#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2021 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -ex -o igncr || set -ex # Constants readonly GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME="grpc" # GKE Cluster readonly GKE_CLUSTER_NAME="interop-test-psm-sec-testing-api" readonly GKE_CLUSTER_ZONE="us-west1-b" export CLOUDSDK_API_ENDPOINT_OVERRIDES_CONTAINER="https://test-container.sandbox.googleapis.com/" ## xDS test server/client Docker images readonly SERVER_IMAGE_NAME="gcr.io/grpc-testing/xds-interop/cpp-server" readonly CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME="gcr.io/grpc-testing/xds-interop/cpp-client" readonly FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD="${FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD:-0}" readonly BUILD_APP_PATH="interop-testing/build/install/grpc-interop-testing" readonly TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR_USE_EXISTING=1 ####################################### # Builds test app Docker images and pushes them to GCR # Globals: # BUILD_APP_PATH # SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name # CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name # GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # Writes the output of `gcloud builds submit` to stdout, stderr ####################################### build_test_app_docker_images() { echo "Building C++ xDS interop test app Docker images" docker build -f "${SRC_DIR}/tools/dockerfile/interoptest/grpc_interop_cxx_xds/Dockerfile.xds_client" -t "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${SRC_DIR}" docker build -f "${SRC_DIR}/tools/dockerfile/interoptest/grpc_interop_cxx_xds/Dockerfile.xds_server" -t "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" "${SRC_DIR}" gcloud -q auth configure-docker docker push "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" docker push "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" } ####################################### # Builds test app and its docker images unless they already exist # Globals: # SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name # CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name # GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built # FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # Writes the output to stdout, stderr ####################################### build_docker_images_if_needed() { # Check if images already exist server_tags="$(gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}")" printf "Server image: %s:%s\n" "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}" echo "${server_tags:-Server image not found}" client_tags="$(gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}")" printf "Client image: %s:%s\n" "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}" echo "${client_tags:-Client image not found}" # Build if any of the images are missing, or FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD=1 if [[ "${FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD}" == "1" || -z "${server_tags}" || -z "${client_tags}" ]]; then build_test_app_docker_images else echo "Skipping C++ test app build" fi } ####################################### # Executes the test case # Globals: # TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Relative path to test driver flagfile # KUBE_CONTEXT: The name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access # TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Output directory for the test xUnit XML report # SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name # CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name # GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built # Arguments: # Test case name # Outputs: # Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr # Test xUnit report to ${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}/sponge_log.xml ####################################### run_test() { # Test driver usage: # https://github.com/grpc/grpc/tree/master/tools/run_tests/xds_k8s_test_driver#basic-usage local test_name="${1:?Usage: run_test test_name}" set -x python -m "tests.${test_name}" \ --flagfile="${TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE}" \ --kube_context="${KUBE_CONTEXT}" \ --server_image="${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" \ --client_image="${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" \ --xml_output_file="${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}/sponge_log.xml" \ --force_cleanup \ --nocheck_local_certs set +x } ####################################### # Main function: provision software necessary to execute tests, and run them # Globals: # KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR # GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME # SRC_DIR: Populated with absolute path to the source repo # TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR: Populated with the path to the repo containing # the test driver # TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR: Populated with the path to the test driver source code # TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Populated with relative path to test driver flagfile # TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Populated with the path to test xUnit XML report # GIT_ORIGIN_URL: Populated with the origin URL of git repo used for the build # GIT_COMMIT: Populated with the SHA-1 of git commit being built # GIT_COMMIT_SHORT: Populated with the short SHA-1 of git commit being built # KUBE_CONTEXT: Populated with name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access # Arguments: # None # Outputs: # Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr ####################################### main() { local script_dir script_dir="$(dirname "$0")" # shellcheck source=tools/internal_ci/linux/grpc_xds_k8s_install_test_driver.sh source "${script_dir}/grpc_xds_k8s_install_test_driver.sh" set -x if [[ -n "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" ]]; then kokoro_setup_test_driver "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME}" else local_setup_test_driver "${script_dir}" fi build_docker_images_if_needed # Run tests cd "${TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR}" run_test baseline_test run_test security_test } main "$@"