#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2022 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import collections from doctest import SKIP import multiprocessing import os import re import sys import run_buildozer # find our home ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '../..')) os.chdir(ROOT) vendors = collections.defaultdict(list) scores = collections.defaultdict(int) avoidness = collections.defaultdict(int) consumes = {} no_update = set() buildozer_commands = [] needs_codegen_base_src = set() original_deps = {} original_external_deps = {} skip_headers = collections.defaultdict(set) # TODO(ctiller): ideally we wouldn't hardcode a bunch of paths here. # We can likely parse out BUILD files from dependencies to generate this index. EXTERNAL_DEPS = { 'absl/algorithm/container.h': 'absl/algorithm:container', 'absl/base/attributes.h': 'absl/base:core_headers', 'absl/base/call_once.h': 'absl/base', # TODO(ctiller) remove this 'absl/base/internal/endian.h': 'absl/base', 'absl/base/thread_annotations.h': 'absl/base:core_headers', 'absl/container/flat_hash_map.h': 'absl/container:flat_hash_map', 'absl/container/flat_hash_set.h': 'absl/container:flat_hash_set', 'absl/container/inlined_vector.h': 'absl/container:inlined_vector', 'absl/cleanup/cleanup.h': 'absl/cleanup', 'absl/debugging/failure_signal_handler.h': 'absl/debugging:failure_signal_handler', 'absl/debugging/stacktrace.h': 'absl/debugging:stacktrace', 'absl/debugging/symbolize.h': 'absl/debugging:symbolize', 'absl/flags/flag.h': 'absl/flags:flag', 'absl/flags/parse.h': 'absl/flags:parse', 'absl/functional/any_invocable.h': 'absl/functional:any_invocable', 'absl/functional/bind_front.h': 'absl/functional:bind_front', 'absl/functional/function_ref.h': 'absl/functional:function_ref', 'absl/hash/hash.h': 'absl/hash', 'absl/memory/memory.h': 'absl/memory', 'absl/meta/type_traits.h': 'absl/meta:type_traits', 'absl/random/random.h': 'absl/random', 'absl/random/distributions.h': 'absl/random:distributions', 'absl/status/status.h': 'absl/status', 'absl/status/statusor.h': 'absl/status:statusor', 'absl/strings/ascii.h': 'absl/strings', 'absl/strings/cord.h': 'absl/strings:cord', 'absl/strings/escaping.h': 'absl/strings', 'absl/strings/match.h': 'absl/strings', 'absl/strings/numbers.h': 'absl/strings', 'absl/strings/str_cat.h': 'absl/strings', 'absl/strings/str_format.h': 'absl/strings:str_format', 'absl/strings/str_join.h': 'absl/strings', 'absl/strings/str_replace.h': 'absl/strings', 'absl/strings/str_split.h': 'absl/strings', 'absl/strings/string_view.h': 'absl/strings', 'absl/strings/strip.h': 'absl/strings', 'absl/strings/substitute.h': 'absl/strings', 'absl/synchronization/mutex.h': 'absl/synchronization', 'absl/synchronization/notification.h': 'absl/synchronization', 'absl/time/clock.h': 'absl/time', 'absl/time/time.h': 'absl/time', 'absl/types/optional.h': 'absl/types:optional', 'absl/types/span.h': 'absl/types:span', 'absl/types/variant.h': 'absl/types:variant', 'absl/utility/utility.h': 'absl/utility', 'address_sorting/address_sorting.h': 'address_sorting', 'ares.h': 'cares', 'gmock/gmock.h': 'gtest', 'gtest/gtest.h': 'gtest', 'opencensus/trace/context_util.h': 'opencensus-trace-context_util', 'opencensus/trace/propagation/grpc_trace_bin.h': 'opencensus-trace-propagation', 'opencensus/tags/context_util.h': 'opencensus-tags-context_util', 'openssl/base.h': 'libssl', 'openssl/bio.h': 'libssl', 'openssl/bn.h': 'libcrypto', 'openssl/buffer.h': 'libcrypto', 'openssl/crypto.h': 'libcrypto', 'openssl/digest.h': 'libssl', 'openssl/engine.h': 'libcrypto', 'openssl/err.h': 'libcrypto', 'openssl/evp.h': 'libcrypto', 'openssl/hmac.h': 'libcrypto', 'openssl/pem.h': 'libcrypto', 'openssl/rsa.h': 'libcrypto', 'openssl/sha.h': 'libcrypto', 'openssl/ssl.h': 'libssl', 'openssl/tls1.h': 'libssl', 'openssl/x509.h': 'libcrypto', 'openssl/x509v3.h': 'libcrypto', 're2/re2.h': 're2', 'upb/arena.h': 'upb_lib', 'upb/def.h': 'upb_lib', 'upb/json_encode.h': 'upb_json_lib', 'upb/text_encode.h': 'upb_textformat_lib', 'upb/def.hpp': 'upb_reflection', 'upb/upb.h': 'upb_lib', 'upb/upb.hpp': 'upb_lib', 'xxhash.h': 'xxhash', 'zlib.h': 'madler_zlib', } INTERNAL_DEPS = { 'google/api/expr/v1alpha1/syntax.upb.h': 'google_type_expr_upb', 'google/rpc/status.upb.h': 'google_rpc_status_upb', 'google/protobuf/any.upb.h': 'protobuf_any_upb', 'google/protobuf/duration.upb.h': 'protobuf_duration_upb', 'google/protobuf/struct.upb.h': 'protobuf_struct_upb', 'google/protobuf/timestamp.upb.h': 'protobuf_timestamp_upb', 'google/protobuf/wrappers.upb.h': 'protobuf_wrappers_upb', 'grpc/status.h': 'grpc_public_hdrs', 'src/proto/grpc/channelz/channelz.grpc.pb.h': '//src/proto/grpc/channelz:channelz_proto', 'src/proto/grpc/core/stats.pb.h': '//src/proto/grpc/core:stats_proto', 'src/proto/grpc/health/v1/health.upb.h': 'grpc_health_upb', 'src/proto/grpc/lb/v1/load_reporter.grpc.pb.h': '//src/proto/grpc/lb/v1:load_reporter_proto', 'src/proto/grpc/lb/v1/load_balancer.upb.h': 'grpc_lb_upb', 'src/proto/grpc/reflection/v1alpha/reflection.grpc.pb.h': '//src/proto/grpc/reflection/v1alpha:reflection_proto', 'src/proto/grpc/gcp/transport_security_common.upb.h': 'alts_upb', 'src/proto/grpc/gcp/altscontext.upb.h': 'alts_upb', 'src/proto/grpc/lookup/v1/rls.upb.h': 'rls_upb', 'src/proto/grpc/lookup/v1/rls_config.upb.h': 'rls_config_upb', 'src/proto/grpc/lookup/v1/rls_config.upbdefs.h': 'rls_config_upbdefs', 'src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/csds.grpc.pb.h': '//src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3:csds_proto', 'xds/data/orca/v3/orca_load_report.upb.h': 'xds_orca_upb', 'xds/service/orca/v3/orca.upb.h': 'xds_orca_service_upb', 'xds/type/v3/typed_struct.upb.h': 'xds_type_upb', } class FakeSelects: def config_setting_group(self, **kwargs): pass num_cc_libraries = 0 num_opted_out_cc_libraries = 0 parsing_path = None def grpc_cc_library(name, hdrs=[], public_hdrs=[], srcs=[], select_deps=None, tags=[], deps=[], external_deps=[], proto=None, **kwargs): global args global num_cc_libraries global num_opted_out_cc_libraries global parsing_path assert (parsing_path is not None) name = '//%s:%s' % (parsing_path, name) num_cc_libraries += 1 if select_deps or 'nofixdeps' in tags: if args.whats_left and not select_deps and 'nofixdeps' not in tags: num_opted_out_cc_libraries += 1 print("Not opted in: {}".format(name)) no_update.add(name) scores[name] = len(public_hdrs + hdrs) # avoid_dep is the internal way of saying prefer something else # we add grpc_avoid_dep to allow internal grpc-only stuff to avoid each # other, whilst not biasing dependent projects if 'avoid_dep' in tags or 'grpc_avoid_dep' in tags: avoidness[name] += 10 if proto: proto_hdr = '%s%s' % ((parsing_path + '/' if parsing_path else ''), proto.replace('.proto', '.pb.h')) skip_headers[name].add(proto_hdr) for hdr in hdrs + public_hdrs: filename = '%s%s' % ((parsing_path + '/' if parsing_path else ''), hdr) vendors[filename].append(name) inc = set() original_deps[name] = frozenset(deps) original_external_deps[name] = frozenset(external_deps) for src in hdrs + public_hdrs + srcs: filename = '%s%s' % ((parsing_path + '/' if parsing_path else ''), src) for line in open(filename): m = re.search(r'#include <(.*)>', line) if m: inc.add(m.group(1)) m = re.search(r'#include "(.*)"', line) if m: inc.add(m.group(1)) if 'grpc::g_glip' in line or 'grpc::g_core_codegen_interface' in line: needs_codegen_base_src.add(name) consumes[name] = list(inc) def buildozer(cmd, target): buildozer_commands.append('%s|%s' % (cmd, target)) def buildozer_set_list(name, values, target, via=""): if not values: buildozer('remove %s' % name, target) return adjust = via if via else name buildozer('set %s %s' % (adjust, ' '.join('"%s"' % s for s in values)), target) if via: buildozer('remove %s' % name, target) buildozer('rename %s %s' % (via, name), target) def score_edit_distance(proposed, existing): """Score a proposed change primarily by edit distance""" sum = 0 for p in proposed: if p not in existing: sum += 1 for e in existing: if e not in proposed: sum += 1 return sum def total_score(proposal): return sum(scores[dep] for dep in proposal) def total_avoidness(proposal): return sum(avoidness[dep] for dep in proposal) def score_list_size(proposed, existing): """Score a proposed change primarily by number of dependencies""" return len(proposed) def score_best(proposed, existing): """Score a proposed change primarily by dependency score""" return 0 SCORERS = { 'edit_distance': score_edit_distance, 'list_size': score_list_size, 'best': score_best, } parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Fix build dependencies') parser.add_argument('targets', nargs='*', default=[], help='targets to fix (empty => all)') parser.add_argument('--score', type=str, default='edit_distance', help='scoring function to use: one of ' + ', '.join(SCORERS.keys())) parser.add_argument('--whats_left', action='store_true', default=False, help='show what is left to opt in') parser.add_argument('--explain', action='store_true', default=False, help='try to explain some decisions') parser.add_argument( '--why', type=str, default=None, help='with --explain, target why a given dependency is needed') args = parser.parse_args() for dirname in [ "", "test/core/uri", "test/core/util", "test/core/end2end", "test/core/event_engine", "test/core/resource_quota", ]: parsing_path = dirname exec( open('%sBUILD' % (dirname + '/' if dirname else ''), 'r').read(), { 'load': lambda filename, *args: None, 'licenses': lambda licenses: None, 'package': lambda **kwargs: None, 'exports_files': lambda files: None, 'config_setting': lambda **kwargs: None, 'selects': FakeSelects(), 'python_config_settings': lambda **kwargs: None, 'grpc_cc_binary': grpc_cc_library, 'grpc_cc_library': grpc_cc_library, 'grpc_cc_test': grpc_cc_library, 'grpc_fuzzer': grpc_cc_library, 'grpc_proto_fuzzer': grpc_cc_library, 'select': lambda d: d["//conditions:default"], 'grpc_end2end_tests': lambda: None, 'grpc_upb_proto_library': lambda name, **kwargs: None, 'grpc_upb_proto_reflection_library': lambda name, **kwargs: None, 'grpc_generate_one_off_targets': lambda: None, 'grpc_package': lambda **kwargs: None, 'filegroup': lambda name, **kwargs: None, 'sh_library': lambda name, **kwargs: None, }, {}) parsing_path = None if args.whats_left: print("{}/{} libraries are opted in".format( num_cc_libraries - num_opted_out_cc_libraries, num_cc_libraries)) def make_relative_path(dep, lib): if lib is None: return dep lib_path = lib[:lib.rfind(':') + 1] if dep.startswith(lib_path): return dep[len(lib_path):] return dep if args.whats_left: print("{}/{} libraries are opted in".format( num_cc_libraries - num_opted_out_cc_libraries, num_cc_libraries)) # Keeps track of all possible sets of dependencies that could satify the # problem. (models the list monad in Haskell!) class Choices: def __init__(self, library, substitutions): self.library = library self.to_add = [] self.to_remove = [] self.substitutions = substitutions def add_one_of(self, choices, trigger): if not choices: return choices = sum([self.apply_substitutions(choice) for choice in choices], []) if args.explain and (args.why is None or args.why in choices): print("{}: Adding one of {} for {}".format(self.library, choices, trigger)) self.to_add.append( tuple( make_relative_path(choice, self.library) for choice in choices)) def add(self, choice, trigger): self.add_one_of([choice], trigger) def remove(self, remove): for remove in self.apply_substitutions(remove): self.to_remove.append(make_relative_path(remove, self.library)) def apply_substitutions(self, dep): if dep in self.substitutions: return self.substitutions[dep] return [dep] def best(self, scorer): choices = set() choices.add(frozenset()) for add in sorted(set(self.to_add), key=lambda x: (len(x), x)): new_choices = set() for append_choice in add: for choice in choices: new_choices.add(choice.union([append_choice])) choices = new_choices for remove in sorted(set(self.to_remove)): new_choices = set() for choice in choices: new_choices.add(choice.difference([remove])) choices = new_choices best = None final_scorer = lambda x: (total_avoidness(x), scorer(x), total_score(x)) for choice in choices: if best is None or final_scorer(choice) < final_scorer(best): best = choice return best def make_library(library): error = False hdrs = sorted(consumes[library]) # we need a little trickery here since grpc_base has channel.cc, which calls grpc_init # which is in grpc, which is illegal but hard to change # once event engine lands we can clean this up deps = Choices(library, {'//:grpc_base': ['//:grpc', '//:grpc_unsecure']} if library.startswith('//test/') else {}) external_deps = Choices(None, {}) for hdr in hdrs: if hdr in skip_headers[library]: continue if hdr == 'src/core/lib/profiling/stap_probes.h': continue if hdr.startswith('src/libfuzzer/'): continue if hdr == 'grpc/grpc.h' and not library.startswith('//:'): # not the root build including grpc.h ==> //:grpc deps.add_one_of(['//:grpc', '//:grpc_unsecure'], hdr) continue if hdr in INTERNAL_DEPS: dep = INTERNAL_DEPS[hdr] if not dep.startswith('//'): dep = '//:' + dep deps.add(dep, hdr) continue if hdr in vendors: deps.add_one_of(vendors[hdr], hdr) continue if 'include/' + hdr in vendors: deps.add_one_of(vendors['include/' + hdr], hdr) continue if '.' not in hdr: # assume a c++ system include continue if hdr in EXTERNAL_DEPS: external_deps.add(EXTERNAL_DEPS[hdr], hdr) continue if hdr.startswith('opencensus/'): trail = hdr[len('opencensus/'):] trail = trail[:trail.find('/')] external_deps.add('opencensus-' + trail, hdr) continue if hdr.startswith('envoy/'): path, file = os.path.split(hdr) file = file.split('.') path = path.split('/') dep = '_'.join(path[:-1] + [file[1]]) deps.add(dep, hdr) continue if hdr.startswith('google/protobuf/') and not hdr.endswith('.upb.h'): external_deps.add('protobuf_headers', hdr) continue if '/' not in hdr: # assume a system include continue is_sys_include = False for sys_path in [ 'sys', 'arpa', 'gperftools', 'netinet', 'linux', 'android', 'mach', 'net', 'CoreFoundation', ]: if hdr.startswith(sys_path + '/'): is_sys_include = True break if is_sys_include: # assume a system include continue print("# ERROR: can't categorize header: %s used by %s" % (hdr, library)) error = True if library in needs_codegen_base_src: deps.add('grpc++_codegen_base_src', '#needs_codegen_base_src') deps.remove(library) deps = sorted( deps.best(lambda x: SCORERS[args.score](x, original_deps[library]))) external_deps = sorted( external_deps.best(lambda x: SCORERS[args.score] (x, original_external_deps[library]))) return (library, error, deps, external_deps) update_libraries = [] for library in sorted(consumes.keys()): if library in no_update: continue if args.targets and library not in args.targets: continue update_libraries.append(library) with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as p: updated_libraries = p.map(make_library, update_libraries, 1) error = False for library, lib_error, deps, external_deps in updated_libraries: if lib_error: error = True continue buildozer_set_list('external_deps', external_deps, library, via='deps') buildozer_set_list('deps', deps, library) run_buildozer.run_buildozer(buildozer_commands) if error: sys.exit(1)