#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2022 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Generate experiment related code artifacts. Invoke as: tools/codegen/core/gen_experiments.py Experiment definitions are in src/core/lib/experiments/experiments.yaml """ from __future__ import print_function import collections import ctypes import datetime import json import math import os import re import sys import yaml # TODO(ctiller): if we ever add another argument switch this to argparse check_dates = True if sys.argv[1:] == ["--check"]: check_dates = False # for formatting checks we don't verify expiry dates with open('src/core/lib/experiments/experiments.yaml') as f: attrs = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) DEFAULTS = { 'broken': 'false', False: 'false', True: 'true', 'debug': 'kDefaultForDebugOnly', 'release': 'kDefaultForReleaseOnly', } FINAL_RETURN = { 'broken': 'return false;', False: 'return false;', True: 'return true;', 'debug': '#ifdef NDEBUG\nreturn false;\n#else\nreturn true;\n#endif', 'release': '#ifdef NDEBUG\nreturn true;\n#else\nreturn false;\n#endif', } FINAL_DEFINE = { 'broken': None, False: None, True: '#define %s', 'debug': '#ifndef NDEBUG\n#define %s\n#endif', 'release': '#ifdef NDEBUG\n#define %s\n#endif', } BZL_LIST_FOR_DEFAULTS = { 'broken': None, False: 'off', True: 'on', 'debug': 'dbg', 'release': 'opt', } error = False today = datetime.date.today() two_quarters_from_now = today + datetime.timedelta(days=180) experiment_annotation = 'gRPC experiments:' for attr in attrs: if 'name' not in attr: print("experiment with no name: %r" % attr) error = True continue # can't run other diagnostics because we don't know a name if 'description' not in attr: print("no description for experiment %s" % attr['name']) error = True if 'default' not in attr: print("no default for experiment %s" % attr['name']) error = True if attr['default'] not in DEFAULTS: print("invalid default for experiment %s: %r" % (attr['name'], attr['default'])) error = True if 'owner' not in attr: print("no owner for experiment %s" % attr['name']) error = True if 'expiry' not in attr: print("no expiry for experiment %s" % attr['name']) error = True expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(attr['expiry'], '%Y/%m/%d').date() if check_dates: if expiry < today: print("experiment %s expired on %s" % (attr['name'], attr['expiry'])) error = True if expiry > two_quarters_from_now: print("experiment %s expires far in the future on %s" % (attr['name'], attr['expiry'])) print("expiry should be no more than two quarters from now") error = True experiment_annotation += attr['name'] + ':0,' if len(experiment_annotation) > 2000: print("comma-delimited string of experiments is too long") error = True if error: sys.exit(1) def c_str(s, encoding='ascii'): if isinstance(s, str): s = s.encode(encoding) result = '' for c in s: c = chr(c) if isinstance(c, int) else c if not (32 <= ord(c) < 127) or c in ('\\', '"'): result += '\\%03o' % ord(c) else: result += c return '"' + result + '"' def snake_to_pascal(s): return ''.join(x.capitalize() for x in s.split('_')) # utility: print a big comment block into a set of files def put_banner(files, banner, prefix): for f in files: for line in banner: if not line: print(prefix, file=f) else: print('%s %s' % (prefix, line), file=f) print(file=f) def put_copyright(file, prefix): # copy-paste copyright notice from this file with open(sys.argv[0]) as my_source: copyright = [] for line in my_source: if line[0] != '#': break for line in my_source: if line[0] == '#': copyright.append(line) break for line in my_source: if line[0] != '#': break copyright.append(line) put_banner([file], [line[2:].rstrip() for line in copyright], prefix) WTF = """ This file contains the autogenerated parts of the experiments API. It generates two symbols for each experiment. For the experiment named new_car_project, it generates: - a function IsNewCarProjectEnabled() that returns true if the experiment should be enabled at runtime. - a macro GRPC_EXPERIMENT_IS_INCLUDED_NEW_CAR_PROJECT that is defined if the experiment *could* be enabled at runtime. The function is used to determine whether to run the experiment or non-experiment code path. If the experiment brings significant bloat, the macro can be used to avoid including the experiment code path in the binary for binaries that are size sensitive. By default that includes our iOS and Android builds. Finally, a small array is included that contains the metadata for each experiment. A macro, GRPC_EXPERIMENTS_ARE_FINAL, controls whether we fix experiment configuration at build time (if it's defined) or allow it to be tuned at runtime (if it's disabled). If you are using the Bazel build system, that macro can be configured with --define=grpc_experiments_are_final=true """ with open('src/core/lib/experiments/experiments.h', 'w') as H: put_copyright(H, "//") put_banner( [H], ["Automatically generated by tools/codegen/core/gen_experiments.py"] + WTF.splitlines(), "//") print("#ifndef GRPC_SRC_CORE_LIB_EXPERIMENTS_EXPERIMENTS_H", file=H) print("#define GRPC_SRC_CORE_LIB_EXPERIMENTS_EXPERIMENTS_H", file=H) print(file=H) print("#include ", file=H) print(file=H) print("#include ", file=H) print("#include \"src/core/lib/experiments/config.h\"", file=H) print(file=H) print("namespace grpc_core {", file=H) print(file=H) print("#ifdef GRPC_EXPERIMENTS_ARE_FINAL", file=H) for i, attr in enumerate(attrs): define_fmt = FINAL_DEFINE[attr['default']] if define_fmt: print(define_fmt % ("GRPC_EXPERIMENT_IS_INCLUDED_%s" % attr['name'].upper()), file=H) print("inline bool Is%sEnabled() { %s }" % (snake_to_pascal(attr['name']), FINAL_RETURN[attr['default']]), file=H) print("#else", file=H) for i, attr in enumerate(attrs): print("#define GRPC_EXPERIMENT_IS_INCLUDED_%s" % attr['name'].upper(), file=H) print("inline bool Is%sEnabled() { return IsExperimentEnabled(%d); }" % (snake_to_pascal(attr['name']), i), file=H) print(file=H) print("constexpr const size_t kNumExperiments = %d;" % len(attrs), file=H) print( "extern const ExperimentMetadata g_experiment_metadata[kNumExperiments];", file=H) print(file=H) print("#endif", file=H) print("} // namespace grpc_core", file=H) print(file=H) print("#endif // GRPC_SRC_CORE_LIB_EXPERIMENTS_EXPERIMENTS_H", file=H) with open('src/core/lib/experiments/experiments.cc', 'w') as C: put_copyright(C, "//") put_banner( [C], ["Automatically generated by tools/codegen/core/gen_experiments.py"], "//") print("#include ", file=C) print("#include \"src/core/lib/experiments/experiments.h\"", file=C) print(file=C) print("#ifndef GRPC_EXPERIMENTS_ARE_FINAL", file=C) print("namespace {", file=C) for attr in attrs: print("const char* const description_%s = %s;" % (attr['name'], c_str(attr['description'])), file=C) have_defaults = set(DEFAULTS[attr['default']] for attr in attrs) if 'kDefaultForDebugOnly' in have_defaults or 'kDefaultForReleaseOnly' in have_defaults: print("#ifdef NDEBUG", file=C) if 'kDefaultForDebugOnly' in have_defaults: print("const bool kDefaultForDebugOnly = false;", file=C) if 'kDefaultForReleaseOnly' in have_defaults: print("const bool kDefaultForReleaseOnly = true;", file=C) print("#else", file=C) if 'kDefaultForDebugOnly' in have_defaults: print("const bool kDefaultForDebugOnly = true;", file=C) if 'kDefaultForReleaseOnly' in have_defaults: print("const bool kDefaultForReleaseOnly = false;", file=C) print("#endif", file=C) print("}", file=C) print(file=C) print("namespace grpc_core {", file=C) print(file=C) print("const ExperimentMetadata g_experiment_metadata[] = {", file=C) for attr in attrs: print(" {%s, description_%s, %s}," % (c_str(attr['name']), attr['name'], DEFAULTS[attr['default']]), file=C) print("};", file=C) print(file=C) print("} // namespace grpc_core", file=C) print("#endif", file=C) bzl_to_tags_to_experiments = dict((key, collections.defaultdict(list)) for key in BZL_LIST_FOR_DEFAULTS.keys() if key is not None) for attr in attrs: for tag in attr['test_tags']: bzl_to_tags_to_experiments[attr['default']][tag].append(attr['name']) with open('bazel/experiments.bzl', 'w') as B: put_copyright(B, "#") put_banner( [B], ["Automatically generated by tools/codegen/core/gen_experiments.py"], "#") print( "\"\"\"Dictionary of tags to experiments so we know when to test different experiments.\"\"\"", file=B) bzl_to_tags_to_experiments = sorted( (BZL_LIST_FOR_DEFAULTS[default], tags_to_experiments) for default, tags_to_experiments in bzl_to_tags_to_experiments.items() if BZL_LIST_FOR_DEFAULTS[default] is not None) print(file=B) print("EXPERIMENTS = {", file=B) for key, tags_to_experiments in bzl_to_tags_to_experiments: print(" \"%s\": {" % key, file=B) for tag, experiments in sorted(tags_to_experiments.items()): print(" \"%s\": [" % tag, file=B) for experiment in sorted(experiments): print(" \"%s\"," % experiment, file=B) print(" ],", file=B) print(" },", file=B) print("}", file=B)