/* * * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/core/lib/gpr/string.h" #include "test/core/util/test_config.h" #include "test/cpp/interop/client_helper.h" #include "test/cpp/interop/interop_client.h" #include "test/cpp/util/test_config.h" DEFINE_bool(use_alts, false, "Whether to use alts. Enable alts will disable tls."); DEFINE_bool(use_tls, false, "Whether to use tls."); DEFINE_string(custom_credentials_type, "", "User provided credentials type."); DEFINE_bool(use_test_ca, false, "False to use SSL roots for google"); DEFINE_int32(server_port, 0, "Server port."); DEFINE_string(server_host, "localhost", "Server host to connect to"); DEFINE_string(server_host_override, "", "Override the server host which is sent in HTTP header"); DEFINE_string( test_case, "large_unary", "Configure different test cases. Valid options are:\n\n" "all : all test cases;\n" "cancel_after_begin : cancel stream after starting it;\n" "cancel_after_first_response: cancel on first response;\n" "channel_soak: sends 'soak_iterations' rpcs, rebuilds channel each time;\n" "client_compressed_streaming : compressed request streaming with " "client_compressed_unary : single compressed request;\n" "client_streaming : request streaming with single response;\n" "compute_engine_creds: large_unary with compute engine auth;\n" "custom_metadata: server will echo custom metadata;\n" "empty_stream : bi-di stream with no request/response;\n" "empty_unary : empty (zero bytes) request and response;\n" "google_default_credentials: large unary using GDC;\n" "half_duplex : half-duplex streaming;\n" "jwt_token_creds: large_unary with JWT token auth;\n" "large_unary : single request and (large) response;\n" "long_lived_channel: sends large_unary rpcs over a long-lived channel;\n" "oauth2_auth_token: raw oauth2 access token auth;\n" "per_rpc_creds: raw oauth2 access token on a single rpc;\n" "ping_pong : full-duplex streaming;\n" "response streaming;\n" "rpc_soak: 'sends soak_iterations' large_unary rpcs;\n" "server_compressed_streaming : single request with compressed " "server_compressed_unary : single compressed response;\n" "server_streaming : single request with response streaming;\n" "slow_consumer : single request with response streaming with " "slow client consumer;\n" "status_code_and_message: verify status code & message;\n" "timeout_on_sleeping_server: deadline exceeds on stream;\n" "unimplemented_method: client calls an unimplemented method;\n" "unimplemented_service: client calls an unimplemented service;\n"); DEFINE_string(default_service_account, "", "Email of GCE default service account"); DEFINE_string(service_account_key_file, "", "Path to service account json key file."); DEFINE_string(oauth_scope, "", "Scope for OAuth tokens."); DEFINE_bool(do_not_abort_on_transient_failures, false, "If set to 'true', abort() is not called in case of transient " "failures (i.e failures that are temporary and will likely go away " "on retrying; like a temporary connection failure) and an error " "message is printed instead. Note that this flag just controls " "whether abort() is called or not. It does not control whether the " "test is retried in case of transient failures (and currently the " "interop tests are not retried even if this flag is set to true)"); DEFINE_int32(soak_iterations, 1000, "number of iterations to use for the two soak tests; rpc_soak and " "channel_soak"); DEFINE_int32(iteration_interval, 10, "The interval in seconds between rpcs. This is used by " "long_connection test"); DEFINE_string(additional_metadata, "", "Additional metadata to send in each request, as a " "semicolon-separated list of key:value pairs."); using grpc::testing::CreateChannelForTestCase; using grpc::testing::GetServiceAccountJsonKey; using grpc::testing::UpdateActions; namespace { // Parse the contents of FLAGS_additional_metadata into a map. Allow // alphanumeric characters and dashes in keys, and any character but semicolons // in values. Convert keys to lowercase. On failure, log an error and return // false. bool ParseAdditionalMetadataFlag( const grpc::string& flag, std::multimap* additional_metadata) { size_t start_pos = 0; while (start_pos < flag.length()) { size_t colon_pos = flag.find(':', start_pos); if (colon_pos == grpc::string::npos) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Couldn't parse metadata flag: extra characters at end of flag"); return false; } size_t semicolon_pos = flag.find(';', colon_pos); grpc::string key = flag.substr(start_pos, colon_pos - start_pos); grpc::string value = flag.substr(colon_pos + 1, semicolon_pos - colon_pos - 1); constexpr char alphanum_and_hyphen[] = "-0123456789" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; if (key.find_first_not_of(alphanum_and_hyphen) != grpc::string::npos) { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Couldn't parse metadata flag: key contains characters other " "than alphanumeric and hyphens: %s", key.c_str()); return false; } // Convert to lowercase. for (char& c : key) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { c += ('a' - 'A'); } } gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Adding additional metadata with key %s and value %s", key.c_str(), value.c_str()); additional_metadata->insert({key, value}); if (semicolon_pos == grpc::string::npos) { break; } else { start_pos = semicolon_pos + 1; } } return true; } } // namespace int main(int argc, char** argv) { grpc::testing::TestEnvironment env(argc, argv); grpc::testing::InitTest(&argc, &argv, true); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Testing these cases: %s", FLAGS_test_case.c_str()); int ret = 0; grpc::testing::ChannelCreationFunc channel_creation_func; grpc::string test_case = FLAGS_test_case; if (FLAGS_additional_metadata == "") { channel_creation_func = [test_case]() { return CreateChannelForTestCase(test_case); }; } else { std::multimap additional_metadata; if (!ParseAdditionalMetadataFlag(FLAGS_additional_metadata, &additional_metadata)) { return 1; } channel_creation_func = [test_case, additional_metadata]() { std::vector> factories; factories.emplace_back( new grpc::testing::AdditionalMetadataInterceptorFactory( additional_metadata)); return CreateChannelForTestCase(test_case, std::move(factories)); }; } grpc::testing::InteropClient client(channel_creation_func, true, FLAGS_do_not_abort_on_transient_failures); std::unordered_map> actions; actions["empty_unary"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoEmpty, &client); actions["large_unary"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoLargeUnary, &client); actions["server_compressed_unary"] = std::bind( &grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoServerCompressedUnary, &client); actions["client_compressed_unary"] = std::bind( &grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoClientCompressedUnary, &client); actions["client_streaming"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoRequestStreaming, &client); actions["server_streaming"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoResponseStreaming, &client); actions["server_compressed_streaming"] = std::bind( &grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoServerCompressedStreaming, &client); actions["client_compressed_streaming"] = std::bind( &grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoClientCompressedStreaming, &client); actions["slow_consumer"] = std::bind( &grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoResponseStreamingWithSlowConsumer, &client); actions["half_duplex"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoHalfDuplex, &client); actions["ping_pong"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoPingPong, &client); actions["cancel_after_begin"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoCancelAfterBegin, &client); actions["cancel_after_first_response"] = std::bind( &grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoCancelAfterFirstResponse, &client); actions["timeout_on_sleeping_server"] = std::bind( &grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoTimeoutOnSleepingServer, &client); actions["empty_stream"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoEmptyStream, &client); actions["pick_first_unary"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoPickFirstUnary, &client); if (FLAGS_use_tls) { actions["compute_engine_creds"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoComputeEngineCreds, &client, FLAGS_default_service_account, FLAGS_oauth_scope); actions["jwt_token_creds"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoJwtTokenCreds, &client, GetServiceAccountJsonKey()); actions["oauth2_auth_token"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoOauth2AuthToken, &client, FLAGS_default_service_account, FLAGS_oauth_scope); actions["per_rpc_creds"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoPerRpcCreds, &client, GetServiceAccountJsonKey()); } if (FLAGS_custom_credentials_type == "google_default_credentials") { actions["google_default_credentials"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoGoogleDefaultCredentials, &client, FLAGS_default_service_account); } actions["status_code_and_message"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoStatusWithMessage, &client); actions["custom_metadata"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoCustomMetadata, &client); actions["unimplemented_method"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoUnimplementedMethod, &client); actions["unimplemented_service"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoUnimplementedService, &client); actions["cacheable_unary"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoCacheableUnary, &client); actions["channel_soak"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoChannelSoakTest, &client, FLAGS_soak_iterations); actions["rpc_soak"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoRpcSoakTest, &client, FLAGS_soak_iterations); actions["long_lived_channel"] = std::bind(&grpc::testing::InteropClient::DoLongLivedChannelTest, &client, FLAGS_soak_iterations, FLAGS_iteration_interval); UpdateActions(&actions); if (FLAGS_test_case == "all") { for (const auto& action : actions) { action.second(); } } else if (actions.find(FLAGS_test_case) != actions.end()) { actions.find(FLAGS_test_case)->second(); } else { grpc::string test_cases; for (const auto& action : actions) { if (!test_cases.empty()) test_cases += "\n"; test_cases += action.first; } gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Unsupported test case %s. Valid options are\n%s", FLAGS_test_case.c_str(), test_cases.c_str()); ret = 1; } return ret; }