#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2023 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ A module to assist in generating experiment related code and artifacts. """ from __future__ import print_function import collections from copy import deepcopy import ctypes import datetime import json import math import os import re import sys import yaml _CODEGEN_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT = """ This file contains the autogenerated parts of the experiments API. It generates two symbols for each experiment. For the experiment named new_car_project, it generates: - a function IsNewCarProjectEnabled() that returns true if the experiment should be enabled at runtime. - a macro GRPC_EXPERIMENT_IS_INCLUDED_NEW_CAR_PROJECT that is defined if the experiment *could* be enabled at runtime. The function is used to determine whether to run the experiment or non-experiment code path. If the experiment brings significant bloat, the macro can be used to avoid including the experiment code path in the binary for binaries that are size sensitive. By default that includes our iOS and Android builds. Finally, a small array is included that contains the metadata for each experiment. A macro, GRPC_EXPERIMENTS_ARE_FINAL, controls whether we fix experiment configuration at build time (if it's defined) or allow it to be tuned at runtime (if it's disabled). If you are using the Bazel build system, that macro can be configured with --define=grpc_experiments_are_final=true """ def _EXPERIMENTS_TEST_SKELETON(defs, test_body): return f""" #include #include "test/core/experiments/fixtures/experiments.h" #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "src/core/lib/experiments/config.h" #ifndef GRPC_EXPERIMENTS_ARE_FINAL {defs} TEST(ExperimentsTest, CheckExperimentValuesTest) {{ {test_body} }} #endif // GRPC_EXPERIMENTS_ARE_FINAL int main(int argc, char** argv) {{ testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); grpc_core::LoadTestOnlyExperimentsFromMetadata( grpc_core::g_test_experiment_metadata, grpc_core::kNumTestExperiments); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }} """ def _EXPERIMENTS_EXPECTED_VALUE(name, expected_value): return f""" bool GetExperiment{name}ExpectedValue() {{ {expected_value} }} """ def _EXPERIMENT_CHECK_TEXT(name): return f""" ASSERT_EQ(grpc_core::Is{name}Enabled(), GetExperiment{name}ExpectedValue()); """ def ToCStr(s, encoding="ascii"): if isinstance(s, str): s = s.encode(encoding) result = "" for c in s: c = chr(c) if isinstance(c, int) else c if not (32 <= ord(c) < 127) or c in ("\\", '"'): result += "\\%03o" % ord(c) else: result += c return '"' + result + '"' def SnakeToPascal(s): return "".join(x.capitalize() for x in s.split("_")) def PutBanner(files, banner, prefix): # Print a big comment block into a set of files for f in files: for line in banner: if not line: print(prefix, file=f) else: print("%s %s" % (prefix, line), file=f) print(file=f) def PutCopyright(file, prefix): # copy-paste copyright notice from this file with open(__file__) as my_source: copyright = [] for line in my_source: if line[0] != "#": break for line in my_source: if line[0] == "#": copyright.append(line) break for line in my_source: if line[0] != "#": break copyright.append(line) PutBanner([file], [line[2:].rstrip() for line in copyright], prefix) def AreExperimentsOrdered(experiments): # Check that the experiments are ordered by name for i in range(1, len(experiments)): if experiments[i - 1]["name"] >= experiments[i]["name"]: print( "Experiments are unordered: %s should be after %s" % (experiments[i - 1]["name"], experiments[i]["name"]) ) return False return True class ExperimentDefinition(object): def __init__(self, attributes): self._error = False if "name" not in attributes: print("ERROR: experiment with no name: %r" % attributes) self._error = True if "description" not in attributes: print( "ERROR: no description for experiment %s" % attributes["name"] ) self._error = True if "owner" not in attributes: print("ERROR: no owner for experiment %s" % attributes["name"]) self._error = True if "expiry" not in attributes: print("ERROR: no expiry for experiment %s" % attributes["name"]) self._error = True if attributes["name"] == "monitoring_experiment": if attributes["expiry"] != "never-ever": print("ERROR: monitoring_experiment should never expire") self._error = True if self._error: print("Failed to create experiment definition") return self._allow_in_fuzzing_config = True self._name = attributes["name"] self._description = attributes["description"] self._expiry = attributes["expiry"] self._default = {} self._additional_constraints = {} self._test_tags = [] self._requires = set() if "allow_in_fuzzing_config" in attributes: self._allow_in_fuzzing_config = attributes[ "allow_in_fuzzing_config" ] if "test_tags" in attributes: self._test_tags = attributes["test_tags"] for requirement in attributes.get("requires", []): self._requires.add(requirement) def IsValid(self, check_expiry=False): if self._error: return False if not check_expiry: return True if ( self._name == "monitoring_experiment" and self._expiry == "never-ever" ): return True today = datetime.date.today() two_quarters_from_now = today + datetime.timedelta(days=180) expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(self._expiry, "%Y/%m/%d").date() if expiry < today: print( "WARNING: experiment %s expired on %s" % (self._name, self._expiry) ) if expiry > two_quarters_from_now: print( "WARNING: experiment %s expires far in the future on %s" % (self._name, self._expiry) ) print("expiry should be no more than two quarters from now") return not self._error def AddRolloutSpecification( self, allowed_defaults, allowed_platforms, rollout_attributes ): if self._error: return False if rollout_attributes["name"] != self._name: print( "ERROR: Rollout specification does not apply to this" " experiment: %s" % self._name ) return False for requirement in rollout_attributes.get("requires", []): self._requires.add(requirement) if "default" not in rollout_attributes: print( "ERROR: no default for experiment %s" % rollout_attributes["name"] ) self._error = True return False is_dict = isinstance(rollout_attributes["default"], dict) for platform in allowed_platforms: if is_dict: value = rollout_attributes["default"].get(platform, False) else: value = rollout_attributes["default"] if isinstance(value, dict): self._default[platform] = "debug" self._additional_constraints[platform] = value elif value not in allowed_defaults: print( "ERROR: default for experiment %s on platform %s " "is of incorrect format" % (rollout_attributes["name"], platform) ) self._error = True return False else: self._default[platform] = value self._additional_constraints[platform] = {} return True @property def name(self): return self._name @property def description(self): return self._description def default(self, platform): return self._default.get(platform, False) @property def test_tags(self): return self._test_tags @property def allow_in_fuzzing_config(self): return self._allow_in_fuzzing_config def additional_constraints(self, platform): return self._additional_constraints.get(platform, {}) class ExperimentsCompiler(object): def __init__( self, defaults, final_return, final_define, platforms_define, bzl_list_for_defaults=None, ): self._defaults = defaults self._final_return = final_return self._final_define = final_define self._platforms_define = platforms_define self._bzl_list_for_defaults = bzl_list_for_defaults self._experiment_definitions = collections.OrderedDict() self._experiment_rollouts = {} def AddExperimentDefinition(self, experiment_definition): if experiment_definition.name in self._experiment_definitions: print( "ERROR: Duplicate experiment definition: %s" % experiment_definition.name ) return False self._experiment_definitions[ experiment_definition.name ] = experiment_definition return True def AddRolloutSpecification(self, rollout_attributes): if "name" not in rollout_attributes: print( "ERROR: experiment with no name: %r in rollout_attribute" % rollout_attributes ) return False if rollout_attributes["name"] not in self._experiment_definitions: print( "WARNING: rollout for an undefined experiment: %s ignored" % rollout_attributes["name"] ) return True return self._experiment_definitions[ rollout_attributes["name"] ].AddRolloutSpecification( self._defaults, self._platforms_define, rollout_attributes ) def _FinalizeExperiments(self): queue = collections.OrderedDict() for name, exp in self._experiment_definitions.items(): queue[name] = exp._requires done = set() final = collections.OrderedDict() while queue: take = None for name, requires in queue.items(): if requires.issubset(done): take = name break if take is None: print("ERROR: circular dependency in experiments") return False done.add(take) final[take] = self._experiment_definitions[take] del queue[take] self._experiment_definitions = final return True def _GenerateExperimentsHdrForPlatform(self, platform, file_desc): for _, exp in self._experiment_definitions.items(): define_fmt = self._final_define[exp.default(platform)] if define_fmt: print( define_fmt % ("GRPC_EXPERIMENT_IS_INCLUDED_%s" % exp.name.upper()), file=file_desc, ) print( "inline bool Is%sEnabled() { %s }" % ( SnakeToPascal(exp.name), self._final_return[exp.default(platform)], ), file=file_desc, ) def GenerateExperimentsHdr(self, output_file, mode): assert self._FinalizeExperiments() with open(output_file, "w") as H: PutCopyright(H, "//") PutBanner( [H], ["Auto generated by tools/codegen/core/gen_experiments.py"] + _CODEGEN_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT.splitlines(), "//", ) if mode != "test": include_guard = "GRPC_SRC_CORE_LIB_EXPERIMENTS_EXPERIMENTS_H" else: real_output_file = output_file.replace(".github", "") file_path_list = real_output_file.split("/")[0:-1] file_name = real_output_file.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] include_guard = f"GRPC_{'_'.join(path.upper() for path in file_path_list)}_{file_name.upper()}_H" print(f"#ifndef {include_guard}", file=H) print(f"#define {include_guard}", file=H) print(file=H) print("#include ", file=H) print(file=H) print('#include "src/core/lib/experiments/config.h"', file=H) print(file=H) print("namespace grpc_core {", file=H) print(file=H) print("#ifdef GRPC_EXPERIMENTS_ARE_FINAL", file=H) idx = 0 for platform in sorted(self._platforms_define.keys()): if platform == "posix": continue print( f"\n#{'if' if idx ==0 else 'elif'} " f"defined({self._platforms_define[platform]})", file=H, ) self._GenerateExperimentsHdrForPlatform(platform, H) idx += 1 print("\n#else", file=H) self._GenerateExperimentsHdrForPlatform("posix", H) print("#endif", file=H) print("\n#else", file=H) if mode == "test": num_experiments_var_name = "kNumTestExperiments" experiments_metadata_var_name = "g_test_experiment_metadata" else: num_experiments_var_name = "kNumExperiments" experiments_metadata_var_name = "g_experiment_metadata" print("enum ExperimentIds {", file=H) for exp in self._experiment_definitions.values(): print(f" kExperimentId{SnakeToPascal(exp.name)},", file=H) print(f" {num_experiments_var_name}", file=H) print("};", file=H) for exp in self._experiment_definitions.values(): print( "#define GRPC_EXPERIMENT_IS_INCLUDED_%s" % exp.name.upper(), file=H, ) print( "inline bool Is%sEnabled() { return" " Is%sExperimentEnabled(kExperimentId%s); }" % ( SnakeToPascal(exp.name), "Test" if mode == "test" else "", SnakeToPascal(exp.name), ), file=H, ) print(file=H) print( ( "extern const ExperimentMetadata" f" {experiments_metadata_var_name}[{num_experiments_var_name}];" ), file=H, ) print(file=H) print("#endif", file=H) print("} // namespace grpc_core", file=H) print(file=H) print(f"#endif // {include_guard}", file=H) def _GenerateExperimentsSrcForPlatform(self, platform, mode, file_desc): print("namespace {", file=file_desc) have_defaults = set() for _, exp in self._experiment_definitions.items(): print( "const char* const description_%s = %s;" % (exp.name, ToCStr(exp.description)), file=file_desc, ) print( "const char* const additional_constraints_%s = %s;" % ( exp.name, ToCStr(json.dumps(exp.additional_constraints(platform))), ), file=file_desc, ) have_defaults.add(self._defaults[exp.default(platform)]) if exp._requires: print( "const uint8_t required_experiments_%s[] = {%s};" % ( exp.name, ",".join( f"static_cast(grpc_core::kExperimentId{SnakeToPascal(name)})" for name in sorted(exp._requires) ), ), file=file_desc, ) if "kDefaultForDebugOnly" in have_defaults: print("#ifdef NDEBUG", file=file_desc) if "kDefaultForDebugOnly" in have_defaults: print( "const bool kDefaultForDebugOnly = false;", file=file_desc ) print("#else", file=file_desc) if "kDefaultForDebugOnly" in have_defaults: print("const bool kDefaultForDebugOnly = true;", file=file_desc) print("#endif", file=file_desc) print("}", file=file_desc) print(file=file_desc) print("namespace grpc_core {", file=file_desc) print(file=file_desc) if mode == "test": experiments_metadata_var_name = "g_test_experiment_metadata" else: experiments_metadata_var_name = "g_experiment_metadata" print( f"const ExperimentMetadata {experiments_metadata_var_name}[] = {{", file=file_desc, ) for _, exp in self._experiment_definitions.items(): print( " {%s, description_%s, additional_constraints_%s, %s, %d, %s, %s}," % ( ToCStr(exp.name), exp.name, exp.name, f"required_experiments_{exp.name}" if exp._requires else "nullptr", len(exp._requires), self._defaults[exp.default(platform)], "true" if exp.allow_in_fuzzing_config else "false", ), file=file_desc, ) print("};", file=file_desc) print(file=file_desc) print("} // namespace grpc_core", file=file_desc) def GenerateExperimentsSrc(self, output_file, header_file_path, mode): assert self._FinalizeExperiments() with open(output_file, "w") as C: PutCopyright(C, "//") PutBanner( [C], ["Auto generated by tools/codegen/core/gen_experiments.py"], "//", ) any_requires = False for _, exp in self._experiment_definitions.items(): if exp._requires: any_requires = True break print("#include ", file=C) print(file=C) if any_requires: print("#include ", file=C) print(file=C) print( f'#include "{header_file_path.replace(".github", "")}"', file=C ) print(file=C) print("#ifndef GRPC_EXPERIMENTS_ARE_FINAL", file=C) idx = 0 for platform in sorted(self._platforms_define.keys()): if platform == "posix": continue print( f"\n#{'if' if idx ==0 else 'elif'} " f"defined({self._platforms_define[platform]})", file=C, ) self._GenerateExperimentsSrcForPlatform(platform, mode, C) idx += 1 print("\n#else", file=C) self._GenerateExperimentsSrcForPlatform("posix", mode, C) print("#endif", file=C) print("#endif", file=C) def _GenTestExperimentsExpectedValues(self, platform): defs = "" for _, exp in self._experiment_definitions.items(): defs += _EXPERIMENTS_EXPECTED_VALUE( SnakeToPascal(exp.name), self._final_return[exp.default(platform)], ) return defs def GenTest(self, output_file): assert self._FinalizeExperiments() with open(output_file, "w") as C: PutCopyright(C, "//") PutBanner( [C], ["Auto generated by tools/codegen/core/gen_experiments.py"], "//", ) defs = "" test_body = "" idx = 0 for platform in sorted(self._platforms_define.keys()): if platform == "posix": continue defs += ( f"\n#{'if' if idx ==0 else 'elif'} " f"defined({self._platforms_define[platform]})" ) defs += self._GenTestExperimentsExpectedValues(platform) idx += 1 defs += "\n#else" defs += self._GenTestExperimentsExpectedValues("posix") defs += "#endif\n" for _, exp in self._experiment_definitions.items(): test_body += _EXPERIMENT_CHECK_TEXT(SnakeToPascal(exp.name)) print(_EXPERIMENTS_TEST_SKELETON(defs, test_body), file=C) def GenExperimentsBzl(self, mode, output_file): assert self._FinalizeExperiments() if self._bzl_list_for_defaults is None: return defaults = dict( (key, collections.defaultdict(list)) for key in self._bzl_list_for_defaults.keys() if key is not None ) bzl_to_tags_to_experiments = dict( (platform, deepcopy(defaults)) for platform in self._platforms_define.keys() ) for platform in self._platforms_define.keys(): for _, exp in self._experiment_definitions.items(): for tag in exp.test_tags: # Search through default values for all platforms. default = exp.default(platform) # Interpret the debug default value as True to switch the # experiment to the "on" mode. if default == "debug": default = True bzl_to_tags_to_experiments[platform][default][tag].append( exp.name ) with open(output_file, "w") as B: PutCopyright(B, "#") PutBanner( [B], ["Auto generated by tools/codegen/core/gen_experiments.py"], "#", ) print( ( '"""Dictionary of tags to experiments so we know when to' ' test different experiments."""' ), file=B, ) print(file=B) if mode == "test": print("TEST_EXPERIMENT_ENABLES = {", file=B) else: print("EXPERIMENT_ENABLES = {", file=B) for name, exp in self._experiment_definitions.items(): enables = exp._requires.copy() enables.add(name) print( f" \"{name}\": \"{','.join(sorted(enables))}\",", file=B ) print("}", file=B) print(file=B) if mode == "test": print("TEST_EXPERIMENTS = {", file=B) else: print("EXPERIMENTS = {", file=B) for platform in self._platforms_define.keys(): bzl_to_tags_to_experiments_platform = sorted( (self._bzl_list_for_defaults[default], tags_to_experiments) for default, tags_to_experiments in bzl_to_tags_to_experiments[ platform ].items() if self._bzl_list_for_defaults[default] is not None ) print(' "%s": {' % platform, file=B) for ( key, tags_to_experiments, ) in bzl_to_tags_to_experiments_platform: print(' "%s": {' % key, file=B) for tag, experiments in sorted(tags_to_experiments.items()): print(' "%s": [' % tag, file=B) for experiment in sorted(experiments): print(' "%s",' % experiment, file=B) print(" ],", file=B) print(" },", file=B) print(" },", file=B) print("}", file=B)