#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -ex cd "$(dirname "$0")/../../.." export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_WITH_CYTHON=1 export PYTHON=${PYTHON:-python} export PIP=${PIP:-pip} export AUDITWHEEL=${AUDITWHEEL:-auditwheel} # Allow build_ext to build C/C++ files in parallel # by enabling a monkeypatch. It speeds up the build a lot. # Use externally provided GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_EXT_COMPILER_JOBS value if set. export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_EXT_COMPILER_JOBS=${GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_EXT_COMPILER_JOBS:-2} mkdir -p "${ARTIFACTS_OUT}" ARTIFACT_DIR="$PWD/${ARTIFACTS_OUT}" # Build the source distribution first because MANIFEST.in cannot override # exclusion of built shared objects among package resources (for some # inexplicable reason). ${SETARCH_CMD} "${PYTHON}" setup.py sdist # Wheel has a bug where directories don't get excluded. # https://bitbucket.org/pypa/wheel/issues/99/cannot-exclude-directory ${SETARCH_CMD} "${PYTHON}" setup.py bdist_wheel GRPCIO_STRIP_TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) GRPCIO_TAR_GZ_LIST=( dist/grpcio-*.tar.gz ) GRPCIO_TAR_GZ=${GRPCIO_TAR_GZ_LIST[0]} GRPCIO_STRIPPED_TAR_GZ=$(mktemp -t "XXXXXXXXXX.tar.gz") clean_non_source_files() { ( cd "$1" find . -type f \ | grep -v '\.c$' | grep -v '\.cc$' | grep -v '\.cpp$' \ | grep -v '\.h$' | grep -v '\.hh$' \ | grep -v '\.s$' | grep -v '\.py$' \ | while read -r file; do rm -f "$file" || true done find . -type d -empty -delete ) } tar xzf "${GRPCIO_TAR_GZ}" -C "${GRPCIO_STRIP_TEMPDIR}" ( cd "${GRPCIO_STRIP_TEMPDIR}" find . -type d -name .git -exec rm -fr {} \; || true for dir in */third_party/*; do clean_non_source_files "${dir}" || true done tar czf "${GRPCIO_STRIPPED_TAR_GZ}" -- * ) mv "${GRPCIO_STRIPPED_TAR_GZ}" "${GRPCIO_TAR_GZ}" # Build gRPC tools package distribution "${PYTHON}" tools/distrib/python/make_grpcio_tools.py # Build gRPC tools package source distribution ${SETARCH_CMD} "${PYTHON}" tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/setup.py sdist # Build gRPC tools package binary distribution ${SETARCH_CMD} "${PYTHON}" tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/setup.py bdist_wheel if [ "$GRPC_BUILD_MANYLINUX_WHEEL" != "" ] then for wheel in dist/*.whl; do "${AUDITWHEEL}" repair "$wheel" -w "$ARTIFACT_DIR" rm "$wheel" done for wheel in tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/dist/*.whl; do "${AUDITWHEEL}" repair "$wheel" -w "$ARTIFACT_DIR" rm "$wheel" done fi # We need to use the built grpcio-tools/grpcio to compile the health proto # Wheels are not supported by setup_requires/dependency_links, so we # manually install the dependency. Note we should only do this if we # are in a docker image or in a virtualenv. if [ "$GRPC_BUILD_GRPCIO_TOOLS_DEPENDENTS" != "" ] then "${PIP}" install -rrequirements.txt if [ "$("$PYTHON" -c "import sys; print(sys.version_info[0])")" == "2" ] then "${PIP}" install futures>=2.2.0 fi "${PIP}" install grpcio --no-index --find-links "file://$ARTIFACT_DIR/" "${PIP}" install grpcio-tools --no-index --find-links "file://$ARTIFACT_DIR/" # Build grpcio_testing source distribution ${SETARCH_CMD} "${PYTHON}" src/python/grpcio_testing/setup.py preprocess \ sdist cp -r src/python/grpcio_testing/dist/* "$ARTIFACT_DIR" # Build grpcio_channelz source distribution ${SETARCH_CMD} "${PYTHON}" src/python/grpcio_channelz/setup.py \ preprocess build_package_protos sdist cp -r src/python/grpcio_channelz/dist/* "$ARTIFACT_DIR" # Build grpcio_health_checking source distribution ${SETARCH_CMD} "${PYTHON}" src/python/grpcio_health_checking/setup.py \ preprocess build_package_protos sdist cp -r src/python/grpcio_health_checking/dist/* "$ARTIFACT_DIR" # Build grpcio_reflection source distribution ${SETARCH_CMD} "${PYTHON}" src/python/grpcio_reflection/setup.py \ preprocess build_package_protos sdist cp -r src/python/grpcio_reflection/dist/* "$ARTIFACT_DIR" fi cp -r dist/* "$ARTIFACT_DIR" cp -r tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/dist/* "$ARTIFACT_DIR"