/* * * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include "test/cpp/util/cli_call.h" #include <iostream> #include <utility> #include <grpc/grpc.h> #include <grpc/slice.h> #include <grpc/support/log.h> #include <grpcpp/channel.h> #include <grpcpp/client_context.h> #include <grpcpp/support/byte_buffer.h> namespace grpc { namespace testing { namespace { void* tag(int i) { return (void*)static_cast<intptr_t>(i); } } // namespace Status CliCall::Call(std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> channel, const grpc::string& method, const grpc::string& request, grpc::string* response, const OutgoingMetadataContainer& metadata, IncomingMetadataContainer* server_initial_metadata, IncomingMetadataContainer* server_trailing_metadata) { CliCall call(std::move(channel), method, metadata); call.Write(request); call.WritesDone(); if (!call.Read(response, server_initial_metadata)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read response.\n"); } return call.Finish(server_trailing_metadata); } CliCall::CliCall(const std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel>& channel, const grpc::string& method, const OutgoingMetadataContainer& metadata) : stub_(new grpc::GenericStub(channel)) { gpr_mu_init(&write_mu_); gpr_cv_init(&write_cv_); if (!metadata.empty()) { for (OutgoingMetadataContainer::const_iterator iter = metadata.begin(); iter != metadata.end(); ++iter) { ctx_.AddMetadata(iter->first, iter->second); } } call_ = stub_->PrepareCall(&ctx_, method, &cq_); call_->StartCall(tag(1)); void* got_tag; bool ok; cq_.Next(&got_tag, &ok); GPR_ASSERT(ok); } CliCall::~CliCall() { gpr_cv_destroy(&write_cv_); gpr_mu_destroy(&write_mu_); } void CliCall::Write(const grpc::string& request) { void* got_tag; bool ok; gpr_slice s = gpr_slice_from_copied_buffer(request.data(), request.size()); grpc::Slice req_slice(s, grpc::Slice::STEAL_REF); grpc::ByteBuffer send_buffer(&req_slice, 1); call_->Write(send_buffer, tag(2)); cq_.Next(&got_tag, &ok); GPR_ASSERT(ok); } bool CliCall::Read(grpc::string* response, IncomingMetadataContainer* server_initial_metadata) { void* got_tag; bool ok; grpc::ByteBuffer recv_buffer; call_->Read(&recv_buffer, tag(3)); if (!cq_.Next(&got_tag, &ok) || !ok) { return false; } std::vector<grpc::Slice> slices; GPR_ASSERT(recv_buffer.Dump(&slices).ok()); response->clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) { response->append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(slices[i].begin()), slices[i].size()); } if (server_initial_metadata) { *server_initial_metadata = ctx_.GetServerInitialMetadata(); } return true; } void CliCall::WritesDone() { void* got_tag; bool ok; call_->WritesDone(tag(4)); cq_.Next(&got_tag, &ok); GPR_ASSERT(ok); } void CliCall::WriteAndWait(const grpc::string& request) { grpc::Slice req_slice(request); grpc::ByteBuffer send_buffer(&req_slice, 1); gpr_mu_lock(&write_mu_); call_->Write(send_buffer, tag(2)); write_done_ = false; while (!write_done_) { gpr_cv_wait(&write_cv_, &write_mu_, gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)); } gpr_mu_unlock(&write_mu_); } void CliCall::WritesDoneAndWait() { gpr_mu_lock(&write_mu_); call_->WritesDone(tag(4)); write_done_ = false; while (!write_done_) { gpr_cv_wait(&write_cv_, &write_mu_, gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)); } gpr_mu_unlock(&write_mu_); } bool CliCall::ReadAndMaybeNotifyWrite( grpc::string* response, IncomingMetadataContainer* server_initial_metadata) { void* got_tag; bool ok; grpc::ByteBuffer recv_buffer; call_->Read(&recv_buffer, tag(3)); bool cq_result = cq_.Next(&got_tag, &ok); while (got_tag != tag(3)) { gpr_mu_lock(&write_mu_); write_done_ = true; gpr_cv_signal(&write_cv_); gpr_mu_unlock(&write_mu_); cq_result = cq_.Next(&got_tag, &ok); if (got_tag == tag(2)) { GPR_ASSERT(ok); } } if (!cq_result || !ok) { // If the RPC is ended on the server side, we should still wait for the // pending write on the client side to be done. if (!ok) { gpr_mu_lock(&write_mu_); if (!write_done_) { cq_.Next(&got_tag, &ok); GPR_ASSERT(got_tag != tag(2)); write_done_ = true; gpr_cv_signal(&write_cv_); } gpr_mu_unlock(&write_mu_); } return false; } std::vector<grpc::Slice> slices; GPR_ASSERT(recv_buffer.Dump(&slices).ok()); response->clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) { response->append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(slices[i].begin()), slices[i].size()); } if (server_initial_metadata) { *server_initial_metadata = ctx_.GetServerInitialMetadata(); } return true; } Status CliCall::Finish(IncomingMetadataContainer* server_trailing_metadata) { void* got_tag; bool ok; grpc::Status status; call_->Finish(&status, tag(5)); cq_.Next(&got_tag, &ok); GPR_ASSERT(ok); if (server_trailing_metadata) { *server_trailing_metadata = ctx_.GetServerTrailingMetadata(); } return status; } } // namespace testing } // namespace grpc