#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Generates the appropriate build.json data for all the end2end tests.""" load("//bazel:grpc_build_system.bzl", "grpc_cc_binary", "grpc_cc_library") POLLERS = ["epollex", "epoll1", "poll"] def _fixture_options( fullstack = True, includes_proxy = False, dns_resolver = True, name_resolution = True, secure = True, tracing = False, _platforms = ["windows", "linux", "mac", "posix"], is_inproc = False, is_http2 = True, supports_proxy_auth = False, supports_write_buffering = True, client_channel = True, supports_msvc = True): return struct( fullstack = fullstack, includes_proxy = includes_proxy, dns_resolver = dns_resolver, name_resolution = name_resolution, secure = secure, tracing = tracing, is_inproc = is_inproc, is_http2 = is_http2, supports_proxy_auth = supports_proxy_auth, supports_write_buffering = supports_write_buffering, client_channel = client_channel, supports_msvc = supports_msvc, _platforms = _platforms, ) # maps fixture name to whether it requires the security library END2END_FIXTURES = { "h2_compress": _fixture_options(), "h2_census": _fixture_options(), # TODO(juanlishen): This is disabled for now, but should be considered to re-enable once we have # decided how the load reporting service should be enabled. #'h2_load_reporting': _fixture_options(), "h2_fakesec": _fixture_options(), "h2_fd": _fixture_options( dns_resolver = False, fullstack = False, client_channel = False, _platforms = ["linux", "mac", "posix"], ), "h2_full": _fixture_options(), "h2_full+pipe": _fixture_options(_platforms = ["linux"]), "h2_full+trace": _fixture_options(tracing = True), "h2_full+workarounds": _fixture_options(), "h2_http_proxy": _fixture_options(supports_proxy_auth = True), "h2_oauth2": _fixture_options(), "h2_proxy": _fixture_options(includes_proxy = True), "h2_sockpair_1byte": _fixture_options( fullstack = False, dns_resolver = False, client_channel = False, ), "h2_sockpair": _fixture_options( fullstack = False, dns_resolver = False, client_channel = False, ), "h2_sockpair+trace": _fixture_options( fullstack = False, dns_resolver = False, tracing = True, client_channel = False, ), "h2_ssl": _fixture_options(secure = True), "h2_ssl_cred_reload": _fixture_options(secure = True), "h2_tls": _fixture_options(secure = True), "h2_local_uds": _fixture_options(secure = True, dns_resolver = False, _platforms = ["linux", "mac", "posix"]), "h2_local_ipv4": _fixture_options(secure = True, dns_resolver = False, _platforms = ["linux", "mac", "posix"]), "h2_local_ipv6": _fixture_options(secure = True, dns_resolver = False, _platforms = ["linux", "mac", "posix"]), "h2_ssl_proxy": _fixture_options(includes_proxy = True, secure = True), "h2_uds": _fixture_options( dns_resolver = False, _platforms = ["linux", "mac", "posix"], ), "inproc": _fixture_options( secure = True, fullstack = False, dns_resolver = False, name_resolution = False, is_inproc = True, is_http2 = False, supports_write_buffering = False, client_channel = False, ), } # maps fixture name to whether it requires the security library END2END_NOSEC_FIXTURES = { "h2_compress": _fixture_options(secure = False), "h2_census": _fixture_options(secure = False), # TODO(juanlishen): This is disabled for now, but should be considered to re-enable once we have # decided how the load reporting service should be enabled. #'h2_load_reporting': _fixture_options(), "h2_fakesec": _fixture_options(), "h2_fd": _fixture_options( dns_resolver = False, fullstack = False, client_channel = False, secure = False, _platforms = ["linux", "mac", "posix"], supports_msvc = False, ), "h2_full": _fixture_options(secure = False), "h2_full+pipe": _fixture_options(secure = False, _platforms = ["linux"], supports_msvc = False), "h2_full+trace": _fixture_options(secure = False, tracing = True, supports_msvc = False), "h2_full+workarounds": _fixture_options(secure = False), "h2_http_proxy": _fixture_options(secure = False, supports_proxy_auth = True), "h2_proxy": _fixture_options(secure = False, includes_proxy = True), "h2_sockpair_1byte": _fixture_options( fullstack = False, dns_resolver = False, client_channel = False, secure = False, ), "h2_sockpair": _fixture_options( fullstack = False, dns_resolver = False, client_channel = False, secure = False, ), "h2_sockpair+trace": _fixture_options( fullstack = False, dns_resolver = False, tracing = True, secure = False, client_channel = False, ), "h2_ssl": _fixture_options(secure = False), "h2_ssl_cred_reload": _fixture_options(secure = False), "h2_ssl_proxy": _fixture_options(includes_proxy = True, secure = False), "h2_uds": _fixture_options( dns_resolver = False, _platforms = ["linux", "mac", "posix"], secure = False, supports_msvc = False, ), } def _test_options( needs_fullstack = False, needs_dns = False, needs_names = False, proxyable = True, secure = False, traceable = False, exclude_inproc = False, needs_http2 = False, needs_proxy_auth = False, needs_write_buffering = False, needs_client_channel = False): return struct( needs_fullstack = needs_fullstack, needs_dns = needs_dns, needs_names = needs_names, proxyable = proxyable, secure = secure, traceable = traceable, exclude_inproc = exclude_inproc, needs_http2 = needs_http2, needs_proxy_auth = needs_proxy_auth, needs_write_buffering = needs_write_buffering, needs_client_channel = needs_client_channel, ) # maps test names to options END2END_TESTS = { "bad_hostname": _test_options(needs_names = True), "bad_ping": _test_options(needs_fullstack = True, proxyable = False), "binary_metadata": _test_options(), "resource_quota_server": _test_options(proxyable = False), "call_creds": _test_options(secure = True), "call_host_override": _test_options( needs_fullstack = True, needs_dns = True, needs_names = True, ), "cancel_after_accept": _test_options(), "cancel_after_client_done": _test_options(), "cancel_after_invoke": _test_options(), "cancel_after_round_trip": _test_options(), "cancel_before_invoke": _test_options(), "cancel_in_a_vacuum": _test_options(), "cancel_with_status": _test_options(), "compressed_payload": _test_options(proxyable = False, exclude_inproc = True), "connectivity": _test_options( needs_fullstack = True, needs_names = True, proxyable = False, ), "channelz": _test_options(), "default_host": _test_options( needs_fullstack = True, needs_dns = True, needs_names = True, ), "disappearing_server": _test_options(needs_fullstack = True, needs_names = True), "empty_batch": _test_options(), "filter_causes_close": _test_options(), "filter_call_init_fails": _test_options(), "filter_context": _test_options(), "graceful_server_shutdown": _test_options(exclude_inproc = True), "hpack_size": _test_options( proxyable = False, traceable = False, exclude_inproc = True, ), "high_initial_seqno": _test_options(), "idempotent_request": _test_options(), "invoke_large_request": _test_options(), "keepalive_timeout": _test_options(proxyable = False, needs_http2 = True), "large_metadata": _test_options(), "max_concurrent_streams": _test_options( proxyable = False, exclude_inproc = True, ), "max_connection_age": _test_options(exclude_inproc = True), "max_connection_idle": _test_options(needs_fullstack = True, proxyable = False), "max_message_length": _test_options(), "negative_deadline": _test_options(), "no_error_on_hotpath": _test_options(proxyable = False), "no_logging": _test_options(traceable = False), "no_op": _test_options(), "payload": _test_options(), # TODO(juanlishen): This is disabled for now because it depends on some generated functions in # end2end_tests.cc, which are not generated because they would depend on OpenCensus while # OpenCensus can only be built via Bazel so far. # 'load_reporting_hook': _test_options(), "ping_pong_streaming": _test_options(), "ping": _test_options(needs_fullstack = True, proxyable = False), "proxy_auth": _test_options(needs_proxy_auth = True), "registered_call": _test_options(), "request_with_flags": _test_options(proxyable = False), "request_with_payload": _test_options(), # TODO(roth): Remove proxyable=False for all retry tests once we # have a way for the proxy to propagate the fact that trailing # metadata is available when initial metadata is returned. # See https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/14467 for context. "retry": _test_options(needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False), "retry_cancellation": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "retry_disabled": _test_options(needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False), "retry_exceeds_buffer_size_in_initial_batch": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "retry_exceeds_buffer_size_in_subsequent_batch": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "retry_non_retriable_status": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "retry_non_retriable_status_before_recv_trailing_metadata_started": _test_options(needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False), "retry_recv_initial_metadata": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "retry_recv_message": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "retry_server_pushback_delay": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "retry_server_pushback_disabled": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "retry_streaming": _test_options(needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False), "retry_streaming_after_commit": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "retry_streaming_succeeds_before_replay_finished": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "retry_throttled": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "retry_too_many_attempts": _test_options( needs_client_channel = True, proxyable = False, ), "server_finishes_request": _test_options(), "shutdown_finishes_calls": _test_options(), "shutdown_finishes_tags": _test_options(), "simple_cacheable_request": _test_options(), "simple_delayed_request": _test_options(needs_fullstack = True), "simple_metadata": _test_options(), "simple_request": _test_options(), "streaming_error_response": _test_options(), "stream_compression_compressed_payload": _test_options( proxyable = False, exclude_inproc = True, ), "stream_compression_payload": _test_options(exclude_inproc = True), "stream_compression_ping_pong_streaming": _test_options(exclude_inproc = True), "trailing_metadata": _test_options(), "authority_not_supported": _test_options(), "filter_latency": _test_options(), "filter_status_code": _test_options(), "workaround_cronet_compression": _test_options(), "write_buffering": _test_options(needs_write_buffering = True), "write_buffering_at_end": _test_options(needs_write_buffering = True), } def _compatible(fopt, topt): if topt.needs_fullstack: if not fopt.fullstack: return False if topt.needs_dns: if not fopt.dns_resolver: return False if topt.needs_names: if not fopt.name_resolution: return False if not topt.proxyable: if fopt.includes_proxy: return False if not topt.traceable: if fopt.tracing: return False if topt.exclude_inproc: if fopt.is_inproc: return False if topt.needs_http2: if not fopt.is_http2: return False if topt.needs_proxy_auth: if not fopt.supports_proxy_auth: return False if topt.needs_write_buffering: if not fopt.supports_write_buffering: return False if topt.needs_client_channel: if not fopt.client_channel: return False return True def _platform_support_tags(fopt): result = [] if not "windows" in fopt._platforms: result += ["no_windows"] if not "mac" in fopt._platforms: result += ["no_mac"] if not "linux" in fopt._platforms: result += ["no_linux"] return result def grpc_end2end_tests(): grpc_cc_library( name = "end2end_tests", srcs = ["end2end_tests.cc", "end2end_test_utils.cc"] + [ "tests/%s.cc" % t for t in sorted(END2END_TESTS.keys()) ], hdrs = [ "tests/cancel_test_helpers.h", "end2end_tests.h", ], language = "C++", deps = [ ":cq_verifier", ":ssl_test_data", ":http_proxy", ":proxy", ":local_util", ], ) for f, fopt in END2END_FIXTURES.items(): grpc_cc_binary( name = "%s_test" % f, srcs = ["fixtures/%s.cc" % f], language = "C++", deps = [ ":end2end_tests", "//test/core/util:grpc_test_util", "//:grpc", "//:gpr", ], tags = _platform_support_tags(fopt), ) for t, topt in END2END_TESTS.items(): #print(_compatible(fopt, topt), f, t, fopt, topt) if not _compatible(fopt, topt): continue native.sh_test( name = "%s_test@%s" % (f, t), data = [":%s_test" % f], srcs = ["end2end_test.sh"], args = [ "$(location %s_test)" % f, t, ], tags = ["no_linux"] + _platform_support_tags(fopt), ) for poller in POLLERS: native.sh_test( name = "%s_test@%s@poller=%s" % (f, t, poller), data = [":%s_test" % f], srcs = ["end2end_test.sh"], args = [ "$(location %s_test)" % f, t, poller, ], tags = ["no_mac", "no_windows"], ) def grpc_end2end_nosec_tests(): grpc_cc_library( name = "end2end_nosec_tests", srcs = ["end2end_nosec_tests.cc", "end2end_test_utils.cc"] + [ "tests/%s.cc" % t for t in sorted(END2END_TESTS.keys()) if not END2END_TESTS[t].secure ], hdrs = [ "tests/cancel_test_helpers.h", "end2end_tests.h", ], language = "C++", deps = [ ":cq_verifier", ":ssl_test_data", ":http_proxy", ":proxy", ":local_util", ], ) for f, fopt in END2END_NOSEC_FIXTURES.items(): if fopt.secure: continue grpc_cc_binary( name = "%s_nosec_test" % f, srcs = ["fixtures/%s.cc" % f], language = "C++", deps = [ ":end2end_nosec_tests", "//test/core/util:grpc_test_util_unsecure", "//:grpc_unsecure", "//:gpr", ], tags = _platform_support_tags(fopt), ) for t, topt in END2END_TESTS.items(): #print(_compatible(fopt, topt), f, t, fopt, topt) if not _compatible(fopt, topt): continue if topt.secure: continue native.sh_test( name = "%s_nosec_test@%s" % (f, t), data = [":%s_nosec_test" % f], srcs = ["end2end_test.sh"], args = [ "$(location %s_nosec_test)" % f, t, ], tags = ["no_linux"] + _platform_support_tags(fopt), ) for poller in POLLERS: native.sh_test( name = "%s_nosec_test@%s@poller=%s" % (f, t, poller), data = [":%s_nosec_test" % f], srcs = ["end2end_test.sh"], args = [ "$(location %s_nosec_test)" % f, t, poller, ], tags = ["no_mac", "no_windows"], )