// // // Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // #include "test/core/end2end/cq_verifier.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "absl/strings/str_join.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/core/lib/compression/message_compress.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/debug_location.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/match.h" #include "src/core/lib/surface/event_string.h" #include "test/core/util/test_config.h" // a set of metadata we expect to find on an event typedef struct metadata { size_t count; size_t cap; char** keys; char** values; } metadata; static int has_metadata(const grpc_metadata* md, size_t count, const char* key, const char* value) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (0 == grpc_slice_str_cmp(md[i].key, key) && 0 == grpc_slice_str_cmp(md[i].value, value)) { return 1; } } return 0; } int contains_metadata(grpc_metadata_array* array, const char* key, const char* value) { return has_metadata(array->metadata, array->count, key, value); } static int has_metadata_slices(const grpc_metadata* md, size_t count, grpc_slice key, grpc_slice value) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (grpc_slice_eq(md[i].key, key) && grpc_slice_eq(md[i].value, value)) { return 1; } } return 0; } int contains_metadata_slices(grpc_metadata_array* array, grpc_slice key, grpc_slice value) { return has_metadata_slices(array->metadata, array->count, key, value); } static grpc_slice merge_slices(grpc_slice* slices, size_t nslices) { size_t i; size_t len = 0; uint8_t* cursor; grpc_slice out; for (i = 0; i < nslices; i++) { len += GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(slices[i]); } out = grpc_slice_malloc(len); cursor = GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(out); for (i = 0; i < nslices; i++) { memcpy(cursor, GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(slices[i]), GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(slices[i])); cursor += GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(slices[i]); } return out; } int raw_byte_buffer_eq_slice(grpc_byte_buffer* rbb, grpc_slice b) { grpc_slice a; int ok; if (!rbb) return 0; a = merge_slices(rbb->data.raw.slice_buffer.slices, rbb->data.raw.slice_buffer.count); ok = GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(a) == GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(b) && 0 == memcmp(GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(a), GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(b), GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(a)); grpc_slice_unref(a); grpc_slice_unref(b); return ok; } int byte_buffer_eq_slice(grpc_byte_buffer* bb, grpc_slice b) { if (bb == nullptr) return 0; if (bb->data.raw.compression > GRPC_COMPRESS_NONE) { grpc_slice_buffer decompressed_buffer; grpc_slice_buffer_init(&decompressed_buffer); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_msg_decompress(bb->data.raw.compression, &bb->data.raw.slice_buffer, &decompressed_buffer)); grpc_byte_buffer* rbb = grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create( decompressed_buffer.slices, decompressed_buffer.count); int ret_val = raw_byte_buffer_eq_slice(rbb, b); grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(rbb); grpc_slice_buffer_destroy(&decompressed_buffer); return ret_val; } return raw_byte_buffer_eq_slice(bb, b); } int byte_buffer_eq_string(grpc_byte_buffer* bb, const char* str) { return byte_buffer_eq_slice(bb, grpc_slice_from_copied_string(str)); } namespace { bool IsProbablyInteger(void* p) { return reinterpret_cast(p) < 1000000; } std::string TagStr(void* tag) { if (IsProbablyInteger(tag)) { return absl::StrFormat("tag(%" PRIdPTR ")", reinterpret_cast(tag)); } else { return absl::StrFormat("%p", tag); } } } // namespace namespace grpc_core { CqVerifier::CqVerifier(grpc_completion_queue* cq) : cq_(cq) {} CqVerifier::~CqVerifier() { Verify(); } std::string CqVerifier::Expectation::ToString() const { return absl::StrCat( location.file(), ":", location.line(), ": ", TagStr(tag), " ", Match( result, [](bool success) { return absl::StrCat("success=", success ? "true" : "false"); }, [](Maybe) { return std::string("maybe"); }, [](AnyStatus) { return std::string("any success value"); })); } std::string CqVerifier::ToString() const { std::vector expectations; for (const auto& e : expectations_) { expectations.push_back(e.ToString()); } return absl::StrJoin(expectations, "\n"); } void CqVerifier::FailNoEventReceived() const { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "no event received, but expected:%s", ToString().c_str()); abort(); } void CqVerifier::FailUnexpectedEvent(grpc_event* ev) const { gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "cq returned unexpected event: %s", grpc_event_string(ev).c_str()); gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "expected tags:\n%s", ToString().c_str()); abort(); } void CqVerifier::Verify(Duration timeout) { const gpr_timespec deadline = grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(timeout.millis()); while (!expectations_.empty()) { grpc_event ev = grpc_completion_queue_next(cq_, deadline, nullptr); if (ev.type == GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) break; if (ev.type != GRPC_OP_COMPLETE) { FailUnexpectedEvent(&ev); } bool found = false; for (auto it = expectations_.begin(); it != expectations_.end(); ++it) { if (it->tag != ev.tag) continue; const bool expected = Match( it->result, [ev](bool success) { return ev.success == success; }, [ev](Maybe m) { if (m.seen != nullptr) *m.seen = true; return ev.success != 0; }, [ev](AnyStatus a) { if (a.result != nullptr) *a.result = ev.success; return true; }); if (!expected) { FailUnexpectedEvent(&ev); } expectations_.erase(it); found = true; break; } if (!found) FailUnexpectedEvent(&ev); if (AllMaybes()) break; } expectations_.erase( std::remove_if(expectations_.begin(), expectations_.end(), [](const Expectation& e) { return absl::holds_alternative(e.result); }), expectations_.end()); if (!expectations_.empty()) FailNoEventReceived(); } bool CqVerifier::AllMaybes() const { for (const auto& e : expectations_) { if (!absl::holds_alternative(e.result)) return false; } return true; } void CqVerifier::VerifyEmpty(Duration timeout) { const gpr_timespec deadline = gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC), timeout.as_timespec()); GPR_ASSERT(expectations_.empty()); grpc_event ev = grpc_completion_queue_next(cq_, deadline, nullptr); if (ev.type != GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) { FailUnexpectedEvent(&ev); } } void CqVerifier::Expect(void* tag, ExpectedResult result, SourceLocation location) { expectations_.push_back(Expectation{location, tag, result}); } } // namespace grpc_core