# gRPC Bazel BUILD file. # # Copyright 2020 The gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library") load( "@com_github_grpc_grpc//bazel:python_rules.bzl", "py_grpc_library", "py_proto_library", ) _IMPORT_PREFIX = "foo/bar" _STRIP_PREFIX = "/%s" % package_name() proto_library( name = "import_no_strip_proto", srcs = ["namespaced_example.proto"], import_prefix = _IMPORT_PREFIX, strip_import_prefix = None, ) proto_library( name = "import_strip_proto", srcs = ["namespaced_example.proto"], import_prefix = _IMPORT_PREFIX, strip_import_prefix = _STRIP_PREFIX, ) proto_library( name = "no_import_no_strip_proto", srcs = ["namespaced_example.proto"], import_prefix = None, strip_import_prefix = None, ) proto_library( name = "no_import_strip_proto", srcs = ["namespaced_example.proto"], import_prefix = None, strip_import_prefix = _STRIP_PREFIX, ) py_proto_library( name = "import_no_strip_py_pb2", deps = ["import_no_strip_proto"], ) py_grpc_library( name = "import_no_strip_py_pb2_grpc", srcs = ["import_no_strip_proto"], deps = ["import_no_strip_py_pb2"], ) py_proto_library( name = "import_strip_py_pb2", deps = ["import_strip_proto"], ) py_grpc_library( name = "import_strip_py_pb2_grpc", srcs = ["import_strip_proto"], deps = ["import_strip_py_pb2"], ) py_proto_library( name = "no_import_no_strip_py_pb2", deps = ["no_import_no_strip_proto"], ) py_grpc_library( name = "no_import_no_strip_py_pb2_grpc", srcs = ["no_import_no_strip_proto"], deps = ["no_import_no_strip_py_pb2"], ) py_proto_library( name = "no_import_strip_py_pb2", deps = ["no_import_strip_proto"], ) py_grpc_library( name = "no_import_strip_py_pb2_grpc", srcs = ["no_import_strip_proto"], deps = ["no_import_strip_py_pb2"], ) ################# # Namespace Tests ################# # Most examples with protos have all proto packages rooted at the workspace root. i.e. google/api has # a directory structure: # - WORKSPACE # - /google # - /api # - files.proto # # But if you can't anchor the protos at the root, you have to use strip and import prefixes. This results # in the following directory layout for python, which needs to properly be added to the imports. # # No Import or Strip (Can't compile if there are any proto dependencies) # bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/namespaced/upper/example/namespaced_example_pb2.py # # No import Prefix (Can't compile if there are any proto dependencies) # bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/namespaced/upper/example/_virtual_imports/namespaced_example_proto/namespaced_example_pb2.py # # No strip prefix (Can't compile if there are any proto dependencies) # bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/namespaced/upper/example/_virtual_imports/namespaced_example_proto/upper/example/namespaced/upper/example/namespaced_example_pb2.py # # Both Import and Strip # bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/namespaced/upper/example/_virtual_imports/namespaced_example_proto/upper/example/namespaced_example_pb2.py py_test( name = "import_no_strip_test", srcs = ["import_no_strip_test.py"], main = "import_no_strip_test.py", python_version = "PY3", deps = [ ":import_no_strip_py_pb2", ":import_no_strip_py_pb2_grpc", ], ) py_test( name = "import_strip_test", srcs = ["import_strip_test.py"], main = "import_strip_test.py", python_version = "PY3", deps = [ ":import_strip_py_pb2", ":import_strip_py_pb2_grpc", ], ) py_test( name = "no_import_no_strip_test", srcs = ["no_import_no_strip_test.py"], main = "no_import_no_strip_test.py", python_version = "PY3", deps = [ ":no_import_no_strip_py_pb2", ":no_import_no_strip_py_pb2_grpc", ], ) py_test( name = "no_import_strip_test", srcs = ["no_import_strip_test.py"], main = "no_import_strip_test.py", python_version = "PY3", deps = [ ":no_import_strip_py_pb2", ":no_import_strip_py_pb2_grpc", ], )