GRPC Android Dockerfile ==================== Dockerfile for creating the gRPC Android integration test image As of 2015/05 this - is based on the gRPC Java base - installs Android sdk 24.2 - creates an AVD for API level 22 - Pulls gRpc Android test App from github Usage ----- Start the emulator in a detached container, the argument is the name of the AVD you want to start: ``` $ sudo docker run --name=grpc_android_test -d grpc/android /var/local/git/grpc-java/android-interop-testing/ avd-google-api-22 ``` You can use the following cammand to wait until the emulator is ready: ``` $ sudo docker exec grpc_android_test /var/local/git/grpc-java/android-interop-testing/ ``` When you want to update the apk, run: ``` $ sudo docker exec grpc_android_test bash -c "cd /var/local/git/grpc-java && git pull origin master && ./gradlew grpc-core:install grpc-stub:install grpc-okhttp:install grpc-protobuf-nano:install grpc-compiler:install && cd android-interop-testing && ../gradlew installDebug" ``` It pulls the fresh code of gRpc Java and our interop test app from github, build and install it to the runing emulator (so you need to make sure there is a runing emulator). Trigger the integration test: ``` $ sudo docker exec grpc_android_test adb -e shell am instrument -w -e server_host -e server_port 8030 -e server_host_override -e use_tls true -e use_test_ca true -e test_case all ``` You can also use the android/adb cammands to get more info, such as: ``` $ sudo docker exec grpc_android_test android list avd $ sudo docker exec grpc_android_test adb devices $ sudo docker exec grpc_android_test adb logcat ```