// // // Copyright 2017 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // #include "absl/types/optional.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include #include #include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/time.h" #include "test/core/end2end/end2end_tests.h" namespace grpc_core { // Tests a basic retry scenario: // - 2 retries allowed for ABORTED status // - first attempt returns ABORTED // - second attempt returns OK CORE_END2END_TEST(RetryTest, Retry) { InitServer(ChannelArgs()); InitClient(ChannelArgs().Set( GRPC_ARG_SERVICE_CONFIG, "{\n" " \"methodConfig\": [ {\n" " \"name\": [\n" " { \"service\": \"service\", \"method\": \"method\" }\n" " ],\n" " \"retryPolicy\": {\n" " \"maxAttempts\": 3,\n" " \"initialBackoff\": \"1s\",\n" " \"maxBackoff\": \"120s\",\n" " \"backoffMultiplier\": 1.6,\n" " \"retryableStatusCodes\": [ \"ABORTED\" ]\n" " }\n" " } ]\n" "}")); auto c = NewClientCall("/service/method").Timeout(Duration::Seconds(5)).Create(); EXPECT_NE(c.GetPeer(), absl::nullopt); IncomingStatusOnClient server_status; IncomingMetadata server_initial_metadata; IncomingMessage server_message; c.NewBatch(1) .SendInitialMetadata({}) .SendMessage("foo") .RecvMessage(server_message) .SendCloseFromClient() .RecvInitialMetadata(server_initial_metadata) .RecvStatusOnClient(server_status); auto s = RequestCall(101); Expect(101, true); Step(); // Make sure the "grpc-previous-rpc-attempts" header was not sent in the // initial attempt. EXPECT_EQ(s.GetInitialMetadata("grpc-previous-rpc-attempts"), absl::nullopt); EXPECT_NE(s.GetPeer(), absl::nullopt); EXPECT_NE(c.GetPeer(), absl::nullopt); IncomingCloseOnServer client_close; s.NewBatch(102) .SendInitialMetadata({}) .SendStatusFromServer(GRPC_STATUS_ABORTED, "xyz", {}) .RecvCloseOnServer(client_close); Expect(102, true); Step(); auto s2 = RequestCall(201); Expect(201, true); Step(); // Make sure the "grpc-previous-rpc-attempts" header was sent in the retry. EXPECT_EQ(s2.GetInitialMetadata("grpc-previous-rpc-attempts"), "1"); EXPECT_NE(s2.GetPeer(), absl::nullopt); EXPECT_NE(c.GetPeer(), absl::nullopt); IncomingMessage server_message2; s2.NewBatch(202) .SendInitialMetadata({}) .RecvMessage(server_message2) .SendMessage("bar"); IncomingCloseOnServer client_close2; s2.NewBatch(203) .SendStatusFromServer(GRPC_STATUS_OK, "xyz", {}) .RecvCloseOnServer(client_close2); Expect(202, true); Expect(203, true); Expect(1, true); Step(); EXPECT_EQ(server_status.status(), GRPC_STATUS_OK); EXPECT_EQ(server_status.message(), "xyz"); EXPECT_EQ(s.method(), "/service/method"); EXPECT_FALSE(client_close2.was_cancelled()); } } // namespace grpc_core