// // // Copyright 2018 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // #include <string> #include <thread> // NOLINT #include <benchmark/benchmark.h> #include "absl/base/call_once.h" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "opencensus/stats/stats.h" #include <grpc/grpc.h> #include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h> #include <grpcpp/opencensus.h> #include "src/core/lib/config/core_configuration.h" #include "src/cpp/ext/filters/census/grpc_plugin.h" #include "src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.grpc.pb.h" #include "test/core/util/test_config.h" #include "test/cpp/microbenchmarks/helpers.h" absl::once_flag once; void RegisterOnce() { absl::call_once(once, grpc::RegisterOpenCensusPlugin); } class EchoServer final : public grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Service { grpc::Status Echo(grpc::ServerContext* /*context*/, const grpc::testing::EchoRequest* request, grpc::testing::EchoResponse* response) override { if (request->param().expected_error().code() == 0) { response->set_message(request->message()); return grpc::Status::OK; } else { return grpc::Status(static_cast<grpc::StatusCode>( request->param().expected_error().code()), ""); } } }; // An EchoServerThread object creates an EchoServer on a separate thread and // shuts down the server and thread when it goes out of scope. class EchoServerThread final { public: EchoServerThread() { grpc::ServerBuilder builder; int port; builder.AddListeningPort("[::]:0", grpc::InsecureServerCredentials(), &port); builder.RegisterService(&service_); server_ = builder.BuildAndStart(); if (server_ == nullptr || port == 0) { std::abort(); } server_address_ = absl::StrCat("[::]:", port); server_thread_ = std::thread(&EchoServerThread::RunServerLoop, this); } ~EchoServerThread() { server_->Shutdown(); server_thread_.join(); } const std::string& address() { return server_address_; } private: void RunServerLoop() { server_->Wait(); } std::string server_address_; EchoServer service_; std::unique_ptr<grpc::Server> server_; std::thread server_thread_; }; static void BM_E2eLatencyCensusDisabled(benchmark::State& state) { grpc_core::CoreConfiguration::Reset(); grpc::testing::TestGrpcScope grpc_scope; EchoServerThread server; std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub> stub = grpc::testing::EchoTestService::NewStub(grpc::CreateChannel( server.address(), grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials())); grpc::testing::EchoResponse response; for (auto _ : state) { grpc::testing::EchoRequest request; grpc::ClientContext context; grpc::Status status = stub->Echo(&context, request, &response); } } BENCHMARK(BM_E2eLatencyCensusDisabled); static void BM_E2eLatencyCensusEnabled(benchmark::State& state) { grpc_core::CoreConfiguration::Reset(); // Now start the test by registering the plugin (once in the execution) RegisterOnce(); // This we can safely repeat, and doing so clears accumulated data to avoid // initialization costs varying between runs. grpc::RegisterOpenCensusViewsForExport(); grpc::testing::TestGrpcScope grpc_scope; EchoServerThread server; std::unique_ptr<grpc::testing::EchoTestService::Stub> stub = grpc::testing::EchoTestService::NewStub(grpc::CreateChannel( server.address(), grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials())); grpc::testing::EchoResponse response; for (auto _ : state) { grpc::testing::EchoRequest request; grpc::ClientContext context; grpc::Status status = stub->Echo(&context, request, &response); } } BENCHMARK(BM_E2eLatencyCensusEnabled); int main(int argc, char** argv) { grpc::testing::TestEnvironment env(&argc, argv); ::benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv); if (::benchmark::ReportUnrecognizedArguments(argc, argv)) return 1; ::benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(); }