// Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "absl/memory/memory.h" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "absl/strings/str_join.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/backup_poller.h" #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/global_subchannel_pool.h" #include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/resolver/fake/fake_resolver.h" #include "src/core/lib/address_utils/parse_address.h" #include "src/core/lib/address_utils/sockaddr_utils.h" #include "src/core/lib/backoff/backoff.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.h" #include "src/core/lib/gpr/env.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/debug_location.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/time.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/tcp_client.h" #include "src/core/lib/resolver/server_address.h" #include "src/core/lib/security/credentials/fake/fake_credentials.h" #include "src/core/lib/service_config/service_config.h" #include "src/core/lib/service_config/service_config_impl.h" #include "src/core/lib/surface/server.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/connectivity_state.h" #include "src/cpp/client/secure_credentials.h" #include "src/cpp/server/secure_server_credentials.h" #include "src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.grpc.pb.h" #include "src/proto/grpc/testing/xds/v3/orca_load_report.pb.h" #include "test/core/util/port.h" #include "test/core/util/resolve_localhost_ip46.h" #include "test/core/util/test_config.h" #include "test/core/util/test_lb_policies.h" #include "test/cpp/end2end/connection_delay_injector.h" #include "test/cpp/end2end/test_service_impl.h" using grpc::testing::EchoRequest; using grpc::testing::EchoResponse; namespace grpc { namespace testing { namespace { constexpr char kRequestMessage[] = "Live long and prosper."; // A connection attempt injector that allows us to control timing of // connection attempts. class ConnectionInjector : public ConnectionAttemptInjector { private: grpc_core::Mutex mu_; // Needs to be declared up front. public: class Hold { public: Hold(ConnectionInjector* injector, int port, bool intercept_completion) : injector_(injector), port_(port), intercept_completion_(intercept_completion) {} void Wait() { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== WAITING FOR CONNECTION ATTEMPT ON PORT %d ===", port_); grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&injector_->mu_); while (queued_attempt_ == nullptr) { start_cv_.Wait(&injector_->mu_); } gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== CONNECTION ATTEMPT STARTED ON PORT %d ===", port_); } void Resume() { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== RESUMING CONNECTION ATTEMPT ON PORT %d ===", port_); grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; std::unique_ptr attempt; { grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&injector_->mu_); attempt = std::move(queued_attempt_); } attempt->Resume(); } void WaitForCompletion() { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== WAITING FOR CONNECTION COMPLETION ON PORT %d ===", port_); grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&injector_->mu_); while (original_on_complete_ != nullptr) { complete_cv_.Wait(&injector_->mu_); } gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== CONNECTION COMPLETED ON PORT %d ===", port_); } private: friend class ConnectionInjector; static void OnComplete(void* arg, grpc_error_handle error) { auto* self = static_cast(arg); grpc_closure* on_complete; { grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&self->injector_->mu_); on_complete = self->original_on_complete_; self->original_on_complete_ = nullptr; self->complete_cv_.Signal(); } grpc_core::Closure::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, on_complete, GRPC_ERROR_REF(error)); } ConnectionInjector* injector_; const int port_; const bool intercept_completion_; std::unique_ptr queued_attempt_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&ConnectionInjector::mu_); grpc_core::CondVar start_cv_; grpc_closure on_complete_; grpc_closure* original_on_complete_; grpc_core::CondVar complete_cv_; }; std::unique_ptr AddHold(int port, bool intercept_completion = false) { grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); auto hold = absl::make_unique(this, port, intercept_completion); holds_.push_back(hold.get()); return hold; } void HandleConnection(grpc_closure* closure, grpc_endpoint** ep, grpc_pollset_set* interested_parties, const grpc_channel_args* channel_args, const grpc_resolved_address* addr, grpc_core::Timestamp deadline) override { const int port = grpc_sockaddr_get_port(addr); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "==> HandleConnection(): port=%d", port); { grpc_core::MutexLock lock(&mu_); for (auto it = holds_.begin(); it != holds_.end(); ++it) { Hold* hold = *it; if (port == hold->port_) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** INTERCEPTING CONNECTION ATTEMPT"); if (hold->intercept_completion_) { hold->original_on_complete_ = closure; closure = GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&hold->on_complete_, Hold::OnComplete, hold, nullptr); } hold->queued_attempt_ = absl::make_unique( closure, ep, interested_parties, channel_args, addr, deadline); hold->start_cv_.Signal(); holds_.erase(it); return; } } } // Anything we're not holding should proceed normally. AttemptConnection(closure, ep, interested_parties, channel_args, addr, deadline); } private: std::vector holds_; }; // Subclass of TestServiceImpl that increments a request counter for // every call to the Echo RPC. class MyTestServiceImpl : public TestServiceImpl { public: Status Echo(ServerContext* context, const EchoRequest* request, EchoResponse* response) override { { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); ++request_count_; } AddClient(context->peer()); if (request->has_param() && request->param().has_backend_metrics()) { load_report_ = request->param().backend_metrics(); auto* recorder = context->ExperimentalGetCallMetricRecorder(); EXPECT_NE(recorder, nullptr); recorder->RecordCpuUtilizationMetric(load_report_.cpu_utilization()) .RecordMemoryUtilizationMetric(load_report_.mem_utilization()); for (const auto& p : load_report_.request_cost()) { recorder->RecordRequestCostMetric(p.first, p.second); } for (const auto& p : load_report_.utilization()) { recorder->RecordUtilizationMetric(p.first, p.second); } } return TestServiceImpl::Echo(context, request, response); } int request_count() { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); return request_count_; } void ResetCounters() { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); request_count_ = 0; } std::set clients() { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&clients_mu_); return clients_; } private: void AddClient(const std::string& client) { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&clients_mu_); clients_.insert(client); } grpc::internal::Mutex mu_; int request_count_ = 0; grpc::internal::Mutex clients_mu_; std::set clients_; // For strings storage. xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport load_report_; }; class FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper { public: explicit FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper(bool ipv6_only) : ipv6_only_(ipv6_only), response_generator_(grpc_core::MakeRefCounted< grpc_core::FakeResolverResponseGenerator>()) {} FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper( FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper&& other) noexcept { ipv6_only_ = other.ipv6_only_; response_generator_ = std::move(other.response_generator_); } void SetNextResolution( const std::vector& ports, const char* service_config_json = nullptr, const char* attribute_key = nullptr, std::unique_ptr attribute = nullptr) { grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; response_generator_->SetResponse( BuildFakeResults(ipv6_only_, ports, service_config_json, attribute_key, std::move(attribute))); } void SetNextResolutionUponError(const std::vector& ports) { grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; response_generator_->SetReresolutionResponse( BuildFakeResults(ipv6_only_, ports)); } void SetFailureOnReresolution() { grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; response_generator_->SetFailureOnReresolution(); } grpc_core::FakeResolverResponseGenerator* Get() const { return response_generator_.get(); } private: static grpc_core::Resolver::Result BuildFakeResults( bool ipv6_only, const std::vector& ports, const char* service_config_json = nullptr, const char* attribute_key = nullptr, std::unique_ptr attribute = nullptr) { grpc_core::Resolver::Result result; result.addresses = grpc_core::ServerAddressList(); for (const int& port : ports) { absl::StatusOr lb_uri = grpc_core::URI::Parse( absl::StrCat(ipv6_only ? "ipv6:[::1]:" : "ipv4:", port)); GPR_ASSERT(lb_uri.ok()); grpc_resolved_address address; GPR_ASSERT(grpc_parse_uri(*lb_uri, &address)); std::map> attributes; if (attribute != nullptr) { attributes[attribute_key] = attribute->Copy(); } result.addresses->emplace_back(address.addr, address.len, nullptr /* args */, std::move(attributes)); } if (result.addresses->empty()) { result.resolution_note = "fake resolver empty address list"; } if (service_config_json != nullptr) { grpc_error_handle error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; result.service_config = grpc_core::ServiceConfigImpl::Create( nullptr, service_config_json, &error); GPR_ASSERT(*result.service_config != nullptr); } return result; } bool ipv6_only_ = false; grpc_core::RefCountedPtr response_generator_; }; class ClientLbEnd2endTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: ClientLbEnd2endTest() : server_host_("localhost"), creds_(new SecureChannelCredentials( grpc_fake_transport_security_credentials_create())) {} static void SetUpTestCase() { // Make the backup poller poll very frequently in order to pick up // updates from all the subchannels's FDs. GPR_GLOBAL_CONFIG_SET(grpc_client_channel_backup_poll_interval_ms, 1); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE // Workaround Apple CFStream bug gpr_setenv("grpc_cfstream", "0"); #endif } void SetUp() override { grpc_init(); bool localhost_resolves_to_ipv4 = false; bool localhost_resolves_to_ipv6 = false; grpc_core::LocalhostResolves(&localhost_resolves_to_ipv4, &localhost_resolves_to_ipv6); ipv6_only_ = !localhost_resolves_to_ipv4 && localhost_resolves_to_ipv6; } void TearDown() override { for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) { servers_[i]->Shutdown(); } servers_.clear(); creds_.reset(); grpc_shutdown(); } void CreateServers(size_t num_servers, std::vector ports = std::vector()) { servers_.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_servers; ++i) { int port = 0; if (ports.size() == num_servers) port = ports[i]; servers_.emplace_back(new ServerData(port)); } } void StartServer(size_t index) { servers_[index]->Start(server_host_); } void StartServers(size_t num_servers, std::vector ports = std::vector()) { CreateServers(num_servers, std::move(ports)); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_servers; ++i) { StartServer(i); } } std::vector GetServersPorts(size_t start_index = 0, size_t stop_index = 0) { if (stop_index == 0) stop_index = servers_.size(); std::vector ports; for (size_t i = start_index; i < stop_index; ++i) { ports.push_back(servers_[i]->port_); } return ports; } FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper BuildResolverResponseGenerator() { return FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper(ipv6_only_); } std::unique_ptr BuildStub( const std::shared_ptr& channel) { return grpc::testing::EchoTestService::NewStub(channel); } std::shared_ptr BuildChannel( const std::string& lb_policy_name, const FakeResolverResponseGeneratorWrapper& response_generator, ChannelArguments args = ChannelArguments()) { if (!lb_policy_name.empty()) { args.SetLoadBalancingPolicyName(lb_policy_name); } // else, default to pick first args.SetPointer(GRPC_ARG_FAKE_RESOLVER_RESPONSE_GENERATOR, response_generator.Get()); return grpc::CreateCustomChannel("fake:///", creds_, args); } Status SendRpc( const std::unique_ptr& stub, EchoResponse* response = nullptr, int timeout_ms = 1000, bool wait_for_ready = false, EchoRequest* request = nullptr) { EchoResponse local_response; if (response == nullptr) response = &local_response; EchoRequest local_request; if (request == nullptr) request = &local_request; request->set_message(kRequestMessage); request->mutable_param()->set_echo_metadata(true); ClientContext context; context.set_deadline(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(timeout_ms)); if (wait_for_ready) context.set_wait_for_ready(true); context.AddMetadata("foo", "1"); context.AddMetadata("bar", "2"); context.AddMetadata("baz", "3"); return stub->Echo(&context, *request, response); } void CheckRpcSendOk( const grpc_core::DebugLocation& location, const std::unique_ptr& stub, bool wait_for_ready = false, xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport* load_report = nullptr, int timeout_ms = 2000) { EchoResponse response; EchoRequest request; EchoRequest* request_ptr = nullptr; if (load_report != nullptr) { request_ptr = &request; auto params = request.mutable_param(); auto backend_metrics = params->mutable_backend_metrics(); *backend_metrics = *load_report; } Status status = SendRpc(stub, &response, timeout_ms, wait_for_ready, request_ptr); ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << "From " << location.file() << ":" << location.line() << "\nError: " << status.error_message() << " " << status.error_details(); ASSERT_EQ(response.message(), kRequestMessage) << "From " << location.file() << ":" << location.line(); } void CheckRpcSendFailure( const grpc_core::DebugLocation& location, const std::unique_ptr& stub, StatusCode expected_status, absl::string_view expected_message_regex) { Status status = SendRpc(stub); EXPECT_FALSE(status.ok()); EXPECT_EQ(expected_status, status.error_code()) << location.file() << ":" << location.line(); EXPECT_THAT(status.error_message(), ::testing::MatchesRegex(expected_message_regex)) << location.file() << ":" << location.line(); } struct ServerData { const int port_; std::unique_ptr server_; MyTestServiceImpl service_; experimental::OrcaService orca_service_; std::unique_ptr thread_; grpc::internal::Mutex mu_; grpc::internal::CondVar cond_; bool server_ready_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mu_) = false; bool started_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mu_) = false; explicit ServerData(int port = 0) : port_(port > 0 ? port : grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()), orca_service_(experimental::OrcaService::Options()) {} void Start(const std::string& server_host) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "starting server on port %d", port_); grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); started_ = true; thread_ = absl::make_unique( std::bind(&ServerData::Serve, this, server_host)); while (!server_ready_) { cond_.Wait(&mu_); } server_ready_ = false; gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "server startup complete"); } void Serve(const std::string& server_host) { std::ostringstream server_address; server_address << server_host << ":" << port_; ServerBuilder builder; experimental::EnableCallMetricRecording(&builder); std::shared_ptr creds(new SecureServerCredentials( grpc_fake_transport_security_server_credentials_create())); builder.AddListeningPort(server_address.str(), std::move(creds)); builder.RegisterService(&service_); builder.RegisterService(&orca_service_); server_ = builder.BuildAndStart(); grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); server_ready_ = true; cond_.Signal(); } void Shutdown() { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); if (!started_) return; server_->Shutdown(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(0)); thread_->join(); started_ = false; } void SetServingStatus(const std::string& service, bool serving) { server_->GetHealthCheckService()->SetServingStatus(service, serving); } }; void ResetCounters() { for (const auto& server : servers_) server->service_.ResetCounters(); } bool SeenAllServers(size_t start_index = 0, size_t stop_index = 0) { if (stop_index == 0) stop_index = servers_.size(); for (size_t i = start_index; i < stop_index; ++i) { if (servers_[i]->service_.request_count() == 0) return false; } return true; } // If status_check is null, all RPCs must succeed. // If status_check is non-null, it will be called for all non-OK RPCs. void WaitForServers( const grpc_core::DebugLocation& location, const std::unique_ptr& stub, size_t start_index = 0, size_t stop_index = 0, std::function status_check = nullptr, absl::Duration timeout = absl::Seconds(30)) { if (stop_index == 0) stop_index = servers_.size(); auto deadline = absl::Now() + (timeout * grpc_test_slowdown_factor()); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "========= WAITING FOR BACKENDS [%" PRIuPTR ", %" PRIuPTR ") ==========", start_index, stop_index); while (!SeenAllServers(start_index, stop_index)) { Status status = SendRpc(stub); if (status_check != nullptr) { if (!status.ok()) status_check(status); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << " code=" << status.error_code() << " message=\"" << status.error_message() << "\" at " << location.file() << ":" << location.line(); } EXPECT_LE(absl::Now(), deadline) << " at " << location.file() << ":" << location.line(); if (absl::Now() >= deadline) break; } ResetCounters(); } void WaitForServer( const grpc_core::DebugLocation& location, const std::unique_ptr& stub, size_t server_index, std::function status_check = nullptr) { WaitForServers(location, stub, server_index, server_index + 1, status_check); } bool WaitForChannelState( Channel* channel, const std::function& predicate, bool try_to_connect = false, int timeout_seconds = 5) { const gpr_timespec deadline = grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(timeout_seconds); while (true) { grpc_connectivity_state state = channel->GetState(try_to_connect); if (predicate(state)) break; if (!channel->WaitForStateChange(state, deadline)) return false; } return true; } bool WaitForChannelNotReady(Channel* channel, int timeout_seconds = 5) { auto predicate = [](grpc_connectivity_state state) { return state != GRPC_CHANNEL_READY; }; return WaitForChannelState(channel, predicate, false, timeout_seconds); } bool WaitForChannelReady(Channel* channel, int timeout_seconds = 5) { auto predicate = [](grpc_connectivity_state state) { return state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY; }; return WaitForChannelState(channel, predicate, true, timeout_seconds); } // Updates \a connection_order by appending to it the index of the newly // connected server. Must be called after every single RPC. void UpdateConnectionOrder( const std::vector>& servers, std::vector* connection_order) { for (size_t i = 0; i < servers.size(); ++i) { if (servers[i]->service_.request_count() == 1) { // Was the server index known? If not, update connection_order. const auto it = std::find(connection_order->begin(), connection_order->end(), i); if (it == connection_order->end()) { connection_order->push_back(i); return; } } } } const std::string server_host_; std::vector> servers_; std::shared_ptr creds_; bool ipv6_only_ = false; }; TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, ChannelStateConnectingWhenResolving) { const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); // Initial state should be IDLE. EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false /* try_to_connect */), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE); // Tell the channel to try to connect. // Note that this call also returns IDLE, since the state change has // not yet occurred; it just gets triggered by this call. EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(true /* try_to_connect */), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE); // Now that the channel is trying to connect, we should be in state // CONNECTING. EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false /* try_to_connect */), GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING); // Return a resolver result, which allows the connection attempt to proceed. response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); // We should eventually transition into state READY. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get())); } TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, ChannelIdleness) { // Start server. const int kNumServers = 1; StartServers(kNumServers); // Set max idle time and build the channel. ChannelArguments args; args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_CLIENT_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS, 1000); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("", response_generator, args); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); // The initial channel state should be IDLE. EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE); // After sending RPC, channel state should be READY. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** SENDING RPC, CHANNEL SHOULD CONNECT ***"); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); // After a period time not using the channel, the channel state should switch // to IDLE. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** WAITING FOR CHANNEL TO GO IDLE ***"); gpr_sleep_until(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(1200)); EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE); // Sending a new RPC should awake the IDLE channel. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** SENDING ANOTHER RPC, CHANNEL SHOULD RECONNECT ***"); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); } // // pick_first tests // using PickFirstTest = ClientLbEnd2endTest; TEST_F(PickFirstTest, Basic) { // Start servers and send one RPC per server. const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel( "", response_generator); // test that pick first is the default. auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } // All requests should have gone to a single server. bool found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) { const int request_count = servers_[i]->service_.request_count(); if (request_count == kNumServers) { found = true; } else { EXPECT_EQ(0, request_count); } } EXPECT_TRUE(found); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, ProcessPending) { StartServers(1); // Single server auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel( "", response_generator); // test that pick first is the default. auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_}); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0); // Create a new channel and its corresponding PF LB policy, which will pick // the subchannels in READY state from the previous RPC against the same // target (even if it happened over a different channel, because subchannels // are globally reused). Progress should happen without any transition from // this READY state. auto second_response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto second_channel = BuildChannel("", second_response_generator); auto second_stub = BuildStub(second_channel); second_response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_}); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, second_stub); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, SelectsReadyAtStartup) { ChannelArguments args; constexpr int kInitialBackOffMs = 5000; args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_INITIAL_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, kInitialBackOffMs); // Create 2 servers, but start only the second one. std::vector ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()}; CreateServers(2, ports); StartServer(1); auto response_generator1 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel1 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator1, args); auto stub1 = BuildStub(channel1); response_generator1.SetNextResolution(ports); // Wait for second server to be ready. WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub1, 1); // Create a second channel with the same addresses. Its PF instance // should immediately pick the second subchannel, since it's already // in READY state. auto response_generator2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel2 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator2, args); response_generator2.SetNextResolution(ports); // Check that the channel reports READY without waiting for the // initial backoff. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel2.get(), 1 /* timeout_seconds */)); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, BackOffInitialReconnect) { ChannelArguments args; constexpr int kInitialBackOffMs = 100; args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_INITIAL_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, kInitialBackOffMs); const std::vector ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()}; const gpr_timespec t0 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator, args); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); // The channel won't become connected (there's no server). ASSERT_FALSE(channel->WaitForConnected( grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(kInitialBackOffMs * 2))); // Bring up a server on the chosen port. StartServers(1, ports); // Now it will. ASSERT_TRUE(channel->WaitForConnected( grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(kInitialBackOffMs * 2))); const gpr_timespec t1 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); const grpc_core::Duration waited = grpc_core::Duration::FromTimespec(gpr_time_sub(t1, t0)); gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Waited %" PRId64 " milliseconds", waited.millis()); // We should have waited at least kInitialBackOffMs. We substract one to // account for test and precision accuracy drift. EXPECT_GE(waited.millis(), kInitialBackOffMs - 1); // But not much more. EXPECT_GT( gpr_time_cmp( grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(kInitialBackOffMs * 1.10), t1), 0); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, BackOffMinReconnect) { ChannelArguments args; constexpr int kMinReconnectBackOffMs = 1000; args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_MIN_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, kMinReconnectBackOffMs); const std::vector ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()}; auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator, args); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); // Make connection delay a 10% longer than it's willing to in order to make // sure we are hitting the codepath that waits for the min reconnect backoff. ConnectionDelayInjector delay_injector( grpc_core::Duration::Milliseconds(kMinReconnectBackOffMs * 1.10)); delay_injector.Start(); const gpr_timespec t0 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); channel->WaitForConnected( grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(kMinReconnectBackOffMs * 2)); const gpr_timespec t1 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); const grpc_core::Duration waited = grpc_core::Duration::FromTimespec(gpr_time_sub(t1, t0)); gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Waited %" PRId64 " milliseconds", waited.millis()); // We should have waited at least kMinReconnectBackOffMs. We substract one to // account for test and precision accuracy drift. EXPECT_GE(waited.millis(), kMinReconnectBackOffMs - 1); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, ResetConnectionBackoff) { ChannelArguments args; constexpr int kInitialBackOffMs = 1000; args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_INITIAL_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, kInitialBackOffMs); const std::vector ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()}; auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator, args); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); // The channel won't become connected (there's no server). EXPECT_FALSE( channel->WaitForConnected(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(10))); // Bring up a server on the chosen port. StartServers(1, ports); const gpr_timespec t0 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); // Wait for connect, but not long enough. This proves that we're // being throttled by initial backoff. EXPECT_FALSE( channel->WaitForConnected(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(10))); // Reset connection backoff. experimental::ChannelResetConnectionBackoff(channel.get()); // Wait for connect. Should happen as soon as the client connects to // the newly started server, which should be before the initial // backoff timeout elapses. EXPECT_TRUE( channel->WaitForConnected(grpc_timeout_milliseconds_to_deadline(20))); const gpr_timespec t1 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); const grpc_core::Duration waited = grpc_core::Duration::FromTimespec(gpr_time_sub(t1, t0)); gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Waited %" PRId64 " milliseconds", waited.millis()); // We should have waited less than kInitialBackOffMs. EXPECT_LT(waited.millis(), kInitialBackOffMs); } TEST_F(ClientLbEnd2endTest, ResetConnectionBackoffNextAttemptStartsImmediately) { // Start connection injector. ConnectionInjector injector; injector.Start(); // Create client. const int port = grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(); ChannelArguments args; const int kInitialBackOffMs = 5000 * grpc_test_slowdown_factor(); args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_INITIAL_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, kInitialBackOffMs); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator, args); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution({port}); // Intercept initial connection attempt. auto hold1 = injector.AddHold(port); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== TRIGGERING INITIAL CONNECTION ATTEMPT"); EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE, channel->GetState(/*try_to_connect=*/true)); hold1->Wait(); EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING, channel->GetState(/*try_to_connect=*/false)); // Reset backoff. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== RESETTING BACKOFF"); experimental::ChannelResetConnectionBackoff(channel.get()); // Intercept next attempt. Do this before resuming the first attempt, // just in case the client makes progress faster than this thread. auto hold2 = injector.AddHold(port); // Fail current attempt and wait for next one to start. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== RESUMING INITIAL ATTEMPT"); const gpr_timespec t0 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); hold1->Resume(); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== WAITING FOR SECOND ATTEMPT"); // This WaitForStateChange() call just makes sure we're doing some polling. EXPECT_TRUE(channel->WaitForStateChange(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING, grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(1))); hold2->Wait(); const gpr_timespec t1 = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== RESUMING SECOND ATTEMPT"); hold2->Resume(); // Elapsed time should be very short, much less than kInitialBackOffMs. const grpc_core::Duration waited = grpc_core::Duration::FromTimespec(gpr_time_sub(t1, t0)); gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Waited %" PRId64 " milliseconds", waited.millis()); EXPECT_LT(waited.millis(), 1000 * grpc_test_slowdown_factor()); } TEST_F( PickFirstTest, TriesAllSubchannelsBeforeReportingTransientFailureWithSubchannelSharing) { // Start connection injector. ConnectionInjector injector; injector.Start(); // Get 5 unused ports. Each channel will have 2 unique ports followed // by a common port. std::vector ports1 = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()}; std::vector ports2 = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), ports1[2]}; // Create channel 1. auto response_generator1 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel1 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator1); auto stub1 = BuildStub(channel1); response_generator1.SetNextResolution(ports1); // Allow the connection attempts for ports 0 and 1 to fail normally. // Inject a hold for the connection attempt to port 2. auto hold_channel1_port2 = injector.AddHold(ports1[2]); // Trigger connection attempt. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== START CONNECTING CHANNEL 1 ==="); channel1->GetState(/*try_to_connect=*/true); // Wait for connection attempt to port 2. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== WAITING FOR CHANNEL 1 PORT 2 TO START ==="); hold_channel1_port2->Wait(); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== CHANNEL 1 PORT 2 STARTED ==="); // Now create channel 2. auto response_generator2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel2 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator2); response_generator2.SetNextResolution(ports2); // Inject a hold for port 0. auto hold_channel2_port0 = injector.AddHold(ports2[0]); // Trigger connection attempt. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== START CONNECTING CHANNEL 2 ==="); channel2->GetState(/*try_to_connect=*/true); // Wait for connection attempt to port 0. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== WAITING FOR CHANNEL 2 PORT 0 TO START ==="); hold_channel2_port0->Wait(); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== CHANNEL 2 PORT 0 STARTED ==="); // Inject a hold for port 0, which will be retried by channel 1. auto hold_channel1_port0 = injector.AddHold(ports1[0]); // Now allow the connection attempt to port 2 to complete. The subchannel // will deliver a TRANSIENT_FAILURE notification to both channels. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== RESUMING CHANNEL 1 PORT 2 ==="); hold_channel1_port2->Resume(); // Wait for channel 1 to retry port 0, so that we know it's seen the // connectivity state notification for port 2. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== WAITING FOR CHANNEL 1 PORT 0 ==="); hold_channel1_port0->Wait(); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== CHANNEL 1 PORT 0 STARTED ==="); // Channel 1 should now report TRANSIENT_FAILURE. // Channel 2 should continue to report CONNECTING. EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, channel1->GetState(false)); EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING, channel2->GetState(false)); // Inject a hold for port 2, which will eventually be tried by channel 2. auto hold_channel2_port2 = injector.AddHold(ports2[2]); // Allow channel 2 to resume port 0. Port 0 will fail, as will port 1. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== RESUMING CHANNEL 2 PORT 0 ==="); hold_channel2_port0->Resume(); // Wait for channel 2 to try port 2. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== WAITING FOR CHANNEL 2 PORT 2 ==="); hold_channel2_port2->Wait(); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== CHANNEL 2 PORT 2 STARTED ==="); // Channel 2 should still be CONNECTING here. EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING, channel2->GetState(false)); // Add a hold for channel 2 port 0. hold_channel2_port0 = injector.AddHold(ports2[0]); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== RESUMING CHANNEL 2 PORT 2 ==="); hold_channel2_port2->Resume(); // Wait for channel 2 to retry port 0. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== WAITING FOR CHANNEL 2 PORT 0 ==="); hold_channel2_port0->Wait(); // Now channel 2 should be reporting TRANSIENT_FAILURE. EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, channel2->GetState(false)); // Clean up. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== RESUMING CHANNEL 1 PORT 0 AND CHANNEL 2 PORT 0 ==="); hold_channel1_port0->Resume(); hold_channel2_port0->Resume(); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, Updates) { // Start servers and send one RPC per server. const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); std::vector ports; // Perform one RPC against the first server. ports.emplace_back(servers_[0]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET [0] *******"); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(servers_[0]->service_.request_count(), 1); // An empty update will result in the channel going into TRANSIENT_FAILURE. ports.clear(); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET none *******"); grpc_connectivity_state channel_state; do { channel_state = channel->GetState(true /* try to connect */); } while (channel_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); ASSERT_NE(channel_state, GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); servers_[0]->service_.ResetCounters(); // Next update introduces servers_[1], making the channel recover. ports.clear(); ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET [1] *******"); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 1); EXPECT_EQ(servers_[0]->service_.request_count(), 0); // And again for servers_[2] ports.clear(); ports.emplace_back(servers_[2]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET [2] *******"); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 2); EXPECT_EQ(servers_[0]->service_.request_count(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(servers_[1]->service_.request_count(), 0); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, UpdateSuperset) { // Start servers and send one RPC per server. const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); std::vector ports; // Perform one RPC against the first server. ports.emplace_back(servers_[0]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET [0] *******"); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(servers_[0]->service_.request_count(), 1); servers_[0]->service_.ResetCounters(); // Send and superset update ports.clear(); ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_); ports.emplace_back(servers_[0]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET superset *******"); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); // We stick to the previously connected server. WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0); EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count()); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, UpdateToUnconnected) { const int kNumServers = 2; CreateServers(kNumServers); StartServer(0); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); std::vector ports; // Try to send rpcs against a list where the server is available. ports.emplace_back(servers_[0]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET [0] *******"); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); // Send resolution for which all servers are currently unavailable. Eventually // this triggers replacing the existing working subchannel_list with the new // currently unresponsive list. ports.clear(); ports.emplace_back(grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()); ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SET [unavailable] *******"); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get())); // Ensure that the last resolution was installed correctly by verifying that // the channel becomes ready once one of if its endpoints becomes available. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** StartServer(1) *******"); StartServer(1); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get())); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, GlobalSubchannelPool) { // Start one server. const int kNumServers = 1; StartServers(kNumServers); std::vector ports = GetServersPorts(); // Create two channels that (by default) use the global subchannel pool. auto response_generator1 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel1 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator1); auto stub1 = BuildStub(channel1); response_generator1.SetNextResolution(ports); auto response_generator2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel2 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator2); auto stub2 = BuildStub(channel2); response_generator2.SetNextResolution(ports); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub1, 0); // Send one RPC on each channel. CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub1); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub2); // The server receives two requests. EXPECT_EQ(2, servers_[0]->service_.request_count()); // The two requests are from the same client port, because the two channels // share subchannels via the global subchannel pool. EXPECT_EQ(1UL, servers_[0]->service_.clients().size()); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, LocalSubchannelPool) { // Start one server. const int kNumServers = 1; StartServers(kNumServers); std::vector ports = GetServersPorts(); // Create two channels that use local subchannel pool. ChannelArguments args; args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_USE_LOCAL_SUBCHANNEL_POOL, 1); auto response_generator1 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel1 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator1, args); auto stub1 = BuildStub(channel1); response_generator1.SetNextResolution(ports); auto response_generator2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel2 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator2, args); auto stub2 = BuildStub(channel2); response_generator2.SetNextResolution(ports); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub1, 0); // Send one RPC on each channel. CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub1); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub2); // The server receives two requests. EXPECT_EQ(2, servers_[0]->service_.request_count()); // The two requests are from two client ports, because the two channels didn't // share subchannels with each other. EXPECT_EQ(2UL, servers_[0]->service_.clients().size()); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, ManyUpdates) { const int kNumUpdates = 1000; const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); std::vector ports = GetServersPorts(); for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumUpdates; ++i) { std::shuffle(ports.begin(), ports.end(), std::mt19937(std::random_device()())); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); // We should re-enter core at the end of the loop to give the resolution // setting closure a chance to run. if ((i + 1) % 10 == 0) CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, ReresolutionNoSelected) { // Prepare the ports for up servers and down servers. const int kNumServers = 3; const int kNumAliveServers = 1; StartServers(kNumAliveServers); std::vector alive_ports, dead_ports; for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumServers; ++i) { if (i < kNumAliveServers) { alive_ports.emplace_back(servers_[i]->port_); } else { dead_ports.emplace_back(grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()); } } auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); // The initial resolution only contains dead ports. There won't be any // selected subchannel. Re-resolution will return the same result. response_generator.SetNextResolution(dead_ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** INITIAL RESOLUTION SET *******"); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { CheckRpcSendFailure( DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "failed to connect to all addresses; last error: " "(UNKNOWN: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused|" "UNAVAILABLE: Failed to connect to remote host: FD shutdown)"); } // Set a re-resolution result that contains reachable ports, so that the // pick_first LB policy can recover soon. response_generator.SetNextResolutionUponError(alive_ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** RE-RESOLUTION SET *******"); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0, [](const Status& status) { EXPECT_EQ(StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, status.error_code()); EXPECT_THAT( status.error_message(), ::testing::ContainsRegex( "failed to connect to all addresses; last error: " "(UNKNOWN: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused|" "UNAVAILABLE: Failed to connect to remote host: FD shutdown)")); }); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(servers_[0]->service_.request_count(), 1); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, ReconnectWithoutNewResolverResult) { std::vector ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()}; StartServers(1, ports); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** INITIAL CONNECTION *******"); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** STOPPING SERVER ******"); servers_[0]->Shutdown(); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get())); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** RESTARTING SERVER ******"); StartServers(1, ports); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, ReconnectWithoutNewResolverResultStartsFromTopOfList) { std::vector ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()}; CreateServers(2, ports); StartServer(1); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** INITIAL CONNECTION *******"); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 1); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** STOPPING SERVER ******"); servers_[1]->Shutdown(); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get())); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** STARTING BOTH SERVERS ******"); StartServers(2, ports); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, CheckStateBeforeStartWatch) { std::vector ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()}; StartServers(1, ports); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel_1 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator); auto stub_1 = BuildStub(channel_1); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** RESOLUTION SET FOR CHANNEL 1 *******"); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub_1, 0); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** CHANNEL 1 CONNECTED *******"); servers_[0]->Shutdown(); // Channel 1 will receive a re-resolution containing the same server. It will // create a new subchannel and hold a ref to it. StartServers(1, ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SERVER RESTARTED *******"); auto response_generator_2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel_2 = BuildChannel("pick_first", response_generator_2); auto stub_2 = BuildStub(channel_2); response_generator_2.SetNextResolution(ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** RESOLUTION SET FOR CHANNEL 2 *******"); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub_2, 0, [](const Status& status) { EXPECT_EQ(StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, status.error_code()); EXPECT_EQ("failed to connect to all addresses", status.error_message()); }); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** CHANNEL 2 CONNECTED *******"); servers_[0]->Shutdown(); // Wait until the disconnection has triggered the connectivity notification. // Otherwise, the subchannel may be picked for next call but will fail soon. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel_2.get())); // Channel 2 will also receive a re-resolution containing the same server. // Both channels will ref the same subchannel that failed. StartServers(1, ports); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SERVER RESTARTED AGAIN *******"); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** CHANNEL 2 STARTING A CALL *******"); // The first call after the server restart will succeed. CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub_2); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** CHANNEL 2 FINISHED A CALL *******"); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel_1->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("pick_first", channel_2->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, IdleOnDisconnect) { // Start server, send RPC, and make sure channel is READY. const int kNumServers = 1; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("", response_generator); // pick_first is the default. auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); // Stop server. Channel should go into state IDLE. response_generator.SetFailureOnReresolution(); servers_[0]->Shutdown(); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get())); EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE); servers_.clear(); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, PendingUpdateAndSelectedSubchannelFails) { auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("", response_generator); // pick_first is the default. auto stub = BuildStub(channel); // Create a number of servers, but only start 1 of them. CreateServers(10); StartServer(0); // Initially resolve to first server and make sure it connects. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Phase 1: Connect to first server."); response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_}); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, true /* wait_for_ready */); EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); // Send a resolution update with the remaining servers, none of which are // running yet, so the update will stay pending. Note that it's important // to have multiple servers here, or else the test will be flaky; with only // one server, the pending subchannel list has already gone into // TRANSIENT_FAILURE due to hitting the end of the list by the time we // check the state. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Phase 2: Resolver update pointing to remaining " "(not started) servers."); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts(1 /* start_index */)); // RPCs will continue to be sent to the first server. CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); // Now stop the first server, so that the current subchannel list // fails. This should cause us to immediately swap over to the // pending list, even though it's not yet connected. The state should // be set to CONNECTING, since that's what the pending subchannel list // was doing when we swapped over. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Phase 3: Stopping first server."); servers_[0]->Shutdown(); WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get()); // TODO(roth): This should always return CONNECTING, but it's flaky // between that and TRANSIENT_FAILURE. I suspect that this problem // will go away once we move the backoff code out of the subchannel // and into the LB policies. EXPECT_THAT(channel->GetState(false), ::testing::AnyOf(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING, GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE)); // Now start the second server. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Phase 4: Starting second server."); StartServer(1); // The channel should go to READY state and RPCs should go to the // second server. WaitForChannelReady(channel.get()); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 1, [](const Status& status) { EXPECT_EQ(StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, status.error_code()); EXPECT_EQ("failed to connect to all addresses", status.error_message()); }); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, StaysIdleUponEmptyUpdate) { // Start server, send RPC, and make sure channel is READY. const int kNumServers = 1; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("", response_generator); // pick_first is the default. auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); // Stop server. Channel should go into state IDLE. servers_[0]->Shutdown(); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get())); EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE); // Now send resolver update that includes no addresses. Channel // should stay in state IDLE. response_generator.SetNextResolution({}); EXPECT_FALSE(channel->WaitForStateChange( GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE, grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(3))); // Now bring the backend back up and send a non-empty resolver update, // and then try to send an RPC. Channel should go back into state READY. StartServer(0); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(channel->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); } TEST_F(PickFirstTest, StaysTransientFailureOnFailedConnectionAttemptUntilReady) { // Allocate 3 ports, with no servers running. std::vector ports = {grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die()}; // Create channel with a 1-second backoff. ChannelArguments args; args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_INITIAL_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, 1000 * grpc_test_slowdown_factor()); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("", response_generator, args); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE, channel->GetState(false)); // Send an RPC, which should fail. CheckRpcSendFailure( DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "failed to connect to all addresses; last error: " "(UNKNOWN: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused|" "UNAVAILABLE: Failed to connect to remote host: FD shutdown)"); // Channel should be in TRANSIENT_FAILURE. EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, channel->GetState(false)); // Now start a server on the last port. StartServers(1, {ports.back()}); // Channel should remain in TRANSIENT_FAILURE until it transitions to READY. EXPECT_TRUE(channel->WaitForStateChange(GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(4))); EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_READY, channel->GetState(false)); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } // // round_robin tests // using RoundRobinTest = ClientLbEnd2endTest; TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, Basic) { // Start servers and send one RPC per server. const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); // Wait until all backends are ready. do { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } while (!SeenAllServers()); ResetCounters(); // "Sync" to the end of the list. Next sequence of picks will start at the // first server (index 0). WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, servers_.size() - 1); std::vector connection_order; for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); UpdateConnectionOrder(servers_, &connection_order); } // Backends should be iterated over in the order in which the addresses were // given. const auto expected = std::vector{0, 1, 2}; EXPECT_EQ(expected, connection_order); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("round_robin", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, ProcessPending) { StartServers(1); // Single server auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_}); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0); // Create a new channel and its corresponding RR LB policy, which will pick // the subchannels in READY state from the previous RPC against the same // target (even if it happened over a different channel, because subchannels // are globally reused). Progress should happen without any transition from // this READY state. auto second_response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto second_channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", second_response_generator); auto second_stub = BuildStub(second_channel); second_response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_}); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, second_stub); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, Updates) { // Start servers. const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); // Start with a single server. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** FIRST BACKEND ***"); std::vector ports = {servers_[0]->port_}; response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0); // Send RPCs. They should all go servers_[0] for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(10, servers_[0]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[2]->service_.request_count()); ResetCounters(); // And now for the second server. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** SECOND BACKEND ***"); ports.clear(); ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); // Wait until update has been processed, as signaled by the second backend // receiving a request. EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count()); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[0]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(10, servers_[1]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[2]->service_.request_count()); ResetCounters(); // ... and for the last server. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** THIRD BACKEND ***"); ports.clear(); ports.emplace_back(servers_[2]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 2); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[0]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(10, servers_[2]->service_.request_count()); ResetCounters(); // Back to all servers. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** ALL BACKENDS ***"); ports.clear(); ports.emplace_back(servers_[0]->port_); ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_); ports.emplace_back(servers_[2]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); WaitForServers(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); // Send three RPCs, one per server. for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(1, servers_[0]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1, servers_[1]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1, servers_[2]->service_.request_count()); ResetCounters(); // An empty update will result in the channel going into TRANSIENT_FAILURE. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** NO BACKENDS ***"); ports.clear(); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get()); CheckRpcSendFailure(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "empty address list: fake resolver empty address list"); servers_[0]->service_.ResetCounters(); // Next update introduces servers_[1], making the channel recover. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** BACK TO SECOND BACKEND ***"); ports.clear(); ports.emplace_back(servers_[1]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 1); EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_READY, channel->GetState(/*try_to_connect=*/false)); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("round_robin", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, UpdateInError) { StartServers(2); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); // Start with a single server. response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts(0, 1)); // Send RPCs. They should all go to server 0. for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, /*wait_for_ready=*/false, /*load_report=*/nullptr, /*timeout_ms=*/4000); } EXPECT_EQ(10, servers_[0]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count()); servers_[0]->service_.ResetCounters(); // Send an update adding an unreachable server and server 1. std::vector ports = {servers_[0]->port_, grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), servers_[1]->port_}; response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); WaitForServers(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0, 2, /*status_check=*/nullptr, /*timeout=*/absl::Seconds(60)); // Send a bunch more RPCs. They should all succeed and should be // split evenly between the two servers. // Note: The split may be slightly uneven because of an extra picker // update that can happen if the subchannels for servers 0 and 1 // report READY before the subchannel for the unreachable server // transitions from CONNECTING to TRANSIENT_FAILURE. for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, /*wait_for_ready=*/false, /*load_report=*/nullptr, /*timeout_ms=*/4000); } EXPECT_THAT(servers_[0]->service_.request_count(), ::testing::AllOf(::testing::Ge(4), ::testing::Le(6))); EXPECT_THAT(servers_[1]->service_.request_count(), ::testing::AllOf(::testing::Ge(4), ::testing::Le(6))); EXPECT_EQ(10, servers_[0]->service_.request_count() + servers_[1]->service_.request_count()); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, ManyUpdates) { // Start servers and send one RPC per server. const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); std::vector ports = GetServersPorts(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { std::shuffle(ports.begin(), ports.end(), std::mt19937(std::random_device()())); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); if (i % 10 == 0) CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("round_robin", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, ReresolveOnSubchannelConnectionFailure) { // Start 3 servers. StartServers(3); // Create channel. auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); // Initially, tell the channel about only the first two servers. std::vector ports = {servers_[0]->port_, servers_[1]->port_}; response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); // Wait for both servers to be seen. WaitForServers(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0, 2); // Tell the fake resolver to send an update that adds the last server, but // only when the LB policy requests re-resolution. ports.push_back(servers_[2]->port_); response_generator.SetNextResolutionUponError(ports); // Have server 0 send a GOAWAY. This should trigger a re-resolution. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "****** SENDING GOAWAY FROM SERVER 0 *******"); { grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; grpc_core::Server::FromC(servers_[0]->server_->c_server())->SendGoaways(); } // Wait for the client to see server 2. WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 2); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, TransientFailure) { // Start servers and create channel. Channel should go to READY state. const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get())); // Now kill the servers. The channel should transition to TRANSIENT_FAILURE. for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) { servers_[i]->Shutdown(); } auto predicate = [](grpc_connectivity_state state) { return state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE; }; EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelState(channel.get(), predicate)); CheckRpcSendFailure( DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "connections to all backends failing; last error: " "(UNKNOWN: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused|" "UNAVAILABLE: Failed to connect to remote host: FD shutdown)"); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, TransientFailureAtStartup) { // Create channel and return servers that don't exist. Channel should // quickly transition into TRANSIENT_FAILURE. auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution({ grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(), }); for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) { servers_[i]->Shutdown(); } auto predicate = [](grpc_connectivity_state state) { return state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE; }; EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelState(channel.get(), predicate, true)); CheckRpcSendFailure( DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "connections to all backends failing; last error: " "(UNKNOWN: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused|" "UNAVAILABLE: Failed to connect to remote host: FD shutdown)"); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, StaysInTransientFailureInSubsequentConnecting) { // Start connection injector. ConnectionInjector injector; injector.Start(); // Get port. const int port = grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(); // Create channel. auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution({port}); // Allow first connection attempt to fail normally, and wait for // channel to report TRANSIENT_FAILURE. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== WAITING FOR CHANNEL TO REPORT TF ==="); auto predicate = [](grpc_connectivity_state state) { return state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE; }; EXPECT_TRUE( WaitForChannelState(channel.get(), predicate, /*try_to_connect=*/true)); // Wait for next connection attempt to start. auto hold = injector.AddHold(port); hold->Wait(); // Now the subchannel should be reporting CONNECTING. Make sure the // channel is still in TRANSIENT_FAILURE and is still reporting the // right status. EXPECT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, channel->GetState(false)); // Send a few RPCs, just to give the channel a chance to propagate a // new picker, in case it was going to incorrectly do so. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== EXPECTING RPCs TO FAIL ==="); for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { CheckRpcSendFailure( DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "connections to all backends failing; last error: " "(UNKNOWN: Failed to connect to remote host: Connection refused|" "UNAVAILABLE: Failed to connect to remote host: FD shutdown)"); } // Clean up. hold->Resume(); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, DoesNotFailRpcsUponDisconnection) { // Start connection injector. ConnectionInjector injector; injector.Start(); // Start server. StartServers(1); // Create channel. auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); // Start a thread constantly sending RPCs in a loop. gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "=== STARTING CLIENT THREAD ==="); std::atomic shutdown{false}; gpr_event ev; gpr_event_init(&ev); std::thread thd([&]() { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "sending first RPC"); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); gpr_event_set(&ev, reinterpret_cast(1)); while (!shutdown.load()) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "sending RPC"); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } }); // Wait for first RPC to complete. gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "=== WAITING FOR FIRST RPC TO COMPLETE ==="); ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast(1), gpr_event_wait(&ev, grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(1))); // Channel should now be READY. ASSERT_EQ(GRPC_CHANNEL_READY, channel->GetState(false)); // Tell injector to intercept the next connection attempt. auto hold1 = injector.AddHold(servers_[0]->port_, /*intercept_completion=*/true); // Now kill the server. The subchannel should report IDLE and be // immediately reconnected to, but this should not cause any test // failures. gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "=== SHUTTING DOWN SERVER ==="); { grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; grpc_core::Server::FromC(servers_[0]->server_->c_server())->SendGoaways(); } gpr_sleep_until(grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(1)); servers_[0]->Shutdown(); // Wait for next attempt to start. gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "=== WAITING FOR RECONNECTION ATTEMPT ==="); hold1->Wait(); // Start server and allow attempt to continue. gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "=== RESTARTING SERVER ==="); StartServer(0); hold1->Resume(); // Wait for next attempt to complete. gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "=== WAITING FOR RECONNECTION ATTEMPT TO COMPLETE ==="); hold1->WaitForCompletion(); // Now shut down the thread. gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "=== SHUTTING DOWN CLIENT THREAD ==="); shutdown.store(true); thd.join(); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, SingleReconnect) { const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); const auto ports = GetServersPorts(); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports); WaitForServers(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); // Sync to end of list. WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, servers_.size() - 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); EXPECT_EQ(1, servers_[i]->service_.request_count()) << "for backend #" << i; } // One request should have gone to each server. for (size_t i = 0; i < servers_.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(1, servers_[i]->service_.request_count()); } const auto pre_death = servers_[0]->service_.request_count(); // Kill the first server. servers_[0]->Shutdown(); // Client request still succeed. May need retrying if RR had returned a pick // before noticing the change in the server's connectivity. while (true) { Status status = SendRpc(stub); if (status.ok()) break; EXPECT_EQ(StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, status.error_code()); EXPECT_EQ("", status.error_message()); } // Send a bunch of RPCs that should succeed. for (int i = 0; i < 10 * kNumServers; ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } const auto post_death = servers_[0]->service_.request_count(); // No requests have gone to the deceased server. EXPECT_EQ(pre_death, post_death); // Bring the first server back up. StartServer(0); // Requests should start arriving at the first server either right away (if // the server managed to start before the RR policy retried the subchannel) or // after the subchannel retry delay otherwise (RR's subchannel retried before // the server was fully back up). WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0); } // If health checking is required by client but health checking service // is not running on the server, the channel should be treated as healthy. TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, ServersHealthCheckingUnimplementedTreatedAsHealthy) { StartServers(1); // Single server ChannelArguments args; args.SetServiceConfigJSON( "{\"healthCheckConfig\": " "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}"); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator, args); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution({servers_[0]->port_}); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get())); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, HealthChecking) { EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(true); // Start servers. const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); ChannelArguments args; args.SetServiceConfigJSON( "{\"healthCheckConfig\": " "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}"); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator, args); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); // Channel should not become READY, because health checks should be failing. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** initial state: unknown health check service name for " "all servers"); EXPECT_FALSE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get(), 1)); // Now set one of the servers to be healthy. // The channel should become healthy and all requests should go to // the healthy server. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** server 0 healthy"); servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get())); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } EXPECT_EQ(10, servers_[0]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[2]->service_.request_count()); // Now set a second server to be healthy. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** server 2 healthy"); servers_[2]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 2); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } EXPECT_EQ(5, servers_[0]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, servers_[1]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(5, servers_[2]->service_.request_count()); // Now set the remaining server to be healthy. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** server 1 healthy"); servers_[1]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 1); for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } EXPECT_EQ(3, servers_[0]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(3, servers_[1]->service_.request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(3, servers_[2]->service_.request_count()); // Now set one server to be unhealthy again. Then wait until the // unhealthiness has hit the client. We know that the client will see // this when we send kNumServers requests and one of the remaining servers // sees two of the requests. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** server 0 unhealthy"); servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", false); do { ResetCounters(); for (int i = 0; i < kNumServers; ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } } while (servers_[1]->service_.request_count() != 2 && servers_[2]->service_.request_count() != 2); // Now set the remaining two servers to be unhealthy. Make sure the // channel leaves READY state and that RPCs fail. gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "*** all servers unhealthy"); servers_[1]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", false); servers_[2]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", false); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get())); CheckRpcSendFailure(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "connections to all backends failing; last error: " "UNAVAILABLE: backend unhealthy"); // Clean up. EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(false); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, HealthCheckingHandlesSubchannelFailure) { EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(true); // Start servers. const int kNumServers = 3; StartServers(kNumServers); servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true); servers_[1]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true); servers_[2]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true); ChannelArguments args; args.SetServiceConfigJSON( "{\"healthCheckConfig\": " "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}"); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator, args); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); WaitForServer(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, 0); // Stop server 0 and send a new resolver result to ensure that RR // checks each subchannel's state. servers_[0]->Shutdown(); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); // Send a bunch more RPCs. for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, WithHealthCheckingInhibitPerChannel) { EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(true); // Start server. const int kNumServers = 1; StartServers(kNumServers); // Create a channel with health-checking enabled. ChannelArguments args; args.SetServiceConfigJSON( "{\"healthCheckConfig\": " "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}"); auto response_generator1 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel1 = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator1, args); auto stub1 = BuildStub(channel1); std::vector ports = GetServersPorts(); response_generator1.SetNextResolution(ports); // Create a channel with health checking enabled but inhibited. args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_INHIBIT_HEALTH_CHECKING, 1); auto response_generator2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel2 = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator2, args); auto stub2 = BuildStub(channel2); response_generator2.SetNextResolution(ports); // First channel should not become READY, because health checks should be // failing. EXPECT_FALSE(WaitForChannelReady(channel1.get(), 1)); CheckRpcSendFailure(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub1, StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "connections to all backends failing; last error: " "UNAVAILABLE: backend unhealthy"); // Second channel should be READY. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel2.get(), 1)); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub2); // Enable health checks on the backend and wait for channel 1 to succeed. servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub1, true /* wait_for_ready */); // Check that we created only one subchannel to the backend. EXPECT_EQ(1UL, servers_[0]->service_.clients().size()); // Clean up. EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(false); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, HealthCheckingServiceNamePerChannel) { EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(true); // Start server. const int kNumServers = 1; StartServers(kNumServers); // Create a channel with health-checking enabled. ChannelArguments args; args.SetServiceConfigJSON( "{\"healthCheckConfig\": " "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}"); auto response_generator1 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel1 = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator1, args); auto stub1 = BuildStub(channel1); std::vector ports = GetServersPorts(); response_generator1.SetNextResolution(ports); // Create a channel with health-checking enabled with a different // service name. ChannelArguments args2; args2.SetServiceConfigJSON( "{\"healthCheckConfig\": " "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name2\"}}"); auto response_generator2 = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel2 = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator2, args2); auto stub2 = BuildStub(channel2); response_generator2.SetNextResolution(ports); // Allow health checks from channel 2 to succeed. servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name2", true); // First channel should not become READY, because health checks should be // failing. EXPECT_FALSE(WaitForChannelReady(channel1.get(), 1)); CheckRpcSendFailure(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub1, StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "connections to all backends failing; last error: " "UNAVAILABLE: backend unhealthy"); // Second channel should be READY. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel2.get(), 1)); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub2); // Enable health checks for channel 1 and wait for it to succeed. servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub1, true /* wait_for_ready */); // Check that we created only one subchannel to the backend. EXPECT_EQ(1UL, servers_[0]->service_.clients().size()); // Clean up. EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(false); } TEST_F(RoundRobinTest, HealthCheckingServiceNameChangesAfterSubchannelsCreated) { EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(true); // Start server. const int kNumServers = 1; StartServers(kNumServers); // Create a channel with health-checking enabled. const char* kServiceConfigJson = "{\"healthCheckConfig\": " "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name\"}}"; auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("round_robin", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); std::vector ports = GetServersPorts(); response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports, kServiceConfigJson); servers_[0]->SetServingStatus("health_check_service_name", true); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelReady(channel.get(), 1 /* timeout_seconds */)); // Send an update on the channel to change it to use a health checking // service name that is not being reported as healthy. const char* kServiceConfigJson2 = "{\"healthCheckConfig\": " "{\"serviceName\": \"health_check_service_name2\"}}"; response_generator.SetNextResolution(ports, kServiceConfigJson2); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForChannelNotReady(channel.get())); // Clean up. EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(false); } // // LB policy pick args // class ClientLbPickArgsTest : public ClientLbEnd2endTest { protected: void SetUp() override { ClientLbEnd2endTest::SetUp(); current_test_instance_ = this; } static void SetUpTestCase() { grpc_init(); grpc_core::RegisterTestPickArgsLoadBalancingPolicy(SavePickArgs); } static void TearDownTestCase() { grpc_shutdown(); } std::vector args_seen_list() { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); return args_seen_list_; } static std::string ArgsSeenListString( const std::vector& args_seen_list) { std::vector entries; for (const auto& args_seen : args_seen_list) { std::vector metadata; for (const auto& p : args_seen.metadata) { metadata.push_back(absl::StrCat(p.first, "=", p.second)); } entries.push_back(absl::StrFormat("{path=\"%s\", metadata=[%s]}", args_seen.path, absl::StrJoin(metadata, ", "))); } return absl::StrCat("[", absl::StrJoin(entries, ", "), "]"); } private: static void SavePickArgs(const grpc_core::PickArgsSeen& args_seen) { ClientLbPickArgsTest* self = current_test_instance_; grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&self->mu_); self->args_seen_list_.emplace_back(args_seen); } static ClientLbPickArgsTest* current_test_instance_; grpc::internal::Mutex mu_; std::vector args_seen_list_; }; ClientLbPickArgsTest* ClientLbPickArgsTest::current_test_instance_ = nullptr; TEST_F(ClientLbPickArgsTest, Basic) { const int kNumServers = 1; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("test_pick_args_lb", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); // Proactively connect the channel, so that the LB policy will always // be connected before it sees the pick. Otherwise, the test would be // flaky because sometimes the pick would be seen twice (once in // CONNECTING and again in READY) and other times only once (in READY). ASSERT_TRUE(channel->WaitForConnected(gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC))); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("test_pick_args_lb", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); // Now send an RPC and check that the picker sees the expected data. CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, /*wait_for_ready=*/true); auto pick_args_seen_list = args_seen_list(); EXPECT_THAT(pick_args_seen_list, ::testing::ElementsAre(::testing::AllOf( ::testing::Field(&grpc_core::PickArgsSeen::path, "/grpc.testing.EchoTestService/Echo"), ::testing::Field(&grpc_core::PickArgsSeen::metadata, ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre( ::testing::Pair("foo", "1"), ::testing::Pair("bar", "2"), ::testing::Pair("baz", "3")))))) << ArgsSeenListString(pick_args_seen_list); } // // tests that LB policies can get the call's trailing metadata // xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport BackendMetricDataToOrcaLoadReport( const grpc_core::BackendMetricData& backend_metric_data) { xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport load_report; load_report.set_cpu_utilization(backend_metric_data.cpu_utilization); load_report.set_mem_utilization(backend_metric_data.mem_utilization); for (const auto& p : backend_metric_data.request_cost) { std::string name(p.first); (*load_report.mutable_request_cost())[name] = p.second; } for (const auto& p : backend_metric_data.utilization) { std::string name(p.first); (*load_report.mutable_utilization())[name] = p.second; } return load_report; } class ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest : public ClientLbEnd2endTest { protected: void SetUp() override { ClientLbEnd2endTest::SetUp(); current_test_instance_ = this; } static void SetUpTestCase() { grpc_init(); grpc_core::RegisterInterceptRecvTrailingMetadataLoadBalancingPolicy( ReportTrailerIntercepted); } static void TearDownTestCase() { grpc_shutdown(); } int trailers_intercepted() { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); return trailers_intercepted_; } absl::Status last_status() { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); return last_status_; } grpc_core::MetadataVector trailing_metadata() { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); return std::move(trailing_metadata_); } absl::optional backend_load_report() { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); return std::move(load_report_); } private: static void ReportTrailerIntercepted( const grpc_core::TrailingMetadataArgsSeen& args_seen) { const auto* backend_metric_data = args_seen.backend_metric_data; ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest* self = current_test_instance_; grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&self->mu_); self->last_status_ = args_seen.status; self->trailers_intercepted_++; self->trailing_metadata_ = args_seen.metadata; if (backend_metric_data != nullptr) { self->load_report_ = BackendMetricDataToOrcaLoadReport(*backend_metric_data); } } static ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest* current_test_instance_; grpc::internal::Mutex mu_; int trailers_intercepted_ = 0; absl::Status last_status_; grpc_core::MetadataVector trailing_metadata_; absl::optional load_report_; }; ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest* ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest::current_test_instance_ = nullptr; TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest, StatusOk) { StartServers(1); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); // Send an OK RPC. CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); EXPECT_EQ(1, trailers_intercepted()); EXPECT_EQ(absl::OkStatus(), last_status()); } TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest, StatusFailed) { StartServers(1); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); EchoRequest request; auto* expected_error = request.mutable_param()->mutable_expected_error(); expected_error->set_code(GRPC_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED); expected_error->set_error_message("bummer, man"); Status status = SendRpc(stub, /*response=*/nullptr, /*timeout_ms=*/1000, /*wait_for_ready=*/false, &request); EXPECT_EQ(status.error_code(), StatusCode::PERMISSION_DENIED); EXPECT_EQ(status.error_message(), "bummer, man"); absl::Status status_seen_by_lb = last_status(); EXPECT_EQ(status_seen_by_lb.code(), absl::StatusCode::kPermissionDenied); EXPECT_EQ(status_seen_by_lb.message(), "bummer, man"); } TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest, StatusCancelledWithoutStartingRecvTrailingMetadata) { StartServers(1); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", response_generator); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); { // Start a stream (sends initial metadata) and then cancel without // calling Finish(). ClientContext ctx; auto stream = stub->BidiStream(&ctx); ctx.TryCancel(); } // Check status seen by LB policy. EXPECT_EQ(1, trailers_intercepted()); absl::Status status_seen_by_lb = last_status(); EXPECT_EQ(status_seen_by_lb.code(), absl::StatusCode::kCancelled); EXPECT_EQ(status_seen_by_lb.message(), "call cancelled"); } TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest, InterceptsRetriesDisabled) { const int kNumServers = 1; const int kNumRpcs = 10; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); ChannelArguments channel_args; channel_args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_ENABLE_RETRIES, 0); auto channel = BuildChannel("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", response_generator, channel_args); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumRpcs; ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); EXPECT_EQ(kNumRpcs, trailers_intercepted()); EXPECT_THAT(trailing_metadata(), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre( // TODO(roth): Should grpc-status be visible here? ::testing::Pair("grpc-status", "0"), ::testing::Pair("user-agent", ::testing::_), ::testing::Pair("foo", "1"), ::testing::Pair("bar", "2"), ::testing::Pair("baz", "3"))); EXPECT_FALSE(backend_load_report().has_value()); } TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest, InterceptsRetriesEnabled) { const int kNumServers = 1; const int kNumRpcs = 10; StartServers(kNumServers); ChannelArguments args; args.SetServiceConfigJSON( "{\n" " \"methodConfig\": [ {\n" " \"name\": [\n" " { \"service\": \"grpc.testing.EchoTestService\" }\n" " ],\n" " \"retryPolicy\": {\n" " \"maxAttempts\": 3,\n" " \"initialBackoff\": \"1s\",\n" " \"maxBackoff\": \"120s\",\n" " \"backoffMultiplier\": 1.6,\n" " \"retryableStatusCodes\": [ \"ABORTED\" ]\n" " }\n" " } ]\n" "}"); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", response_generator, args); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumRpcs; ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); } // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); EXPECT_EQ(kNumRpcs, trailers_intercepted()); EXPECT_THAT(trailing_metadata(), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre( // TODO(roth): Should grpc-status be visible here? ::testing::Pair("grpc-status", "0"), ::testing::Pair("user-agent", ::testing::_), ::testing::Pair("foo", "1"), ::testing::Pair("bar", "2"), ::testing::Pair("baz", "3"))); EXPECT_FALSE(backend_load_report().has_value()); } TEST_F(ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest, BackendMetricData) { const int kNumServers = 1; const int kNumRpcs = 10; StartServers(kNumServers); xds::data::orca::v3::OrcaLoadReport load_report; load_report.set_cpu_utilization(0.5); load_report.set_mem_utilization(0.75); auto* request_cost = load_report.mutable_request_cost(); (*request_cost)["foo"] = 0.8; (*request_cost)["bar"] = 1.4; auto* utilization = load_report.mutable_utilization(); (*utilization)["baz"] = 1.1; (*utilization)["quux"] = 0.9; auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumRpcs; ++i) { CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub, false, &load_report); auto actual = backend_load_report(); ASSERT_TRUE(actual.has_value()); // TODO(roth): Change this to use EqualsProto() once that becomes // available in OSS. EXPECT_EQ(actual->cpu_utilization(), load_report.cpu_utilization()); EXPECT_EQ(actual->mem_utilization(), load_report.mem_utilization()); EXPECT_EQ(actual->request_cost().size(), load_report.request_cost().size()); for (const auto& p : actual->request_cost()) { auto it = load_report.request_cost().find(p.first); ASSERT_NE(it, load_report.request_cost().end()); EXPECT_EQ(it->second, p.second); } EXPECT_EQ(actual->utilization().size(), load_report.utilization().size()); for (const auto& p : actual->utilization()) { auto it = load_report.utilization().find(p.first); ASSERT_NE(it, load_report.utilization().end()); EXPECT_EQ(it->second, p.second); } } // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("intercept_trailing_metadata_lb", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); EXPECT_EQ(kNumRpcs, trailers_intercepted()); } // // tests that address attributes from the resolver are visible to the LB policy // class ClientLbAddressTest : public ClientLbEnd2endTest { protected: static const char* kAttributeKey; class Attribute : public grpc_core::ServerAddress::AttributeInterface { public: explicit Attribute(const std::string& str) : str_(str) {} std::unique_ptr Copy() const override { return absl::make_unique(str_); } int Cmp(const AttributeInterface* other) const override { return str_.compare(static_cast(other)->str_); } std::string ToString() const override { return str_; } private: std::string str_; }; void SetUp() override { ClientLbEnd2endTest::SetUp(); current_test_instance_ = this; } static void SetUpTestCase() { grpc_init(); grpc_core::RegisterAddressTestLoadBalancingPolicy(SaveAddress); } static void TearDownTestCase() { grpc_shutdown(); } const std::vector& addresses_seen() { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); return addresses_seen_; } private: static void SaveAddress(const grpc_core::ServerAddress& address) { ClientLbAddressTest* self = current_test_instance_; grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&self->mu_); self->addresses_seen_.emplace_back(address.ToString()); } static ClientLbAddressTest* current_test_instance_; grpc::internal::Mutex mu_; std::vector addresses_seen_; }; const char* ClientLbAddressTest::kAttributeKey = "attribute_key"; ClientLbAddressTest* ClientLbAddressTest::current_test_instance_ = nullptr; TEST_F(ClientLbAddressTest, Basic) { const int kNumServers = 1; StartServers(kNumServers); auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("address_test_lb", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); // Addresses returned by the resolver will have attached attributes. response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts(), nullptr, kAttributeKey, absl::make_unique("foo")); CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("address_test_lb", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); // Make sure that the attributes wind up on the subchannels. std::vector expected; for (const int port : GetServersPorts()) { expected.emplace_back( absl::StrCat(ipv6_only_ ? "[::1]:" : "", port, " args={} attributes={", kAttributeKey, "=foo}")); } EXPECT_EQ(addresses_seen(), expected); } // // tests OOB backend metric API // class OobBackendMetricTest : public ClientLbEnd2endTest { protected: using BackendMetricReport = std::pair; void SetUp() override { ClientLbEnd2endTest::SetUp(); current_test_instance_ = this; } static void SetUpTestCase() { grpc_init(); grpc_core::RegisterOobBackendMetricTestLoadBalancingPolicy( BackendMetricCallback); } static void TearDownTestCase() { grpc_shutdown(); } absl::optional GetBackendMetricReport() { grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); if (backend_metric_reports_.empty()) return absl::nullopt; auto result = std::move(backend_metric_reports_.front()); backend_metric_reports_.pop_front(); return result; } private: static void BackendMetricCallback( grpc_core::ServerAddress address, const grpc_core::BackendMetricData& backend_metric_data) { auto load_report = BackendMetricDataToOrcaLoadReport(backend_metric_data); int port = grpc_sockaddr_get_port(&address.address()); grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(¤t_test_instance_->mu_); current_test_instance_->backend_metric_reports_.push_back( {port, std::move(load_report)}); } static OobBackendMetricTest* current_test_instance_; grpc::internal::Mutex mu_; std::deque backend_metric_reports_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_); }; OobBackendMetricTest* OobBackendMetricTest::current_test_instance_ = nullptr; TEST_F(OobBackendMetricTest, Basic) { StartServers(1); // Set initial backend metric data on server. constexpr char kMetricName[] = "foo"; servers_[0]->orca_service_.SetCpuUtilization(0.1); servers_[0]->orca_service_.SetMemoryUtilization(0.2); servers_[0]->orca_service_.SetNamedUtilization(kMetricName, 0.3); // Start client. auto response_generator = BuildResolverResponseGenerator(); auto channel = BuildChannel("oob_backend_metric_test_lb", response_generator); auto stub = BuildStub(channel); response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); // Send an OK RPC. CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, stub); // Check LB policy name for the channel. EXPECT_EQ("oob_backend_metric_test_lb", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); // Check report seen by client. for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { auto report = GetBackendMetricReport(); if (report.has_value()) { EXPECT_EQ(report->first, servers_[0]->port_); EXPECT_EQ(report->second.cpu_utilization(), 0.1); EXPECT_EQ(report->second.mem_utilization(), 0.2); EXPECT_THAT( report->second.utilization(), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre(::testing::Pair(kMetricName, 0.3))); break; } gpr_sleep_until(grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(1)); } // Now update the utilization data on the server. // Note that the server may send a new report while we're updating these, // so we set them in reverse order, so that we know we'll get all new // data once we see a report with the new CPU utilization value. servers_[0]->orca_service_.SetNamedUtilization(kMetricName, 0.6); servers_[0]->orca_service_.SetMemoryUtilization(0.5); servers_[0]->orca_service_.SetCpuUtilization(0.4); // Wait for client to see new report. for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { auto report = GetBackendMetricReport(); if (report.has_value()) { EXPECT_EQ(report->first, servers_[0]->port_); if (report->second.cpu_utilization() != 0.1) { EXPECT_EQ(report->second.cpu_utilization(), 0.4); EXPECT_EQ(report->second.mem_utilization(), 0.5); EXPECT_THAT( report->second.utilization(), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre(::testing::Pair(kMetricName, 0.6))); break; } } gpr_sleep_until(grpc_timeout_seconds_to_deadline(1)); } } } // namespace } // namespace testing } // namespace grpc int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); grpc::testing::TestEnvironment env(&argc, argv); grpc_init(); grpc::testing::ConnectionAttemptInjector::Init(); const auto result = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); grpc_shutdown(); return result; }