/* * * Copyright 2015, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.h" #include #include #include #include "src/core/surface/event_string.h" #include "src/core/support/string.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ROOT_EXPECTATION 1000 /* a set of metadata we expect to find on an event */ typedef struct metadata { size_t count; size_t cap; char **keys; char **values; } metadata; /* details what we expect to find on a single event - and forms a linked list to detail other expectations */ typedef struct expectation { struct expectation *next; struct expectation *prev; grpc_completion_type type; void *tag; int success; } expectation; /* the verifier itself */ struct cq_verifier { /* bound completion queue */ grpc_completion_queue *cq; /* the root/sentinal expectation */ expectation expect; }; cq_verifier * cq_verifier_create (grpc_completion_queue * cq) { cq_verifier *v = gpr_malloc (sizeof (cq_verifier)); v->expect.type = ROOT_EXPECTATION; v->expect.tag = NULL; v->expect.next = &v->expect; v->expect.prev = &v->expect; v->cq = cq; return v; } void cq_verifier_destroy (cq_verifier * v) { cq_verify (v); gpr_free (v); } static int has_metadata (const grpc_metadata * md, size_t count, const char *key, const char *value) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (0 == strcmp (key, md[i].key) && strlen (value) == md[i].value_length && 0 == memcmp (md[i].value, value, md[i].value_length)) { return 1; } } return 0; } int contains_metadata (grpc_metadata_array * array, const char *key, const char *value) { return has_metadata (array->metadata, array->count, key, value); } static gpr_slice merge_slices (gpr_slice * slices, size_t nslices) { size_t i; size_t len = 0; gpr_uint8 *cursor; gpr_slice out; for (i = 0; i < nslices; i++) { len += GPR_SLICE_LENGTH (slices[i]); } out = gpr_slice_malloc (len); cursor = GPR_SLICE_START_PTR (out); for (i = 0; i < nslices; i++) { memcpy (cursor, GPR_SLICE_START_PTR (slices[i]), GPR_SLICE_LENGTH (slices[i])); cursor += GPR_SLICE_LENGTH (slices[i]); } return out; } static int byte_buffer_eq_slice (grpc_byte_buffer * bb, gpr_slice b) { gpr_slice a; int ok; if (!bb) return 0; a = merge_slices (bb->data.raw.slice_buffer.slices, bb->data.raw.slice_buffer.count); ok = GPR_SLICE_LENGTH (a) == GPR_SLICE_LENGTH (b) && 0 == memcmp (GPR_SLICE_START_PTR (a), GPR_SLICE_START_PTR (b), GPR_SLICE_LENGTH (a)); gpr_slice_unref (a); gpr_slice_unref (b); return ok; } int byte_buffer_eq_string (grpc_byte_buffer * bb, const char *str) { grpc_byte_buffer_reader reader; grpc_byte_buffer *rbb; int res; grpc_byte_buffer_reader_init (&reader, bb); rbb = grpc_raw_byte_buffer_from_reader (&reader); res = byte_buffer_eq_slice (rbb, gpr_slice_from_copied_string (str)); grpc_byte_buffer_reader_destroy (&reader); grpc_byte_buffer_destroy (rbb); return res; } static void verify_matches (expectation * e, grpc_event * ev) { GPR_ASSERT (e->type == ev->type); switch (e->type) { case GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN: gpr_log (GPR_ERROR, "premature queue shutdown"); abort (); break; case GRPC_OP_COMPLETE: GPR_ASSERT (e->success == ev->success); break; case GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT: gpr_log (GPR_ERROR, "not implemented"); abort (); break; } } static void expectation_to_strvec (gpr_strvec * buf, expectation * e) { char *tmp; gpr_asprintf (&tmp, "%p ", e->tag); gpr_strvec_add (buf, tmp); switch (e->type) { case GRPC_OP_COMPLETE: gpr_asprintf (&tmp, "GRPC_OP_COMPLETE result=%d", e->success); gpr_strvec_add (buf, tmp); break; case GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT: case GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN: gpr_log (GPR_ERROR, "not implemented"); abort (); break; } } static void expectations_to_strvec (gpr_strvec * buf, cq_verifier * v) { expectation *e; for (e = v->expect.next; e != &v->expect; e = e->next) { expectation_to_strvec (buf, e); gpr_strvec_add (buf, gpr_strdup ("\n")); } } static void fail_no_event_received (cq_verifier * v) { gpr_strvec buf; char *msg; gpr_strvec_init (&buf); gpr_strvec_add (&buf, gpr_strdup ("no event received, but expected:\n")); expectations_to_strvec (&buf, v); msg = gpr_strvec_flatten (&buf, NULL); gpr_log (GPR_ERROR, "%s", msg); gpr_strvec_destroy (&buf); gpr_free (msg); abort (); } void cq_verify (cq_verifier * v) { gpr_timespec deadline = GRPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_TO_DEADLINE (10); grpc_event ev; expectation *e; char *s; gpr_strvec have_tags; gpr_strvec_init (&have_tags); while (v->expect.next != &v->expect) { ev = grpc_completion_queue_next (v->cq, deadline, NULL); if (ev.type == GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) { fail_no_event_received (v); break; } for (e = v->expect.next; e != &v->expect; e = e->next) { gpr_asprintf (&s, " %p", e->tag); gpr_strvec_add (&have_tags, s); if (e->tag == ev.tag) { verify_matches (e, &ev); e->next->prev = e->prev; e->prev->next = e->next; gpr_free (e); break; } } if (e == &v->expect) { s = grpc_event_string (&ev); gpr_log (GPR_ERROR, "event not found: %s", s); gpr_free (s); s = gpr_strvec_flatten (&have_tags, NULL); gpr_log (GPR_ERROR, "have tags:%s", s); gpr_free (s); gpr_strvec_destroy (&have_tags); abort (); } } gpr_strvec_destroy (&have_tags); } void cq_verify_empty (cq_verifier * v) { gpr_timespec deadline = gpr_time_add (gpr_now (GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), gpr_time_from_seconds (1, GPR_TIMESPAN)); grpc_event ev; GPR_ASSERT (v->expect.next == &v->expect && "expectation queue must be empty"); ev = grpc_completion_queue_next (v->cq, deadline, NULL); if (ev.type != GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) { char *s = grpc_event_string (&ev); gpr_log (GPR_ERROR, "unexpected event (expected nothing): %s", s); gpr_free (s); abort (); } } static expectation * add (cq_verifier * v, grpc_completion_type type, void *tag) { expectation *e = gpr_malloc (sizeof (expectation)); e->type = type; e->tag = tag; e->next = &v->expect; e->prev = e->next->prev; e->next->prev = e->prev->next = e; return e; } void cq_expect_completion (cq_verifier * v, void *tag, int success) { add (v, GRPC_OP_COMPLETE, tag)->success = success; }