%YAML 1.2 --- | # GRPC Node gyp file # This currently builds the Node extension and dependencies # This file has been automatically generated from a template file. # Please look at the templates directory instead. # This file can be regenerated from the template by running # tools/buildgen/generate_projects.sh # Copyright 2015, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Some of this file is built with the help of # https://n8.io/converting-a-c-library-to-gyp/ { 'variables': { 'runtime%': 'node', # UV integration in C core is enabled by default. It can be disabled # by setting this argument to anything else. 'grpc_uv%': 'true', # Some Node installations use the system installation of OpenSSL, and on # some systems, the system OpenSSL still does not have ALPN support. This # will let users recompile gRPC to work without ALPN. 'grpc_alpn%': 'true', # Indicates that the library should be built with gcov. 'grpc_gcov%': 'false' }, 'target_defaults': { 'configurations': { % for name, args in configs.iteritems(): % if name in ['dbg', 'opt']: '${{'dbg':'Debug', 'opt': 'Release'}[name]}': { % for arg, prop in [('CPPFLAGS', 'cflags'), ('DEFINES', 'defines')]: % if args.get(arg, None) is not None: '${prop}': [ % for item in args.get(arg).split(): '${item}', % endfor ], % endif % endfor }, % endif % endfor }, % for arg, prop in [('CPPFLAGS', 'cflags'), ('LDFLAGS', 'ldflags')]: % if defaults['global'].get(arg, None) is not None: '${prop}': [ % for item in defaults['global'].get(arg).split(): '${item}', % endfor ], % endif % endfor 'include_dirs': [ '.', 'include' ], 'defines': [ 'GPR_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_MODE' ], 'conditions': [ ['grpc_uv=="true"', { 'defines': [ 'GRPC_ARES=0', # Disabling this while bugs are ironed out. Uncomment this to # re-enable libuv integration in C core. 'GRPC_UV' ] }], ['grpc_gcov=="true"', { % for arg, prop in [('CPPFLAGS', 'cflags'), ('DEFINES', 'defines'), ('LDFLAGS', 'ldflags')]: % if configs['gcov'].get(arg, None) is not None: '${prop}': [ % for item in configs['gcov'].get(arg).split(): '${item}', % endfor ], % endif % endfor }], ['OS!="win" and runtime=="electron"', { "defines": [ 'OPENSSL_NO_THREADS' ] }], # This is the condition for using boringssl ['OS=="win" or runtime=="electron"', { "include_dirs": [ "third_party/boringssl/include" ], "defines": [ 'OPENSSL_NO_ASM' ] }, { 'conditions': [ ['grpc_alpn=="true"', { 'defines': [ 'TSI_OPENSSL_ALPN_SUPPORT=1' ], }, { 'defines': [ 'TSI_OPENSSL_ALPN_SUPPORT=0' ], }] ], 'include_dirs': [ '<(node_root_dir)/deps/openssl/openssl/include', ], 'conditions': [ ["target_arch=='ia32'", { "include_dirs": [ "<(node_root_dir)/deps/openssl/config/piii" ] }], ["target_arch=='x64'", { "include_dirs": [ "<(node_root_dir)/deps/openssl/config/k8" ] }], ["target_arch=='arm'", { "include_dirs": [ "<(node_root_dir)/deps/openssl/config/arm" ] }] ] }], ['OS == "win"', { "include_dirs": [ "third_party/zlib", "third_party/cares/cares" ], "defines": [ '_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600', 'WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN', '_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0', 'UNICODE', '_UNICODE', 'NOMINMAX', ], "msvs_settings": { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'RuntimeLibrary': 1, # static debug } }, "libraries": [ "ws2_32" ] }, { # OS != "win" 'include_dirs': [ '<(node_root_dir)/deps/zlib', '<(node_root_dir)/deps/cares/include' ] }] ] }, 'conditions': [ ['OS=="win" or runtime=="electron"', { 'targets': [ % for module in node_modules: % for lib in libs: % if lib.name in module.transitive_deps and lib.name == 'boringssl': { 'cflags': [ '-std=c99', '-Wall', '-Werror' ], 'target_name': '${lib.name}', 'product_prefix': 'lib', 'type': 'static_library', 'dependencies': [ % for dep in getattr(lib, 'deps', []): '${dep}', % endfor ], 'sources': [ % for source in lib.src: '${source}', % endfor ] }, % endif % endfor % endfor ] }], ['OS == "win" and runtime!="electron"', { 'targets': [ { # IMPORTANT WINDOWS BUILD INFORMATION # This library does not build on Windows without modifying the Node # development packages that node-gyp downloads in order to build. # Due to https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/4932, the headers for # BoringSSL conflict with the OpenSSL headers included by default # when including the Node headers. The remedy for this is to remove # the OpenSSL headers, from the downloaded Node development package, # which is typically located in `.node-gyp` in your home directory. # # This is not true of Electron, which does not have OpenSSL headers. 'target_name': 'WINDOWS_BUILD_WARNING', 'rules': [ { 'rule_name': 'WINDOWS_BUILD_WARNING', 'extension': 'S', 'inputs': [ 'package.json' ], 'outputs': [ 'ignore_this_part' ], 'action': ['echo', 'IMPORTANT: Due to https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/4932, to build this library on Windows, you must first remove <(node_root_dir)/include/node/openssl/'] } ] }, # Only want to compile zlib under Windows % for module in node_modules: % for lib in libs: % if lib.name in module.transitive_deps and lib.name == 'z': { 'cflags': [ '-std=c99', '-Wall', '-Werror' ], 'target_name': '${lib.name}', 'product_prefix': 'lib', 'type': 'static_library', 'dependencies': [ % for dep in getattr(lib, 'deps', []): '${dep}', % endfor ], 'sources': [ % for source in lib.src: '${source}', % endfor ] }, % endif % endfor % endfor ] }] ], 'targets': [ <% for lib in libs: if 'grpc' in lib.transitive_deps or lib.name == 'grpc': lib.deps.append('node_modules/cares/deps/cares/cares.gyp:cares') for module in node_modules: module.deps.append('node_modules/cares/deps/cares/cares.gyp:cares') %> % for module in node_modules: % for lib in libs: % if lib.name in module.transitive_deps and lib.name not in ('boringssl', 'z'): { 'cflags': [ '-std=c99', '-Wall', '-Werror' ], 'target_name': '${lib.name}', 'product_prefix': 'lib', 'type': 'static_library', 'dependencies': [ % for dep in getattr(lib, 'deps', []): '${dep}', % endfor ], 'sources': [ % for source in lib.src: '${source}', % endfor ], "conditions": [ ['OS == "mac"', { 'xcode_settings': { 'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET': '10.9' } }] ] }, % endif % endfor { 'include_dirs': [ "<!(node -e \"require('nan')\")" ], 'cflags': [ '-std=c++11', '-pthread', '-zdefs', '-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations' ], "conditions": [ ['OS=="win" or runtime=="electron"', { 'dependencies': [ % for dep in getattr(module, 'deps', []): % if dep == 'boringssl': "${dep}", % endif % endfor ] }], ['OS=="mac"', { 'xcode_settings': { 'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET': '10.9', 'OTHER_CFLAGS': [ '-stdlib=libc++', '-std=c++11' ] } }], ['OS=="win"', { 'dependencies': [ % for dep in getattr(module, 'deps', []): % if dep == 'z': "${dep}", % endif % endfor ] }], ['OS=="linux"', { 'ldflags': [ '-Wl,-wrap,memcpy' ] }] ], "target_name": "${module.name}", "sources": [ % for source in module.src: "${source}", % endfor ], "dependencies": [ % for dep in getattr(module, 'deps', []): % if dep not in ('boringssl', 'z'): "${dep}", % endif % endfor ] }, % endfor { "target_name": "action_after_build", "type": "none", "dependencies": [ "<(module_name)" ], "copies": [ { "files": [ "<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(module_name).node"], "destination": "<(module_path)" } ] } ] }