# Copyright 2023 The gRPC Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Contains macros used for running bazelified tests. """ load(":dockerimage_current_versions.bzl", "DOCKERIMAGE_CURRENT_VERSIONS") load("@bazel_toolchains//rules/exec_properties:exec_properties.bzl", "create_rbe_exec_properties_dict") def _dockerized_sh_test(name, srcs = [], args = [], data = [], size = "medium", timeout = None, tags = [], exec_compatible_with = [], flaky = None, docker_image_version = None, docker_run_as_root = False, env = {}): """Runs sh_test under docker either via RBE or via docker sandbox.""" if docker_image_version: image_spec = DOCKERIMAGE_CURRENT_VERSIONS.get(docker_image_version, None) if not image_spec: fail("Version info for docker image '%s' not found in dockerimage_current_versions.bzl" % docker_image_version) else: fail("docker_image_version attribute not set for dockerized test '%s'" % name) exec_properties = create_rbe_exec_properties_dict( labels = { "workload": "misc", "machine_size": "misc_large", }, docker_network = "standard", container_image = image_spec, # TODO(jtattermusch): note that docker sandbox doesn't currently support "docker_run_as_root" docker_run_as_root = docker_run_as_root, ) # since the tests require special bazel args, only run them when explicitly requested tags = ["manual"] + tags # TODO(jtattermusch): find a way to ensure that action can only run under docker sandbox or remotely # to avoid running it outside of a docker container by accident. test_args = { "name": name, "srcs": srcs, "tags": tags, "args": args, "flaky": flaky, "data": data, "size": size, "env": env, "timeout": timeout, "exec_compatible_with": exec_compatible_with, "exec_properties": exec_properties, } native.sh_test( **test_args ) def _dockerized_genrule(name, cmd, outs, srcs = [], timeout = None, tags = [], exec_compatible_with = [], flaky = None, docker_image_version = None, docker_run_as_root = False): """Runs genrule under docker either via RBE or via docker sandbox.""" if docker_image_version: image_spec = DOCKERIMAGE_CURRENT_VERSIONS.get(docker_image_version, None) if not image_spec: fail("Version info for docker image '%s' not found in dockerimage_current_versions.bzl" % docker_image_version) else: fail("docker_image_version attribute not set for dockerized test '%s'" % name) exec_properties = create_rbe_exec_properties_dict( labels = { "workload": "misc", "machine_size": "misc_large", }, docker_network = "standard", container_image = image_spec, # TODO(jtattermusch): note that docker sandbox doesn't currently support "docker_run_as_root" docker_run_as_root = docker_run_as_root, ) # since the tests require special bazel args, only run them when explicitly requested tags = ["manual"] + tags # TODO(jtattermusch): find a way to ensure that action can only run under docker sandbox or remotely # to avoid running it outside of a docker container by accident. genrule_args = { "name": name, "cmd": cmd, "srcs": srcs, "tags": tags, "flaky": flaky, "timeout": timeout, "exec_compatible_with": exec_compatible_with, "exec_properties": exec_properties, "outs": outs, } native.genrule( **genrule_args ) def grpc_run_tests_harness_test(name, args = [], data = [], size = "medium", timeout = None, tags = [], exec_compatible_with = [], flaky = None, docker_image_version = None, use_login_shell = None, prepare_script = None): """Execute an run_tests.py-harness style test under bazel. Args: name: The name of the test. args: The args to supply to the test binary. data: Data dependencies. size: The size of the test. timeout: The test timeout. tags: The tags for the test. exec_compatible_with: A list of constraint values that must be satisifed for the platform. flaky: Whether this test is flaky. docker_image_version: The docker .current_version file to use for docker containerization. use_login_shell: If True, the run_tests.py command will run under a login shell. prepare_script: Optional script that will be sourced before run_tests.py runs. """ data = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz", ] + data args = [ "$(location //tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz)", ] + args srcs = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_run_tests_harness_test.sh", ] env = {} if use_login_shell: env["GRPC_RUNTESTS_USE_LOGIN_SHELL"] = "1" if prepare_script: data = data + [prepare_script] env["GRPC_RUNTESTS_PREPARE_SCRIPT"] = "$(location " + prepare_script + ")" # Enable ccache by default. This is important for speeding up the C++ cmake build, # which isn't very efficient and tends to recompile some source files multiple times. # Even though only the local disk cache is enabled (local to the docker container, # so will be thrown away after the bazel actions finishes), ccache still speeds up # the C++ build significantly. # TODO(jtattermusch): find a cleaner way to toggle ccache for builds. env["GRPC_BUILD_ENABLE_CCACHE"] = "true" _dockerized_sh_test(name = name, srcs = srcs, args = args, data = data, size = size, timeout = timeout, tags = tags, exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with, flaky = flaky, docker_image_version = docker_image_version, env = env) def grpc_run_bazel_distribtest_test(name, args = [], data = [], size = "medium", timeout = None, tags = [], exec_compatible_with = [], flaky = None, docker_image_version = None): """Execute bazel distribtest under bazel (an entire bazel build/test will run in a container as a single bazel action) Args: name: The name of the test. args: The args to supply to the test binary. data: Data dependencies. size: The size of the test. timeout: The test timeout. tags: The tags for the test. exec_compatible_with: A list of constraint values that must be satisifed for the platform. flaky: Whether this test is flaky. docker_image_version: The docker .current_version file to use for docker containerization. """ data = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz", ] + data args = [ "$(location //tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz)", ] + args srcs = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_run_bazel_distribtest_test.sh", ] env = {} _dockerized_sh_test(name = name, srcs = srcs, args = args, data = data, size = size, timeout = timeout, tags = tags, exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with, flaky = flaky, docker_image_version = docker_image_version, env = env) def grpc_run_cpp_distribtest_test(name, args = [], data = [], size = "medium", timeout = None, tags = [], exec_compatible_with = [], flaky = None, docker_image_version = None): """Execute an C++ distribtest under bazel. Args: name: The name of the test. args: The args to supply to the test binary. data: Data dependencies. size: The size of the test. timeout: The test timeout. tags: The tags for the test. exec_compatible_with: A list of constraint values that must be satisifed for the platform. flaky: Whether this test is flaky. docker_image_version: The docker .current_version file to use for docker containerization. """ data = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz", ] + data args = [ "$(location //tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz)", ] + args srcs = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_run_cpp_distribtest_test.sh", ] # TODO(jtattermusch): revisit running docker as root (but currently some distribtests need to install stuff inside the docker container) env = {} _dockerized_sh_test(name = name, srcs = srcs, args = args, data = data, size = size, timeout = timeout, tags = tags, exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with, flaky = flaky, docker_image_version = docker_image_version, env = env, docker_run_as_root = True) def grpc_run_simple_command_test(name, args = [], data = [], size = "medium", timeout = None, tags = [], exec_compatible_with = [], flaky = None, docker_image_version = None): """Execute the specified test command under grpc workspace (and under a docker container) Args: name: The name of the test. args: The command to run. data: Data dependencies. size: The size of the test. timeout: The test timeout. tags: The tags for the test. exec_compatible_with: A list of constraint values that must be satisifed for the platform. flaky: Whether this test is flaky. docker_image_version: The docker .current_version file to use for docker containerization. """ data = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz", ] + data args = [ "$(location //tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz)", ] + args srcs = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_run_simple_command_test.sh", ] env = {} _dockerized_sh_test(name = name, srcs = srcs, args = args, data = data, size = size, timeout = timeout, tags = tags, exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with, flaky = flaky, docker_image_version = docker_image_version, env = env, docker_run_as_root = False) def grpc_build_artifact_task(name, timeout = None, artifact_deps = [], tags = [], exec_compatible_with = [], flaky = None, docker_image_version = None, build_script = None): """Execute a build artifact task and a corresponding 'build test'. The artifact is built by a genrule that always succeeds (Even if the underlying build fails) and an sh_test (with "_build_test" suffix) that presents the result of the artifact build in the result UI (by displaying the the build status, the log, and artifacts produced). Such layout helps to easily build artifacts and run distribtests that depend on other artifacts, while making the test results well structured and easy to interpret. Args: name: The name of the target. timeout: The test timeout for the build. artifact_deps: List of dependencies on artifacts built by another grpc_build_artifact_task. tags: The tags for the target. exec_compatible_with: A list of constraint values that must be satisifed for the platform. flaky: Whether this artifact build is flaky. docker_image_version: The docker .current_version file to use for docker containerization. build_script: The script that builds the aritfacts. """ out_exitcode_file = str(name + "_exit_code") out_build_log = str(name + "_build_log.txt") out_archive_name = str(name + ".tar.gz") genrule_outs = [ out_exitcode_file, out_build_log, out_archive_name, ] genrule_srcs = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_build_artifact_task.sh", "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz", build_script, ] cmd = "$(location //tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_build_artifact_task.sh) $(location //tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz) $(location " + build_script + ") $(location " + out_exitcode_file + ") $(location " + out_build_log + ") $(location " + out_archive_name + ")" # for each artifact task we depends on, use the correponding tar.gz as extra src and pass its location as an extra cmdline arg. for dep in artifact_deps: dep_archive_name = str(dep + ".tar.gz") cmd = cmd + " $(location " + dep_archive_name + ")" genrule_srcs.append(dep_archive_name) _dockerized_genrule(name = name, cmd = cmd, outs = genrule_outs, srcs = genrule_srcs, timeout = timeout, tags = tags, exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with, flaky = flaky, docker_image_version = docker_image_version, docker_run_as_root = False) # The genrule above always succeeds (even if the underlying build fails), so that we can create rules that depend # on multiple artifact builds (of which some can fail). The actual build status (exitcode) and the log of the build # will be reported by an associated sh_test (that gets displayed in the UI in a much nicer way than a genrule). # Note that in bazel you cannot declare a test that has declared outputs and you also cannot make other rules # depend on a test - which is the reason why we need a separate genrule to represent the build itself. test_name = str(name + "_build_test") test_srcs = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_build_artifact_task_build_test.sh", ] test_data = [ out_exitcode_file, out_build_log, out_archive_name, ] test_env = {} test_args = [ "$(location " + out_exitcode_file + ")", "$(location " + out_build_log + ")", "$(location " + out_archive_name + ")", ] _dockerized_sh_test(name = test_name, srcs = test_srcs, args = test_args, data = test_data, size = "small", tags = tags, exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with, flaky = flaky, docker_image_version = docker_image_version, env = test_env, docker_run_as_root = False) def grpc_run_distribtest_test(name, artifact_deps = [], size = "medium", timeout = None, tags = [], exec_compatible_with = [], flaky = None, docker_image_version = None, build_script = None, docker_run_as_root = False): """Run a distribtest for a previously built artifact/package Args: name: The name of the test. artifact_deps: List of dependencies on artifacts built by another grpc_build_artifact_task. size: The size of the test. timeout: The test timeout. tags: The tags for the test. exec_compatible_with: A list of constraint values that must be satisifed for the platform. flaky: Whether this test is flaky. docker_image_version: The docker .current_version file to use for docker containerization. build_script: The script that runs the test. docker_run_as_root: If True, the test will run under docker as root. """ data = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz", build_script, ] args = [ "$(location //tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_repo_archive_with_submodules.tar.gz)", "$(location " + build_script + ")", ] # for each artifact task we depends on, use the correponding tar.gz as extra data item and pass its location as an extra arg. for dep in artifact_deps: dep_archive_name = str(dep + ".tar.gz") args.append("$(location " + dep_archive_name + ")") data.append(dep_archive_name) srcs = [ "//tools/bazelify_tests:grpc_run_distribtest_test.sh", ] env = {} _dockerized_sh_test(name = name, srcs = srcs, args = args, data = data, size = size, timeout = timeout, tags = tags, exec_compatible_with = exec_compatible_with, flaky = flaky, docker_image_version = docker_image_version, env = env, docker_run_as_root = docker_run_as_root)