && { storage_path_env="-e STORAGE_PATH=$image_path" } sudo docker run -d -e GCS_BUCKET=$gs_bucket $storage_path_env -p 5000:5000 google/docker-registry # wait a couple of minutes max, for the registry to come up local is_up=0 for i in {1..24} do local secs=`expr $i \* 5` echo "is docker registry up? waited for $secs secs ..." wget -q localhost:5000 && { echo 'docker registry is up!' is_up=1 break } sleep 5 done [[ $is_up == 0 ]] && { echo "docker registry not available after 120 seconds"; return 1; } || return 0 } # grpc_docker_pull_known # # This pulls a set of known docker images from a private docker registry to # the local image cache. It re-labels the images so that FROM in dockerfiles # used in dockerfiles running on the docker instance can find the images OK. # # optional: address of a grpc docker registry, the default is grpc_docker_pull_known() { local addr=$1 [[ -n $addr ]] || addr="" local known="base cxx php_base php ruby_base ruby java_base java go" echo "... pulling docker images for '$known'" for i in $known do sudo docker pull ${addr}/grpc/$i \ && sudo docker tag ${addr}/grpc/$i grpc/$i || { # log and continue echo "docker op error: could not pull ${addr}/grpc/$i" } done } # grpc_dockerfile_build_install # # requires: $1 is the label to apply to the docker image # requires: $2 is a local directory containing a Dockerfile # requires: there is a docker registry running on 5000, e.g, grpc_docker_launch_registry was run # # grpc_dockerfile_install "grpc/image" /var/local/dockerfile/grpc_image grpc_dockerfile_install() { local image_label=$1 [[ -n $image_label ]] || { echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: image_label" >&2; return 1; } local docker_img_url=$image_label local dockerfile_dir=$2 [[ -n $dockerfile_dir ]] || { echo "missing arg: dockerfile_dir" >&2; return 1; } local cache_opt='--no-cache' local cache=$3 [[ $cache == "cache=yes" ]] && { cache_opt=''; } [[ $cache == "cache=1" ]] && { cache_opt=''; } [[ $cache == "cache=true" ]] && { cache_opt=''; } [[ -d $dockerfile_dir ]] || { echo "$FUNCNAME: not a valid dir: $dockerfile_dir"; return 1; } # For specific base images, sync the ssh key into the .ssh dir in the dockerfile context [[ $image_label == "grpc/base" ]] && { grpc_docker_sync_github_key $dockerfile_dir/.ssh 'base_ssh_key'|| return 1; } [[ $image_label == "grpc/go" ]] && { grpc_docker_sync_github_key $dockerfile_dir/.ssh 'go_ssh_key'|| return 1; } [[ $image_label == "grpc/java_base" ]] && { grpc_docker_sync_github_key $dockerfile_dir/.ssh 'java_base_ssh_key'|| return 1; } # TODO(temiola): maybe make cache/no-cache a func option? sudo docker build $cache_opt -t $image_label $dockerfile_dir || { echo "$FUNCNAME:: build of $image_label <- $dockerfile_dir" return 1 } sudo docker tag $image_label $docker_img_url || { echo "$FUNCNAME: failed to tag $docker_img_url as $image_label" return 1 } sudo docker push $docker_img_url || { echo "$FUNCNAME: failed to push $docker_img_url" return 1 } } # grpc_dockerfile_refresh # # requires: $1 is the label to apply to the docker image # requires: $2 is a local directory containing a Dockerfile # requires: there is a docker registry running on 5000, e.g, grpc_docker_launch_registry was run # # call-seq: # grpc_dockerfile_refresh "grpc/mylabel" /var/local/dockerfile/dir_containing_my_dockerfile grpc_dockerfile_refresh() { grpc_dockerfile_install "$@" } # grpc_docker_sync_github_key. # # Copies the docker github key from GCS to the target dir # # call-seq: # grpc_docker_sync_github_key grpc_docker_sync_github_key() { local target_dir=$1 [[ -n $target_dir ]] || { echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: target_dir" >&2; return 1; } local key_file=$2 [[ -n $key_file ]] || { echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: key_file" >&2; return 1; } # determine the admin root; the parent of the dockerfile root, local gs_dockerfile_root=$(load_metadata "attributes/gs_dockerfile_root") [[ -n $gs_dockerfile_root ]] || { echo "$FUNCNAME: missing metadata: gs_dockerfile_root" >&2 return 1 } local gcs_admin_root=$(dirname $gs_dockerfile_root) # cp the file from gsutil to a known local area local gcs_key_path=$gcs_admin_root/github/$key_file local local_key_path=$target_dir/github.rsa mkdir -p $target_dir || { echo "$FUNCNAME: could not create dir: $target_dir" 1>&2 return 1 } gsutil cp $src $gcs_key_path $local_key_path }