--[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2009-2021, Google LLC All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Google LLC nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Google LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --]]-------------------------------------------------------------------------- local upb = require "lupb" local lunit = require "lunit" local upb_test = require "tests.bindings.lua.test_pb" local test_messages_proto3 = require "google.protobuf.test_messages_proto3_pb" local test_messages_proto2 = require "google.protobuf.test_messages_proto2_pb" local descriptor = require "google.protobuf.descriptor_pb" local empty = require "google.protobuf.empty_pb" if _VERSION >= 'Lua 5.2' then _ENV = lunit.module("testupb", "seeall") else module("testupb", lunit.testcase, package.seeall) end function iter_to_array(iter) local arr = {} for v in iter do arr[#arr + 1] = v end return arr end function test_def_readers() local m = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3 assert_equal("TestAllTypesProto3", m:name()) assert_equal("protobuf_test_messages.proto3.TestAllTypesProto3", m:full_name()) -- field local f = m:field("optional_int32") local f2 = m:field(1) assert_equal(f, f2) assert_equal(1, f:number()) assert_equal("optional_int32", f:name()) assert_equal(upb.LABEL_OPTIONAL, f:label()) assert_equal(upb.DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INT32, f:descriptor_type()) assert_equal(upb.TYPE_INT32, f:type()) assert_nil(f:containing_oneof()) assert_equal(m, f:containing_type()) assert_equal(0, f:default()) local message_field_count = 0 for field in m:fields() do message_field_count = message_field_count + 1 end assert_equal(message_field_count, #m) local message_oneof_count = 0 for oneof in m:oneofs() do message_oneof_count = message_oneof_count + 1 end assert_equal(message_oneof_count, m:oneof_count()) -- oneof local o = m:lookup_name("oneof_field") assert_equal("oneof_field", o:name()) assert_equal(m, o:containing_type()) local oneof_field_count = 0 for field in o:fields() do oneof_field_count = oneof_field_count + 1 end assert_equal(oneof_field_count, #o) -- enum local e = test_messages_proto3['TestAllTypesProto3.NestedEnum'] assert_true(#e > 3 and #e < 10) assert_equal(2, e:value("BAZ"):number()) end function test_msg_map() msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() msg.map_int32_int32[5] = 10 msg.map_int32_int32[6] = 12 assert_equal(10, msg.map_int32_int32[5]) assert_equal(12, msg.map_int32_int32[6]) -- Test overwrite. msg.map_int32_int32[5] = 20 assert_equal(20, msg.map_int32_int32[5]) assert_equal(12, msg.map_int32_int32[6]) msg.map_int32_int32[5] = 10 -- Test delete. msg.map_int32_int32[5] = nil assert_nil(msg.map_int32_int32[5]) assert_equal(12, msg.map_int32_int32[6]) msg.map_int32_int32[5] = 10 local serialized = upb.encode(msg) assert_true(#serialized > 0) local msg2 = upb.decode(test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3, serialized) assert_equal(10, msg2.map_int32_int32[5]) assert_equal(12, msg2.map_int32_int32[6]) end function test_map_sorting() function msg_with_int32_entries(start, expand) local msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() for i=start,start + 8 do msg.map_int32_int32[i] = i * 2 end if expand then for i=start+20,200 do msg.map_int32_int32[i] = i end for i=start+20,200 do msg.map_int32_int32[i] = nil end end return msg end function msg_with_msg_entries(expand) local msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() -- 8! = 40320 possible orderings makes it overwhelmingly likely that two -- random orderings will be different. for i=1,8 do local submsg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3.NestedMessage() submsg.corecursive = msg_with_int32_entries(i, expand) msg.map_string_nested_message[tostring(i)] = submsg end expand = false if expand then for i=21,2000 do local submsg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3.NestedMessage() submsg.corecursive = msg_with_int32_entries(i, expand) msg.map_string_nested_message[tostring(i)] = submsg end for i=21,2000 do msg.map_string_nested_message[tostring(i)] = nil end end return msg end -- Create two messages with the same contents but (hopefully) different -- map table orderings. local msg = msg_with_msg_entries(false) local msg2 = msg_with_msg_entries(true) local text1 = upb.text_encode(msg) local text2 = upb.text_encode(msg2) assert_equal(text1, text2) local binary1 = upb.encode(msg, {upb.ENCODE_DETERMINISTIC}) local binary2 = upb.encode(msg2, {upb.ENCODE_DETERMINISTIC}) assert_equal(binary1, binary2) -- Non-sorted map should compare different. local text3 = upb.text_encode(msg, {upb.TXTENC_NOSORT}) assert_not_equal(text1, text3) local binary3 = upb.encode(msg) assert_not_equal(binary1, binary3) end function test_utf8() local proto2_msg = test_messages_proto2.TestAllTypesProto2() proto2_msg.optional_string = "\xff" local serialized = upb.encode(proto2_msg) -- Decoding invalid UTF-8 succeeds in proto2. upb.decode(test_messages_proto2.TestAllTypesProto2, serialized) -- Decoding invalid UTF-8 fails in proto2. assert_error_match("Error decoding protobuf", function() upb.decode(test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3, serialized) end) -- TODO(haberman): should proto3 accessors also check UTF-8 at set time? end function test_string_double_map() msg = upb_test.MapTest() msg.map_string_double["one"] = 1.0 msg.map_string_double["two point five"] = 2.5 assert_equal(1, msg.map_string_double["one"]) assert_equal(2.5, msg.map_string_double["two point five"]) -- Test overwrite. msg.map_string_double["one"] = 2 assert_equal(2, msg.map_string_double["one"]) assert_equal(2.5, msg.map_string_double["two point five"]) msg.map_string_double["one"] = 1.0 -- Test delete. msg.map_string_double["one"] = nil assert_nil(msg.map_string_double["one"]) assert_equal(2.5, msg.map_string_double["two point five"]) msg.map_string_double["one"] = 1 local serialized = upb.encode(msg) assert_true(#serialized > 0) local msg2 = upb.decode(upb_test.MapTest, serialized) assert_equal(1, msg2.map_string_double["one"]) assert_equal(2.5, msg2.map_string_double["two point five"]) end function test_string_double_map() local function fill_msg(msg) msg.i32_packed[1] = 100 msg.i32_packed[2] = 200 msg.i32_packed[3] = 50000 msg.i64_packed[1] = 101 msg.i64_packed[2] = 201 msg.i64_packed[3] = 50001 msg.f32_packed[1] = 102 msg.f32_packed[2] = 202 msg.f32_packed[3] = 50002 msg.f64_packed[1] = 103 msg.f64_packed[2] = 203 msg.f64_packed[3] = 50003 end local function check_msg(msg) assert_equal(100, msg.i32_packed[1]) assert_equal(200, msg.i32_packed[2]) assert_equal(50000, msg.i32_packed[3]) assert_equal(3, #msg.i32_packed) assert_equal(101, msg.i64_packed[1]) assert_equal(201, msg.i64_packed[2]) assert_equal(50001, msg.i64_packed[3]) assert_equal(3, #msg.i64_packed) assert_equal(102, msg.f32_packed[1]) assert_equal(202, msg.f32_packed[2]) assert_equal(50002, msg.f32_packed[3]) assert_equal(3, #msg.f32_packed) assert_equal(103, msg.f64_packed[1]) assert_equal(203, msg.f64_packed[2]) assert_equal(50003, msg.f64_packed[3]) assert_equal(3, #msg.f64_packed) end local msg = upb_test.PackedTest() fill_msg(msg) check_msg(msg) local serialized_packed = upb.encode(msg) local msg2 = upb.decode(upb_test.PackedTest, serialized_packed) local msg3 = upb.decode(upb_test.UnpackedTest, serialized_packed) check_msg(msg2) check_msg(msg3) serialized_unpacked = upb.encode(msg3) local msg4 = upb.decode(upb_test.PackedTest, serialized_unpacked) local msg5 = upb.decode(upb_test.PackedTest, serialized_unpacked) check_msg(msg4) check_msg(msg5) end function test_msg_string_map() msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() msg.map_string_string["foo"] = "bar" msg.map_string_string["baz"] = "quux" assert_nil(msg.map_string_string["abc"]) assert_equal("bar", msg.map_string_string["foo"]) assert_equal("quux", msg.map_string_string["baz"]) -- Test overwrite. msg.map_string_string["foo"] = "123" assert_equal("123", msg.map_string_string["foo"]) assert_equal("quux", msg.map_string_string["baz"]) msg.map_string_string["foo"] = "bar" -- Test delete msg.map_string_string["foo"] = nil assert_nil(msg.map_string_string["foo"]) assert_equal("quux", msg.map_string_string["baz"]) msg.map_string_string["foo"] = "bar" local serialized = upb.encode(msg) assert_true(#serialized > 0) local msg2 = upb.decode(test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3, serialized) assert_equal("bar", msg2.map_string_string["foo"]) assert_equal("quux", msg2.map_string_string["baz"]) end function test_msg_array() msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() assert_not_nil(msg.repeated_int32) assert_equal(msg.repeated_int32, msg.repeated_int32) assert_equal(0, #msg.repeated_int32) msg.repeated_int32[1] = 2 assert_equal(1, #msg.repeated_int32); assert_equal(2, msg.repeated_int32[1]); -- Can't assign a scalar; array is expected. assert_error_match("lupb.array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = 5 end) -- Can't assign array of the wrong type. local function assign_int64() msg.repeated_int32 = upb.Array(upb.TYPE_INT64) end assert_error_match("array type mismatch", assign_int64) local arr = upb.Array(upb.TYPE_INT32) arr[1] = 6 assert_equal(1, #arr) msg.repeated_int32 = arr assert_equal(msg.repeated_int32, msg.repeated_int32) assert_equal(arr, msg.repeated_int32) assert_equal(1, #msg.repeated_int32) assert_equal(6, msg.repeated_int32[1]) -- Can't assign other Lua types. assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = "abc" end) assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = true end) assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = false end) assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = nil end) assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = {} end) assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.repeated_int32 = print end) end function test_array_append() local arr = upb.Array(upb.TYPE_INT32) for i=1,200000 do arr[i] = i end for i=1,200000 do assert_equal(i, arr[i]) end end function test_msg_submsg() --msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() msg = test_messages_proto3['TestAllTypesProto3']() assert_nil(msg.optional_nested_message) -- Can't assign message of the wrong type. local function assign_int64() msg.optional_nested_message = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() end assert_error_match("message type mismatch", assign_int64) local nested = test_messages_proto3['TestAllTypesProto3.NestedMessage']() msg.optional_nested_message = nested assert_equal(nested, msg.optional_nested_message) -- Can't assign other Lua types. assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = "abc" end) assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = true end) assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = false end) assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = nil end) assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = {} end) assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.optional_nested_message = print end) end -- Lua 5.1 and 5.2 have slightly different semantics for how a finalizer -- can be defined in Lua. if _VERSION >= 'Lua 5.2' then function defer(fn) setmetatable({}, { __gc = fn }) end else function defer(fn) getmetatable(newproxy(true)).__gc = fn end end function test_finalizer() -- Tests that we correctly handle a call into an already-finalized object. -- Collectible objects are finalized in the opposite order of creation. do local t = {} defer(function() assert_error_match("called into dead object", function() -- Generic def call. t[1]:lookup_msg("abc") end) end) t = { upb.SymbolTable(), } end collectgarbage() end -- in-range of 64-bit types but not exactly representable as double local bad64 = 2^68 - 1 local numeric_types = { [upb.TYPE_UINT32] = { valid_val = 2^32 - 1, too_big = 2^32, too_small = -1, other_bad = 5.1 }, [upb.TYPE_UINT64] = { valid_val = 2^63, too_big = 2^64, too_small = -1, other_bad = bad64 }, [upb.TYPE_INT32] = { valid_val = 2^31 - 1, too_big = 2^31, too_small = -2^31 - 1, other_bad = 5.1 }, -- Enums don't exist at a language level in Lua, so we just represent enum -- values as int32s. [upb.TYPE_ENUM] = { valid_val = 2^31 - 1, too_big = 2^31, too_small = -2^31 - 1, other_bad = 5.1 }, [upb.TYPE_INT64] = { valid_val = 2^62, too_big = 2^63, too_small = -2^64, other_bad = bad64 }, [upb.TYPE_FLOAT] = { valid_val = 340282306073709652508363335590014353408 }, [upb.TYPE_DOUBLE] = { valid_val = 10^101 }, } function test_utf8() local invalid_utf8 = "\xff" local proto2_msg = test_messages_proto2.TestAllTypesProto2{ optional_string = invalid_utf8, } -- As proto2, invalid UTF-8 parses and serializes fine. local serialized = upb.encode(proto2_msg) local proto2_msg2 = upb.decode(test_messages_proto2.TestAllTypesProto2, serialized) -- Decoding as proto3 fails. assert_error(function() upb.decode(test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3, serialized) end) end function test_msg_primitives() local msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3{ optional_int32 = 10, optional_uint32 = 20, optional_int64 = 30, optional_uint64 = 40, optional_double = 50, optional_float = 60, optional_sint32 = 70, optional_sint64 = 80, optional_fixed32 = 90, optional_fixed64 = 100, optional_sfixed32 = 110, optional_sfixed64 = 120, optional_bool = true, optional_string = "abc", optional_nested_message = test_messages_proto3['TestAllTypesProto3.NestedMessage']{a = 123}, } -- Attempts to access non-existent fields fail. assert_error_match("no such field", function() msg.no_such = 1 end) assert_equal(10, msg.optional_int32) assert_equal(20, msg.optional_uint32) assert_equal(30, msg.optional_int64) assert_equal(40, msg.optional_uint64) assert_equal(50, msg.optional_double) assert_equal(60, msg.optional_float) assert_equal(70, msg.optional_sint32) assert_equal(80, msg.optional_sint64) assert_equal(90, msg.optional_fixed32) assert_equal(100, msg.optional_fixed64) assert_equal(110, msg.optional_sfixed32) assert_equal(120, msg.optional_sfixed64) assert_equal(true, msg.optional_bool) assert_equal("abc", msg.optional_string) assert_equal(123, msg.optional_nested_message.a) end function test_string_array() local function test_for_string_type(upb_type) local array = upb.Array(upb_type) assert_equal(0, #array) -- 0 is never a valid index in Lua. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[0] end) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[1] end) array[1] = "foo" assert_equal("foo", array[1]) assert_equal(1, #array) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[2] end) local array2 = upb.Array(upb_type) assert_equal(0, #array2) array[2] = "bar" assert_equal("foo", array[1]) assert_equal("bar", array[2]) assert_equal(2, #array) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[3] end) -- Can't assign other Lua types. assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = 123 end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = true end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = false end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = nil end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = {} end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = print end) assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = array end) end test_for_string_type(upb.TYPE_STRING) test_for_string_type(upb.TYPE_BYTES) end function test_numeric_array() local function test_for_numeric_type(upb_type) local array = upb.Array(upb_type) local vals = numeric_types[upb_type] assert_equal(0, #array) -- 0 is never a valid index in Lua. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[0] end) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[1] end) array[1] = vals.valid_val assert_equal(vals.valid_val, array[1]) assert_equal(1, #array) assert_equal(vals.valid_val, array[1]) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[2] end) array[2] = 10 assert_equal(vals.valid_val, array[1]) assert_equal(10, array[2]) assert_equal(2, #array) -- Past the end of the array. assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[3] end) -- Values that are out of range. local errmsg = "not an integer or out of range" if vals.too_small then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = vals.too_small end) end if vals.too_big then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = vals.too_big end) end if vals.other_bad then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = vals.other_bad end) end -- Can't assign other Lua types. errmsg = "bad argument #3" assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = "abc" end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = true end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = false end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = nil end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = {} end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = print end) assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = array end) end for k in pairs(numeric_types) do test_for_numeric_type(k) end end function test_numeric_map() local function test_for_numeric_types(key_type, val_type) local map = upb.Map(key_type, val_type) local key_vals = numeric_types[key_type] local val_vals = numeric_types[val_type] assert_equal(0, #map) -- Unset keys return nil assert_nil(map[key_vals.valid_val]) map[key_vals.valid_val] = val_vals.valid_val assert_equal(1, #map) assert_equal(val_vals.valid_val, map[key_vals.valid_val]) i = 0 for k, v in pairs(map) do assert_equal(key_vals.valid_val, k) assert_equal(val_vals.valid_val, v) end -- Out of range key/val local errmsg = "not an integer or out of range" if key_vals.too_small then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[key_vals.too_small] = 1 end) end if key_vals.too_big then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[key_vals.too_big] = 1 end) end if key_vals.other_bad then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[key_vals.other_bad] = 1 end) end if val_vals.too_small then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[1] = val_vals.too_small end) end if val_vals.too_big then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[1] = val_vals.too_big end) end if val_vals.other_bad then assert_error_match(errmsg, function() map[1] = val_vals.other_bad end) end end for k in pairs(numeric_types) do for v in pairs(numeric_types) do test_for_numeric_types(k, v) end end end function test_unknown() local bytes = string.rep("\x38\x00", 1000) for i=1,1000 do local msg = upb.decode(test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3, bytes) end end function test_foo() local symtab = upb.SymbolTable() local filename = "external/com_google_protobuf/descriptor_proto-descriptor-set.proto.bin" local file = io.open(filename, "rb") or io.open("bazel-bin/" .. filename, "rb") assert_not_nil(file) local descriptor = file:read("*a") assert_true(#descriptor > 0) symtab:add_set(descriptor) local FileDescriptorSet = symtab:lookup_msg("google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet") assert_not_nil(FileDescriptorSet) set = FileDescriptorSet() assert_equal(#set.file, 0) assert_error_match("lupb.array expected", function () set.file = 1 end) set = upb.decode(FileDescriptorSet, descriptor) -- Test that we can at least call this without crashing. set_textformat = tostring(set) -- print(set_textformat) assert_equal(#set.file, 1) assert_equal(set.file[1].name, "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto") end function test_descriptor() local symtab = upb.SymbolTable() local file_proto = descriptor.FileDescriptorProto { name = "test.proto", message_type = upb.Array(descriptor.DescriptorProto, { descriptor.DescriptorProto{ name = "ABC", }, }) } local file = symtab:add_file(upb.encode(file_proto)) assert_equal(file:symtab(), symtab) end function test_descriptor_error() local symtab = upb.SymbolTable() local file = descriptor.FileDescriptorProto() file.name = "test.proto" file.message_type[1] = descriptor.DescriptorProto{ name = "ABC" } file.message_type[2] = descriptor.DescriptorProto{ name = "BC." } assert_error(function () symtab:add_file(upb.encode(file)) end) assert_nil(symtab:lookup_msg("ABC")) end function test_duplicate_enumval() local symtab = upb.SymbolTable() local file_proto = descriptor.FileDescriptorProto { name = "test.proto", message_type = upb.Array(descriptor.DescriptorProto, { descriptor.DescriptorProto{ name = "ABC", }, }), enum_type = upb.Array(descriptor.EnumDescriptorProto, { descriptor.EnumDescriptorProto{ name = "MyEnum", value = upb.Array(descriptor.EnumValueDescriptorProto, { descriptor.EnumValueDescriptorProto{ name = "ABC", number = 1, } }), }, }) } assert_error(function () symtab:add_file(upb.encode(file_proto)) end) end function test_duplicate_filename_error() local symtab = upb.SymbolTable() local file = descriptor.FileDescriptorProto() file.name = "test.proto" symtab:add_file(upb.encode(file)) -- Second add with the same filename fails. assert_error(function () symtab:add_file(upb.encode(file)) end) end function test_encode_skipunknown() -- Test that upb.ENCODE_SKIPUNKNOWN does not encode unknown fields. local msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3{ optional_int32 = 10, optional_uint32 = 20, optional_int64 = 30, } -- SKIPUNKNOWN here tests that it does *not* affect regular fields. local serialized = upb.encode(msg, {upb.ENCODE_SKIPUNKNOWN}) assert_true(#serialized > 0) local empty_with_unknown = upb.decode(empty.Empty, serialized) assert_true(#upb.encode(empty_with_unknown) > 0) -- Verify that unknown fields are not serialized. assert_true(#upb.encode(empty_with_unknown, {upb.ENCODE_SKIPUNKNOWN}) == 0) end function test_json_emit_defaults() local msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() local json = upb.json_encode(msg, {upb.JSONENC_EMITDEFAULTS}) end function test_json_locale() local msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() msg.optional_double = 1.1 local original_locale = os.setlocale(nil) os.setlocale("C") local json = upb.json_encode(msg) os.setlocale("de_DE.utf8") assert_equal(json, upb.json_encode(msg)) os.setlocale(original_locale) -- Restore. end function test_encode_depth_limit() local msg = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() msg.recursive_message = msg assert_error(function() upb.encode(msg) end) end function test_large_field_number() local msg = upb_test.TestLargeFieldNumber() msg.i32 = 5 local serialized = upb.encode(msg) local msg2 = upb.decode(upb_test.TestLargeFieldNumber, serialized) assert_equal(msg.i32, msg2.i32) end function test_timestamp_minutes() local msg = upb.json_decode(upb_test.TestTimestamp, '{"ts": "2000-01-01T00:00:00-06:59"}') assert_equal(msg.ts.seconds, 946684800 + ((6 * 60) + 59) * 60) end function test_gc() local top = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() local n = 100 local m for i=1,n do local inner = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() m = inner for j=1,n do local tmp = m m = test_messages_proto3.TestAllTypesProto3() -- This will cause the arenas to fuse. But we stop referring to the child, -- so the Lua object is eligible for collection (and therefore its original -- arena can be collected too). Only the fusing will keep the C mem alivd. m.recursive_message = tmp end top.recursive_message = m end collectgarbage() for i=1,n do -- Verify we can touch all the messages again and without accessing freed -- memory. m = m.recursive_message assert_not_nil(m) end end local stats = lunit.main() if stats.failed > 0 or stats.errors > 0 then error("One or more errors in test suite") end