#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Definition of targets run distribution package tests.""" import os.path import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("..")) import python_utils.jobset as jobset def create_docker_jobspec( name, dockerfile_dir, shell_command, environ={}, flake_retries=0, timeout_retries=0, copy_rel_path=None, timeout_seconds=30 * 60, ): """Creates jobspec for a task running under docker.""" environ = environ.copy() # the entire repo will be cloned if copy_rel_path is not set. if copy_rel_path: environ["RELATIVE_COPY_PATH"] = copy_rel_path docker_args = [] for k, v in list(environ.items()): docker_args += ["-e", "%s=%s" % (k, v)] docker_env = { "DOCKERFILE_DIR": dockerfile_dir, "DOCKER_RUN_SCRIPT": "tools/run_tests/dockerize/docker_run.sh", "DOCKER_RUN_SCRIPT_COMMAND": shell_command, } jobspec = jobset.JobSpec( cmdline=["tools/run_tests/dockerize/build_and_run_docker.sh"] + docker_args, environ=docker_env, shortname="distribtest.%s" % (name), timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds, flake_retries=flake_retries, timeout_retries=timeout_retries, ) return jobspec def create_jobspec( name, cmdline, environ=None, shell=False, flake_retries=0, timeout_retries=0, use_workspace=False, timeout_seconds=10 * 60, ): """Creates jobspec.""" environ = environ.copy() if use_workspace: environ["WORKSPACE_NAME"] = "workspace_%s" % name cmdline = [ "bash", "tools/run_tests/artifacts/run_in_workspace.sh", ] + cmdline jobspec = jobset.JobSpec( cmdline=cmdline, environ=environ, shortname="distribtest.%s" % (name), timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds, flake_retries=flake_retries, timeout_retries=timeout_retries, shell=shell, ) return jobspec class CSharpDistribTest(object): """Tests C# NuGet package""" def __init__( self, platform, arch, docker_suffix=None, use_dotnet_cli=False, presubmit=False, ): self.name = "csharp_%s_%s" % (platform, arch) self.platform = platform self.arch = arch self.docker_suffix = docker_suffix self.labels = ["distribtest", "csharp", platform, arch] if presubmit: self.labels.append("presubmit") self.script_suffix = "" if docker_suffix: self.name += "_%s" % docker_suffix self.labels.append(docker_suffix) if use_dotnet_cli: self.name += "_dotnetcli" self.script_suffix = "_dotnetcli" self.labels.append("dotnetcli") else: self.labels.append("olddotnet") def pre_build_jobspecs(self): return [] def build_jobspec(self, inner_jobs=None): del inner_jobs # arg unused as there is little opportunity for parallelizing whats inside the distribtests if self.platform == "linux": return create_docker_jobspec( self.name, "tools/dockerfile/distribtest/csharp_%s_%s" % (self.docker_suffix, self.arch), "test/distrib/csharp/run_distrib_test%s.sh" % self.script_suffix, copy_rel_path="test/distrib", ) elif self.platform == "macos": return create_jobspec( self.name, [ "test/distrib/csharp/run_distrib_test%s.sh" % self.script_suffix ], environ={ "EXTERNAL_GIT_ROOT": "../../../..", "SKIP_NETCOREAPP21_DISTRIBTEST": "1", "SKIP_NET50_DISTRIBTEST": "1", }, use_workspace=True, ) elif self.platform == "windows": # TODO(jtattermusch): re-enable windows distribtest return create_jobspec( self.name, ["bash", "tools/run_tests/artifacts/run_distribtest_csharp.sh"], environ={}, use_workspace=True, ) else: raise Exception("Not supported yet.") def __str__(self): return self.name class PythonDistribTest(object): """Tests Python package""" def __init__( self, platform, arch, docker_suffix, source=False, presubmit=False ): self.source = source if source: self.name = "python_dev_%s_%s_%s" % (platform, arch, docker_suffix) else: self.name = "python_%s_%s_%s" % (platform, arch, docker_suffix) self.platform = platform self.arch = arch self.docker_suffix = docker_suffix self.labels = ["distribtest", "python", platform, arch, docker_suffix] if presubmit: self.labels.append("presubmit") def pre_build_jobspecs(self): return [] def build_jobspec(self, inner_jobs=None): # TODO(jtattermusch): honor inner_jobs arg for this task. del inner_jobs if not self.platform == "linux": raise Exception("Not supported yet.") if self.source: return create_docker_jobspec( self.name, "tools/dockerfile/distribtest/python_dev_%s_%s" % (self.docker_suffix, self.arch), "test/distrib/python/run_source_distrib_test.sh", copy_rel_path="test/distrib", timeout_seconds=45 * 60, ) else: return create_docker_jobspec( self.name, "tools/dockerfile/distribtest/python_%s_%s" % (self.docker_suffix, self.arch), "test/distrib/python/run_binary_distrib_test.sh", copy_rel_path="test/distrib", timeout_seconds=45 * 60, ) def __str__(self): return self.name class RubyDistribTest(object): """Tests Ruby package""" def __init__( self, platform, arch, docker_suffix, ruby_version=None, source=False, presubmit=False, ): self.package_type = "binary" if source: self.package_type = "source" self.name = "ruby_%s_%s_%s_version_%s_package_type_%s" % ( platform, arch, docker_suffix, ruby_version or "unspecified", self.package_type, ) self.platform = platform self.arch = arch self.docker_suffix = docker_suffix self.ruby_version = ruby_version self.labels = ["distribtest", "ruby", platform, arch, docker_suffix] if presubmit: self.labels.append("presubmit") def pre_build_jobspecs(self): return [] def build_jobspec(self, inner_jobs=None): # TODO(jtattermusch): honor inner_jobs arg for this task. del inner_jobs arch_to_gem_arch = { "x64": "x86_64", "x86": "x86", } if not self.platform == "linux": raise Exception("Not supported yet.") dockerfile_name = "tools/dockerfile/distribtest/ruby_%s_%s" % ( self.docker_suffix, self.arch, ) if self.ruby_version is not None: dockerfile_name += "_%s" % self.ruby_version return create_docker_jobspec( self.name, dockerfile_name, "test/distrib/ruby/run_distrib_test.sh %s %s %s" % (arch_to_gem_arch[self.arch], self.platform, self.package_type), copy_rel_path="test/distrib", ) def __str__(self): return self.name class PHP7DistribTest(object): """Tests PHP7 package""" def __init__(self, platform, arch, docker_suffix=None, presubmit=False): self.name = "php7_%s_%s_%s" % (platform, arch, docker_suffix) self.platform = platform self.arch = arch self.docker_suffix = docker_suffix self.labels = ["distribtest", "php", "php7", platform, arch] if presubmit: self.labels.append("presubmit") if docker_suffix: self.labels.append(docker_suffix) def pre_build_jobspecs(self): return [] def build_jobspec(self, inner_jobs=None): # TODO(jtattermusch): honor inner_jobs arg for this task. del inner_jobs if self.platform == "linux": return create_docker_jobspec( self.name, "tools/dockerfile/distribtest/php7_%s_%s" % (self.docker_suffix, self.arch), "test/distrib/php/run_distrib_test.sh", copy_rel_path="test/distrib", ) elif self.platform == "macos": return create_jobspec( self.name, ["test/distrib/php/run_distrib_test_macos.sh"], environ={"EXTERNAL_GIT_ROOT": "../../../.."}, timeout_seconds=20 * 60, use_workspace=True, ) else: raise Exception("Not supported yet.") def __str__(self): return self.name class CppDistribTest(object): """Tests Cpp make install by building examples.""" def __init__( self, platform, arch, docker_suffix=None, testcase=None, presubmit=False ): if platform == "linux": self.name = "cpp_%s_%s_%s_%s" % ( platform, arch, docker_suffix, testcase, ) else: self.name = "cpp_%s_%s_%s" % (platform, arch, testcase) self.platform = platform self.arch = arch self.docker_suffix = docker_suffix self.testcase = testcase self.labels = [ "distribtest", "cpp", platform, arch, testcase, ] if presubmit: self.labels.append("presubmit") if docker_suffix: self.labels.append(docker_suffix) def pre_build_jobspecs(self): return [] def build_jobspec(self, inner_jobs=None): environ = {} if inner_jobs is not None: # set number of parallel jobs for the C++ build environ["GRPC_CPP_DISTRIBTEST_BUILD_COMPILER_JOBS"] = str( inner_jobs ) if self.platform == "linux": return create_docker_jobspec( self.name, "tools/dockerfile/distribtest/cpp_%s_%s" % (self.docker_suffix, self.arch), "test/distrib/cpp/run_distrib_test_%s.sh" % self.testcase, timeout_seconds=45 * 60, ) elif self.platform == "windows": return create_jobspec( self.name, ["test\\distrib\\cpp\\run_distrib_test_%s.bat" % self.testcase], environ={}, timeout_seconds=45 * 60, use_workspace=True, ) else: raise Exception("Not supported yet.") def __str__(self): return self.name def targets(): """Gets list of supported targets""" return [ # C++ # The "dummy" C++ distribtest so that the set of tasks to run isn't empty # when grpc_distribtest_standalone runs on PRs. CppDistribTest("linux", "x64", "debian10", "dummy", presubmit=True), CppDistribTest("linux", "x64", "debian10", "cmake", presubmit=False), CppDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "debian10", "cmake_as_submodule", presubmit=False ), CppDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "debian10", "cmake_as_externalproject", presubmit=False, ), CppDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "debian10", "cmake_fetchcontent", presubmit=False ), CppDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "debian10", "cmake_module_install", presubmit=False ), CppDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "debian10", "cmake_pkgconfig", presubmit=False ), CppDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "debian10_aarch64_cross", "cmake_aarch64_cross", presubmit=False, ), CppDistribTest("windows", "x86", testcase="cmake", presubmit=True), CppDistribTest( "windows", "x86", testcase="cmake_as_externalproject", presubmit=True, ), CppDistribTest( "windows", "x86", testcase="cmake_for_dll", presubmit=True, ), # C# CSharpDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "debian10", use_dotnet_cli=True, presubmit=True ), CSharpDistribTest("linux", "x64", "ubuntu2204", use_dotnet_cli=True), CSharpDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "alpine", use_dotnet_cli=True, presubmit=True ), CSharpDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "dotnet31", use_dotnet_cli=True, presubmit=True ), CSharpDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "dotnet5", use_dotnet_cli=True, presubmit=True ), CSharpDistribTest("macos", "x64", use_dotnet_cli=True, presubmit=True), CSharpDistribTest("windows", "x86", presubmit=True), CSharpDistribTest("windows", "x64", presubmit=True), # Python PythonDistribTest("linux", "x64", "buster", presubmit=True), PythonDistribTest("linux", "x86", "buster", presubmit=True), PythonDistribTest("linux", "x64", "fedora36"), PythonDistribTest("linux", "x64", "arch"), PythonDistribTest("linux", "x64", "alpine"), PythonDistribTest("linux", "x64", "ubuntu2204"), PythonDistribTest( "linux", "aarch64", "python38_buster", presubmit=True ), PythonDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "alpine3.7", source=True, presubmit=True ), PythonDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "buster", source=True, presubmit=True ), PythonDistribTest( "linux", "x86", "buster", source=True, presubmit=True ), PythonDistribTest("linux", "x64", "fedora36", source=True), PythonDistribTest("linux", "x64", "arch", source=True), PythonDistribTest("linux", "x64", "ubuntu2204", source=True), # Ruby RubyDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "debian10", ruby_version="ruby_2_7", source=True, presubmit=True, ), RubyDistribTest( "linux", "x64", "debian10", ruby_version="ruby_3_0", presubmit=True ), RubyDistribTest("linux", "x64", "centos7"), RubyDistribTest("linux", "x64", "ubuntu2004"), RubyDistribTest("linux", "x64", "ubuntu2204", presubmit=True), # PHP7 PHP7DistribTest("linux", "x64", "debian10", presubmit=True), PHP7DistribTest("macos", "x64", presubmit=True), ]