# gRPC C++ Interceptors Example The C++ Interceptors example shows how interceptors might be used with a simple key-value store. Note that the C++ Interception API is still experimental and subject to change. ## Key Value Store The key-value store service is defined in [keyvaluestore.proto](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/examples/protos/keyvaluestore.proto).It has a simple bidi streaming RPC where the request messages contain a key and the response messages contain a value. The example shows a very naive CachingInterceptor added on the client channel that caches the key-value pairs that it sees. If the client looks up a key present in the cache, the interceptor responds with its saved value and the server doesn't see the request for that key. On the server-side, a very simple logging interceptor is added that simply logs to stdout whenever a new RPC is received. ## Running the example To run the server - ``` $ tools/bazel run examples/cpp/interceptors:server ``` To run the client (on a different terminal) - ``` $ tools/bazel run examples/cpp/interceptors:client ```